DC should definitely try to sprint ahead and produce a Aquaman film so that whenever Marvel Studios decides to make an Namor film, it will be redundant to the general populace.
Fixed in support of superior aquatic superhero.
Oh, nice find. I'd been wondering that myself.
Who is Marvel's answer to Mongul?
Aquaman is a joke. No one takes him seriously.
So I'm rewatching Iron Man 2 right now and it really does seem like a much stronger film then everyone gives it credit for. I liked it when I first saw it, but upon rewatching I'm really appreciating the slow build and the character development they have going on.
To an extent, I can see why people were disappointed. However, the amount of vitriol has always confused me. The quality difference between the first and the second just doesn't seem that great to me.
Been saying this forever. Most of the complaints for Iron Man 2 are hyperbole and dissonant across the MCU. Different movie. It actually shares a lot with the Avengers in terms of the fun quality and the playfulness of it all. I think it was a pretty perfect sequel to Iron Man without being Iron Man 1 redux which is what people were expecting I guess. The tonal shift is justified, and sensible.So I'm rewatching Iron Man 2 right now and it really does seem like a much stronger film then everyone gives it credit for. I liked it when I first saw it, but upon rewatching I'm really appreciating the slow build and the character development they have going on.
I want to see an awesome Aquaman movie. It would be hilarious - not necessarily the movie itself, but the concept of a an Aquaman movie coming out and being awesome.
I think it could be done well if the right people were behind it. Treat it kinda like Thor, except Atlantis instead of Asgard. Use crazy, bearded, shirtless, hook-hand, King and Guardian of Atlantis Aquaman, not boyscout, clean-shaven, fish suit, Superfriends Aquaman. Ignore his fish-summoning power for the most part, except have a scene where he summons a shark to eat a dude.
Plot could basically be, humans start to encroach on Atlantean territory, Aquaman tries to set them straight, conflict between humans and Atlanteans. Suddenly, SUPERVILLAIN! Humans and Atlanteans settle their differences and combine forces to defeat the supervillain. Fin.
Mainly I just wanna see crazy bearded Aquaman leap out of the water and stab a dude with his hook-hand.
Been saying this forever. Most of the complaints for Iron Man 2 are hyperbole and dissonant across the MCU. Different movie. It actually shares a lot with the Avengers in terms of the fun quality and the playfulness of it all. I think it was a pretty perfect sequel to Iron Man without being Iron Man 1 redux which is what people were expecting I guess. The tonal shift is justified, and sensible.
Iron Man 1 doesn't have Sam Rockwell's awful, awful character, and makes Iron Man 1 the better film.
He wa the glib sort of douche you're meant to hate and he played it brilliantly.
Sam Rockwell even auditioned or was the first choice to play Tony Stark in IM1.![]()
Sam Rockwell even auditioned or was the first choice to play Tony Stark in IM1.![]()
I feel like this is an issue with his rogues gallery in general. Whiplash definitely does not hold up as well on repeat viewings, and although I thought Stane was a great choice, I never found Iron Monger to be very compelling or even formidable, especially during the final sequences of IM1.The villains could have gotten a little more playtime but besides that I really liked it.
I prefer Namor, but that's besides the point. Marvel is taking chances with their characters, while DC isn't currently, especially after Green Lantern. I'd put my money on Namor showing up on the big screen before Aquaman. If I was Marvel, I'd go through with it in some fashion to get the one up on DC.
Im gonna take a stab here and guess you learned that from the random movie facts they put on during the wait for the movie to actually start?
if DC were smart they'd go for someone like Blue Beetle. Can target a younger crowd, comic book fans know him so thats another built in demographic. And he's a genuinely good character. I would also say Static Shock...oh YES, original run in milestone comics was legit stuff. i would actually like anything Milestone comics, Static, Hardware, Icon , even Blood Syndicate.
oh speaking about villains, i never voiced this:
The Chitauri were boring. Probably the only part of the movie i didnt necesarelly liked , although it didnt really harm the movie, i felt it was sort of a wasted opportunity.
Besides not being very interesting and quite generic, their design was pretty boring, specially the snake things. One could argue about the Transofmers comparissions but in that particular element i can see where they're coming from.
Would have loved to see actual Skrulls instead of earth-1610 equivalents.
You really wanted them to take screen time away to better explain the Chitauri? Or worse, waste a ton of screen time on a shapeshifting sub-plot?
I never said i wanted them to be better explained, i just didnt really enjoyed the approach, and i mostly didnt care for their design at all
You can have a douche character that doesn't play stupid to the point that you can't believe he would ever be in a position like that.
You said you wanted Skrulls. Skrulls mean shape shifting, which means a completely different story. One with more of a focus on the villains and less time for the hero's.
Would Incredible Herc be a viable movie? Hes funnier than Deadpool!
Would Incredible Herc be a viable movie? Hes funnier than Deadpool!
You really wanted them to take screen time away to better explain the Chitauri? Or worse, waste a ton of screen time on a shapeshifting sub-plot?
I think he just wanted them to be more interesting on-screen, which is a feeling I think most people share about the movie. The army was lame and boring, even if the action is interesting. They were total canon-fodder and were never interesting in terms of their weapons, design, or anything they did on screen. All the fun was due to the Avengers themselves, as an invading army, the aliens were shit.
They probably could have fleshed out the alien army more or whatever but honestly i felt like by that point the movie was ready to END almost so there just was no time left...
can't fit all of it in just one movie.
What happened? It seemed to me The Ultimates were the best source material ever for a feature film, but none of the elements that made it so great were translated to the big screen.
Captain America 2 should be about Steve finding out Namor is still alive and still fucking awesome. Then they reminisce about how the two of them and the human torch fucked some nazi shit up back in the day.
I have a feeling IM3 is shaping up to be something really good as well. They've certainly learned a lot, not just from the mistakes in IM2 but all the MCU films and reception on each.Iron Man 3 will show you guys how a real sequel to Iron Man should be.
I think he just wanted them to be more interesting on-screen, which is a feeling I think most people share about the movie. The army was lame and boring, even if the action is interesting. They were total canon-fodder and were never interesting in terms of their weapons, design, or anything they did on screen. All the fun was due to the Avengers themselves, as an invading army, the aliens were shit.