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March Wrasslin' |OT2| The Road To Raw After Wrestlemania XXX has begun....

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Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Bray is the only good thing the WWE has right now.

Do I have to put an IMO after that? Because I shouldn't have to, but I know how wrassle-gaf likes to get
I feel like this could get some use on GAF


IWA Mid-South, "AUTUMN ARMAGEDDON", 2004.10.21
Evansville, IN
40 Fans

I just noticed that this show has 12 fucking matches with 35 wrestlers and there's about 40 people in attendence. Jesus. First up, 'Spyder' Nate Webb vs Davey Andrews vs Ryan Boz. Andrews comes out to some incomprehensible death metal. He was one of CM Punk's students from the first ROH class, but didn't really go anywhere. No idea who Boz is. Nate comes out to Teenage Dirtbag. Fuck you, Nate Webb. I hate that song. Webb and Andrews do the indie chain wrestling bit, until Boz gets involved and they both dropkick him to the floor. Nice O'Connor roll into a sleeper from Andrews. Crowd gives no fucks. Boz gets in and just kicks Webb in the face and throws Andrews to the floor. Hurricanrana from Webb, followed by a Japanese armdrag. Andrews gets back in, nice fisherman suplex. Boz kicks Andrews in the face and hits a vertical suplex. Andrews reverses a second one. Shitty dropkick, 1/10 Okada's. Webb hits a nice spinning kick to Boz, but gets caught coming off the top rope in a sit-out piledriver. Davey Andrews throws Boz out and hits a blue thunder driver on Webb to get the three. Ehhhhhhh.


Second match, Nigel McGuinness vs Chad Collyer. Chad has Let the Bodies Hit the Floor as his theme, lol. I remember them having this match a bunch of times in ROH around this time, it was never the most exciting of match-ups. Chad works a wristlock to start off, then a side-headlock, but Nigel Euro counters out of it. He hits a snapmare, but Chad smoothly grabs a wristlock into an armbar, forcing Nigel to the ropes. Nigel distracts the ref and Roderick Strong comes down to the ring and hits Chad in the back. Nigel rolls him up for the 3. Ehhhhhhh. Ace Steel comes down to ringside and calls Roddy & Nige "shitty assholes", goading them into a tag match. Nigel back in with Chad. Speedy chain wrestling from Collyer. Ace and Roddy tag in. Strong works a hammerlock, but gets shoved into Ace's corner. Chad tags in, huge shoulder tackle. Dropkick, 3/10 Okada's. Some stuff happens. This match is all over the place. Good leg lariat from Strong. Nigel tries for an electric chair roll-up, but Ace sits down for the 3-count. That really sucked.

OK, hopefully things will pick up here; Alex Shelley vs CM Punk. Fuck, I love Punk's old theme. Kinda loses some of the atmosphere in some shitty high school gym, though. Punk mocks Shelley for getting beat by Jeff Jarrett. Shelley tries to get a TNA chant started, lol. Real nice wristlock exchange to start off, Shelley forces Punk down into a bridge, but he switches out of it into a side-headlock. Shelley goes for a wacky Euro escape, but Punk just drops him and backs away. "Aw, come on! I thought we were going to do the British stuff!". Test of strength, Punk wins, but Shelley uses his foot to escape into the wrist-lock again. Switches up to a cravate. Punk tries to power him out of it, but Shelley holds in. Punk forces him into the corner and hits shoulders to the gut. Irish whip into a monkey flip from Punk for a 2. He tries for it again, but Shelley counters and follows up with a snapmare and a sweet dropkick to the back of the head. 6/10 Okada's. Reverse neckbreaker for 2. Punk reverses an Irish whip and hits that weird hammerlock DDT he used to do. Shelley reverses a suplex attempt into a tornado DDT. Another whip reversal, weak lariat from Punk. Shelley hits a lightning spiral for 2. He goes up top for a crossbody, but Punk rolls through and scores the 3-count. That was pretty good, never really got going though.


