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Marvel Cinematic Universe |OT| Discussion on released and future projects (spoilers)

GL was just a bad movie all around:

Story was crap
CGI was crap
Chose the wrong lantern for Reynolds to play

Just crap. Crap.

Nova could do so much better. Also RR is awesome.


Green Lantern did open with over 50 million. And that was with all the negative hype surrounding it.

Then it had zero legs because it sucked.

I don't see how it's comparable to Nova or GotG. If anything, the fact that it somehow opened to over 50mill is a good sign for those movies.
I think as far as box office is concerned, it's a fair comparison.

Not really.

Green Lantern already sells better due to being a much better known property than Nova. BUT. If they set up Nova in the coming film(s), then it might do better. Nevertheless, this is all hypothetical and I don't think there's any real value in speculation - especially not since this is a "could be"-scenario one on side in comparison to a movie that has a completely different background on the other side.
I just don't think that the situations are anywhere near comparable.

Green Lantern did open with over 50 million. And that was with all the negative hype surrounding it.

Well of course. Next to Batman and Superman, Green Lantern is probably the third-biggest DC franchise.


Well of course. Next to Batman and Superman, Green Lantern is probably the third-biggest DC franchise.

I'd put Wonder Woman, for sure, and Flash above him.

And it's not like being well known makes you a cinch for a big opening. I think Green Lantern's opening shows that America will embrace a cosmic film, especially if it's good.

Overseas might be more of a challenge. They're a notoriously tough sell for science fiction based films.
I'd put Wonder Woman, for sure, and Flash above him.

While DC likes to present Wonder Woman as a big franchise, I don't think it is the third-biggest. I'm not an expert on DC, though, but after Batman and Superman things get a bit fuzzy anyway.

And it's not like being well known makes you a cinch for a big opening. I think Green Lantern's opening shows that America will embrace a cosmic film, especially if it's good.

Of course. Superheroes and sci-fi mix well together. But I still think that the name has much more to do with it; Green Lantern is basically a household name, but noone knows who the fuck Nova or the GotG are. If it was a Silver Surfer, things would be comparable, but the rest of cosmic Marvel is a tiny franchise in comparison (which is a damn shame because it has been consistently great).

Overseas might be more of a challenge. They're a notoriously tough sell for science fiction based films.

Superhero movies generally do worse over here in Europe because many comics haven't made it over here. Dr. Strange never got translated ever, for instance (I know that cause I actually like to read Dr. Strange and have to import all the shit from the US), and only the really big names like Spider-Man or X-Men got translations. Disney comics are the only exception to this.

The UK is the only "bastion" of the American comic industry in Europe, but in continental Europe, the continental comics (mostly of Franco-Belgian origin, like Asterix) usually outsold and outsell American comics (sans Disney, as said).

Most people know the characters from the TV shows and movies rather than the actual comic books. And the wave of Marvel and Batman movies lately actually brought something good - a renewed interest into superhero comics, which makes me happy.
"The next chapter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe" = you are instantly wrong. We also don't know cast or director yet, which could both heavily impact it. Green Lantern also had terrible trailers (granted, due to there not being great stuff to pull from) and terrible CG that turned people off beforehand. They also had a completely unmarketable villain...unlike the GotG villain which will presumably be the one that was just teased at the end of the 3rd biggest movie of all time.

Talking about a solo Nova movie, not GotG. I do think the Avengers will be very helpful in marketing the lesser known properties, but not having any of its cast members isn't going to help matters. You can only do so much with the Marvel tag. I know several people who saw the Avengers without seeing the five movies that came before it, so I don't think that's a foolproof marketing plan.

GL was just a bad movie all around:

Story was crap
CGI was crap
Chose the wrong lantern for Reynolds to play

Just crap. Crap.

Nova could do so much better. Also RR is awesome.

Yeah, Green Lantern was terrible. I don't think that's up for debate.

Green Lantern did open with over 50 million. And that was with all the negative hype surrounding it.

Then it had zero legs because it sucked.

I don't see how it's comparable to Nova or GotG. If anything, the fact that it somehow opened to over 50mill is a good sign for those movies.

