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Marvel Cinematic Universe |OT| Discussion on released and future projects (spoilers)


Still Alive
I wanted to put the MCU timeline into some perspective, as far as the year/month gaps are concerned and the usual slots they occupy, plus lay out what Feige calls 'Phase 2'.

2008 — Iron Man (May 2nd)
2008 — The Incredible Hulk (June 13th)
2010 — Iron Man 2 (May 7th)
2011 — Thor (May 6th)
2011 — Captain America (July 22nd)
2012 — The Avengers (May 4th)
2013 — Iron Man 3 (May 3rd)
2013 — Thor 2 (November 15th)
2014 — Captain America 2 (April 4th)
2014 — Guardians of the Galaxy or Runaways (May 16th)
2014 — Ant-Man (June 27th)
2015 — Avengers 2 (May 2nd)

That's the way I look at it right now, assuming A2 is set for 2015 and not 2016.


Still Alive
3 movies in one year seems like overkill. Even moreso when they all drop within three months.

Not really, it's not like each movie is growing off the other. They would each be their own story, the difference between a Runaways movie and Pym movie, for example, is a wide gap.

There'll always be a thread of continuity, but if IM3 and Thor 2 are any indication, they also want each movie to be it's own successful thing/entity and not a mere stepping stone to the next film.

I would so much rather have a Runaways movie then a Guardians of the Galaxy movie.
Same here, but I guess if they really are pushing Thanos for A2, there could be some tie-in with a Guardians movie. I think Runaways would be more successful on the big screen, though.

Also, TIH came out in 2008, not 2009.
Oh yeah, typo.


Not really, it's not like each movie is growing off the other. They would each be their own story, the difference between a Runaways movie and Pym movie, for example, is a wide gap.

You're missing my point. Franchise fatigue has a very real possibility of occurring when you jam that many movies into such a short time frame.


Still Alive
You're missing my point. Franchise fatigue has a very real possibility of occurring when you jam that many movies into such a short time frame.
True, but just because it's an MCU film doesn't necessarily mean it has anything to contribute to the lore of future films. Would Runaways really matter in the future? But I get your point. Doubt they see it as a hinderance.

If there's a third movie in 2014, it would be in the Fall.
I thought the same, but that's not what the Marvel-Disney slots seem to tell us. I didn't get those dates out of no where.
After seeing how good Ruffalo was as Hulk I really want a new Hulk movie. He could fight either the Wrecking Crew, even though they kind of did the Absorbing Man in the Ang Lee movie, or the U-Foes. I think the U-Foes would be a great enemy for the Hulk, plus it would be cool to Hulk dealing with a super powered team.


Anyone know te status of the movie rights to Daredevil? The movie came out in 2003, would it revert to Marvel next year?


Anyone know te status of the movie rights to Daredevil? The movie came out in 2003, would it revert to Marvel next year?

Daredevil (and I think Fantastic Four too) is contracted on a 7-year lease, so that if that time elapses without anything put into production, the property reverts back to Marvel. Elektra (which counts as part of DD) came out in 2005, so the rights for Daredevil would have gone back to Marvel this year if FOX hadn't renewed the deal by putting a reboot into development.
What does Marvel not have the rights to other than Spider-Man, X-Men and the Fantastic Four? And how do they get any of those back? Someone explained it to me vaguely a few years back, so I don't really remember.

Daredevil, Punisher.

It's less about just X-men, but characters from that series that would be great additions to A2 or other movies.

A standalone Silver Surfer movie would be great, but as FOX holds the rights, we probably won't ever see one. (the same might be true if Marvel held the rights, but the possibility of one coming up would be slightly higher), there's also Galactus and The Thing and so many others.

Who wouldn't want to see Hulk and Thing fighting on the big screen? Or an origins SS movie with a proper Galactus. (if they really are going to do MODOK in a Cap sequel, there's no reason they couldn't do Galactus.)


Daredevil (and I think Fantastic Four too) is contracted on a 7-year lease, so that if that time elapses without anything put into production, the property reverts back to Marvel. Elektra (which counts as part of DD) came out in 2005, so the rights for Daredevil would have gone back to Marvel this year if FOX hadn't renewed the deal by putting a reboot into development.

Does ordering a script rewrite count as in production ?

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
I would so much rather have a Runaways movie then a Guardians of the Galaxy movie.

This could be HUGE. I imagine if marketed correctly, you could really tap into same demo as Hunger Games / Harry Potter - they'd enjoy the excellent first arc even more than I did. And BKV would earn some more money, which would let him spend more time doing owner created stuff like Saga. win/win!



When can we expect a new Punisher? (I doubt it will be any time soon, but I hope they don't sit on it, Warzone, for all its problems, captured the feel of Punisher well. A sequel to that would be all kinds of amaze)

They are looking to do a TV show ( with what looks like a crappy premise ) at FOX.


