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Mario Kart 8 |OT2| I'm using tilt controls!

I'm finally unbanned so I can quote this sucker and join y'all. Nice.

Really annoys me that there's no easy way to view leaderboards in game though. Actually, It should just be built into the miiverse, I hate not being able to see my friends games and compare our progress


Just gonna post some quick impressions and thoughts.

For starters, it feels once you get to the back of the pack in this game, it is much harder to regain the lead or even top 3. A lot of the OP items seems nerfed. The star is actually pretty terrible now and barely gives you an advantage to catch up, bullet bill also seems way slower than in previous games. There's also too many times where I get mushrooms in those games where I'm behind the pack and I can never catch up. I guess on one hand I should like this because it raises the skill gap and 1st place doesn't have to worry about 3 blue shells a race.

I think sandbagging is for once a bad idea in this game. Actually trying to be 1st as early as possible is much more rewarding in this game which it should be. Whenever I find myself in the middle of the pack I get bopped with a shell and proceed to get hit with 3 other things before I can continue on. But if you're in the lead as long as you have a defensive item you're pretty golden. There are some races where I never even see a blue shell, and if it does come it's only once. I don't think I've gotten hit by 2 blue shells in the same race yet. What can dick you over is getting the coin item. It always sucks when you get coins and the player behind you gets a red shell.

I think I would like to see a MK game try to remove item dragging. I know this will never happen, but it would really up the skill of the defensive game. They made the right move to allow 1 item at a time. There's too many times where I'm in 2nd or 3rd and see the person ahead of me dragging a shell or banana peel and there's nothing I can do. I could try to snipe and remove it, but that leaves me open and I'd rather just drag my own item cause I know I'm getting bopped with red shells eventually at that place.

But overall this game is incredibly fun and exhilarating online. Races get so close and chaotic and when you manage to make a great play like a green shell snipe or banana peel snipe right at the end to take over the lead it's just such a hype feeling. I think it would be interesting a Nintendo beefed up the single-player though and maybe even add some sort of campaign/story mode. At this point racing grand prix over and over for each class to get stars is so boring.
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