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Marvel Cinematic Universe |OT| Discussion on released and future projects (spoilers)

Well thing about Kang is he would have answers to everything they could throw at him. Shut down IM's suit, turn Steve back normal, have a de god and de hulk device, he could be the biggest threat not to mention bring in armies from the future to fight for him.

Ultron, would just be as strong as Thanos plus there would be millions of him to fight.


That could only work if they didn't have any movies inbetween A2 and A3.

Not true at all. There are two things they can do. One, make the individual movies have to deal with the fact that The Avengers lost and Thanos won, for now. This will interconnect things even more but that isn't necesarilly bad. The "wanting to keep doing individual films" comment was in reference to Phase 2, ie the stuff from now till A2, anyways. Alternatively they can give the "main" heroes a break and focus on other heroes in between A2 and A3. Marvel wants to do a lot of other guys so this could be the perfect space for them to do stuff with the rest of their characters. The beauty of this then is they can choose to either set it post-A2 or pre-A2 and not have to worry about that as much. There could still be a 3 year gap in real time between A2 and A3 but ultimately they could make it where in the films not much time has passed at all. Up to this point the films haven't been done in chronological order in real time anyways.
I hope we dont see Loki anymore outside of Thor. He isn't that intimidating a foe and his relationship with Thor is really his own connection to anything outside Asgard.
Put Loki to rest until you can actually bother to give me exposition on what his powers actually are.
Above average (human) strength
Super (human) durability
Energy manipulation (depending on the object he is wielding)

But ultimately his greatest power is his ability to manipulate people.
I'm guessing this is why his mouth was sealed at the end of Avengers..

Beth Cyra

I hope we dont see Loki anymore outside of Thor. He isn't that intimidating a foe and his relationship with Thor is really his own connection to anything outside Asgard.

I can't really agree with this. Granted his connection with Thor is the strongest, but even without that he is still at least to me easily the best part of Avengers. Granted I would want them to do something new an interesting with him, but that goes for all the characters and not just Loki.


I hope we dont see Loki anymore outside of Thor. He isn't that intimidating a foe and his relationship with Thor is really his own connection to anything outside Asgard.


That would suck.
Well thing about Kang is he would have answers to everything they could throw at him. Shut down IM's suit, turn Steve back normal, have a de god and de hulk device, he could be the biggest threat not to mention bring in armies from the future to fight for him.

Ultron, would just be as strong as Thanos plus there would be millions of him to fight.

Forgot all about Kang. The whole saga in EMH would've made for a good film. There's no way they'd do it now since people would cry "rehash".

So no one answered my question, was the whole Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch being usable true, or was it just popular speculation?


Still Alive
I would love to see that quote because in pretty much every quote I have seen in the past two weeks it is in the same realm of possibility as the others.
"We know what our second movie in 2014 is going to be, but we haven't announced it yet,” He does perhaps rule out “Dr. Strange” as a possibility for the May 30th date; "The magic side, again, it's going to be 'Doctor Strange.' Someday we will introduce that side of it, and when we go over that it's going to be through the eyes of Stephen Strange. When that happens, we don't know."

In other words, it's not going to be a pre-Avengers 2 movie. I fully expect a Dr. Strange movie to be one of the first post-A2 ("phase 3") developments to hit the big screen, though.
I didn't even know Quicksilver was an Avenger until recently, all my memory of him was as Magneto's lackey on X-Men Evolution. Although, didn't Ultron crash his wedding in the comics, IIRC?
Scarlet Witch/Pietro were part of Cap's Quarky Quartet and were longtime members of WCA. So Marvel has to get them done as soon as possible before evil Fox hijacks them.


Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch have been Avengers since the late 60’s. They joined at the same time as Hawkeye.


Okay but Wanda and Pietro are Magneto's children... they're just going to ignore that completely? :p

Yes, that's the deal. Marvel Studios can use the characters if they want, but cannot mention that they are mutants or Mag's kids.

I don't think they'll use them, personally.


So if the Avengers continues to do super well, and the Amazing Spider-Man bombs, and considering how Sony as a company is doing, I wonder if Disney may attempt to buy back the rights to Spider-man.

After all, I think one way to ensure that Avengers 2 is also a box-office smash would be to bring Spider-man onto the team.
Okay but Wanda and Pietro are Magneto's children... they're just going to ignore that completely? :p

I imagine a scenario where they just give Wanda and Pietro MYSTERIOUS ORIGINS... or, rather, they wait until after Doc Strange to introduce them so they can say Wanda is magic (and brush Pietro's origins under the table).
So if the Avengers continues to do super well, and the Amazing Spider-Man bombs, and considering how Sony as a company is doing, I wonder if Disney may attempt to buy back the rights to Spider-man.

