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March Wrasslin' |OT2| The Road To Raw After Wrestlemania XXX has begun....

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Did anyone in the NWO actually have any good or memorable matches? Serious question. I don't remember much of that era. Just all a blur of black and white run-ins.

I really think he was a better wrestler in WCW. Or at least he had better guys to work with. When he was in the WWF, he only had HBK, Kid, Bret, Owen, and maybe Jeff Jarrett.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I really think he was a better wrestler in WCW. Or at least he had better guys to work with. When he was in the WWF, he only had HBK, Kid, Bret, Owen, and maybe Jeff Jarrett.



love on your sleeve
I have a proposition. Seeing as Daniel Bryan is powered by a "movement" of misguided fans, I will require a "movement" of 15 misguided NeoGAF users to agree to my stipulations for the avatar bet to be valid.

Heel's bet: Daniel Bryan will not hold the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at the conclusion of the Monday Night RAW following WrestleMania XXX.

If I'm right, I will use the avatar of your choosing until Daniel Bryan loses the championship.

If I'm wrong, you will use the avatar of my choosing until Daniel Bryan wins the championship.

You have 24 hours.

Why do you need 15 people, friend? You know this bet is really between the two of us.


I don't remember any memorable matches from post-nWo WCW. I guess Malenko/Mysterio, Goldberg/Steiner, and Booker/Benoit. Someone will mention cruiserweights, but those suffered from the same fate as X Division. It was just all flash and no storytelling. It was boring. It was Avatar. After the first time you saw it, you became numb to the spectacle because there was no story.

WCW was more about gimmicks and not so much great matches. Like the Rude/Steamboat, Vader/Sting, stuff is their best, most remembered matches... and those were when they were having shit ratings.

Goldberg/DDP, DDP/Sting when in 1998 on Nitro, Kanyon vs Saturn. But yeah, if you're taking the cruisers out of the running, there weren't many great or memorable (for the right reasons, at least) matches after 1996 for WCW. I would say some of the Benoit/Malenko vs Rey/Kidman and/or Raven/Saturn matches were good. And some of the early hardcore stuff with Sandman before Knobs got involved was fun. And Bret vs Benoit in the Owen tribute.


I think I've made the vital mistake of believing that Daniel Bryan has 15 fans that actually believe in him.

Are you really surprised, friend? Daniel Bryan "fans" will never put their money where their mouths are, whether it's in the form of making an avatar bet or paying for PPVs headlined by their "favorite" wrestler.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Goldberg/DDP, DDP/Sting when in 1998 on Nitro, Kanyon vs Saturn. But yeah, if you're taking the cruisers out of the running, there weren't many great or memorable (for the right reasons, at least) matches after 1996 for WCW. I would say some of the Benoit/Malenko vs Rey/Kidman and/or Raven/Saturn matches were good. And some of the early hardcore stuff with Sandman before Knobs got involved was fun. And Bret vs Benoit in the Owen tribute.

There's only a few weeks between the official start of the hardcore division and Knobs showing up.


Yeah, Knobs has a PPV match against Bam Bam at the PPV I'm on right now probably Slamboree 1999 and its awful.

Fucking Knobs. How the fuck did he stay hired between WCW/WWF for the entire 90s? He's such a piece of shit. Can't wait for him to stroke out and people pretend to be sad.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Shit I think this is his debut! He's already in the first family, a team I might hate even more than vanilla Nasty Boys, in the PPV right after it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Watched some of a shoot with Knobs and Sags. Sags is really fucking sane. Makes Knobs look like a fucking moron, not that he needed help.


Fucking Knobs. How the fuck did he stay hired between WCW/WWF for the entire 90s? He's such a piece of shit. Can't wait for him to stroke out and people pretend to be sad.

Oh man, this is the type of attitude I like seeing from you, strobogo. Who deader than Kanyon?!


I just found out that Jeff Jarett screwed Vince out of $300k for dropping the IC belt to Chyna at a PPV after his contract was up.

how have I never heard this story before

fuck that's hilarious

so that's why vince hates him so much


I just found out that Jeff Jarett screwed Vince out of $300k for dropping the IC belt to Chyna at a PPV after his contract was up.

how have I never heard this story before

fuck that's hilarious

so that's why vince hates him so much

Led to a top five all time public burials, so it was worth it. I do wonder if Jeff has ever regretted it, though. I have no doubt he would have been brought back at some point had he not pulled that. The only one worse was putting out an entire DVD devoted to burying Warrior. At least the Mike Adamle stuff from Countdown had Vince going out of his way to say that Mike was a "wonderful man".

When it came to Double J, Vince might have well as said "Fuck that piece of shit. He can suck my dick.". G Double O Double N Double E...GONE. With that malice that only Vince can have. Dude basically got the Benoit treatment. Besides the In Your House DVD and anthology sets, I don't think he's been on any non WCW DVDs or even mentioned on them or on screen since 1999.


Led to a top five all time public burials, so it was worth it. I do wonder if Jeff has ever regretted it, though. I have no doubt he would have been brought back at some point had he not pulled that. The only one worse was putting out an entire DVD devoted to burying Warrior.