Why is everyone talking about The Runaways when AFAIK Feige hasn't even mentioned it lately? The project was slated for like 2009 at one point but then put on indefinite hold. It hasn't really been brought up since. Technically it is there in some form of limbo but it is far more likely they will be sticking to what Feige -has- been talking about. Ie, Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, The Inhumans, Guardians of the Galaxy, and now a possible new Hulk film. I'm still maintaining that it is going to be Strange as the third 2014 film though as I just don't see GotG or Inhumans happening before.

Runaways would be nice but there has been no talk about it in the last few years.


Still Alive
Why is everyone talking about The Runaways when AFAIK Feige hasn't even mentioned it lately? The project was slated for like 2009 at one point but then put on indefinite hold. It hasn't really been brought up since. Technically it is there in some form of limbo but it is far more likely they will be sticking to what Feige -has- been talking about. Ie, Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, The Inhumans, Guardians of the Galaxy, and now a possible new Hulk film. I'm still maintaining that it is going to be Strange as the third 2014 film though as I just don't see GotG or Inhumans happening before.

Runaways would be nice but there has been no talk about it in the last few years.
[Kevin Feige] added with a smile when asked about the possibility of an Ant-Man, Runaways, Inhumans or Guardians of the Galaxy film, "Two of those four are much closer than people realize, and we'll be talking about them in the coming months!"

In other words, two of those movies will be coming pre-Avengers and thus 2014. Dr. Strange will NOT be a 2014 film, Feige confirmed that succinctly in a different interview as well.
This is what I was thinking, if he is the villain of A2 and they do take him down...who will be the big bad in A3?

Ultron will seem like a big step down in comparison to Thanos, maybe the MoE?

Apart from Galactus, which other villains rival Thanos in the power/intelligence, etc stakes?

Michael Korvac


What are the chances of ever seeing Apocalypse in a Marvel movie?

I want to see him bust some dudes up and cause chaos

The way Fox changes and aborts everything else related to the X-Men I am sure that if they did have him in he would be nothing like you (and I) would be hoping for.



In other words, two of those movies will be coming pre-Avengers and thus 2014. Dr. Strange will NOT be a 2014 film, Feige confirmed that succinctly in a different interview as well.

I would love to see that quote because in pretty much every quote I have seen in the past two weeks it is in the same realm of possibility as the others.


I hadn't actually seen that quote, so fair enough. With that in mind I definitely would concur with Ant-Man and The Runaways as being the two.


Ant Man seems to be definite, though when it will roll is the question.
I just do not have faith that Wright can make a movie and present a character that people will put on the same tier as the others.
I love his work with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.
But again, his work has a niche audience so how it will fold in with the MCU will be ...something to see.
The way Fox changes and aborts everything else related to the X-Men I am sure that if they did have him in he would be nothing like you (and I) would be hoping for.

They way they ruined Riptide causes me to totally agree with this. I would love to see Mr Sinister but I am afraid what they would turn him into.
This is what I was thinking, if he is the villain of A2 and they do take him down...who will be the big bad in A3?

Ultron will seem like a big step down in comparison to Thanos, maybe the MoE?

Apart from Galactus, which other villains rival Thanos in the power/intelligence, etc stakes?

I don't know if it rivals Thanos, but I could see Ego working, maybe?


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
That's apparently what the original script for this one was, before Joss came in and completely rewrote it.

So he turned it from the plot of Ultimates 1 into the plot of Ultimates 2?

Mr. Sam

So he turned it from the plot of Ultimates 1 into the plot of Ultimates 2?

Only the first half of Ultimates 1 is a fight with Hulk. In fact, the movie's a bit like Ultimates 1 in that regard - the Hulk is a destructive force that needs to be stopped early on, but is unleashed against a larger threat toward the end.
This is what I was thinking, if he is the villain of A2 and they do take him down...who will be the big bad in A3?

Ultron will seem like a big step down in comparison to Thanos, maybe the MoE?

Apart from Galactus, which other villains rival Thanos in the power/intelligence, etc stakes?

I don't know if anyone really could be rival to those two, but there's always Kang the Conqueror or Annihilus. Maybe Psycho-Man?

Edit: I forgot to add, I would love to see A.I.M show up at some point.
After Thanos, I'd bet on Ultron or Kang as the next villain. Ultron's probably more likely.

Annihilus has a pretty good chance of showing up in Guardians, though. If there's a cosmic Marvel story worth adapting, Annihilation is it.


They should not take him down in A2.
Like someone said earlier it should be an Empire Strikes Back situation where it ends with the Avengers in rough shape, mass catastrophe in some areas and Thanos seemingly unstoppable (with whoever is with him).
With the third movie being the regroup, add more answers and take it back.
Doh, I posted in the wrong thread my prediction for Avengers 2.

SHIELD will confiscate all the dead Skrulls and realize they are shapeshifters. "Oh shit, they could be among us." Then we get Thanos attempting to take the Avengers down from inside. Thanos is defeated but not before one of Tony Stark's and Stark Industries star employee' (Hank Pym) new super AI downloads itself into a Skrull robot thus creating movie Ultron. Fade to black.
I really, really hope they don't go the comic books route of thinking they need to make increasingly overpowered characters because that's the only thing they can do to make a better threat.Infinity Gauntlet Thanos was pretty much the peak of Marvel's villains, but they still have tried to one up him in a ridiculous way.

