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March Wrasslin' |OT2| The Road To Raw After Wrestlemania XXX has begun....

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NeoGAF's smiling token!
Give them a break, they couldn't pronounce Harper's name tonight while the fans were chanting for him so they resorted to saying "Cena sure does invoke passion in the WWE Universe!"
Cena will always be the most important person in his feuds everything else is background noise.




We could try calling in to JR's or Steve Austin's podcast and voicing our concerns.

lol maybe this post is sarcastic but whenever i've listened to stone colds podcast and some guy like that has called in he is like "Are you gonna stop watching" and dude is like "uhhhh Yeah... BUT only for a bit longer" and you can feel austin thinking "yeah you jackass give them your money"

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I like to think Bean Breath doesn't have internet, but he has the forum posts mailed to him, so he writes his responses back to the BBS to be posted several hours later
You sure you're not watching Impact?
It's not the same. There are so many names that posted in the last 3 hours that I have never seen here before. Can't compete with that.

Ethan Carter III is taking classes to become a fire fighter. Nothing spells doom for a company like one of their top talents acquiring an employable job skill to fall back on.


It's the constant ad breaks that kills RAW for me. I'm fine if I watch it recorded on Sky+ and can just fast forward the breaks, but watching it live. Man.

"AND WE'RE BACK, this is what you missed during the break..!"

-2 minutes of action. Wrestler thrown out of the ring.-

"Can 'wrestler' regain control of the match? We'll find out after this break!"

Another 10 minute break.
"Former ECW World champion Masato Tanaka will face EVOLVE champion Chris Hero on Friday 4/4 in New Orleans at the Dragon Gate USA iPPV."

OK, that's an awesome match - still no actual Dragon Gate guys on the DGUSA shows, though. It's crazy to me that they've announced so little for what's only a couple of weeks away.
So guys....my girlfriend who I've only known for a month but is simply amazing in any way I can ask is a fan but has never been to a live show. I've pretty much decided I am taking her with me to the Ring of Honor Best In The World 2014 show in Nashville, TN....would also mean a couple of nights in a hotel together, but hey, that is another thing entirely.

So this will be her first live show....thing is though. I have front row already. Front row is gone so I can't get that for her. Third row is still there and GA is still there.

Do I keep my prized front row and get her a GA seat (her preference over third row) or do I try and sell my front row and buy two GA? I'm kind of torn because she would actually be ok with either, because she's cool like that.

Also, she has never seen Ring of Honor, her only exposure to wrestling has been WWE and TNA...so I am resolving that issue quickly.

I know I'm mad late but, trust me on this, your girl does not want to sit alone. She's secretly hoping that you man up and sell your tickets so that you can sit with her.

Jesus, it's bad enough that you're taking her to an indie wrasslin show, but then you actually consider letting her sit around a bunch of dudes who will be trying to get at her all night, while you're in the front row going crazy over men wearing underwear.
Um, yeah. I mean, do you like sex with your girlfriend? Because dropping her off in the pits of the ROH Horde would be a good way to not get sex with your girlfriend.

Jamie OD

It's the constant ad breaks that kills RAW for me. I'm fine if I watch it recorded on Sky+ and can just fast forward the breaks, but watching it live. Man.

"AND WE'RE BACK, this is what you missed during the break..!"

-2 minutes of action. Wrestler thrown out of the ring.-

"Can 'wrestler' regain control of the match? We'll find out after this break!"

Another 10 minute break.

I hear the experience live at the show is similar. That's what I'm worried about when I go to Raw After Mania, just a lot of downtime inbetween what happens in the ring.
Just got caught-up on Raw, not a good show. Without Bryan there, any segment that didn't include the Shield or Wyatts was either garbage, dull, or average at best.

First segment was garbage. Steph is doing the best work of her career, but Orton and Batista are worthless right now.

All four guys in the IC title #1 contenders match worked hard, but the most over guy in the match was pinned. Nobody wants to see Big E vs Christian

Sin Cara vs Damien Sandow: Garbage

Los Matadores vs Rybaxel: Dog shit

Hogan, Arnold, Miz, and other guy segment: Putrid

Show vs Titus: Whatever (Look at the last four segments, that is just cruel to your audience)

John Cena vs Luke Harper: Cena looked real bad here. Harper worked hard and I liked the odd ending. Too bad the Cena seeing the sheep mask in the mirror crap before the match happened, because that was some WCW awful

Naomi vs AJ: ZZZZzzzzz. This leads to a clusterfuck Diva's match at Wrestlemania that includes the likes of Eva Marie and Rosa Mendez? Fuck that

Shield vs Real Americans: Fantastic. Too bad the Shield are being completely wasted at Wrestlemania. Instead of seeing these three going at each other, or having the Wyatts involved, they get to deal with the Corporate Geriatrics. That's just sad

Lesnar/Undertaker segment: Didn't like it at all. This build has been extremely disappointing. I'm tired of Takers extremely long druid segments that leads to hearing that chanting forever while NOTHING happens


So not worth it
A 14-way match? Really WWE? You don't see how that ends up in a clusterfuck?

