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Mario 128 - What do we know?


The secretive with Mario 128 is something we have to live with. Not very much is known except some minor tidbits.

What we basicly know about this game it's that wont look like SMS, and that it is suppose to introduce new gameplay ideas never seen in a mario game (or any)before. At E3 2004 Miyamoto said that Mario 128 was progressing like a submarine, but that the platform for the title actually hasn't been finalized yet. Miyamoto is the only director of the game this time.

How do you think the game will play and look like?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Hopefully it shows up as a Revolution launch game and has graphics like the renders seen on the N64 box and gameplay like Jak & Daxter (one really huge world). Oh, and bring back the fire flower, and other power ups as well.

Edit: And playable Mario, Luigi, Toad, and Peach ala SMB2USA as well!

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
All I hope (apart from it being great obviously) is for more varied environments. I don't much care if they're traditional ones (ghost house, lava, ice/snow etc) or new ones, just varied. Not all looking so similar like in Sunshine.


i dont want one big world. im tired of 3d platformers with huge worlds and huge levels where u have to search every corner for items u have to collect. i want a return to action, an emphasis on timing and hitting the right button. something intense. something hard. i dont want a Mario 64 3.


I know for sure that Miyamoto hasn't done his job (he didn't show it at E3). I begin to seriously doubt the existence of that title.

Justin Bailey

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Hellraizah said:
I know for sure that Miyamoto hasn't done his job (he didn't show it at E3). I begin to seriously doubt the existence of that title.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Miyamoto's been lying about it the whole time :rollseyes

Justin Bailey

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Hellraizah said:
The project can be canned in favor of Mario 256.
That's a bit different from not existing in the first place.

My guess is that they didn't show it because it's been moved to the revolution. We'll probably see it unveiled at the same time as the revolution at next year's E3.


SantaCruZer said:
I would call it Super Mario Revolution
Yeah, it would be a better name than Mario 256, but even Mario 128 sounds fishy, if it's coming out for the Cube, they should call it Super Mario ³ (Super Mario Cube).
I also demand the return of varied environments. Super Mario 64 was pretty much perfect in that regard, but it needed more of it. Grassland, sand, lava/fire, snow/ice, ghost house, and water. I hope there are different worlds you travel to like in Super Mario Bros. 3, where there are many different levels that have the same theme. We don't need a hub, really.
It also needs to be squarely set in the Mushroom Kingdom. I was not down with the weirdness of Mario Sunshine or Mario & Luigi.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
drohne said:
that it probably doesn't exist.

Thats what I think sometimes...or we won't be seeing it for a very long time. How long ago was this game mentioned? It has to be years, its always the same thing to. "We'll be showing it off at the next gameshow..." or "We don't want to show it yet because our ideas will be stolen". I'm kinda tired of hearing that type of crap for years, either show it or I don't give a crap.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I still think the game has just been a lot of ideas for a long time. I don't just mean in Miyamoto's head though, I think the team are making little demos of new ideas and trying them out as they search for a really great one. And it needs to be easy to use of course given Miyamoto's recent comments.

Once they have the ideas they're going to run with, I think the game will be built pretty fast. I'd probably put money on Revolution, but I still think there's a chance it'll turn up on GC.


effzee said:
i dont want one big world. im tired of 3d platformers with huge worlds and huge levels where u have to search every corner for items u have to collect. i want a return to action, an emphasis on timing and hitting the right button. something intense. something hard. i dont want a Mario 64 3.
Sounds like a game composed entirely of Sunshinesque void levels. I'd kill for it. :)


I personally want a game that's just fun to play, regardless of game type. All Mario games are fun to me.

Although if Nintendo can make Super Mario USA 2 then I'd love for them to. :)

Ranger X

I want it Power-ups frenzy. I want to make Super Mario Bros 3 look shamefull ...