Women's match next, with MsChif vs Mercedes Martinez. MsChif seems to be working heel here. Nice punches from Mercedes, followed by a Japanese armdrag. She whiffs a dropkick by about two feet. Backbreaker over the knee from MsChif. Irish whip reversal into a fisherman powerslam by Martinez, followed by a reverse surfboard. Shitty yoshi tonic from MsChif for 2. Drop toehold by Martinez into a regular surfboard. She goes for the fisherman buster, but MsChif flips out and hits a big back elbow. She hits the ropes, but Martinez side-steps and tries for a saito suplex. MsChif blocks it and hits the green mist right in front of the ref, getting herself DQ'd. Ehhhhhhh.

Triple threat tag match now, with the Wild Cards (Kingston & Black Jack) vs Claudio Castagnoli & Delirious vs Evan Starsmore & Anthony Franco. The last two are more of Punk's ROH students and, again, both did very little of note. I think Grizzly Redwood was actually the most successful of Punk's trainees. Wow, Starsmore looks like a scrawnier Chuck Taylor, if you can imagine such a thing. The bell rings and Delirious goes insane, as per usual. He eventually gets things started with Franco. More wrist lock exchanges. Every match, for fucks sake. Big shoulder tackle from Delirious. Shitty armdrags from Franco sends Delirious into his corner to tag Claudio. Starsmore tags Kingston against his will. Claudio & King do a slow-motion spot for no good reason. Starsmore and Black Jack tag in. The ROH kids double team Black Jack, but then Franco tries to get into a striking battle with Kingston. Dropkick from Black Jack, 4/10 Okada's. Tags all over the place. Castagnoli hits a really bad bronco buster. This is pretty bad in general. Black Jack just fucking murders Delirious with a sit-out powerbomb, think he popped his shoulder out of socket. Delirious comes back and hits Shadows Over Hell on the scrawny ROH kid, but Kingston pulls Delirious out of the ring and steals the pin. Ehhhhhhhhhhh. What a mess of a match.


Why am I watching this? I don't know. Good night.

PInk Tape

Or it means that Santino just needs to win her over and that this storyline will keep moving along.

I'm being realistic here.

Edit: A wild heel? Miz appears.


There are better ways to convey Daniel Bryan's story but i'd be lying if this wasn't at least a bit charming.

Watching this and the set being built; I'm getting excited. Shit's about to go down.

I'm not sure "Bryan is small and goaty and ugly and that's why you like him, he's just like you, you ugly sack of shit" is the most accurate summary of Bryan's popularity.
Ok they didn't say that, but the whole "he's just like you or me!" is not why people like Bryan, they like him for the exact opposite, he's a small guy that's larger than life, and crazy skilled, with a fun catchphrase.

And of course, they're still pushing that WWE narrative of Bryan's pre-WWE career, where everything that's not WWE is a tiny smokey armory and everyone is poor.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
someone post that gif in the damn mortimer thread
I made this avatar for stro, as it features his favourite wrassles guy, but if he doesn't want it feel free to claim it;


Love how Japan is considered a small crowd

Especially as on WWE's past few Japanese tours they've struggled to sell-out Sumo Hall, which New Japan manages fairly easily these days.

Vince McMahon said:

The card was just too stuffed with names to pass up, but I'll have to review the rest in the morning - some stuff to look forward to though, AJ Styles, Super Dragon, Abyss, Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, Chris Candido, etc. Hopefully it's not as bad as the first hour or so.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I made this avatar for stro, as it features his favourite wrassles guy, but if he doesn't want it feel free to claim it;


THIS motherfucker right here makes an avatar bet with Stro FUCKING DANGEROUS

Who's gonna make a bet with him? Who?


Watching this Razor ramon HOF clip, why were there 2 IC belts back then?

HBK was champ and had the title stripped on suspension/while he was going through contract negotiations. When he came back, Razor had won the title after a battle royal where he and Martel were the last two and then had a match. HBK brought his own belt and claimed he was still the champion because he never lost the title.

time 2 tweet

More like time 2 talk about Impact

THIS motherfucker right here makes an avatar bet with Stro FUCKING DANGEROUS

Who's gonna make a bet with him? Who?

I don't do bets. I'm a drinker, not a gambler.
Shit really??? I thought the last one was this upcoming monday. Fucking hell my brain is shot.

Damn the last nitro was March 26th.... I thought for sure it was the 31st.

Edit: always google before I post from now on!
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