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Marvel Cinematic Universe |OT| Discussion on released and future projects (spoilers)

Funky Papa

She Hulk is amazonian. She would need to be curvy AND toned as fuck. Right now there's only one actress that fits that description and I'd rather have her dressed as Diana
and gagged and tied to my bed

just watched thor again last night and for some reason, i dont like it as much as i did when i saw it in the theater

as it stands, i think this is my least favorite of the marvel movies. upon my second viewing, i realized how much i hated jane (moreso than before) and wondered why the fuck she got so much screen time. the relationship between her and thor was fucking stupid and nothing above stalkery obsession. the thor dying scene was so cringe worthy, ugh "noo! i wont leave him! noooo!" are you kidding me? i wish tony found jane in the movie and sent her out to space with the nuke. such an awful character

i also remember the movie to have more action but i guess not. i wish the movie was 99% asgard as i really liked those parts. the art, costumes, designs, everything about asgard was cool. heimdall too, though earlier on in the movie he sounded kinda goofy


Still Alive
Here's a neat thing someone on reddit noticed in Iron Man 2

That's really neat. The tesseract is also drawn in there somewhere iirc.

She Hulk is amazonian. She would need to be curvy AND toned as fuck. Right now there's only one actress that fits that description and I'd rather have her dressed as Diana
and gagged and tied to my bed

I'd pic Beil over Harmon any day. She fits the role more, I think.. But like Anti said, it's never going to happen either way so the conversation is moot...


The Cryptarch's Bane
Oh goddamnit man.

and so on!

For the record if they're going to pull Extremis off onscreen somehow She-Hulk isn't really out of the question. :p

Funky Papa

Well, after taking a second look, I take back what I said. She's just pretty toned in that picture and it threw me off.

She goes through phases. I believe she was at her prime during Blade 3.



Edit: Which reminds me that Blade is completely unlikeable in the comics. What gives?


She goes through phases. I believe she was at her prime during Blade 3.

Edit: Which reminds me that Blade is completely unlikeable in the comics. What gives?

Damnnn, she looks great.

I hardly remember either of Blade movies, I was very young when I watched them.. Are they worth watching?

Funky Papa

Blade 1 was excellent and still holds up very well. Blade 2 was pretty meh and sometimes silly. Blade 3 is just plain bad. But dat ass.
For the record if they're going to pull Extremis off onscreen somehow She-Hulk isn't really out of the question. :p

I think the thing that makes She-Hulk unlikely is that she's not exactly a popular character, even compared to Iron Fist and GotG. And at least those series are fairly serious and grounded, whereas She-Hulk is, by nature, super cheesy and lighthearted. Not that there's anything wrong with that, that's why she's such an enjoyable character in the comics, but I don't think she fits in with the universe Marvel are trying to create on the screen.

Besides, the amount of CGI that would be needed to make the She-Hulk movie work well would be as expensive as a full-blown Hulk movie, and we've seen how even Hulk movies ultimately perform.
I think the thing that makes She-Hulk unlikely is that she's not exactly a popular character, even compared to Iron Fist and GotG. And at least those series are fairly serious and grounded, whereas She-Hulk is, by nature, super cheesy and lighthearted. Not that there's anything wrong with that, that's why she's such an enjoyable character in the comics, but I don't think she fits in with the universe Marvel are trying to create on the screen.

Besides, the amount of CGI that would be needed to make the She-Hulk movie work well would be as expensive as a full-blown Hulk movie, and we've seen how even Hulk movies ultimately perform.

I don't think anyone is suggesting giving her her own movie, more like having her appear in a The Incredible Hulk 2. And I dunno, she definitely deserves the screentime more than any other Marvel female known just for her ass and tits. At least she's a damn unique character. But given how hard it'd be to pull off, and how incredibly silly the concept of She-Hulk is, I'm sure they aren't even considering it.
She Hulk among comic fans is the most popular non X- Man female. CBR did a poll. She got the highest votes for a non X-Man female.