And please bring back the fireballs!!! it's so easy, we would just need a very little target system or auto-target. Something maybe like Zelda WW target system.


i hope they save it and make it the launch game for N5. The cube just never felt right because it lacked it.

the game itself... just fun and new, whatever that takes


I wont even consider buying the next Mario unless it has the following :)

- Power-Ups from SM3 (Mushroom, Fire Flower, Leaf, Tanooki, Frog, Hammer) + introduce some new ones eg a boomerang suit.
- Ride Yoshi, from SMW
- 4 player mode, like in SM1 SM3 & SMW, use Mario Luigi Toad and Wario as characters (Don't want no stinky pink princess)
- Loads of classic enemies like in SM3, Koopas & Buzzy Beetles etc.
- 3D Koopa Shell tossing, I want to be able to knock down a load of enemies and have the shell continue on its way knocking down more enemies in the process, and bouncing off walls etc.
- Different levels with same theme eg ice, desert levels from SM3
- And bring back the Koopa kids!
Nintendo just seemed to forget about the Koopa Kids, didn't they? Their only appearance other than Mario 3 and World was in Mario and Luigi, but they played no role in the story, they were just bosses. Then again, the game also had a Geno cameo.

It seems like Bowser exchanged the 7 kids for the one (or more in party) Bowser jr. I would dearly like to see them back, of course the Mario Series has always been a little weak with boss fights other than some great Bowser Battles (how many time do you fight Boom Boom?).


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
GIR said:
I wont even consider buying the next Mario unless it has the following :)

- Power-Ups from SM3 (Mushroom, Fire Flower, Leaf, Tanooki, Frog, Hammer) + introduce some new ones eg a boomerang suit.
- Ride Yoshi, from SMW
- 4 player mode, like in SM1 SM3 & SMW, use Mario Luigi Toad and Wario as characters (Don't want no stinky pink princess)
- Loads of classic enemies like in SM3, Koopas & Buzzy Beetles etc.
- 3D Koopa Shell tossing, I want to be able to knock down a load of enemies and have the shell continue on its way knocking down more enemies in the process, and bouncing off walls etc.
- Different levels with same theme eg ice, desert levels from SM3
- And bring back the Koopa kids!

Guess you won't be buying it then....


Blackace said:
Guess you won't be buying it then....

No doubt.

On a side note, do people who believe that Mario 128 won't be on Cube think the same about the new Zelda?

I haven't paid much attention to the GF recently, when did this Revolution stuff get started? Financial suicide for N if they launch prematurely imo.
What we know are a few cryptic sentences from the bigwigs at Nintendo. But I really Nintendo is planning to show off something that will get the same reaction as the new Zelda video.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
DJ_Tet said:
No doubt.

On a side note, do people who believe that Mario 128 won't be on Cube think the same about the new Zelda?

I haven't paid much attention to the GF recently, when did this Revolution stuff get started? Financial suicide for N if they launch prematurely imo.

I can believe that the new Zelda will come out on the Gamecube, but I've always felt like Mario 128 doesn't really exist. Prove me wrong, Nintendo. Prove me wrong. Then again it might have to be called Mario 256 by that time... :p

Its that Nico effect, you know the game exists but everytime you think it will be shown...NOTHING. Same thing happen with Final Fantasy XII, I was waiting for that to be shown at TGS 2002, instead Square-Enix showed off Unlimited SaGa.

I mean how much longer could they hold back on Mario 128? Maybe it will be one of the huge Gamecube titles for Winter 2005, but thats just too far away for me to even worry about. I guess not showing it this year made sense, I mean the Cube's lineup for this Fall actually has me way more excited than 2002 or 2003. I honestly wouldn't have time for a new Mario adventure with Paper Mario 2, Donkey Konga, and Baten Kaitos on my plate. Not to mention all the PS2 games I have to get.


I'm positive the game exists, just not in a completely playable form. I think Mario 64 also began a series of demos that they used to test what a user can do in the game. The new Mario probably hasn't moved from that because Nintendo wasr unsure where the game was going to be headed and also Miyamoto's business with other side projects. I think the recent news that Iwata has shorten Miyamoto's sphere of influence may be partially influenced by this game. But that is major speculation on that point.

