That man oozes so much swag, it's intoxicating.
Of course he is dancing, he is banking like crazy with a character that does not require him acting.
That man oozes so much swag, it's intoxicating.
With all the money he made from The Avengers... He's practically Tony Stark now! lol
According to multiple knowledgeable sources, Iron Man/Tony Stark is set for a highflying payday of about $50 million once box-office bonuses and backend compensation are factored in.
That was cute Tony, but you don't got shit on my boy Justin Hammer. The moves he made before introducing those killer drones was the best part of Iron Man 2.
Im surprised we arent getting Rocket Raccoon voice actor suggestions from GAF yet
fuck it, I want motion capture. I want a hollywood actor playing a raccoon. Same with Groot.
High five, buddy. Sam Rockwell absolutely killed it in Iron Man 2. I hope he's coming back for IM3.
According to multiple knowledgeable sources, Iron Man/Tony Stark is set for a highflying payday of about $50 million once box-office bonuses and backend compensation are factored in.
Do we have any Iron Man 3 footage?
There's an opening scene where Tony Stark is in his lab, with a sign saying "Stark R&D Department." He's being filmed by his camera bot. And he's talking to the wall of old Iron Man suits. "Good afternoon ladies," he says to them. "Welcome to the birthing suite." He's about to welcome the arrival of their "bouncing badass baby brother." He asks Jarvis for seasonal music, and Jarvis puts the needle down on a record of hip hop Christmas music.
Standing around his many armors, Stark commands his JARVIS computer to being the test. Stark strikes a kung fu pose nothing. He taps his forearm, trying to get something inside to work, before striking the pose again. Suddenly, from across the room, the Iron Man glove comes flying on to his arm. This is the Extremis in its beginnings, a type of armor ripped straight from the comics that allows Stark to control his Iron Man suit...with his mind. After the glove flies on to his arm, he tells Jarvis to let it rip. Pieces of armor start flying on to his body, but it's all starts happening too quickly. Now the metal braces are zipping every which way, breaking Stark's lab and forcing him to dodge like he's got Spidey sense. Eventually, all the pieces assemble on his body, save for the face mask. Turned upside and soaring straight at him, Tony does a flip in the air, rips his glove jets and clips the final piece of armor on upside in the air. Tony Stark: always a showboat.
Then there's a funny scene where Tony is talking to Happy Hogan, his "former" head of security. Happy says he's quit, because people laugh at him when he says he's Iron Man's bodyguard. Plus Iron Man is busy off joining the Superfriends. Plus Happy Hogan's grandmother saw a big robot snake come out of the sky in Manhattan and jumped out the window. Tony says it's been taken care of.
The final big set piece was when a bunch of helicopters with rocket launchers come and destroy Tony's giant house, causing it to tumble into the sea. Tony gets into the Iron Man armor in time, but Pepper Potts is also caught in the disaster. And Tony watches all his spare Iron Man suits blowing up one by one. Tony is flung out into the water and carried down by the undertow. Over this, the voice of the Mandarin says, "Some people call me a terrorist. I consider myself a teacher. Lesson number one: Heroes. There is no such thing. As you cry out for mercy, you will be silenced."
In true Marvel fashion, the trailer had an end teaser of its own. Who is Ben Kingsley? He's none other than notorious Marvel villain The Mandarin. The leader of the Ten Rings terrorist group. He's got a crazy hairdo shaved in the back with a single ponytail. He's decked out in flowing robes and a ton of bling. Ten rings is right! Kingsley looks evil as hell, and he sits awaiting Stark's next move in a throne fit for Iron Man's ultimate villain.
Please. Please don't let Ant-Man be trapped in that shonky 60's to modern setup. Avengers 2 or probably 3 at Wright's rate with it needs some Pym. Such a core Avenger its not even funny the idea of him not being in the same era
Iron-Man 3 sounds fucking amazing. Marvel is killing it. Warner and DC must be super jealous.
Not sure how I feel about GotG. I think that's gonna be a hard sell to the general public. I suspect it could be Marvel's first flop for the MCU.
And no Hulk movie? What gives?
It's confirmed as in being in production. No date, no casting just the announcement that the movie is going to happen.Is Ant Man confirmed as happening? Or did they just show that guy's test footage?
It's confirmed as in being in production. No date, no casting just the announcement that the movie is going to happen.
Good. Then it can still be canceled.
Ant man, is that like a man that is also an ant?
Good. Then it can still be canceled.
I am sorry but, is this a serious question? I can't even tell.
Why so bitter?
Hamburglar, why are you hurting me like this? Why don't you BELIEVE?Good. Then it can still be canceled.
He's a mutant ant that can transform into a man.Ant man, is that like a man that is also an ant?
Fucking Comic Con, us guys who cant go are just fucked and ignored, this pisses me off so much.
So I guess GOTG was a big reason for why Rocket Raccoon was in UMvC3 huh?
Most of this footage is unfinished, so... just wait.
Wtf man, have a little faith. An Avengers franchise without Pym would be fucked up anyway, so it has to happen. I personally can't wait, I think they'll pull it off.Good. Then it can still be canceled.
Pym is a great character, that sadly people only remember one thing about.Wtf man, have a little faith. An Avengers franchise without Pym would be fucked up anyway, so it has to happen. I personally can't wait, I think they'll pull it off.