Online Ho Champ
...Thor is lookin badass, and less space viking more sword and sorcery...find me an absolute 10 for my enchantress and a big bad ass bruiser for executioner and lets delve into Vanaheim!
The guy they picked for Starlord looks terrible. In the cartoon he was a slim guy with master Chiefs voice which was fucking badass. I hope the movie can still deliever the goods.
The guy they picked for Starlord looks terrible. In the cartoon he was a slim guy with master Chiefs voice which was fucking badass. I hope the movie can still deliever the goods.
I would start at Invincible Iron Man volume 5. It's fairly recent, has a decent, but not crazy amount of issues (60 including when they started renumbering them for some reason), and then move on to the Marvel NOW! series that's only 6 issues in thus far. Then you can go back and read other essentials like Armor Wars, etc.So after Extremis by Warren Ellis where do I start reading for Iron Man comics?
Eh, he'll be fine. Dude has amazing suitcase throwing skills.
Peter Quill is going to break the fucking universe
That is the funny thing. Loki has saved the world almost as many times as he has tried to destroy it.How fucked up is it that Loki is the one who ends up being worthy to hold Thor's hammer?
behind the scenes from The Avengers, dont worry
It's how Avengers III will end. Everyone dies, Loki realized the futility of his actions and chooses to become the hero he always could have been.
Once Thanos is dead, he seals off the earth from all other advanced worlds and kills himself so that there are no more superhumans, villains, gods, or metahumans. The last shot is Nick Fury sitting alone in silence, contemplating the file before him marked "SENTRY".
Fade to black
That would take ballsIt's how Avengers III will end. Everyone dies, Loki realized the futility of his actions and chooses to become the hero he always could have been.
Once Thanos is dead, he seals off the earth from all other advanced worlds and kills himself so that there are no more superhumans, villains, gods, or metahumans. The last shot is Nick Fury sitting alone in silence, contemplating.
Fade to black
You know......IMO and all that
That would take balls
Don Cheadle stars in...Clearly Photoshopped Man 3
Do you guys think Marvel will make use of their DareDevil license anytime? I'm just so excited to see him back on the silver screen.
Yeah but I have a feeling on TV before film. I think Marvel is waiting to see if SHIELD goes well and then if it does use television as the platform for their street-level heroes.
Looks like Marvel found their guy to play Drax the Destroyer in the upcoming Guardians Of The Galaxy. Jason Momoa who played Conan in the Lionsgate reboot, and is best known for playing Khal Drogo in the first season of Game Of Thrones, flew out to London to screen test on Wednesday. It was reported earlier that Isiah Mustafa, Dave Bautista, and Brian Patrick also tested the role of Drax. According to sources, Momoa’s screen test went so good that Marvel offered him the part and his reps have now countered, so the negotiations are ongoing.
Another scoop from Latino Review:
EXCLUSIVE: Looks Like Marvel Found Their Drax The Destroyer For Guardians Of The Galaxy
Ooooooooh yes. Awesome.Another scoop from Latino Review:
EXCLUSIVE: Looks Like Marvel Found Their Drax The Destroyer For Guardians Of The Galaxy
Another scoop from Latino Review:
EXCLUSIVE: Looks Like Marvel Found Their Drax The Destroyer For Guardians Of The Galaxy
I approve of Jason playing Drax.
Momoa really impressed me in Game of Thrones, and he is a great match for the character. I think Guardians may well be my most anticipated Marvel movie at the moment.