Got 26 out of 100. Ms. marvel got 29 and Scarlet witch got 31.

So yeah. She hulk is highly popular.

Thing is She Hulk would work better in a solo movie since she does more than smash and actually talks with one liners and jokes.
Thor/IM/Black Widow were not known among casual fans till there movies. And She Hulk has been in a high selling game(MvC3) so that means she has high exposure.

These characters never become popular without exposure to the main media.
Whats the point really? We've already seen a Hulk. I'd rather they showcase a more unique character than "Hulk's cousin".

Personality wise she's completely different to anyone they can include outside of Hercules and Deadpool.

But yeah, better to focus on Ant-Man, Wasp, Strange, Guardiand of the Galaxy and some other people who do have a chance of being included here. Such as, who will play them?
Thor/IM/Black Widow were not known among casual fans till there movies. And She Hulk has been in a high selling game(MvC3) so that means she has high exposure.

These characters never become popular without exposure to the main media.

But "Norse god comes to Earth", "Charismatic playboy builds kickass robot suit" and "extremely sexy female assassin" are much easier sells than "female cousin of the Hulk beats up thugs in a one piece bathing suit".

It's not that I think someone couldn't make She-Hulk totally work in one of these movies, or that I wouldn't love a She-Hulk movie that maintains the spirit of the character, or even that the character just isn't popular at all, mind you. I'm just saying why Marvel likely hasn't even considered introducing She-Hulk into the MCU yet, especially when they have more viable properties like GotG and Nova, Black Panther, Power Man and Iron Fist, Dr. Strange and even Ant-Man already in the pipes.
She-Hulk is a really logical supporting character to bring into a Hulk sequel, because she's easily one of the biggest characters to come out of a Hulk book.

I'm sure War Machine was never too high on Marvel's list as a standalone character, but they put Rhodey in the suit for Iron Man 2 because it made sense to bring in characters from Iron Man's cast. In the same way "Tony's military buddy gets a suit" worked for Iron Man, "Bruce's lawyer cousin becomes a Hulk" would work for Hulk.

Besides, Marvel's movies are pretty devoid of female heroes right now. If I was them I'd jump on the chance to get another woman up there.


This She-Hulk thing has gotten me really excited. They need more female heroes in the MCU and I would love to see another Hulk movie with Ruffalo.

Are there any classic Hulk / She-Hulk story-lines that could serve as the basis for a movie? I personally love Ultimate Hulk vs. Wolverine, and I would love to see some version of that adapted, minus Wolverine of course. I can't claim to be an expert on the character, but Ultimate She-Hulk is definitely my favorite version.
But "Norse god comes to Earth", "Charismatic playboy builds kickass robot suit" and "extremely sexy female assassin" are much easier sells than "female cousin of the Hulk beats up thugs in a one piece bathing suit".

It's not that I think someone couldn't make She-Hulk totally work in one of these movies, or that I wouldn't love a She-Hulk movie that maintains the spirit of the character, or even that the character just isn't popular at all, mind you. I'm just saying why Marvel likely hasn't even considered introducing She-Hulk into the MCU yet, especially when they have more viable properties like GotG and Nova, Black Panther, Power Man and Iron Fist, Dr. Strange and even Ant-Man already in the pipes.
And Black Widow didn't even get her own movie.

But note that none of those characters are female. That's one of my big complaints with Marvel.

She-Hulk is a really logical supporting character to bring into a Hulk sequel, because she's easily one of the biggest characters to come out of a Hulk book.

I'm sure War Machine was never too high on Marvel's list as a standalone character, but they put Rhodey in the suit for Iron Man 2 because it made sense to bring in characters from Iron Man's cast. In the same way "Tony's military buddy gets a suit" worked for Iron Man, "Bruce's lawyer cousin becomes a Hulk" would work for Hulk.

Besides, Marvel's movies are pretty devoid of female heroes right now. If I was them I'd jump on the chance to get another woman up there.

