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Marvel Cinematic Universe |OT| Discussion on released and future projects (spoilers)


In my opinion it's the second best solo film of Phase 1 behind Iron Man, and then only by a narrow margin. I love it. It's an artistic approach by an artistic director with some good humor thrown in. The casting is fantastic and the aesthetic is beautiful. The only weak point is the romance.

Mmm. Just finished and enjoyed it quite a bit, but yeah, that part of it was pretty bad.

Gorgeous film though, no doubt.
IM3 was... terrible. I tried to like it GAF, I really did. The more time that passes (been a week) the more I just hate how LAZY it is. The twist was lazy, the ending was lazy, and RDJ was lazy (phoned in every single somewhat emotional moment). Not to mention it was so "try hard' with the jokes this time around. Re-watch IM1 and you'll immediately notice a stark (fry.jpg) difference in the amount of humor both films had.

Luckily I wasn't expecting much after the abysmal IM2 (which 3 is barely barely beats out). I'm sure Cap and Thor will save this lackluster start to phase 2. They're looking much more promising, that's for sure.

Feel the same way the movie bored me to death.
Mandarin twist was a lamer version of the Ras Al Ghul twist in Batman Begins plus the annoying kid and camera man sucked. It was also weird that Tony Stark a man with no prior espionage training can take out several guards in a compound such a short time.
Holy shit Ultimate Spider-Man is awesome.


What's even better is that Ultimate Spider-Man never suffered from any of the starting and stopping that the other Ultimate books did, it's been the only one to have a single run its entire life. They started renumbering them around 115 I think, (Marvel changed the entire line to ULTIMATE COMICS: [HERO NAME] and started renumbering them from 1) but when they neared 150 they went back to the original numbers. When Miles hits the scene, though, they start over at 1 again but it's still the same story thread, just fresh numbering. None of this "volume" shit like Ultimates did or the 15 different Ultimate X-Books or how Ultimate FF ended but then continued on in other books and mini-series. Just Ultimate Spider-Man the whole way through.
After Iron Man 3, I decided to re-watch The Avengers for the first time since the theater, and I don't know if any of these Phase 2/3 movies will be able to top that 2nd half. For what it was trying to do, the execution was damn near perfect. The spectacle, the camera work, the action choreography, the fan service; even Whedon's gonna have a hell of a job topping that on A2.

Could I see some of them being better movies? Sure. The Avengers 2 could easily have a bigger scope and better 1st half pacing, Edgar Wright could very well do something really different with Ant-Man, etc., but that magic in the theater for The Avengers was crazy. Super crowd pleaser for a crowd that was ready to be pleased and had no idea how much fun it would be. Perfect storm, really. The Hulk shenanigans will be seen coming from a mile away this time, and his unexpected show stealing moments were the heart of the ~40 minutes between Hulking out for the first time until the "Hulk smash" on Loki.

Iron Man 3 isn't off to the greatest start, but we'll see. Save us Thor and Cap.


Saw Iron Man 3 tonight, really enjoyed it.

Not as good as a film as IM, but far more entertaining, and a much better crowd pleaser.

When in doubt, make your third flick an action comedy. Then again, it didn't have to do much to beat the mediocre IM2.


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When exactly are the films no longer going to have the Paramount logo on them? I forget.

Thor: The Dark World. If you look at the teaser, there's no Paramount logo (just a cool segue from the Marvel logo to Thor's cape).
I saw IM3 this weekend. I liked it a lot. It was much closer to IM1 then IM2. I do wish they had done more villain wise though. I was also disappointed that it didnt really tie into Avengers, and I dont think it really did anything to setup Avengers 2. I was hoping that all the phase 2 movies would build to Avengers 2.


Went to see Iron Man 3 last week and enjoyed it tremendously. It was among the better Marvel films. Watched Captain America on Netflix yesterday and liked that as well - definitely not as bad as people seem to claim. Some sloppy editing in a couple of instances, but otherwise a cool popcorn flick. Now I'm looking forward to Winter Soldier.
Is there any chance that Disney ever starts branding the MCU films as Disney films?

My wife asked me the same thing during IM3, When the movie started she asked why they dont show the castle with the Disney logo like the other Disney movies do. I wish they would could they could do some neat things with the castle's for each movie.
Any chance? Sure. But since they haven't done so already, can't really see why they would in the future.

I really don't understand why they haven't. They're not nearly as conservative as they used to be when it comes to branding PG-13 fare as Disney.

They paid more than $4 billion for Marvel. They might as well get some mind share out of it.

Plus, they're almost certainly going to brand Star Wars Ep. VII as a Disney film.


WAtched IM3 with the wife & some friends on Sat. Solid movie, but not great. I just don't think anything will be able to top AVengers until Avengers 2.

Overall, IM3 was entertaining. I guess I was mainly disappointed there were no Avengers2/MCU tie-ins.

After rewatching it again, all I can say is goddamnit the Avengers is just soooooo good. I'll never get tired.

Same here. I've watched it...probably 6x since buying it on blu-ray. Love it every time.

planet hulk was ok though, i saw it on netflix ages ago and i liked it, Hulk got to smash in the end, wink wink B^)

The animated movie doesn't really do the actual comic story arc justice. I mean, the movie is pretty good, but I recently finished reading the Planet Hulk trade paperback and it was really, really great.
As someone who really likes all the Marvel movies with the kind of exception of Incredible Hulk, I thought IM3 was great. Like one of the best Marvel movies to date and I say that as someone who likes Thor and Captain America way more than IM1. Other than a couple of dumb things specifically some lack of character development for a few people and
not thoroughly explaining how Tony could get the shrapnel removed all of a sudden and also not making a big deal about it
, I really don't understand the dislike some people have for it. It will be sad if RDJ doesn't sign on for more because I can't imagine anyone else carrying these movies the way he does.


