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Marvel Cinematic Universe |OT| Discussion on released and future projects (spoilers)

Nothing is more laughable than observing comic book fanboys drool over complete mediocrity, lol.

Honestly, how can anyone become excited over these films? They pump them out like it's lunch hour at Portillos....

- The color processing is always playing it safe
- The style is always uninspiring
- The direction in these films are completely run-of-the-mill
- The plots are all cookie-cutter; it's amazing to me it still garners peoples interest....

Most impressive of all is the fact people in Gaf seem extremely excited to embrace this shallow, dull, simple-minded, schlock.

Step up your expectations FanboyGaf

You have to look on the bright side:

Shane Black's Iron Man 3 & Edgar Wright's Ant-Man should be clever and inspired films.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Nothing is more laughable than observing comic book fanboys drool over complete mediocrity, lol.

Honestly, how can anyone become excited over these films? They pump them out like it's lunch hour at Portillos....

- The color processing is always playing it safe
- The style is always uninspiring
- The direction in these films are completely run-of-the-mill
- The plots are all cookie-cutter; it's amazing to me it still garners peoples interest....

Most impressive of all is the fact people in Gaf seem extremely excited to embrace this shallow, dull, simple-minded, schlock.

Step up your expectations FanboyGaf

Someone here is a film snob:

The 10 worst traits of the modern day movie snob

Picture the scene, then. A pub talk after a visit to see X-Men: First Class at the movies. General chunter, happy appreciation. And then the snob in the corner pipes up, declaring it "not a patch on Apocalypse Now". Or "lacking the style and panache of Carol Reed's The Third Man".

It's an attempt to shift the conversation onto a preachy plain, and it's usually accompanied by a mass rolling of eyebrows. Rightly so, too.


Nothing is more laughable than observing comic book fanboys drool over complete mediocrity, lol.

Honestly, how can anyone become excited over these films? They pump them out like it's lunch hour at Portillos....

- The color processing is always playing it safe
- The style is always uninspiring
- The direction in these films are completely run-of-the-mill
- The plots are all cookie-cutter; it's amazing to me it still garners peoples interest....

Most impressive of all is the fact people in Gaf seem extremely excited to embrace this shallow, dull, simple-minded, schlock.

Step up your expectations FanboyGaf

Seriously though, what's the deal with this newest batch of juniors? This guy isn't the first one I've seen like this.


Nothing is more laughable than observing comic book fanboys drool over complete mediocrity, lol.

Honestly, how can anyone become excited over these films? They pump them out like it's lunch hour at Portillos....

- The color processing is always playing it safe
- The style is always uninspiring
- The direction in these films are completely run-of-the-mill
- The plots are all cookie-cutter; it's amazing to me it still garners peoples interest....

Most impressive of all is the fact people in Gaf seem extremely excited to embrace this shallow, dull, simple-minded, schlock.

Step up your expectations FanboyGaf

Cause it's kinda cool to see a drawing come to life. It's like the dream of every 6 year old child ever, and most of us still have that child within us. So fuck off.

Seriously though, what's the deal with this newest batch of juniors? This guy isn't the first one I've seen like this.


A plague is upon us, they are just awful.

A plague is upon us, they are just awful.

One would think those hipster snobs would avoid a forum that is so mainstream as NeoGAF.


If you're not being a douchebag like he is, then you'll be perfectly fine. Even I made it past Junior!

Only thing worse then a film snob, is an audio/music snob.

Book snobs are rare in public, but they exist (and having been a book seller, I had to deal with them on a regular base), and they can be really exhausting.
But I agree, audio/music snobs are probably the worst of the worst.
Forum snobs too.

Really now, any snob is fucking awful.


See, Groot is one of the ones that seems pretty weak. According to wikipedia:

Can absorb wood to feed, to rebuild himself, and to enhance his strength. He can also control trees and is resistant to fire.
Genius Level Intellect

How many trees are there in space? Also every other character in the Marvel universe has genius level intellect as one of his abilities, either that or master tactician. Hopefully they'll release their run in an omnibus so I can read up on these guys. I don't feel like buying individual volumes.

99 cents comixology, just go read them. It's not something that can really be explained to people, its something that needs to be experienced. Groot is freaking powerful, I mean him and Rocket Raccoon and Cosmo stood toe to toe with The Imperial Guard and was freaking winning. And its not like the characters are just floating in space. I don't want to go into super detail and ruin shit for some people wanting to read the stories for the first time so I can only say read them and you will see.

Book snobs are rare in public, but they exist (and having been a book seller, I had to deal with them on a regular base), and they can be really exhausting.
But I agree, audio/music snobs are probably the worst of the worst.
Forum snobs too.

Really now, any snob is fucking awful.

We need to ratchet this up a notch. I'm a snob of snobs. How completely droll to snub and criticize fanboys. If he had any decency or self-control he would save his ire for less mediocre targets. It's so cliche and anyone can see the snobbery coming from a mile away tripping over all the plot holes along the way. Snub better people.
Cause it's kinda cool to see a drawing come to life. It's like the dream of every 6 year old child ever, and most of us still have that child within us. So fuck off.