After all, I think one way to ensure that Avengers 2 is also a box-office smash would be to bring Spider-man onto the team.
Amazing Spider-Man won't bomb.
They could re-release spider-man3 into theaters in 3d and it wouldn't bomb.
It could do poorly critically, but it will do just fine at the box office.
People really need to give up on Spider-man rights returning. The best thing I could see happening- and it's a long shot- is Sony agreeing to let Spider-man cameo a few times and be a part of the universe. That's probably not gonna happen though, so the only way Spider-man will be a part of this universe is if they make a comic or tv-show that is canon to the films with Spidey in it, but he still won't ever be in the films (unless perhaps they use Miles form Ultimate Spider-man and don't call him Spider-man).

The only rights with any chance of diverting are FF, Ghost Rider, and Daredevil, and even those aren't sure fire at all.


So if the Avengers continues to do super well, and the Amazing Spider-Man bombs, and considering how Sony as a company is doing, I wonder if Disney may attempt to buy back the rights to Spider-man.

After all, I think one way to ensure that Avengers 2 is also a box-office smash would be to bring Spider-man onto the team.

You do not think that Sony will keep hold of the things that make them money?
Sell off something that will be a regular source of cash flow for a one time payout?
I swear sometimes people have no common sense.\
Spider Man and X-Men will not revert to Marvel anytime soon, it does not matter how good the Avengers did or does.
Get over it people.

The only rights with any chance of diverting are FF, Ghost Rider, and Daredevil, and even those aren't sure fire at all.

Fantastic Four is supposedly in writing stages for a reboot.
But Ghost Rider, Daredevil and Blade I could see reverting if anything.
I would love to see FF revert back, since I think a really good movie could be made with those characters and I dont think we will ever get that movie if things stay as they are.


You do not think that Sony will keep hold of the things that make them money?
Sell off something that will be a regular source of cash flow for a one time payout?
I swear sometimes people have no common sense.\
Spider Man and X-Men will not revert to Marvel anytime soon, it does not matter how good the Avengers did or does.
Get over it people.

Fantastic Four is supposedly in writing stages for a reboot.
But Ghost Rider, Daredevil and Blade I could see reverting if anything.

It has been mentioned in the past that Sony would sell off its studios to help save some money. What would stop Disney from just buying Columbia away?


Fantastic Four is supposedly in writing stages for a reboot.
But Ghost Rider, Daredevil and Blade I could see reverting if anything.

Blade movie rights reverted last year I think. The last Ghost Rider movie just came out, so Sony has a few years to decide whether they want to make another movie or not. Daredevil is being rebooted so we'll probably hear something about it soon.


It has been mentioned in the past that Sony would sell off its studios to help save some money. What would stop Disney from just buying Columbia away?

Mainly because as of now it seems to still be making Sony money and is one of the few things that is.
When it no longer does so, then the outlook may change.


Fantastic Four is supposedly in writing stages for a reboot.
But Ghost Rider, Daredevil and Blade I could see reverting if anything.

Blade has already reverted. Marvel may use him if they want. Daredevil and FF are both in various changes of a reboot attempt. We will see how it goes, otherwise either could revert. Ghost Rider just had a film so won't revert any time soon but I could see them just deciding to let him go when the time comes considering how poorly the second film did at the box office.

Regarding Spiderman...the only chance of reverting to Marvel I see is if Sony does indeed let the studio go and Disney buys columbia. I doubt that will happen though. As long as Sony has the rights to Spider-man they will never let it go. They will reboot it 20 times if they have to.


Online Ho Champ
Blade movie rights reverted last year I think. The last Ghost Rider movie just came out, so Sony has a few years to decide whether they want to make another movie or not. Daredevil is being rebooted so we'll probably hear something about it soon.

i thought the DD reboot got canned for now, hopefully they will revert back to marvel and we can get a good film. DD has had so many good runs he can definitely be a big BO draw if done well.


Blade has already reverted. Marvel may use him if they want. Daredevil and FF are both in various changes of a reboot attempt. We will see how it goes, otherwise either could revert. Ghost Rider just had a film so won't revert any time soon but I could see them just deciding to let him go when the time comes considering how poorly the second film did at the box office.

As long as they keep Nic Cage for future Ghost Rider films, I don't care who has it.

<3 Nic Cage.


Who was it?

Jeff Sneider writes for Variety, but I don't think he ever said who it was. He might be referring to 'David James Kelly', who's the current writer attached to the movie. Amazingly, there are three different David James Kelly's listed on IMDB, none of them with notable projects in their past.

