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Mark Zuckerberg Says He's No Longer An Atheist, Believes "Religion Is Very Important"

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Atheist is just another word for "arrogant". How can we as inconsequential human beings say for a fact there is no God. When we don't know anything, really.

Sorry, what?

Which of these positions is more arrogant?

1. "I can see no empirical evidence for the existence of any god, let alone enough evidence to know the exact form and will of said God, therefore I don't believe in God and feel that those who do are irrational and victims of indoctrination or wishful thinking".

2. "I not only know for absolute certain that God exists, but I can confirm that I know exactly what he wants; he loves me; he listens to my requests; I am made in his image and there is a special place put aside for me in the afterlife because of this special relationship. I also know for a fact that he is the true and only god and all those people who claim to be just as certain about their different God are not only fools, but might very well be going to hell for all eternity".


Disillusionment with the institutions of religion is different than atheism. I don't know anybody who goes to church either, but almost everybody I do know believes in a god or gods.

I agree, but if you're not part of the institution of Catholicism, then you're not a Catholic.You're "spiritual" or some other lingo, but people still refer to the organised religion.

Not that the Catholic Church tries to avoid this. In fact, since I was baptised, there's nothing I can do to remove myself from the Catholic Church, according to the Catholic Church. Doesn't matter that I was only baptised so that I wouldn't be discriminated when it came to school placement; outside of the census, I'm a Catholic for life.
For something to be the root it needs to be... well the root. Religion doesn't exist without people. So no, religion is not a root of evil. People are. Religion is just an implement by people.

Of course the root of every single problem in the world is people, so this argument isn't constructive at at best and handwaves the real cause at worst. Any ideology is invented and spread by people but they also range from dangerous to progressive. Would you say the root of Jewish prosecution is Nazi ideology or simply people?

The Kree

I said on the internet.
Those people who are mocking atheism in public are usually the same people calling all other religions but theirs as false. They usually represent the extreme fringe and are not mainstream.

I would however say that it is still nowhere close to being easy to be an openly atheist person in non Western countries. But again this is about mocking on the internet and not actual day to day behavior.

It's equally safe to anonymously mock religion or atheism online. It's not equally safe for both groups to mock each other publicly. The religious win in both spaces.


Sorry, what?

Which of these positions is more arrogant?

1. "I can see no empirical evidence for the existence of any god, let alone enough evidence to know the exact form and will of said God, therefore I don't believe in God".

2. "I not only know for absolute certain that God exists, but I can confirm that I know exactly what he wants; he loves me; he listens to my requests; I am made in his image and there is a special place put aside for me in the afterlife because of this special relationship. I also know for a fact that he is the true and only god and all those people who claim to be just as certain about their different God are not only fools, but might very well be going to hell for all eternity".

Brilliant and to the point. Stop being arrogant.
Atheist is just another word for "arrogant". How can we as inconsequential human beings say for a fact there is no God. When we don't know anything, really.

Yeah right how dare these mere ignorant mortal be so arrogant and claim to know anything when I have seen the light and known it all?


It says atheists don't believe in God... they don't believe He, or other deities exist. I would be more accepting of agnosticism... which says there's no evidence and therefore the jury is out.


Agnosticism is a position about knowledge.

Atheism is a position about belief.

They are far from mutually exclusive, and in most cases, perfectly compatible.
I said on the internet.
Those people who are mocking atheism in public are usually the same people calling all other religions but theirs as false. They usually represent the extreme fringe and are not mainstream.

I would however say that it is still nowhere close to being easy to be an openly atheist person in non Western countries. But again this is about mocking on the internet and not actual day to day behavior.

I'm sorry, but in my experience, this isn't true at all. I don't think many Christians or Muslims go around thinking "this is my religion, but yours is also true and valid too". Hell, in the US, we have an entire political party trying to turn their religious belief into policy.


Atheist is just another word for "arrogant". How can we as inconsequential human beings say for a fact there is no God. When we don't know anything, really.
Fourth rate apologetics. So tired you don't even know. Are we in kindergarten?
Would you say the root of Jewish prosecution is Nazi ideology or simply people?

I'd say Nazism is an implementation of nationalism and hatred, both things very much found across human history from pre-religion through religion and will continue post-religion.

Your definition of "root of evil" is an odd one if one criteria for it is it needs to be an intelligent being capable of decision-making.

Quit trying to be cute. Morality (that is good/evil) is a human measurement. The Sun has no bearing on morality. It cannot be the root of evil.
I'm sorry, but in my experience, this isn't true at all. I don't think many Christians or Muslims go around thinking "this is my religion, but yours is also true and valid too". Hell, in the US, we have an entire political party trying to turn their religious belief into policy.