As for what I want, I might be one of the few that doesn't care if power ups don't return. Mario's controls are so tight that all I really want is for Nintendo to push straight platforming to the limit. No Fludd, no fireballs or anything like that. I want feel like I feel when I negotiate the levels in Mario vs Donkey. The sheer joy of mastering the timing using all of Mario acrobatics was missing from SMS for everything except the void levels.


i want it to be like a mario 3 type game *-* that was my favorite mario game so far! all the different kid bosses and it was just fun.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
A new Mario always exists, just like a new Zelda always does.

Problem is a lot of people think that for it to exist it can't just be a load of ideas they're thinking about and demos they're trying out. They want full levels being built and things before it counts as existing it seems.
I think more exists of Mario 128 than we know about, but as Miyamoto said at E3 they're not sure yet where to put it - Gamecube or Revolution.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
why do people even think this game exists. As far as I can remember, the first we heard from Mario 128 was in a playboy magazine *tries imagining Shiggy in the playboy mansion*


Some of you guys are caught up in too much nastalga. If you had your way we'd still be having cookie cutter sequels of Mario in 2D-- Now with more suits!

I'm confident Nintendo is focused on making the next Mario simpler. Many of my friends/family wouldn't play sunshine because they refused to learn the controls. It was fun for a while, but things like using your right thumb for the camera (which had complete and awesome control) and gently pushing the R trigger to run and squirt water at the same time were just too confusing for them.

I know this isn't just my expierence-- Miyamoto himself has made comments in the past that this complexity was the problem and he's right on the money. Sure the lack of level variety was craptacular and there were other minor gripes, but the accessibility was Sunshine's biggest problem. Still an awesome game for me, but Mario should be for everyone-- from kids to girls to gamers.


DrLazy said:
I'm confident Nintendo is focused on making the next Mario simpler. Many of my friends/family wouldn't play sunshine because they refused to learn the controls. It was fun for a while, but things like using your right thumb for the camera (which had complete and awesome control) and gently pushing the R trigger to run and squirt water at the same time were just too confusing for them.

I know this isn't just my expierence-- Miyamoto himself has made comments in the past that this complexity was the problem and he's right on the money. Sure the lack of level variety was craptacular and there were other minor gripes, but the accessibility was Sunshine's biggest problem. Still an awesome game for me, but Mario should be for everyone-- from kids to girls to gamers.
EXACTLY! Finally, someone else understands Nintendo's philosophy on simple games. The best part of Sunshine, which it seems the majority of people agree with me on, are the secret levels. What's so great about them? They stripped the gameplay down to simple platforming action. By doing that they were able to make them incredibly fun, very accessible, and yet at the same time very challenging. There will always be a place for complex gameplay, but it will mostly be attractive to the hardcore gamers.


Ferrarisimo said:
It also needs to be squarely set in the Mushroom Kingdom. I was not down with the weirdness of Mario Sunshine or Mario & Luigi.
But SMW wasn't in the Mushroom Kingdom either! (unless Dino Island is in the Mushroom Kingdom?) I also actually liked the Bean Kingdom world of M&L. SMS vacation world was ok, but like others said, it needed more variety. Imagine if it had an ice area... think of what could have been done with the water pack!
Porthos said:
But SMW wasn't in the Mushroom Kingdom either! (unless Dino Island is in the Mushroom Kingdom?) I also actually liked the Bean Kingdom world of M&L. SMS vacation world was ok, but like others said, it needed more variety. Imagine if it had an ice area... think of what could have been done with the water pack!

Yeah...with a game so intensive around water they didn't really exploit all the potential they could have had with level variety (i.e. ice) ...having to use FLUUD to make your own tightrope bridges of ice to advance would be interesting...as well as finding ways to refill.

I do agree that SMS was too complicated for its own good...thats *THE* reason why I wasn't enthralled by it as much as previous Mario games. SMW is, of course, my favorite.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
It's not like they had to go against the island theme to fit in more variety in levels (which I assume is the reasoning we didn't see it). There was a freaking great volcano on the island we barely got to experience.

We could have had a lava level (beyond that damn tease that is), an ice level (you can even see snow on the peaks!) and a general rocky level on the slopes.

They didn't even get the ghost house right. I know it's a ghost hotel, but pink ghosts and blue environments? Lame. They were probably just trying to stear clear of Luigi's Mansion territory, but the tradiotional ghost houses were so mcuh better.
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