His post history is a hoot. I can't tell if he's serious.

So many simplistic, impulsive, responses....sigh...

You all equate good story telling and popcorn flicks as something that must be either/or.

Mariolee, your avatar is the perfect example as a film trying to become something more than simple popcorn shlock. It still brings the thrills but also includes a mixology of creativity and idealism.

I'm just saying. After these last half a dozen Marvel films, you guys should be expecting more.

Become part of the Elite. Expect perfection or nothing at all.

Well, I like him.

Well... I'm excited for all the new Marvel movies. I don't really expect them to be high art, but I enjoyed all of the phase 1 movies. That's all I can ask for really when seeing a movie. I think Thor and Iron Man are my favorites of all of them since I'm on the topic.

And yes, bring on Rocket Raccoon.


Re: The Guardian's being underpowered...

They really aren't. Star-Lord is basically a normal dude but like Cap his role on the team is to lead, rally, and formulate strategy so he gets a bit of a pass. Almost all of the others are completely fine though. Gamora is some super assassin who can kill anything barring Thanos. Drax can basically be the Hulk if he wants...except totally in control. Groot can also basically be the Hulk if he wants. Mantis and Cosmo are both insanely powerful telepaths...Cosmo especially can break peoples brains if he desires. Adam Warlock is super OP magic fun time all the time. The team is serious business.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
So many simplistic, impulsive, responses....sigh...

You all equate good story telling and popcorn flicks as something that must be either/or.

Mariolee, your avatar is the perfect example as something trying to become something more than simple popcorn shlock. It still brings the thrills but also includes a mixology of creativity and idealism.

I'm just saying. After these last half a dozen Marvel films, you guys should be expecting more.

Become part of the Elite. Expect perfection or nothing at all.

The pretentiousness in this post is so thick you can cut it with a knife.


So many simplistic, impulsive, responses....sigh...

You all equate good story telling and popcorn flicks as something that must be either/or.

Mariolee, your avatar is the perfect example as something trying to become something more than simple popcorn shlock. It still brings the thrills but also includes a mixology of creativity and idealism.

I'm just saying. After these last half a dozen Marvel films, you guys should be expecting more.

Become part of the Elite. Expect perfection or nothing at all.


The thing is, I don't need perfection to make me happy, so why try to convince me otherwise?
99 cents comixology, just go read them. It's not something that can really be explained to people, its something that needs to be experienced. Groot is freaking powerful, I mean him and Rocket Raccoon and Cosmo stood toe to toe with The Imperial Guard and was freaking winning. And its not like the characters are just floating in space. I don't want to go into super detail and ruin shit for some people wanting to read the stories for the first time so I can only say read them and you will see.


Cosmo and Rocket are badass, too. Is Cosmo actually beink in the movie?

The thing is, I don't need perfection to make me happy, so why try to convince me otherwise?

Probably because everyone has a notion that their way is the right way, but I'm actually glad you posted this. I mean the guy's entitled to his opinion and all, but saying he's in some upper elite is a bit uncalled for I think.
Ontopic, what are the next films planned for MCU? IM3, T2, and CA2, what else?

Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Captain America 2, Ant-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy and I believe Avengers 2 are, iirc, all confirmed.

There's been rumors and talks about standalone movies for Hawkeye, Black Widow, Nick Fury and a sequel to Hulk, additionally to a Punisher reboot, as well as lesser-known Marvel properties, such as Dr. Strange, the Vision or Iron Fist.

I actually was sure Dr. Strange was gonna be released in 2013 (it even was on imdb!), but apparently that was just a really strong rumor.
Thanks you two.

Should be fun! Don't read the comics but I love the movies. :p

Are they for 2014, along with CA2?

IM3 and Thor 2 are slated for 2013, CA2 and GotG for 2014, Ant-Man and Avengers 2 don't have a release date yet, but I would assume they are gonna be in 2015.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Nothing is more laughable than observing comic book fanboys drool over complete mediocrity, lol.

Honestly, how can anyone become excited over these films? They pump them out like it's lunch hour at Portillos....

- The color processing is always playing it safe
- The style is always uninspiring
- The direction in these films are completely run-of-the-mill
- The plots are all cookie-cutter; it's amazing to me it still garners peoples interest....

Most impressive of all is the fact people in Gaf seem extremely excited to embrace this shallow, dull, simple-minded, schlock.

Step up your expectations FanboyGaf

Coming into threads and saying stuff like this is a good way to guarantee you'll make it past being a Junior Member :lol


Cosmo was not announced.


Right now they have only announced 5 members but they also said more announcements would occur in "the coming months" (though I also assume largely next year's comic-con and beyond). They haven't ruled out members beyond those 5 appearing...and in fact I'll be a bit disappointed if it is only those 5.