Neither of those properties is nearly as recognizable as Green Lantern is from the public viewpoint. And with Green Lantern being as poorly received it was, similar concepts might not fare as well among the public. It's obviously impossible to tell, but I think they're both hard sells. I just looked at comments on AMC Theaters Facebook post about all the new MCU announced and many of the comments are completely clueless about GotG, and even Ant-Man.

I'm all for a Nova movie. I'd love one. I'm most excited about seeing what GotG brings us, because it's such a departure from Phase 1 of the MCU.
Neither of those properties is nearly as recognizable as Green Lantern is from the public viewpoint. And with Green Lantern being as poorly received it was, similar concepts might not fare as well among the public. It's obviously impossible to tell, but I think they're both hard sells. I just looked at comments on AMC Theaters Facebook post about all the new MCU announced and many of the comments are completely clueless about GotG, and even Ant-Man.

Of course they're gonna be hard sells - they ARE lesser known Marvel properties, after all. But I think the quality of Marvel movies since Marvel Studios started up its MCU have gone up significantly. If the worst movie is Iron Man 2 or The Incredible Hulk, which both at least were decent flicks, and Marvel tries to keep that standard, I think it will aid Marvel in exposing their stuff much more in the long run and making many more of their properties widely known. Especially if Ant-Man or GotG turn out to be high-quality films like Avengers or Iron Man (which is hands down my favorite Marvel movie still).

Even films that weren't directly done by Marvel Studios have gone up in quality - X-Men First Class and Amazing Spider-Man were both really good movies, and AS-M is much better than the Spider-Man trilogy by Raimi. The black sheep is Wolverine, but that movie already was in production before Iron Man kicked off the MCU. Hell, even the cartoons actually are pretty good. (Also, yes, I'm leaving out Ghost Rider: SoV, because I haven't seen it,but from what I heard it too is much better than the original GR.)

So I think that, if Marvel keeps on putting out higher quality and actually tries to keep the quality bar higher up even on things they don't produce themselves, we'll see many more decent to amazing comic book movies. It might also inspire DC to get off their asses and start selling their franchises better than just showing off that there's a new Batman movie (cause really, that's all they care about nowadays).
Of course they're gonna be hard sells - they ARE lesser known Marvel properties, after all. But I think the quality of Marvel movies since Marvel Studios started up its MCU have gone up significantly. If the worst movie is Iron Man 2 or The Incredible Hulk, which both at least were decent flicks, and Marvel tries to keep that standard, I think it will aid Marvel in exposing their stuff much more in the long run. Especially if Ant-Man or GotG turn out to be high-quality films like Avengers or Iron Man (which is hands down my favorite movie still).

Even films that weren't directly done by Marvel Studios have gone up in quality - X-Men First Class and Amazing Spider-Man were both really good movies, and AS-M is much better than the Spider-Man trilogy by Raimi. The black sheep is Wolverine, but that movie already was in production before Iron Man kicked off the MCU. Hell, even the cartoons actually are pretty good. (Also, yes, I'm leaving out Ghost Rider: SoV, because I haven't seen it,but from what I heard it too is much better than the original GR.)

Hey, we're on the same page here. I'm all for the lesser known properties getting their due; I'm simply pointing out that box office returns are a big question, and Green Lantern isn't a bad starting point (based upon the concept, not the movie itself). I'm extremely excited for the next slate of the MCU films. I think Feige and company really know what they're doing with the properties, and it's fair to expect more Avengers-level movies.

Side note, but Ghost Rider was unbearably bad. It wasn't any better than the first one.
Side note, but Ghost Rider was unbearably bad. It wasn't any better than the first one.

lmao, looking forward to getting the DVD then (which comes out next month over here). I have a thing for Nic Cage movies. If he's about as much Nic Cage as he was in the original one, I'm perfectly fine with it!


Talking about a solo Nova movie, not GotG. I do think the Avengers will be very helpful in marketing the lesser known properties, but not having any of its cast members isn't going to help matters. You can only do so much with the Marvel tag. I know several people who saw the Avengers without seeing the five movies that came before it, so I don't think that's a foolproof marketing plan.