No, if Thanos is beaten in Avengers 2, don't make Avengers 3 to be just another movie of the team fighting a stronger baddie, because they won't top Thanos. If Thanos is used in Avengers 2, then they need to give it a different angle for Avengers 3. Be it something based on Civil War (that, after some checking, Whedon has said he's interested in), something based about Masters of Evil, I don't know, but don't turn the movies into a ridiculous cosmic arms race.

And no, they won't have Thanos win in Avengers 2. They'll want to release movies between Avengers 2 and Avengers 3, and they've made it abundantly clear they want their individual properties to be able to hold up stand alone. Thanos would be guaranteed to fuck shit up and I can't see them having 2-3 years of movies where no one gives a shit about him.

People care about The Avengers, not Guardians of the Galaxy. Don't expect Marvel to use such a highly succesful franchise as a mere setup for another team with no famous members.
Michael Korvac

The guy from the most recent EMH episode? Isn't he like crazy, crazy overpowered?

I don't know if it rivals Thanos, but I could see Ego working, maybe?

I'd love to see this. lol.

I don't know if anyone really could be rival to those two, but there's always Kang the Conqueror or Annihilus. Maybe Psycho-Man?

Edit: I forgot to add, I would love to see A.I.M show up at some point.

I forgot about Kang, seems a good choice actually.

They should not take him down in A2.
Like someone said earlier it should be an Empire Strikes Back situation where it ends with the Avengers in rough shape, mass catastrophe in some areas and Thanos seemingly unstoppable (with whoever is with him).
With the third movie being the regroup, add more answers and take it back.

That could only work if they didn't have any movies inbetween A2 and A3.


Or if the movies take place in that world situation, where things are still wrecked.
Kind of like one long comics crossover.
I understand that the different properties can not really be tied up that way, but having them always victorious will really fizzle out very quickly.
Or if the movies take place in that world situation, where things are still wrecked.
Kind of like one long comics crossover.
I understand that the different properties can not really be tied up that way, but having them always victorious will really fizzle out very quickly.

I agree. I think a better way to approach it might be to have a rampaging Ultron in A2 with Thanos appearing at the end. They've just gone through hell to defeat Ultron and then the real bad guy appears and lays the beatdown on Hulk - cut to credits.

Alternatively, set the sequel 1+ year after all the standalone movies and A1, that way they could do the whole ESB thing but still be able to do standalone movies that take place before Thanos appears to wreck their shit.

I do like the idea of doing ESB/RoTJ, especially with someone as formidable as Thanos...but their insistence to have standalone movies between each avengers doesn't really make it possible.


This is what I was thinking, if he is the villain of A2 and they do take him down...who will be the big bad in A3?

Ultron will seem like a big step down in comparison to Thanos, maybe the MoE?

Apart from Galactus, which other villains rival Thanos in the power/intelligence, etc stakes?

Elders of the Universe
I'm sure its been brought up before but who the hell cares about Ant-Man? Always struck me as a lame, especially because of the whole
wife slapping incident

Runaways, however, would be awesome.

Mr. Sam

I'm sure its been brought up before but who the hell cares about Ant-Man? Always struck me as a lame, especially because of the whole
wife slapping incident

Flawed heroes are interesting heroes. Besides, Hank Pym is deeply embedded in Avengers lore. If you want Vision or Ultron - and many do - then you need Hank Pym first.


I'm sure its been brought up before but who the hell cares about Ant-Man? Always struck me as a lame, especially because of the whole
wife slapping incident

Runaways, however, would be awesome.

Pym has traveled lightyears past that. People really need to read up on him it is a pretty interesting dude.
We need a Howard the Duck + Rocket Raccoon movie by Pixar.

No we don't.

What we need is a PET AVENGERS film.

Ultron or Kang would be some of the best bets for a villain greater than Thanos. Time traveling conqueror or robot that has multiple copies that are nearly indestructible, insanely strong, self repair, energy blasts, pym particle usage and can adapt to whatever destroyed him.
Ultron or Kang would be some of the best bets for a villain greater than Thanos. Time traveling conqueror or robot that has multiple copies that are nearly indestructible, insanely strong, self repair, energy blasts, pym particle usage and can adapt to whatever destroyed him.
Bigger than Thanos? At most, they make good villains for the team to face between Loki and Thanos, but the big man is definitely the biggest.

Flawed heroes are interesting heroes. Besides, Hank Pym is deeply embedded in Avengers lore. If you want Vision or Ultron - and many do - then you need Hank Pym first.
Extremely flawed heroes are overplayed and boring. Also, the whole thing about Hank beating Wasp is something the Internet doesn't live down but that wasn't even his fault. Hank is flawed (and I dislike him) but there's still some good things about him. Well, the 616 Hank. Ultimate Hank is an absolute asshole that should've been killed much earlier, but so are most of the Ultimates.
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