Cosmo is unnecessary in the grand scheme of things but he is a hilarious and awesome character so I hope he makes it in.
Oh, I didn't realize there was concept art. I quite like the look, but Star-Lord needs his hat!

Very interested to see who they cast as Drax and Gamora.

Nova cameo? I know he isn't a Guardian, but there will never be a Nova movie if this one doesn't do reasonably well. Probably an expensive costume to create just for the cameo, though.

Mantis? Or too much green?

I can see Phyla and Moondragon not making the cut. But they might want to up the female ratio.

Jack Flag and Major Victory the same.

Warlock? I guess it depends on whether he is plot important.


Oh, I didn't realize there was concept art. I quite like the look, but Star-Lord needs his hat!

Very interested to see who they cast as Drax and Gamora.

Nova cameo? I know he isn't a Guardian, but there will never be a Nova movie if this one doesn't do reasonably well. Probably an expensive costume to create just for the cameo, though.

Mantis? Or too much green?

I can see Phyla and Moondragon not making the cut. But they might want to up the female ratio.

Jack Flag and Major Victory the same.

Warlock? I guess it depends on whether he is plot important.

I completely agree with you on Nova. I think this movie will be a good interest gauge for him to get his own film (which I hope happens). Mantis should be a shoe-in imo. She's an extra female on the team and mostly "stays at the base" so it would be an easy casting for them to fill and an essential position. Cosmo is in the same position but he is much less likely (sadly).

I think Phyla and Moondragon will be sitting out just so they avoid having to bring up the lesbian stuff at all and possibly alienating part of their audience. Jack Flag is pretty useless (though funny) so he is probably out. They already said they won't do Major Victory. Adam Warlock though is always plot important to the GotG and should be there, especially with his Thanos relationship.

I think in addition to the 5 announced Adam Warlock and Mantis make the most sense as additions, with Bug and Cosmo as viable maybes. I don't expect to see any of the rest at all...but at 7-9 characters already it is more than enough.
I completely agree with you on Nova. I think this movie will be a good interest gauge for him to get his own film (which I hope happens). Mantis should be a shoe-in imo. She's an extra female on the team and mostly "stays at the base" so it would be an easy casting for them to fill and an essential position. Cosmo is in the same position but he is much less likely (sadly).

I think Phyla and Moondragon will be sitting out just so they avoid having to bring up the lesbian stuff at all and possibly alienating part of their audience. Jack Flag is pretty useless (though funny) so he is probably out. They already said they won't do Major Victory. Adam Warlock though is always plot important to the GotG and should be there, especially with his Thanos relationship.

I think in addition to the 5 announced Adam Warlock and Mantis make the most sense as additions, with Bug and Cosmo as viable maybes. I don't expect to see any of the rest at all...but at 7-9 characters already it is more than enough.

I forgot about Bug. Way too much green if Bug and Mantis.

I also kind of forgot that Green Lantern seriously bombed, and Nova basically started as a rip off of that character, so that doesn't bode well for him. That film had issues, though. Mostly not being good.

I don't really want to see earthbound Nova. Anihilation Nova is amazing, so Guardians should be a good test of cosmic type stuff.


I forgot about Bug. Way too much green if Bug and Mantis.

I also kind of forgot that Green Lantern seriously bombed, and Nova basically started as a rip off of that character, so that doesn't bode well for him. That film had issues, though. Mostly not being good.

I don't really want to see earthbound Nova. Anihilation Nova is amazing, so Guardians should be a good test of cosmic type stuff.

Definitely. Full man Nova, Richard Rider...ie the Annihilation Nova or "Nova Prime" is the only Nova worth having a film and he should have a film. Earthbound Nova would be ass.

I want a film adaptation of Annihilation so hard.
I forgot about Bug. Way too much green if Bug and Mantis.

Don't forget Drax and Gamora, who also have green skin. ;)

I also kind of forgot that Green Lantern seriously bombed, and Nova basically started as a rip off of that character, so that doesn't bode well for him. That film had issues, though. Mostly not being good.

Yeah... I wouldn't compare a possible Nova movie with Green Lantern. That was just a mediocre movie.

I don't really want to see earthbound Nova. Anihilation Nova is amazing, so Guardians should be a good test of cosmic type stuff.

Well, Earth-based Nova is with the New Warriors, and I highly doubt they're gonna do the New Warriors cause, let's be honest, they kinda suck.

With that said, I really would LOVE to see a MCU interpretation of the Skrulls and Annihilus.


I think as far as box office is concerned, it's a fair comparison.

"The next chapter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe" = you are instantly wrong. We also don't know cast or director yet, which could both heavily impact it. Green Lantern also had terrible trailers (granted, due to there not being great stuff to pull from) and terrible CG that turned people off beforehand. They also had a completely unmarketable villain...unlike the GotG villain which will presumably be the one that was just teased at the end of the 3rd biggest movie of all time.
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