It's different, War Machine is a more "serious" character and he didn't really get a superpower. She-Hulk getting powers isn't really the problem, but how she retains her personality and is hulked up but just enough so that she keeps looking hot. It is very silly for a mainstream audience, and her very quirky personality is what made her popular, which would be even sillier in a serious Hulk movie.

She's easily top 3 in my favorite Marvel girls, but I'm afraid outside of Wasp we really don't have many choices for heroines in Avengers 2.
I think the best way for She-Hulk to appear would be a less serious Hulk movie with her appearing as a supporting character. Or failing that just have her show up in Avengers 2, maybe have her unrelated to Bruce and just let her get irradiated by a light dose of gamma rays or something. Then have her show up to help the fight. She'd have to be a CGI character the same way Hulk was in Avengers I think, though.

She's easily top 3 in my favorite Marvel girls, but I'm afraid outside of Wasp we really don't have many choices for heroines in Avengers 2.

Well if we get GotG there'll be Quasar and Gamorra who could make appearances. Carol Danvers would also be a great choice and could actually be made into a good character in the movies instead of her bland comics version. Same with Spider-Woman maybe. Mockingbird too. This is just from me looking through my comics pile, mind, so there's probably a few characters from way back I'm forgetting, but I think there is a good enough source for female characters besides She-Hulk.


Blade 1 was excellent and still holds up very well. Blade 2 was pretty meh and sometimes silly. Blade 3 is just plain bad. But dat ass.

Blade 3's problem was that it wasn't focused enough on Blade. It was obvious they were trying to set up a spinoff movie with Ryan Reynolds and Jessica Biel's characters.

Carol Danvers would also be a great choice and could actually be made into a good character in the movies instead of her bland comics version.

She could and maybe that's why they changed her costume. Her new costume would look a lot better in a movie than the leotard she usually wears.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Blade 3's problem was that it wasn't focused enough on Blade. It was obvious they were trying to set up a spinoff movie with Ryan Reynolds and Jessica Biel's characters.
God, I completely fucking forgot about Hannibal King. He did have one good line.
I want the Living Laser in the next Irom Man movie.
I thought they should have gone full Iron Wars for IM 2. They had the set-up with other firms trying and failing to make similar suits. They should have just gone full force and had the other suits being made (not just those drones) and tied Hammer into it.
Blade 3's problem was that it wasn't focused enough on Blade. It was obvious they were trying to set up a spinoff movie with Ryan Reynolds and Jessica Biel's characters.

They were, pretty sure the plan was to have two movies after Trinity. One Blade, one Nightstalkers.
Ummm.... She Hulk as She Hulk personality is completely different that Jen's. Jen is a mousy small girl who is shy and non sensual. She Hulk is a outgoing, charismatic, sexy being. And they can just say she didn't gain as much gamma radiation as Hulk and even then it awoke primal characteristics of Jen.

And yeah, she would be a good supporting char in IH2. With her one liners would help break up the smash of the Hulk.


It would be so awesome to see a Jessica Jones, Pulse or whatever show that's essentially a man on the street show that exists in the same universe as the films. ABC could get crazy ratings with something like Jessica reporting on Iron Man doing something in which they get RDJ to guest star. Every 6 or so episodes we get guest staring roles from Thor, Captain America etc. It wouldn't need to be serialized or anything. Just a Law and Order type show about reporters in this crazy universe.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not

She can play Jennifer Walters but not she-hulk, i dont think theres any actress right now who can play She-Hulk.

She-Hulk is like 6'5 at her shortest so seriously no actress out right now is ready for this shit.
Mostly CGI she-hulk is pretty much the only way to get this done.....even if we got Jessica Biel to bulk up, she would not have the height to be She-Hulk.

She can play Jennifer Walters but not she-hulk, i dont think theres any actress right now who can play She-Hulk.

She-Hulk is like 6'5 at her shortest so seriously no actress out right now is ready for this shit.
Mostly CGI she-hulk is pretty much the only way to get this done.....even if we got Jessica Biel to bulk up, she would not have the height to be She-Hulk.

Prosthetics > CGI
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