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March Wrasslin' |OT2| The Road To Raw After Wrestlemania XXX has begun....

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Imagine if Punk showed up at the main event and look like he was going to help Bryan only to betray him in the ring and have anyone pin him and lose his last chance at the belt. How much heat would Punk get? After all the chants of people wanting him back would be like a spit in the face to them and we could start the ultimate rivalry.

This sounds like a Raw after Mania moment.


could never

That's some Geese Howard type of swag having a fucking dinosaur skull in your office.

Vince killed off the Dinosaurs.


Imagine if Punk showed up at the main event and look like he was going to help Bryan only to betray him in the ring and have anyone pin him and lose his last chance at the belt. How much heat would Punk get? After all the chants of people wanting him back would be like a spit in the face to them and we could start the ultimate rivalry.

Imagine if Punk showed up at Main Event and GTS'd Big E to help Dolph get the IC title? That's some big Network ratings.


So not worth it
Ruh-roh, is AJ in the doghouse like Punk used to be

You misunderstand these two things. Punk wasn't in any doghouse. He was playing second fiddle to Cena and had his matches with Bryan buried in mid-PPV, while Cena main evented against John Laurenitus with a special appearance by Big Show. Which is what people's problem was with his title run.

AJ has the title like Punk did, but that means little when she hasn't had a storyline since SummerSlam and jobs every match.


AJ has the title like Punk did, but that means little when she hasn't had a storyline since SummerSlam and jobs every match.

Isn't that just Divas booking 101? Fuck story, the champion gets pinned on TV and then rinse and repeat until the next PPV.


Let's rate our fave wrestling podcasts run by people in the business.

1. Chris Jericho
2. Steve Austin
3. Colt Cabana
4. Jim Ross

Jericho is easily the most entertaining, has a good voice for radio, and just seems like a natural doing stuff like this. All of his acting and performing experience comes through. And he actually gave me more respect for Chavo Guerrero.

Austin is also really good and walks the line between serious and goofy very well.

Colt has good guests and good stories, but he's very self-aware of his own ignorance of many things in the world. Ah well.

Ross has good guests, but for a guy who has worked years in broadcasting, a lot of his questions are pretty cookie cutter, and the first part of the show that has him talking about whatever is the worst of the four. Too many pauses and lack of focus IMO. Still like the show overall, though.


Didn't listen to Jericho much past the initial ones, ended up sounding like "Dude, I got soooooo drunk". JR is just a snooze-fest, which was a shame. I was really looking forward to that. So, that leaves...

1. Austin
2. Cabana


JR at the start of his Lita interview:

Lita: You're making me nervous! I thought I was catching up with an old friend! And you told me I was in the hands of the fans.

JR: Yeah, you are. You've been in the hands of a lot of fans. You just didn't know it. All those young 14-year-old boys back in the day. But nonetheless, we digress.

What a perv.

Jericho was very respectful when he had her on and talked about interesting topics. JR seems more interested in slobbering over her.


Holy shit, JR. SHUT UP.

"Now, we're all thinking about Lita in a hammock in Nicaragua...with a thong sticking out just like back in the Attitude era. But we digress again."

Is JR set to become the next Michael Hayes?

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
JR at the start of his Lita interview:

Lita: You're making me nervous! I thought I was catching up with an old friend! And you told me I was in the hands of the fans.

JR: Yeah, you are. You've been in the hands of a lot of fans. You just didn't know it. All those young 14-year-old boys back in the day. But nonetheless, we digress.

What a perv.

Nobody was jerking it to Lita when the female roster she was working with was stacked with hotties.


So not worth it
What pisses me off about Ross is his "The internet fan knows nothing, they understand nothing and I need to explain in a sarcastic voice how you should watch Raw and what you should think about it"

I know he deals with a lot of idiotic wrestling fans, but to treat your listening audience as if they're a bunch of idiots seems like a very bad idea.


What pisses me off about Ross is his "The internet fan knows nothing, they understand nothing and I need to explain in a sarcastic voice how you should watch Raw and what you should think about it"

I know he deals with a lot of idiotic wrestling fans, but to treat your listening audience as if they're a bunch of idiots seems like a very bad idea.

He does come off as very sarcastic on a lot of shows. I think he does agree with the fans on many issues, but he also does the "fans don't always understand" thing. Which is also true in many cases. But I see what you're saying.
In the span of a few days this thread has somewhat tarnished the legacy of JR for me, in the words of the man himself gripped in the clutches of Mark Henry "you're hurting me!"


