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Marvel Cinematic Universe |OT| Discussion on released and future projects (spoilers)

I thought the villain was The Collector? Not sure why they'd keep this under wraps when they already announced that, unless there are multiple villains plus Thanos.

Thanos will most likely be a villain in the same way he was a villain in Avengers.

Or to be topic: Harbinger in ME2.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs

Most likely a reference to this video:



tagged by Blackace
The closest was them getting the Osborn building from ASM into the Avengers New York skyline, but apparently they couldn't get it done in time.
Oscorp logo from the movie made it into the Iron Man 3 movie game, maybe there's a cameo in Iron Man 3.


It dragged IM2 to a halt when it happened since it seemed like a weird, unnecessary detour in the plot. Compare it to SHIELD in Thor, where it all made perfect sense in the context of that film's self contained plot.

That and the whole 'Tony is being poisoned by the thing that is keeping him alive but we kind of just abandon that half way through so it doesn't even matter that it was ever a part of the plot' thing was dumb.

Very true.

I don't know how anyone could find Tony's little health problem was executed well in Iron Man 2 or that it came to a satisfying conclusion. Tony's discovery of the element is the most obvious deus ex machina ever and doesn't work with the overall narrative at all.

Also, Pepper is completely obnoxious in Iron Man 2; a caricature of a human being. Compare that to how she's actually likable and has chemistry with Tony in Avengers. Similarly, Black Widow is completely underdeveloped in Iron Man 2, and again gets written so much better in Avengers.

Not to mention the complete anticlimax of a boss fight with Whiplash at the end. It's like they ran out of time or money and couldn't give him a decent fight. Some people say "the drones are the climax!," but if you find a bunch of drones to be a sufficient final boss fight for a movie, you have extremely low standards.

Poor Whiplash apparently had many actual character building scenes cut out, with the end result that he's a one-note "I hate Stark!" guy instead of an actual interesting character.

Finally, Iron Man peeing in that terrible drunken party scene. At least it shifts to a nice fight with War Machine, but the stuff leading up to that is SO bad.


Dammit people.. stop asking for Spidey to be in Avengers. He was barely on the team for a cup of coffee for it's entire run.

He's a solo hero.. always has been.


Would mark out if Pace is Korvac.

I hope not. Korvac is a lame character and only ever has interacted with the GotG in the episode of the Avengers TV Show they were in. He's more an Avengers badguy. I mean, I guess he could work but there are so many other choices that are more exciting.


Is there a chance of a Black Widow film?

I have seen these MCU movies so far:
1. Iron-Man
2. Thor
3. The Avengers

Which are left? The Incredible Hulk, Iron-Man 2 and Captain America?


I hope that Chitauri will be main villains for GotG [or at least have cameo]. Alexis Denisof needs to get more airtime as the leader of the Chitauri.

Is there a chance of a Black Widow film?
They've talked about it prior to Avengers along with a SHIELD movie and a Hawkeye movie but I seriously doubt it would ever happen. I really don't think those characters could carry a movie by themselves and SHIELD is being made in to a TV show now.


Dammit people.. stop asking for Spidey to be in Avengers. He was barely on the team for a cup of coffee for it's entire run.

He's a solo hero.. always has been.

He can be in an Avengers movie for a few minutes then and you shouldn't have a problem with it. People aren't asking for him to be on the team so much as they're asking that he share the universe with them.


Dammit people.. stop asking for Spidey to be in Avengers. He was barely on the team for a cup of coffee for it's entire run.

He's a solo hero.. always has been.

The comic book nerd in me was irked that Spidey wasn't in The Avengers by factor of the entire final battle taking place on Spidey's turf (not to mention a few other heroes)


WTF, Sandy Rivers? That's such a weird How I Met Your Mother connection.

It's not really supposed to be. He's worked some Whedon shows for quite some time before, had a much bigger role than Sandy Rivers in them (Buffy and Angel). He actually became badass for a while in Angel. Buffy and the beginning of Angel he was pretty wimpy.
It was abandoned in the sense that it was a big part of the early film and then tidily resolved halfway through by Fury Ex Machina. It didn't feel like it needed to be a part of the film except to shoehorn Fury/SHIELD into helping Tony out. It had nothing to do with the main story.

This x100000

IM2 was such a let down. When the Fury Ex Machina happened my eyes rolled as far back in my head as they could. Its a shame they wasted rockwell and his character on such a shitty sequel.


It's not really supposed to be. He's worked some Whedon shows for quite some time before, had a much bigger role than Sandy Rivers in them (Buffy and Angel). He actually became badass for a while in Angel. Buffy and the beginning of Angel he was pretty wimpy.
That makes more sense then. I didn't know about those Whedon roles.


It's not really supposed to be. He's worked some Whedon shows for quite some time before, had a much bigger role than Sandy Rivers in them (Buffy and Angel). He actually became badass for a while in Angel. Buffy and the beginning of Angel he was pretty wimpy.

He also stars in Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing which was filmed during The Avengers.


Musicians Union Pickets Marvel for Outsourcing Scoring Overseas

The union says that Marvel benefits from U.S. tax credits, yet hires musicians -- and only musicians -- overseas, under non-union contracts with a buyout that includes no provisions for re-use payments (residuals), pension or health benefits.

“Marvel lines its pockets with taxpayer money, taking care of everyone who works on their films -- except musicians,” says AFM international president Ray Hair.


Marvel is hardly alone in this. Every movie studio is looking to take advantage of tax incentives/subsidies whereever they can in any area of production, not just music.


tagged by Blackace
Christ, I hope not. Don't drag out Thanos for *that* long. Thanos in Avengers 2, please, and Ultron in Avengers 3.
I want the reverse because of how early Ant-Man is being introduced and how GotG is supposed to be isolated from the rest of the MCU in phase 2.

Though I do wonder who the villain will be in Ant-Man. I don't think they should Loki up Ultron. I don't think audiences will receive that well.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Joss Whedon on Avengers 2:


“I have actually finished a draft, we’re in a very good place. It's going really well, eventually somebody will explain to me that it's not. But I've been writing, meeting with actors, and we're starting to storyboard and all the preliminary processes. This is the part where it's all still fun. It’s an evolution, and that goes on all through shooting and it never stops. I’ve done enough shows and movies to be comfortable with that. You do come to a point where we all agree …‘Oh, I've got these two characters, two of my favorite characters from the comic books; a brother/sister act. They’re in the movie, that’s exciting.’ You lock certain things in. But then there’s a certain fluidity when you’re working with Robert [Downey Jr.]. He’s going to want to do something new on the day, and you’re going to want him to, because it’s going to be funny. So you always keep yourself open. I try not to think of it as topping The Avengers, I try to think of this as its own movie.”

Two things:

1.RDJ confirmed to appear in Avengers 2
2.Brother/sister act = Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch??

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