Edit: I just found this:
In a recent interview with 20th Century Fox&#8217;s CEO Tom Rothman, it was revealed that the David Slade-directed reboot of Daredevil was still in development and that somebody was working on the script. Just yesterday Latino Review reported that Fox was in search of a new writer.

Deadline now reports that David James Kelly is doing a rewrite for the script, one that appears to be based on Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli&#8217;s classic 1986 &#8220;Born Again&#8221; arc, spanning issues #227-233. The story centers on the Kingpin discovering Daredevil&#8217;s true identity which results in the hero&#8217;s life turning upside-down.

Variety's Jeff Sneider tweeted that the Daredevil reboot was saved due to Kelly's 3-week rewrite that convinced the studio to renew its option on the rights. The little-known writer is best known for polishing the script of the now defunct live-action take on Akira.
You'd think, given it's been 7 years since FOX did anything with the Daredevil property, Marvel could just demand them back by now, but nope. :/


You'd think, given it's been 7 years since FOX did anything with the Daredevil property, Marvel could just demand them back by now, but nope. :/

It makes me wonder what actually qualifies as 'in development'. Does Fox actually have to have someone working on it full-time, or could they pay a minimum-wage high school student to write a script once every few years?
Jeff Sneider writes for Variety, but I don't think he ever said who it was. He might be referring to 'David James Kelly', who's the current writer attached to the movie. Amazingly, there are three different David James Kelly's listed on IMDB, none of them with notable projects in their past.

Edit: I just found this:

Is that arc actually any good? Because it sounds pretty terrible.

Never been a fan of villains finding out the hero's identity and then they have some elaborate scheme to destroy them but almost always fail and the hero's identity is safe once again.

want to destroy a hero? release that shit to the press, have guys he's beat up sue his ass for assault, smear campaigns, etc.

Unless that's exactly what KP does?


It makes me wonder what actually qualifies as 'in development'. Does Fox actually have to have someone working on it full-time, or could they pay a minimum-wage high school student to write a script once every few years?


The initial financing deal, for Marvel Entertainment, Inc., consists of $525 million for the possible production of 10 films, based on its comic book properties, over the next seven years. The debt facility will fund initial development, including scripts for each production, and they maintain sole “green light” control. Understandably there are some restrictions to taking a loan, Marvel cannot withdraw profits until after the release of the third film and only if certain financial parameters are met. The original properties for those 10 films, announced in the press release, were Captain America, Nick Fury, The Avengers, Black Panther, Ant-Man, Cloak & Dagger, Dr. Strange, Hawkeye, Power Pack and Shang-Chi. In the original press release, the budget’s ceiling is at $165 million and can have a “rating no more restrictive than PG-13.” The explanation of why Marvel had been doing everything on the cheap was apparent from its initial deal.

Looking forward, Marvel can regain their characters but it’ll be nothing short of jumping through a ring of fire. The studio can shell out truckloads of cash to buy them back or wait for box office numbers to be so bad the studio that owns them doesn’t have any interest in following them up, ie. Ang Lee’s Hulk (thanks, Universal!). Not meeting a deadline for filming the property is the easiest way – most of the contracts have a clause that allows the rights to revert back to Marvel if principle photography doesn’t begin by a certain date after the initial release or if they make an upfront payment as if they were going to start principal photography. This, in part, is the reason we see studios releasing films in rapid succession.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
Who is Marvel's answer to Mongul?

Marvel should definitely try to sprint ahead and produce a Namor film so that whenever WB decides to make an Aquaman film, it will be redundant to the general populace.


Who is Marvel's answer to Mongul?

Marvel should definitely try to sprint ahead and produce a Namor film so that whenever WB decides to make an Aquaman film, it will be redundant to the general populace.

Namor is both Johnny Depp and Clint Eastwood's favorite comic book character.

&#8220;Oh yeah. I was a rock &#8216;n&#8217; roll kid, mainly, but prior to age 12, when the rock &#8216;n&#8217; roll sort of took hold, I was a comic-book head. I liked Sgt. Rock. And I loved the Sub-Mariner. I loved Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner.&#8221;

I told Depp he&#8217;s in good company when it comes to admiring Bill Everett&#8217;s imperious sea king &#8212; last year Clint Eastwood told me Namor was also his favorite.

&#8220;Really, he liked Namor? Wow. That&#8217;s cool. Namor is great. There was this strange double edge to the guy. And there was also something about living underwater that I liked a lot.&#8221;

Depp said he was no fan of Captain America. &#8220;No, not really. But I liked Spider-Man and I liked the Fantastic Four for a bit. I really liked Sgt. Rock. But the Sub-Mariner, he was the alternative one. The alt-superhero. He was the sort of Bohemian comic book. I like that.&#8221;
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