The only way that would work is if they made it a Battle Royal (which they already have on the card, so that's a no-go) or if they make it a Gauntlet match, which would be awesome if this weren't WWE, where it would mean AJ takes out eveyone with simple moves like dropkicks in 10 seconds until the final person enters the ring (Tamina second to last, loses, takes out AJ with her superkick so Nikki or whoever can just pin and leave). Match goes 10 minutes, everyone boos.

And all to promote a program that has proven to have next to none overlap in audiences. Which is fine, just keep them seperate and everyone's happy. There is absolutely no reason Total Divas need to be pushed on main WWE, because the E! Audience will watch that show without it and the people watching main WWE won't regardless.

Should have just done AJ vs. Natalya 2 and have a good 15-minute match at Mania, that could've been a TD storyline and have been a good match for the crowd.

Plus it makes the title once again look like shit, the win will mean nothing since it's a 14-way, while defeating a 300+ days douchebag heel champion one-on-one actually gives some credibility to the win.


But AJ could win...

Couldn't she?

Clearly not - she's going to be buried so deeply, CM Punk will have to change his name to King Arthur etc etc.

If it's a gauntlet, then perhaps have the final entrant take AJ to the limit - kicking out of Shining Wizards, not submitting to the Black Widow, but let AJ win eventually. Re-do the Santino Elimination Chamber setting - a sure-fire way to set up a decent wrestling feud after WM.

I know it won't happen.


So not worth it
It's fine for AJ to lose her title, but why have a clusterfuck match to do it? That's some lazy booking to just get the Total Divas over, which is never going to happen.


Looking back, the last singles match for the Women's / Diva's title on "the biggest stage of them all" was... WM 23 (Melina vs Ashley). That's a superb way to shit on an entire element of your product. I can't even think of a "real world" comparison, as to how bad that is. This should be the time they build a nice little competitive feud in the two or three weeks beforehand (perhaps longer), then give them 10-15 minutes to put on a decent match.

Oh yeah, WWE.

"Needs" to get as many names as possible on the card, to keep everyone happy, and pay the last of the PPV bonuses (same with the Andre rumble). The thing is, you don't have to shoe-horn everyone into a match. They did some backstage skits a few years ago (I remember Ryder singing Friday and getting levelled by Piper, which didn't harm him - in the short term at least!), which is probably a higher quality way of showing people off - i.e. not dragging the match quality down by two shitty matches.

The other thing is, this is a performance-related business. If you haven't delivered the goods in the past twelve months, then you don't deserve to be in the ring on the biggest night of the year.

Edit: I've just re-read that - I'm sure I know what I'm trying to say...


I know I'm mad late but, trust me on this, your girl does not want to sit alone. She's secretly hoping that you man up and sell your tickets so that you can sit with her.

Jesus, it's bad enough that you're taking her to an indie wrasslin show, but then you actually consider letting her sit around a bunch of dudes who will be trying to get at her all night, while you're in the front row going crazy over men wearing underwear.

She probably likes Wrestling because you do, and only wants to go to the show because you're going. Girls be crazy like that.

Um, yeah. I mean, do you like sex with your girlfriend? Because dropping her off in the pits of the ROH Horde would be a good way to not get sex with your girlfriend.

Hah....still wondering about it...of course she's the good girlfriend and wouldn't want me to give it up for her....but yeah.

Also, she actually is a fan, I've seen it. I can tell general interest vs oh that's interesting. She just hasn't been a fan as long as I have (Thuganomics Cena was in the first match she saw...so, yeah), or gone as deep into the rabbit hole as I have (and I don't blame anyone who is a casual fan for not going to the depths we go) but now that she knows me, she'll at least be exposed to it.

Jamie OD

Looking back, the last singles match for the Women's / Diva's title on "the biggest stage of them all" was... WM 23 (Melina vs Ashley). That's a superb way to shit on an entire element of your product. I can't even think of a "real world" comparison, as to how bad that is. This should be the time they build a nice little competitive feud in the two or three weeks beforehand (perhaps longer), then give them 10-15 minutes to put on a decent match.

Oh yeah, WWE.

"Needs" to get as many names as possible on the card, to keep everyone happy, and pay the last of the PPV bonuses (same with the Andre rumble). The thing is, you don't have to shoe-horn everyone into a match. They did some backstage skits a few years ago (I remember Ryder singing Friday and getting levelled by Piper, which didn't harm him - in the short term at least!), which is probably a higher quality way of showing people off - i.e. not dragging the match quality down by two shitty matches.

The other thing is, this is a performance-related business. If you haven't delivered the goods in the past twelve months, then you don't deserve to be in the ring on the biggest night of the year.

