
I couldn't stand the DD/Wii styled MK, but the 64/DS styled MKs are my favorite kart racers ever. Go figure. Panic mode Nintendo was supposed to be the shit.
I have to say, I agree with your favorites and least favorites. MK64 and MK DS are my favorite Mario Karts, and the Wii and Gamecube versions are probably my least favorite.
Or I should say - MK64 and MK DS
were my favorite Mario Kart games. MK7 is easily my favorite now.
I wish I could delve in a little deeper with that and maybe ease your mind into buying it, but I'm not quite sure what you mean by the game being like MK64, DS, DD, or MKWii. The differences for me is always the course design, and with MK7, the course design is brilliant. Not a bad course in the game, imo. Even with my prior faves, there were always some I didn't really care for. Not here. The gliding and underwater additions are so well implemented because they allow for more intricately designed maps with more branching paths than any other game in the series. Even hidden areas. And the new Rainbow Road map will blow your fucking mind.
True, the blue shell is still present and that still sucks, but otherwise this is easily the best MK experience going. I can't imagine a Mario Kart fan disliking this entry. It's pretty damn awesome.
Hope that helps.