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March Wrasslin' |OT2| The Road To Raw After Wrestlemania XXX has begun....

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Most watched in 18/49 on March 24:

- Over-run: Raw scored a show-high 2.26 rating for the Taker-Lesnar segment and no commercial.

- Q10: Raw actually grew to a 2.12 rating - the highest non-over-run rating of the show - for Vickie Guerrero announcing the Divas match at WrestleMania, one commercial, and the Scott Hall/HOF announcement.

- Q5: Raw bumped to a 2.11 rating at the top of the second hour for Triple H's sit-down discussion with Cole and one commercial.
Least watched:
- Q2: Raw quickly fell to a show-low 1.84 rating for two commercials and the first few minutes of a four-way #1 contender match to the IC Title.


Anyone with half a brain would know that.



Is there any avatar bets going on over Wrestlemania? I like a good avatar bet.

I have a proposition. Seeing as Daniel Bryan is powered by a "movement" of misguided fans, I will require a "movement" of 15 misguided NeoGAF users to agree to my stipulations for the avatar bet to be valid.

Heel's bet: Daniel Bryan will not hold the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at the conclusion of the Monday Night RAW following WrestleMania XXX.

If I'm right, I will use the avatar of your choosing until Daniel Bryan loses the championship.

If I'm wrong, you will use the avatar of my choosing until Daniel Bryan wins the championship.

You have 24 hours.


I have a proposition. Seeing as Daniel Bryan is powered by a "movement" of misguided fans, I will require a "movement" of 15 misguided NeoGAF users to agree to my stipulations for the avatar bet to be valid.

Heel's bet: Daniel Bryan will not hold the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at the conclusion of the Monday Night RAW following WrestleMania XXX.

If I'm right, I will use the avatar of your choosing until Daniel Bryan loses the championship.

If I'm wrong, you will use the avatar of my choosing until Daniel Bryan wins the championship.

You have 24 hours.

These things are edited down by new people who just go through decades of interviews. It's kind of awkward and why I like Beyond the Ring full documentaries better, because they're more focused on a particular moment in time with just one or two separate interviews of the people involved used as material.

Isn't it also because most of these shows were filmed a couple years ago for the most part and then finished when there was actually a network to put them on?

I told a friend that Owen even gets the jobber entrance during his Wrestlemania Rewind match, and he said "Owen had the most memorable entrance of all time. He shouldn't mind."

What a real piece of shit.
Kazuchika Okada & Gedo vs Fale & Tama Tonga
Fale and Tama Tonga are terrrrrrible
this is my nightmare

Will get night 2

This time last year, I would've agreed with you - but I'm increasingly impressed with both guys. Tama's showing more character in the ring and is starting to flesh out his war crate, while Fale's had two great showings now (admittedly, against two of the best wrestlers in the company, but still...), both guys have promise and a match with Okada & Gedo is a perfect opportunity for them to put that promise on display.
Is there a more overrated professional wrestling match than Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart at WM12

like, if you skipped the entire 60 minutes until they go "lol oops restart the match", you wouldn't have missed a thing, story wise. What did a hour of armbar holds and backdrops have to do with a superkick to the face finish
Is there a more overrated professional wrestling match than Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart at WM12

like, if you skipped the entire 60 minutes until they go "lol oops restart the match", you wouldn't have missed a thing, story wise. What did a hour of armbar holds and backdrops have to do with a superkick to the face finish

And yet that was the match that hooked my wife onto wrestling (and Shawn Michaels)! So they must have done 'something' right.


It's possible to have a good iron man match that ends in a draw if you go for spots where one guy is three pins ahead and the other guy spends the last third of the match catching up, but I'm not sure it's possible to have a memorable iron man match that ends in 0-0.

Also, the finish would have been way more dramatic if Shawn tapped right after the bell rang at the end.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
This time last year, I would've agreed with you - but I'm increasingly impressed with both guys. Tama's showing more character in the ring and is starting to flesh out his war crate, while Fale's had two great showings now (admittedly, against two of the best wrestlers in the company, but still...), both guys have promise and a match with Okada & Gedo is a perfect opportunity for them to put that promise on display.

Put me in the ring with Naito and Swagsuke and It would probably be a decent match too. As a powerhouse wrestler, Fale is just not that great. Granted, homeboy has only been wrestling for 3 years or so.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
I have a proposition. Seeing as Daniel Bryan is powered by a "movement" of misguided fans, I will require a "movement" of 15 misguided NeoGAF users to agree to my stipulations for the avatar bet to be valid.