Christ, with the other quotes coming out, I can't even think what JR is thinking about when he calls Lita "deep" as well. I don't think it's her personality on his mind.


I feel like we are soon going to start reading stories about King donating money to open women's schools in the Congo and then everything is going to be revealed as an April Fool's prank.


So not worth it
WWE looks to be either close to or has just signed a new deal with former announcer and current ESPN personality Jonathan Coachman. The two sides have been discussing a part-time gig where Coach would keep his ESPN job but would do in-studio wrap-arounds for WWE. One idea thrown out would be for him to host a WWE talk show for the WWE Network.

Sounds great.
WWE, "WRESTLEMANIA XXVIII", 2012.04.01 ~ part 1 of ?
Sun Life Stadium, Miami, FL
78,363 Fans


We start with Lillian Garcia singing America the Beautiful. Why isn't this your nation anthem, guys? It's better than the Star Spangled Banner. Some jets do a fly-by. 'Merica, fuck yeah. Promo package for ONCE IN A LIFETIME!! JUST ONCE GUYS! NEVER, EEEEEEVERRRR, AGAIN! Also, Taker vs H's. Again.

"Ooooooooooh, sometimes, I get a good feeling..."

1. World Heavyweight Championship: Daniel Bryan (c), w/ AJ Lee vs Sheamus

"It's a shameful thing, lobster head, a careless man could wind up dead. You wear your sin like it's some kind of prize, too many limes, too many limes!"

"Da-da-da, Daniel, Da-da-da, Daniel, Bryyyyaaaann"

The crowd rouses itself to provide a warm reception for the pale Irish barbarian warrior Sheamus and his shock of red hair as he makes his way down to the ring. He is soon followed by his opponent upon this fateful eve, the World Heavyweight Champion: Daniel Bryan, who is accompanied to the ring by his alluring lady friend, the bewitchingly beautiful AJ Lee. Daniel jumps up and down, full of vim and vigour as he leaps along the aisle, screaming "YES! YES! YES!" ad infinitum and pointing his fingers aloft towards the wondrously lit Florida sky, the azure ether only interrupted here and there by a few scant clouds, tinged soft shades of pink and yellow in the failing afternoon light. AJ perches herself daintily on the middle rope as Bryan enters the ring. He climbs aloft a turnbuckle and conducts the crowd in another chant of "YES! YES! YES!", before returning to the canvas and discarding his robe. He hands the prestigious World Heavyweight Championship to the referee for this match, Lil' Naitch, and the bell rings to signify the start of the contest. Daniel takes a moment to turn lovingly to AJ at ringside and call her up to the apron for a good luck kiss, met by a chorus of boos from the undoubtedly jealous and sexually frustrated Floridians in attendance. He turns from his beloved back to the match at hand, only to be blind-sided by a crushing Brogue Kick from the barbarous Sheamus! The Celtic Warrior slides onto Bryan's prone form and makes the pin-fall attempt, hooking the far leg as he does so. The referee brings his hand to the mat once, twice, thrice! Sheamus has won the World Heavyweight Championship in a record-beating eighteen seconds! He celebrates over a stunned and confused Bryan, mocking the fallen champion's signature mannerisms, while Jerry 'The King' Lawler quips that Daniel Bryan's probably thinking "NO! NO! NO!" at this present juncture. Quite likely, Mr. Lawler, quite likely.


Backstage, we are treated to a group promo from Mr. John Laurinaitis (Executive Vice President of Talent Relations and General Manager of Monday Night RAW) and his People Power Army. The Miz tries to rally everyone together and fails.


Big Johnny proclaims that their match tonight will go down in the annals of WrestleMania history, alongside Hulk Hogan slamming Andre the Giant or Stone Cold refusing to tap to the Sharpshooter.

2. Randy Orton vs Kane

"I hear voices in my head, they council me, they understand, they talk to me..."


