You say that like it's a good thing.
Anyways, I'm sure Shane Black is doing his thing; if he's not and the movie ends up suffering because of Marvel's stringent by-the-numbers design by committee garbage I'll be shouting it over a megaphone.
Spiderman, the Avengers stripped Hulk of founder status and gave it to Cap. Hulk has spent more issues fighting an Avengers team then being a member.Who has been a longer active member of the Avengers, Hulk or Spider Man?
Are there any intentions of an Iron Man 4 or is it supposed to end as a trilogy? Not counting Iron Man in the Avengers of course.
Didn't feige also say rdj is replaceable. ShudderThere is no trilogy. All Marvel properties are ongoing.
Didn't feige also say rdj is replaceable. Shudder
They're going to have to replace him at some point. He's going to be 50 by the time avengers 2 starts shooting and he's looking a little rough around the edges. I wish Downey could pull off the role forever but at some point you have to replace him with someone else.
I'm hoping will smith can take over the iron man role maybe Chris tucker can come out of retirement for the part.
Paltrow needs it more.I hope they go the Tron route and keep him looking young forever through cgi. By that time it'll have gotten 'easier', right?one can dream, :lol
So Iron Man 3 will have four villains. Mandarin in the background, providing Aldrich Killian with resources for his experiments, which result in Firepower and Coldblood.
Why would he make that when he has a man crush on Banner?If Iron Patriot is in it, I hope they show a glimpse of Hulkbuster armor.
Nope.gifSmells like a trainwreck in the making, same as Spider-Man 3.
Why would he make that when he has a man crush on Banner?
They're going to have to replace him at some point. He's going to be 50 by the time avengers 2 starts shooting and he's looking a little rough around the edges. I wish Downey could pull off the role forever but at some point you have to replace him with someone else.
I'm hoping will smith can take over the iron man role maybe Chris tucker can come out of retirement for the part.
They're going to have to replace him eventually if his salary keeps inflating.
Avengers 2? RDJ needs to be there for Avengers 3! Which would hit in... 2018-20? I'm sure he'll be more than capable by then.
Johnny Depp is nearing 50 and is still happy to play Cpt. Sparrow for another 2 movies. I imagine that's a much more physically intensive role.
I would need to see iron man uppercut patriot so hard the suit undoes itself and then cap jumps into the space and it reforms around himPeople who think Spider-Man 3's issue was that it had too many villains are completely missing the point on what went wrong.
SM3's problem wasn't that it had multiple villains, but that it had multiple villains where each had his own separate storyline; then the writers had to contrive a way to have all of these separate plots smashed together for the end. Nolan's Batman movies have multiple villains too, but it works there because the villains' stories all dovetail in and out of each other; Ra's and Scarecrow's stories are tied together, Joker and Dent's stories are tied together, etc.
Iron Man 3 has a lot of villains in it, but it's not like they're all main characters. Sounds like Guy Pearce is the primary antagonist, Mandarin is more in the background, with Iron Patriot and the others being just grunts.
I would need to see iron man uppercut patriot so hard the suit undoes itself and then cap jumps into the space and it reforms around him
My thoughts exactly.Hope they don't overdo it on the villain part and they mesh well. I'm one of the few people that didn't hate Spider-Man 3, but must agree the villains ended up being unfocused.
RDJr could be totally Christopher Leeing his movies because Iron Man is in a suit and usually CG. So the physicality can be done without actually having RDJr doing it.
Couldn't RDJ just die his hair black? Maybe it's me, but I've never really pictured Tony Stark as a young looking guy. RDJ could pull it of for quite awhile as long as he stayed in good shape.
They already have the out written.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Real Talk: When RDJ steps down they'll probably just do the same as Spidey and reboot the series.
Didn't feige also say rdj is replaceable. Shudder
Real Talk: When RDJ steps down they'll probably just do the same as Spidey and reboot the series.
They will just put another actor in it's place not even reboot it.
Real Talk: When RDJ steps down they'll probably just do the same as Spidey and reboot the series.
They can't really do this with the interconnected universe they've built, nor should they. With Spider-Man it works because it's a separate entity and even then lots of people don't like them rebooting the franchise but it'll probably still do well.
I forgot about this (despite posting in a thread about said shared universe). I wonder if this create problems though. Marvel and DC routinely reboot and relaunch their comic series to invite more fans who may be wary of engaging in a series that's mired in tons of continuity. It will be interesting to see if this applies to the movies as well.
It's fine unless they have a baby or something. Different dad or mom might seem odd if the other parent remainsThey can't really do this with the interconnected universe they've built, nor should they. With Spider-Man it works because it's a separate entity and even then lots of people don't like them rebooting the franchise but it'll probably still do well.
I forgot about this (despite posting in a thread about said shared universe). I wonder if this create problems though. Marvel and DC routinely reboot and relaunch their comic series to invite more fans who may be wary of engaging in a series that's mired in tons of continuity. It will be interesting to see if this applies to the movies as well.
not true. DC has rebooted their line several times- once VERY recently- but Marvel never has.
All of the Avengers/Xmen/Fantastic Four/Hulk etc comics for instance are canon going back to the 1960s. Even with Spider-man and "brand new day" specific events were written out of continuity, but spidey's origin and comics all the way up to his marriage in the 80s are still the same.
There ARE alternate lines (like the ultimate universe, or 2099 back in the day) but those are separate and distinct from the "main" marvel universe.
What exactly is retconning then? It's essentially a mini reboot to get things right. The most recent example being Spidey's Brand New Day.
What exactly is retconning then? It's essentially a mini reboot to get things right. The most recent example being Spidey's Brand New Day.
good lord I need this now. Looks like the tesseract briefcase.
not true. DC has rebooted their line several times- once VERY recently- but Marvel never has.
All of the Avengers/Xmen/Fantastic Four/Hulk etc comics for instance are canon going back to the 1960s. Even with Spider-man and "brand new day" specific events were written out of continuity, but spidey's origin and comics all the way up to his marriage in the 80s are still the same.
There ARE alternate lines (like the ultimate universe, or 2099 back in the day) but those are separate and distinct from the "main" marvel universe and not reboots.
I wonder how much that's going to cost... Blu-ray collection or no?
Limited Edition collection includes:
Marvels The Avengers (Blu-ray 3D and Blu-ray)
Captain America: The First Avenger (Blu-ray 3D and Blu-ray)
Thor (Blu-ray 3D and Blu-ray)
Iron Man 2 (Blu-ray)
The Incredible Hulk (Blu-ray)
Iron Man (Blu-ray)
Bonus Disc - The Phase One Archives (Blu-ray)
Collectible packaging with exclusive memorabilia from the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Marvel always owned the rights to those films.I wonder how Disney was able to get the rights to make the boxset, considering Paramount and Universal owns the rights to the earlier MCU films. Or does Marvel/Disney now own them?