Heel's bet: Daniel Bryan will not hold the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at the conclusion of the Monday Night RAW following WrestleMania XXX.

If I'm right, I will use the avatar of your choosing until Daniel Bryan loses the championship.

If I'm wrong, you will use the avatar of my choosing until Daniel Bryan wins the championship.

You have 24 hours.
The stakes have never been higher.


Is there a more overrated professional wrestling match than Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart at WM12

like, if you skipped the entire 60 minutes until they go "lol oops restart the match", you wouldn't have missed a thing, story wise. What did a hour of armbar holds and backdrops have to do with a superkick to the face finish

I would tend to agree. It's good, but it isn't an all time classic by any means. There is a story, but it only comes in spurts through out the match. I think a half hour is better than hour. You can tell the exact same story in a half hour match as an hour, but with out nearly as much filler and down time. They had a much more interesting match at Survivor Series 1992 and that went about 25 minutes. I don't think hour long matches in the 90s and 2000s really work liek they did in the 70s and 80s. One, hour long draws were COMMON in title matches in the 70s and 80s, especially in the NWA. To make it such a big deal that the guys are going to wrestle for an hour in the 90s makes them seem weak because you were expected to be able to go that long in the 70s/80s. But the style of the 90s/2000s really didn't lend itself to hour long matches and the audience hadn't been trained to stay interested that long. And when you telegraph ahead of time that it is going to be 60 minutes, I think it loses some of the tension.

It's possible to have a good iron man match that ends in a draw if you go for spots where one guy is three pins ahead and the other guy spends the last third of the match catching up, but I'm not sure it's possible to have a memorable iron man match that ends in 0-0.

Also, the finish would have been way more dramatic if Shawn tapped right after the bell rang at the end.

Watch Rude/Steamboat for a perfect example of that and how much better 30 minutes is as opposed to 60. The first ten minutes is Steamboat in control until Rude gets a lucky knee to the face that knocks Steamboat loopy. Then he hits the Rude Awakening about a minute later. Then he takes a DQ to deliver the top rope knee drop and pin Ricky seconds later anyway. The rest of the match is Steamboat fighting to catch up and eventually win.


There is next to no overlap between the Total Divas audience and the Raw audience. The holder of the Divas Title being on Total Divas or not means nothing really.

It's time for AJ to drop the title, but I hope it's to Tamina, because that would be the logical next step for a Divas Title feud for Extreme Rules.

Instead it'll be Nikki, because Cena wins lol.

Everybody here watches Total Divas.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Is there a more overrated professional wrestling match than Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart at WM12

I can think of a few Trish/Lita and Rock/Austin matches that are more overrated. I think wti hthe Rock/Austin ones people just get caught up in the hype surrounding it and not the match itself. Which can work, Hogan/Rock, but Rock/Hogan served a purpose. Austin/Rock was just kind of 'well we gotta do it eventually'


I can think of a few Trish/Lita and Rock/Austin matches that are more overrated. I think wti hthe Rock/Austin ones people just get caught up in the hype surrounding it and not the match itself. Which can work, Hogan/Rock, but Rock/Hogan served a purpose. Austin/Rock was just kind of 'well we gotta do it eventually'

Bullshit. Austin/Rock at 17 is the best WWE main event ever. It isn't over rated. It's excellent. It's the peak WWE main event style at the peak of the biggest era with the two biggest star. It's Hogan/Warrior, but with two guys who are way better. And Warrior/Hogan is a great match. I thought it probably was overrated until I watched it a few weeks ago. It's still completely awesome even without context and hype.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

Sid Vicious main evented TWO Wrestlemanias


Wrestlemania 8 doesn't even fuckin count. The real main event was Flair/Savage. It just happened to be in the middle instead of the end for reasons. Those reasons being "Hogan."
Bullshit. Austin/Rock at 17 is the best WWE main event ever. It isn't over rated. It's excellent. It's the peak WWE main event style at the peak of the biggest era with the two biggest star. It's Hogan/Warrior, but with two guys who are way better. And Warrior/Hogan is a great match. I thought it probably was overrated until I watched it a few weeks ago. It's still completely awesome even without context and hype.

Warrior/Hogan is godlike. Cartoon WWE pro wrestling at its finest. There are Peter Jackson Middle Earth films shorter than that test of strength.

Hogan-Giant at WM3? INCREDIBLY BORING. Imagine the worst offense you ever seen, with dudes standing around, and Hogan somehow coming out of a five-count pin much less a three count.
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