Edit: I've just re-read that - I'm sure I know what I'm trying to say...

WWE's interest in promoting a Divas match at Mania ended when they stopped their annual deal with Playboy.

Jamie OD

Just saying that deal guaranteed a significant role at Mania and a lot of attention during that period for whoever posed nude that year. Victoria always offered to do Playboy just for that reason.


I don't even know what kind of match this "Divas Invitational" is meant to be, whether it's a Battle Royal, a Fatal 13 way, or a Fatal 13 Way Elimination. All three are going to be fucking awful. People just rolling out of the ring, everyone staying on the floor outside, or everyone getting pinned by dropkicks and arm drags, that's your three choices.


I don't even know what kind of match this "Divas Invitational" is meant to be, whether it's a Battle Royal, a Fatal 13 way, or a Fatal 13 Way Elimination. All three are going to be fucking awful. People just rolling out of the ring, everyone staying on the floor outside, or everyone getting pinned by dropkicks and arm drags, that's your three choices.

I think the technical term is "clusterfuck". Can't see that being the graphic on the match card, but one can hope. Gauntlet is the best chance.

I'm waiting for a #saveuspaige from Rafa now...


Well I fully expect the worst aspects of the main roster Divas division to be showcased here. Bad wrestling, idiotic booking, piss-break structure, overpushing of the Total Divas, etc.


So not worth it
If I was Paige I would decline any and all offers to go to main WWE and just stay down in Tampa, enjoy the sun and wrestle 10-minute matches on NXT every three weeks.

Who would leave that to go on the road 300 days to be put in 3-minute matches to promote a show you aren't even on.


Well I fully expect the worst aspects of the main roster Divas division to be showcased here. Bad wrestling, idiotic booking, piss-break structure, overpushing of the Total Divas, etc.

Don't forget a Gail-Kim-esq crawl under the bottom rope and walk off.
I don't even know what kind of match this "Divas Invitational" is meant to be, whether it's a Battle Royal, a Fatal 13 way, or a Fatal 13 Way Elimination. All three are going to be fucking awful. People just rolling out of the ring, everyone staying on the floor outside, or everyone getting pinned by dropkicks and arm drags, that's your three choices.

We've finally reached the moment for the ultimate form of the traditional divas match finish, a conga line of roll ups which has everyone except the person at the end of this cradle conga getting pinned.


So not worth it
We've finally reached the moment for the ultimate form of the traditional divas match finish, a conga line of roll ups which has everyone except the person at the end of this cradle conga getting pinned.

We already had that at Survivor Series though.

Also to promote Total Divas.

As much as I enjoy TD, the way it's destroying any hope of direction the Divas might get is just pissing me off to no end.


We've finally reached the moment for the ultimate form of the traditional divas match finish, a conga line of roll ups which has everyone except the person at the end of this cradle conga getting pinned.


I googled, and couldn't find anything remotely suitable at all. I need to rinse my eyes out now.


This is a question for the long timers here.....

Does anyone remember those WCW Up All Night, or WCW All Nighter shows that aired from like 11pm - 6am and were like Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan or whoever and was done like they were doing an all night sleep over thing?

I'm trying to remember things about them and there isn't much documentation on them online. I think they were yearly, and maybe the one I first saw wrestling on was either 1990 or 1993...but it's hard finding anything about it. Anyone remember those things?

Strobogo? Bootaaay? Anyone?

I wasn't aware it existed until long after WCW died. I feel like it was on a local Atlanta version of TBS, and not the national version.

Perhaps at nice bike ride through the Indiana countryside. Crisp air, corn stalks just beginning to emerge, white kids playing basketball with a makeshift hoop mounted on a barn. November Rain gently playing in your Tweaked Audio earbuds.

While there is a cornfield close to my house, most of the kids playing basketball around here are black or Latinos.


Count yourself lucky that you never saw the Stranglehold photoshop, or the other one where he swan dive headbutted towards a casket. Those came out the same time they ruled it a murder/suicide, and I laughed my ass off at those.

Oh god, did you see the YouTube video of "what happened"? That had me laughing at the time.

Not safe for anyone with good taste: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_AGY8Nle7c

EDIT: Might be the wrong one since he doesn't have the sequels up on his profile. No sound at work so cannot confirm. Looks right though.
We already had that at Survivor Series though.

Also to promote Total Divas.

As much as I enjoy TD, the way it's destroying any hope of direction the Divas might get is just pissing me off to no end.

We did? well shit, that was over 3 months ago so we can do it again.

The diva division manages to feel direction-less with its actual single focus direction over the last 6 odd months centered entirely around Total Divas shilling with AJ stuck in the middle.
I know it seems to be the thing these days around here to for some dismiss AJ for some reason but she deserves a hell of a lot better than this perpetual story cycle against characterless opponents who most of the time can barely wrestle a lick, I mean i'm not expecting much from the divas division but this is just getting miserable right now.
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