I agree but said folks don't go around telling people in public that they are morons or are going to hell for believing. Mostly it's one of those things you don't talk about even if you believe in.

Btw this thread is basically becoming a diesm vs atheism argument and that's already been done a million times folks. Let's just go back to shitting on Zuckerberg.


For you.
Atheist is just another word for "arrogant". How can we as inconsequential human beings say for a fact there is no God. When we don't know anything, really.
Nah. Claiming there is one, and that your made-up interpretation written by random ass dudes thousands of years ago is somehow the correct and factual truth is the true complete arrogance.

If there is such a thing as a g
God, I guarantee you not a single religion in the world has gotten that God right in history.
I'd say Nazism is an implementation of nationalism and hatred, both things very much found across human history from pre-religion through religion and will continue post-religion.

Quit trying to be cute. Morality (that is good/evil) is a human measurement. The Sun has no bearing on morality. It cannot be the root of evil.
I don't think your 3rd (or 4th) sentence follows from your second. I think we're working with different definitions here.
The idea of religion is great but people make it terrible. I'm ok with people believing in what ever God they want but once you try to force your views on me that is when I'll have a problem.
In a world of unknowns this is the only logical answer.

Atheists claiming they know there is no higher power are just deluding themselves.

In all my years of the Internet I don't think I've seen a single atheist claim to know. (I'm sure I could find some if I deliberately sought them out.)
In a world of unknowns this is the only logical answer.

Atheists claiming they know there is no higher power are just deluding themselves.

Deluding ourselves?

There is no evidence that has been presented to me that convinces me that there is a higher power.

Are theists also deluded in the same respect?

Since you can't prove that scientology or Mormonism isn't true, is that up in the air as well?


In a world of unknowns this is the only logical answer.

Atheists claiming they know there is no higher power are just deluding themselves.
Unless you take "atheism" in its absolute narrowest sense, that is not what it means.
Gnoticism and theism are on 2 different planes, like this :
I'd say the vast majority of atheists are also agnostic, unless you consider reddit an accurate representation of the population.
Got to appeal to the conservative alt-right.

If Zuck is anything, he's a salesman. Makes sense he would want to pitch himself as a religious conservative so long as Trump is in the White House.
Yeah, zero chance he has sincerely held beliefs....


Unless you take "atheism" in its absolute narrowest sense, that is not what it means.
Gnoticism and theism are on 2 different planes, like this :

I'd say the vast majority of atheists are also agnostic, unless you consider reddit an accurate representation of the population.

That's a bad graph.

How can a person believe in something they know isn't true (like the graph states), or vice versa?

"Atheism' means the negation of theism, the denial of the existence of God."


Bill Gates has had similar thoughts, but he's been more ho hum about it. His wife is Catholic and kids were raised in the church.

I don't believe he never came out atheist.

I'm a deist, but I definitely find discussion online regarding the religion incredibly facile. Way too black and white and rarely any nuance.


He has zero political instincts. He's planning to run and he'll probably win some House seat because of money, but he has seemingly no political talent or know-how.

I feel like you're describing Trump now.

I'll also go ahead and fake edit with saying beaten because people will have quoted you writing the same thing.


Unconfirmed Member
Unless you take "atheism" in its absolute narrowest sense, that is not what it means.
Gnoticism and theism are on 2 different planes, like this :

I'd say the vast majority of atheists are also agnostic, unless you consider reddit an accurate representation of the population.

Ah, I was misremembering this chart.

Yeah I suppose my statement only applies to Gnostic Athiests, which are a small but very vocal minority.

I would characterize myself as an Agnostic Atheist.


I can't take anyone who changes their mind in these specific matters seriously. (although the OP post isn't really the same as I'm about to mention)
Just like people who either change religion or denounce one.

All it tells me is as an adult you believed one thing and now you don't; as much as you defended it originally it's all now bullshit apparently.
Of course it's someone's right to, however it doesn't mean I can't think they're just making stuff up.

It reeks of hypocrisy.

And I'm supposed to respect that your new faith is as real as the last one was in your own mind.


I can't take anyone who changes their mind in these specific matters seriously.
Just like people who either change religion or denounce one.

All it tells me is as an adult you believed one thing and now you don't; as much as you defended it originally it's all now bullshit apparently.
Of course it's someone's right to, however it doesn't mean I can't think they're just making stuff up.

It reeks of hypocrisy.

What about Obama coming for gay marriage after saying he was against it originally?

This is the type of dogmatic silliness that plagues these discussions.

You don't respect his choice. That's fine. It's your opinion. But people change their heart on big things all the time. That's how progress works.


What are people even arguing about? He's asked if he's an atheist and clearly says no. Trying to stick every other anti theist tag you can on him seems desperate and silly.
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