Twilight falls as Randal K. Orton and the monstrous Kane make their way to ring, met by a sea of indifference from the assembled audience. The story here is one of retribution for Kane, as he's all mad because Randy beat him in a street fight last year and then Kane uncharacteristically shook Randy's hand. The crowd chant "DANIEL BRYAN!" as they get started. Randy takes the upper-hand early, but when he goes for his elevated DDT, Kane drapes him over the top rope and hits a big boot to the side of the head. Two count for Kane. The big man locks in a sleeper, but Randy fights back to his feet and they start slugging it out. Randy hits the ropes, but eats a big right hand to the chin from Kane. Side slam from Kane for another two. Kane telegraphs a back bodydrop and Randy catches him in a swinging neckbreaker. Randy tries to slam Kane's head into the ringpost, but the big man reverses it. Nice vertical suplex from Kane for a two count! Kane goes for the side suplex again, but Randy shows surprising agility and flips out of it, hitting his reverse neckbreaker. Randy tries for a clothesline, but it doesn't phase the monster. Kane hits the ropes but gets caught in that beautiful power slam from Orton. Randy throws Kane shoulder-first into the ringpost and hits his elevated DDT off the second rope! He waits for Kane to get to his feet and tries for the RKO, but Kane counters and floors Orton with a big boot. The Big Red Machine goes up top, but Randy catches him with a dropkick to the gut. Randy lines up for the punt to the skull, but Kane pops up and hits a huge chokeslam for a two count! Kane goes up top again, but Orton cuts him off. Orton poses for the crowd, but gets caught in a massive chokeslam from the top-rope! That's it, he's done for! One, two, three, Kane wins! Other than a couple of awkward spots, this was a good back and forth match, even if the crowd were somewhat subdued, still feeling after effects from the opener.


Backstage we get a straight-up, barely disguised advert for 'Deadliest Catch' with Mick Foley and Santino demonstrating their Cobra & Socko method of breaking open crab shells. Thankfully, Ron Simmons arrives;


3. Intercontinental Championship: Cody Rhodes (c) vs The Big Show

"WOAAAAHH, you're only smoke and mirrors..."

"Wwwwwwwweeeeeeeeellllllllll, it's a Big Show!"

The Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes makes his way to ringside, looking particularly dashing tonight in his new ring robe. We get a video package explaining that Cody's out to embarrass Big Show, as the giant's never fared well at WrestleMania in previous years ("WrestleMania baby! WOOOOO!"), whereas Big Show is looking to finally get his WrestleMania moment. An appreciative, but muted reception for the giant as he makes his entrance. The ref gets the match started and Cody immediately bails to ringside. Big Show chases him in and out of the ring, but eats a dropkick. Cody goes for a plancha, but Show catches him and press slams him back into the ring. Big knee from Show, sending Cody into the corner. He grabs Cody by the skull and just tosses him out of the corner. BIG chop, followed by a clubbering blow to floor Cody. "DANIEL BRYAN" chants from the crowd again. Big Show hits a stinkface on poor Cody. Irish whip into the corner. Show goes for a splash, but Cody moves out of the way. Big dropkick to the knee drops the giant. Cody goes to work, frantically trying to put away the giant. He goes for a pin but gets thrown off at the one count. Cody aggressively goes after Show's leg, managing to keep the giant grounded. Big Show eventually manages to kick Cody off and goes for that splash in the corner again, but meets a kick to the jaw. Cody goes up top and Show grabs him about the throat, but Cody smartly hops off the top rope to the apron, causing Show's arm to be draped over the rope. Disaster kick from Cody and the giant's staggered! He goes for another, but Show catches him with a spear and sets up for the WMD! He connects, punching Cody square in the jaw and makes the cover, one, two, three! Big Show is the new Intercontinental Champion and has won his WrestleMania moment! Enjoyable enough, for a Big Show match. Could've done with a few more minutes of Cody working over the leg.


4. Kelly Kelly & Maria Menounos vs Beth Phoenix & Eve Torres

"Sheeeeee, looks good to me. She got everything I want, everything I need..."

"Holla, Holla..."

