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Marvel Cinematic Universe |OT| Discussion on released and future projects (spoilers)


steals Justin Bieber DVDs

Gina Carano would make a good She Hulk. She has the perfect combination of brawn and sexiness.
I was just thinking about how by the time Avengers 3 is out, I'll probably have to have a rack dedicated solely to MCU blu-rays... I wonder how Marvel is going to deal with possibly oversaturating the public with Marvel comic stuff? Direct-to-video? TV shows? Animated tie ins and graphic novels? A lot of those kind of ruin the point of the cinematic universe, but on the other hand they would help alleviate the problem of having to introduce so many characters before they can make any appearance in the Avengers or other cameos at all.


The actress for She-Hulk, should she ever happen in the MCU, really doesn't need to be that muscular. They are just going to CGI/mocap her anyways just like they do with Hulk. There is no way they are just going to use prosthetics and makeup...especially if she has to play next to Hulk who is absolutely CGIed/mocaped. It would just look goofy and inconsistent. The actress should look the part so that she can be motion capped well but her muscle mass is irrelevant due to CGI. I think Angie Harmon would honestly be fine.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
The actress for She-Hulk, should she ever happen in the MCU, really doesn't need to be that muscular. They are just going to CGI/mocap her anyways just like they do with Hulk. There is no way they are just going to use prosthetics and makeup...especially if she has to play next to Hulk who is absolutely CGIed/mocaped. It would just look goofy and inconsistent. The actress should look the part so that she can be motion capped well but her muscle mass is irrelevant due to CGI. I think Angie Harmon would honestly be fine.

I agree with this post entirely.
I dont think Prosthetics can make a 5'9 woman look 6'5 - 7'0 we have to remember that she can and must look like she can, throw down with base level hulk.....simply having muscle mass wouldnt be enough Height + Muscle mass + Sexiness = She-Hulk, red she-hulk just adds sluttiness even though She-Hulk is much more promiscuous


Just saw The Avengers for the second time with a friend, enjoyed it immensely. Wound up gushing to him about all the future MCU releases, since he marathoned the existing movies just days before.

Any thoughts on the new avatar? My Paint.Net skills are weak.
decided to dig into the C-level Marvel movies, and watching Fantastic Four. I have low standards I guess, cuz I'm enjoying it so far. I think comic book movies and parody movies are two genres where even the worst ones are guilty pleasures for me
I watched Not Another Teen Movie before this. Chris Evans <3


According to JoBlo, there is a new Marvel One-Shot on the Avengers Blu-ray titled "Item 47". I wonder what that is... maybe the Destroyer gun that Agent Coulson used in the movie?

Also, rumor is Ant-Man has indeed been greenlit, not sure how reliable that source is but I wouldn't be surprised if it were true with all the rumblings we've heard on that project lately.


decided to dig into the C-level Marvel movies, and watching Fantastic Four. I have low standards I guess, cuz I'm enjoying it so far. I think comic book movies and parody movies are two genres where even the worst ones are guilty pleasures for me
I watched Not Another Teen Movie before this. Chris Evans <3

I have an insane love for Not Another Teen Movie.


So GAF, chances of Adam Warlock in MCU?

If so, casting choices?


@ target

Anyhow choices to cast for Adam Warlock for me are anybody's guess. I really don't see anyone who both looks the part and who could play him right currently so its one of those characters I just hope if it gets done has an actor who surprises me by rising to the role unexpectedly. I really don't see him coming around soon though he'd likely show up for Avengers 2. I dunno...if I just go on looks maybe Chris Carmack? Doubt he could act well enough for the character though...

Also, what the hell Hollywood? Iron Man 3, Cap 2, Thor 2? You already hired a writer for Iron Fist and last I checked earlier this year Dr. Strange was your next intended target for theaters. Was he just being scouted for writers alongside Iron Fist? Geez man. So wanted to see these films with free reign on reality that had the opportunity to fight elder gods in them hit the screen in a few years. Looks like I might have to wait longer than I wanted for Iron Fist to fight a dragon on the silver screen barehanded.
Have they mentioned why War Machine wasn't in the Avengers at all?

Probably because he'd make Iron Man seem not quite as cool. Two people in big ass armors for the first movie is a bit too much. For the next one, assuming they only manage to include Ant Man, Wasp and whoever stars in the last mysterious movie, they will most likely include War Machine so the roster is notably bigger.


Have they mentioned why War Machine wasn't in the Avengers at all?

Story reason: he's part of the military.

Real reason: his presence would devalue Tony's in a way, and would also give him too much of a leg up in the group dynamic (i.e. Tony having a friend there would get in the way of the idea of having being separated and fighting each other).


Also, didn't the Pentagon refuse to work with Marvel on Avengers because it was too unbelievable, thus making War Machine harder to incorporate?


tagged by Blackace
Have they mentioned why War Machine wasn't in the Avengers at all?
Because they didn't need another gun. Might in the future, but the difference is Stark has brains and that's the whole reason they came to him.

Maybe if they need another gun int he future, he'll be there. I'd count on it by A3.

Also, didn't the Pentagon refuse to work with Marvel on Avengers because it was too unbelievable, thus making War Machine harder to incorporate?
This too.


This too.

It was SHIELD they had problems with:
“We couldn’t reconcile the unreality of this international organization and our place in it,” Phil Strub, the Defense Department’s Hollywood liaison, told Wired’s Danger Room blog. “To whom did S.H.I.E.L.D. answer? Did we work for S.H.I.E.L.D.? We hit that roadblock and decided we couldn’t do anything” with the film.



Still Alive
It's way cheesier.
Hawkeye isn't cheesy? Captain America isn't cheesy? IRON MAN isn't cheesy? They're all cheesy as fuck, but they handle them in a way where you get used to it.

It would go the Black Widow or Hulk route, being a sort of code name or something someone off handily says or something. We'd hear it said in the movie a total of twice, lol.. It's not that bad, though.
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