WAtched IM3 with the wife & some friends on Sat. Solid movie, but not great. I just don't think anything will be able to top AVengers until Avengers 2.

I think that largely depends on how far they go with Guardians of the Galaxy...it definitely has the potential. I certainly don't expect Thor or Cap to do it (although I am sure they will be great movies in their own right).


My wife asked me the same thing during IM3, When the movie started she asked why they dont show the castle with the Disney logo like the other Disney movies do. I wish they would could they could do some neat things with the castle's for each movie.
Let's just say its intentional.

I don't think I'm allowed to mention the reason why though. I'll leave it at that.


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Let's just say its intentional.

I don't think I'm allowed to mention the reason why though. I'll leave it at that.

They want to keep the branding separate for the time being until every aspect of the production has been overseen by Disney? A substantial amount of the work on Iron Man 3 was done outside of Disney's purvey and they likely didn't want to assume any direct responsibility of anything that might have happened or that might have arisen during the production and release?
I wonder if Star Wars will be the same. Just Lucas Films

Star Wars will almost definitely have a Disney card, especially considering this new trilogy is being fully developed under their purview. The MCU was already being developed before Disney bought Marvel, so I'm guessing there are some lingering legal issues with the other studios.

Christ, won't it be weird not to have the 20th Century Fox fanfare before a Star Wars film?


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Thing is, Disney has been pretty hands off with Marvel and kept them intact, letting Kevin Feige do his thing while relying on the Mouse House's large resources for marketing and promoting their films.

This is unlike Lucasfilm, in which Disney gutted the company (dissolving Lucasarts and the animation division) and are taking a much more active role in the creative process of the Star Wars sequel films.


...Fox doesnt have the rights to him...please no , he pre dates the FF4 by 20 or so years , Namor has tons of material on his own besides his role of being an a dick to all other characters in the marvel U.
Eh, I have a soft spot for Fantastic Four issue 3. That story could provide a great framework for a film.

Regarding the other issue raised by your post, I have no idea which characters/villains fox possesses the rights to. I had read in the past that they've got the Skrulls and assumed (maybe incorrectly) that they have a bunch of other FF villians/characters as well.

The news about QS/SW is interesting though. I wonder if part of that move has to do with Marvel trying to regain film rights to as many of their characters as possible.


Online Ho Champ
Is there any notable female super hero in Marvel universe?

i liked Cap. Hulk and IM2 were shit though.

yeah but the most popular ones are all Xmen. Storm , Rogue, Jean Grey, Psylocke. They have some huge followings. There are others but i think those 4 are really the biggest because hey xmen has dominated for 30 years in popularity , its not surprising.
yeah but the most popular ones are all Xmen. Storm , Rogue, Jean Grey, Psylocke. They have some huge followings. There are others but i think those 4 are really the biggest because hey xmen has dominated for 30 years in popularity , its not surprising.

I was going to say Scarlet Witch but she's a mutant too come to think of it.

X-23 is pretty popular these days too.
It's all about Captain Marvel/Ms. Marvel, hope she gets a movie. Wasp is pretty popular as well though I don't think she would work by herself.


Much the same way Mandarin isn't in Iron Man 3. Just shut the fuck up and put Banner in a Planet Hulk movie. You're a producer.

Well, Mandarin certainly isn't in Iron Man 3 from a certain point of view. But I agree, they could easily just write the Planet Hulk film story differently and have Hulk changing back into Banner at various points in the movie. They already took massive liberties with Extremis and poor ol' Mandarin for Iron Man 3.

Now that Iron Man 3 is done and over with, I'm ready for Thor and Captain America to come forth. Both of them have better villains and sidekicks, so the supporting cast will be much better. Iron Man's rogues gallery is pitiful, so it's not shocking that people have yet to be overwhelmed by Iron Monger, Mandarin, Whiplash, and Justin Hammer.

There also seems to be some disappointment that the Mandarin in the movie wasn't exactly like the Mandarin in the comics, which I guess I can understand. I wasn't too attached to the comic character though, so I loved how IM3 handled its Mandarin.

The actual Mandarin is a fairly heavy hitter. People seem to think leaving him out of the movies is a good idea based on his origins as a racial stereotype, but AFAIK the character hasn't been like that in the comics for a long, long time. I mean, he is a mustache-twirler just like Red Skull as opposed to being a properly developed character, but again they could have made him more sympathetic without changing the character (which they didn't do for Red Skull in Captain America: the First Avenger) if they'd felt like it.

It just seems to me the film's interpretation comes from someone who just plain dislikes the Mandarin and thus got a kick out of eliciting laughs at the character's expense. And yes, it's the Rha's al Ghul thing all over again. Why bother using the character's name if you're changing him so completely (even more so here)?
That's a good question. The movie is heavy on surprises so I'd probably wait a couple weeks at least.

Absolutely, I don't want to be the guy who spoils anyone. But it would be nice to openly discuss it in relation to other Marvel projects. I know the spoiler thread kinda works like that but since this is the official MCU-thread it would make more sense to talk about it here.


Star Wars will almost definitely have a Disney card, especially considering this new trilogy is being fully developed under their purview. The MCU was already being developed before Disney bought Marvel, so I'm guessing there are some lingering legal issues with the other studios.

Christ, won't it be weird not to have the 20th Century Fox fanfare before a Star Wars film?


Well, Mandarin certainly isn't in Iron Man 3 from a certain point of view. But I agree, they could easily just write the Planet Hulk film story differently and have Hulk changing back into Banner at various points in the movie. They already took massive liberties with Extremis and pool ol' Mandarin for Iron Man 3.

Exactly. I don't buy the "We can't do Planet Hulk because it has no Banner!" line at all.
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