I still don't know what this Maria chicks famous for and am too lazy to look it up. We start off with Kelly² vs Eve. Lots of "HOSKI!" chants for Torres. Oh, Cena, you witty motherfucker. Y'see, because 'Hoski' is like 'Broski'. They lock up and Eve puts Kelly² into the ropes. Irish whip, but Kelly² slides between Eve's legs and trips her up. Hurricanrana from Kelly² for a two count. Kelly² goes for the handspring back elbow, but Eve kicks her in the ass to stop it. She goes up top, but Kelly² trips her off the ropes. Kelly² tags in Maria and they give a double stinkface to Eve. King says something pervy. "DANIEL BRYAN!" chants again. Eve gains control easily and works over Maria's injured ribs. Eve tags in Beth who locks on a ridiculous looking side-bearhug thing. Cheap-shot to Kelly from Beth, who then puts the boots to Maria. Eve tags in and twerks her ass over Maria, but Maria kicks her out of the ring and makes the lukewarm tag to Kelly². Tiltawhirl headscissors from Kelly² and she follows up with a neckbreaker. She goes up top and hits a somersault splash on Beth! Eve makes the save and slams Kelly² into the turnbuckle. Beth goes for the Glam Slam, but Kelly² wheelbarrow's out and into a bulldog! Kelly² makes the tag. Maria goes up top very slowly and is cut-off by Phoenix, who holds her in a military press. Kelly² makes the save and they shove Beth into the ropes, where she collides with Eve. Maria rolls up Beth and the ref makes the count, one, two, three! Nothing offensive here, nothing that great either. Kelly was in pretty good form, though.


Right, that's your lot, for now. There's NO FUCKING WAY I'm reviewing the next match without unhealthy levels of alcohol in my system.


So not worth it

1. World Heavyweight Championship: Daniel Bryan (c), w/ AJ Lee vs Sheamus

"It's a shameful thing, lobster head, a careless man could wind up dead. You wear your sin like it's some kind of prize, too many limes, too many limes!"

"Da-da-da, Daniel, Da-da-da, Daniel, Bryyyyaaaann"

The crowd rouses itself to provide a warm reception for the pale Irish barbarian warrior Sheamus and his shock of red hair as he makes his way down to the ring. He is soon followed by his opponent upon this fateful eve, the World Heavyweight Champion: Daniel Bryan, who is accompanied to the ring by his alluring lady friend, the bewitchingly beautiful AJ Lee. Daniel jumps up and down, full of vim and vigour as he leaps along the aisle, screaming "YES! YES! YES!" ad infinitum and pointing his fingers aloft towards the wondrously lit Florida sky, the azure ether only interrupted here and there by a few scant clouds, tinged soft shades of pink and yellow in the failing afternoon light. AJ perches herself daintily on the middle rope as Bryan enters the ring. He climbs aloft a turnbuckle and conducts the crowd in another chant of "YES! YES! YES!", before returning to the canvas and discarding his robe. He hands the prestigious World Heavyweight Championship to the referee for this match, Lil' Naitch, and the bell rings to signify the start of the contest. Daniel takes a moment to turn lovingly to AJ at ringside and call her up to the apron for a good luck kiss, met by a chorus of boos from the undoubtedly jealous and sexually frustrated Floridians in attendance. He turns from his beloved back to the match at hand, only to be blind-sided by a crushing Brogue Kick from the barbarous Sheamus! The Celtic Warrior slides onto Bryan's prone form and makes the pin-fall attempt, hooking the far leg as he does so. The referee brings his hand to the mat once, twice, thrice! Sheamus has won the World Heavyweight Championship in a record-beating eighteen seconds! He celebrates over a stunned and confused Bryan, mocking the fallen champion's signature mannerisms, while Jerry 'The King' Lawler quips that Daniel Bryan's probably thinking "NO! NO! NO!" at this present juncture. Quite likely, Mr. Lawler, quite likely.



Boots, this is absolutely beautiful, you magnificent bastard!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Also hooray at Boots' review happening. High praise for a Big Show match (honestly his work with Cody was really good) and Kelly Kelly means hell has frozen over.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
So which are we still missing review wise? I know 9 is coming still but are there any others that need to be covered before Sunday or Monday when the Mania OT goes up? Who has the google doc with all the links!?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Carnby sent me a message via Twittermania that says the Fedora Warrior is coming back, and tweeted this:


Y2C Countdown, #freecarnby, it's happening folks.
Man that Miami Mania was terrible. Kane/Orton. Bryan/Sheamus squash. People Power.

This year seems to be geared to eclipse 27-29 despite the battle royals and Diva ish show.

Man, at the JR backlash. I've tried to listen to his show. Between Jericho, Austin and J.R., I feel like the WWE stars and legends have sort of been recycled. And the constant shilling (which is understandable).

But I agree Jericho and Austin's shoes are better. I just wish they wouldn't tow the line/be political. Like Conan on MLW will at least get confrontational or call people on their ish.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
People Power was good. Laurenitis was horrible and great.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
If this list is to be believed then there are 10 shows haven't been reviewed yet??? You jobbers. I know that TM's is coming but what about the rest of y'all!

Man God
G Nobody

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