Exactly LOL

It's obvious at this point that Vince is willing to forgive pretty much anyone after reconciling with Warrior... hell even Russo shows up on DVDs nowadays. But Jarrett may very well be at the top of his "most hated" list.
That Warrior dvd is gold, especially when they all start doing the impressions. I can honestly say though I never noticed any of the botches or the weirdness the Warrior was known for when I was a dumb little kid, I just liked him because he was crazy and had lots of muscles.


So I re-watched Halloween Havoc '96 tonight, and Macho gives away a Slim Jim monster truck to a fan.

Two essential questions here:

1. How is it a good idea to give away a monster truck?

2. Why would anyone want to win a monster truck -- what could you even do with it!?

PS, now I know where that picture of Hogan with spiky hair comes from. For a guy who hated being talked about being bald, I'm surprised he'd do that for a match. On top of that, he was acting really weird on the mic before the match, like he was trying sooooo hard to be cool to fit into the nWo image.

Lastly, was this Piper return at the end the first time he'd been seen in a bit, or like was this his first appearance in WCW or had he already been there? They're acting like he had been gone doing movies, but what the hell could he have been in that was important?
Exactly LOL

It's obvious at this point that Vince is willing to forgive pretty much anyone after reconciling with Warrior... hell even Russo shows up on DVDs nowadays. But Jarrett may very well be at the top of his "most hated" list.

I think it was reported after Jarrett's wife passed that Vince called him up and they had a long talk. In Jarrett's TNA DVD it sounded like he was angry about getting his pay cut for taking time off when his wife was ill. I think him not being used is more for him being with TNA and him being a good hand but not a draw. They aren't losing money not acknowledging him.


Imagine if Punk showed up at the main event and look like he was going to help Bryan only to betray him in the ring and have anyone pin him and lose his last chance at the belt. How much heat would Punk get? After all the chants of people wanting him back would be like a spit in the face to them and we could start the ultimate rivalry.


So not worth it
Wow, The Bella's are about as good as Hogan at spinning tales: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_rmJk-yPUY

I mean, if you have no knowledge on who they are, what their backstage reputation is or what they're personality is like you'd almost go "wow, those girls work really hard to become the best wrestlers ever." Impressive.

Best part is at the end where they bury AJ
(and JoJo), by going "yeah, she didn't really decline Total Divas, they had an extra spot to fill that ultimately went to JoJo. So they asked the entire roster to audition and she declined to audition." Because everyone knows WWE would totally not ask their most over diva, who they put on every TV show and have a ton of merchandise for to be on this show.

Even if that was true and they auditioned all the girls because they really needed to fill that final spot, why did they recruit JoJo and not give that spot to Alicia Fox who is already employed that would certainly love to be on that show.

Wow, awesome! Hope that makes it to TV. With AAA on Del Rey, Double J maybe going to CMT, The Network apparently doing exceptionally well subscriber-wise... Maybe we really are at the brink of another boom period.
Imagine if Punk showed up at the main event and look like he was going to help Bryan only to betray him in the ring and have anyone pin him and lose his last chance at the belt. How much heat would Punk get? After all the chants of people wanting him back would be like a spit in the face to them and we could start the ultimate rivalry.

It's not outside of WWE to tell the last 6 months to go fuck itself, but man, no matter how much I would like a Punk/Bryan program (which gets ridiculed by some people in this board for reasons that escapes me) not this way man, not this way. Mania is meant to close storylines.


Contains Sucralose
Wow, The Bella's are about as good as Hogan at spinning tales: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_rmJk-yPUY

I mean, if you have no knowledge on who they are, what their backstage reputation is or what they're personality is like you'd almost go "wow, those girls work really hard to become the best wrestlers ever." Impressive.

Best part is at the end where they bury AJ
(and JoJo), by going "yeah, she didn't really decline Total Divas, they had an extra spot to fill that ultimately went to JoJo. So they asked the entire roster to audition and she declined to audition." Because everyone knows WWE would totally not ask their most over diva, who they put on every TV show and have a ton of merchandise for to be on this show.

Even if that was true and they auditioned all the girls because they really needed to fill that final spot, why did they recruit JoJo and not give that spot to Alicia Fox who is already employed that would certainly love to be on that show.


Wow, awesome! Hope that makes it to TV. With AAA on Del Rey, Double J maybe going to CMT, The Network apparently doing exceptionally well subscriber-wise... Maybe we really are at the brink of another boom period.

They must hate AJ for preventing them from becoming Diva champions. You know if Kaitlyn or any other current diva was still champion when TD hit, the twins would have gone over.

Call me naïve but I think AJ will retain at WM 30. Hopefully we get a proper Tamina fued and some new matches with Rae and Emma. The divas division needs new blood. Tired of seeing the same matches week after week.


So not worth it
Not going to call you crazy, but that's because that whole storyline and match is such a huge clusterfuck.

If AJ were a face (which you can even argue for, because she's pretty much the only one the crowd cares a little bit for and Vickie stacked the deck against her and is a monster heel GM) then yes, she should be winning that match. Also, if WWE logic applies, AJ has been losing everything except title matches and the loser in non-title build-up matches always ends up retaining the belt, so even there it would make sense for AJ to win.

But you're forgetting we're dealing with the Total Divas wildcard and the fact that AJ probably has heat backstage, so burial is imminent.
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