Not having any of the cast members from Avengers hasn't stopped every other successful science fiction film from being successful. Even if they don't get the general viewers of the other MCU films (though I think they will) they can still market the film as simply being a new sci-fi epic.

Neither of those properties is nearly as recognizable as Green Lantern is from the public viewpoint. And with Green Lantern being as poorly received it was, similar concepts might not fare as well among the public. It's obviously impossible to tell, but I think they're both hard sells. I just looked at comments on AMC Theaters Facebook post about all the new MCU announced and many of the comments are completely clueless about GotG, and even Ant-Man.

The thing is GotG and Nova are both very barely similar to Green Lantern in concept. They are essentially completely different. The similarity stops at Nova and GL both being "space cops".

Let's just simplify this and break it down for a second. The GL movie was very much about a human from Earth getting super space powers and mildly interacting with a few weird looking aliens. He then returns to earth and has to protect earth from an ultimately not that threatening (and completely unmarketable) villain. This keeps it familiar and the stakes small. People are emotionally invested because "Earth is threatened"...or at least that is the logic. That is wholly small scale and different from GotG and/or Nova though.

The two marvel properties in discussion here both, on the other hand, deal with much larger interstellar threats. The settings are more fantastical and Earth is just a small piece of the much larger Universe. Aliens of all shapes and sizes are everywhere, some are allies and some are enemies. The villains are more threatening to the all encompassing universe, including Earth...and not "Earth first" in an attempt to get people to care more. The fact is that isn't really how people think. Star Wars didn't have Earth at all for example and billions of people were in love with that. I think GotG/Nova has the same amount of charm, and potential (at least as far as characters and story go).

People are only clueless about GotG and Ant-Man right now because their marketing and hype machines haven't started. By time their movies are coming out everyone will know roughly what they are...just like all the other MCU films.

Hey, we're on the same page here. I'm all for the lesser known properties getting their due; I'm simply pointing out that box office returns are a big question, and Green Lantern isn't a bad starting point (based upon the concept, not the movie itself).

One more difference that really makes those two franchise non-comparable. Green Lanterns are boring space cops, Hal Jordan (or the other human ones) are just part of the organization. Nova Corps are boring space cops...but they all die and the remaining one has to live with being the last one. It instantly creates a much more compelling character that has a lot more to deal with.


Come on, now. Green Lantern is cool too. Lets not downsize one for the other.
Besides, Hal is pretty funny in Justice League.


he is talking to
green arrow
by the way. Not Aquaman like some people like to assume. Aquaman proved he is awesome in an earlier issue.


Come on, now. Green Lantern is cool too. Lets not downsize one for the other.
Besides, Hal is pretty funny in Justice League.


he is talking to
green arrow
by the way. Not Aquaman like some people like to assume. Aquaman proved he is awesome in an earlier issue.

I like the Green Lanterns as well but I think Marvel just did the same base concept in a much better and interesting way. The GL's can always help eachother out and there is never really a feeling of them being alone. Sure there is only one per quadrant but they frequently go elsewhere and help eachother to deal with threats bigger than one quadrant. With Nova (Richard Rider) being the only one left he can't do that. He has to bring justice to the entire universe...alone, which is obviously impossible. It is a lot more taxing on him as an individual and makes him a stronger and deeper character.


RE: Aquaman


Yeeeeah, no.
>posts a gif from the justice friends, potentially one of the campiest super hero cartoons ever in the hopes of proving a point about the show's most poorly represented character

remember the time Batman carried bat-shark repellant? You know, just in case? Or how about his bat credit card to go with his bat nipples?

I like the Green Lanterns as well but I think Marvel just did the same base concept in a much better and interesting way. The GL's can always help eachother out and there is never really a feeling of them being alone. Sure there is only one per quadrant but they frequently go elsewhere and help eachother to deal with threats bigger than one quadrant. With Nova (Richard Rider) being the only one left he can't do that. He has to bring justice to the entire universe...alone, which is obviously impossible. It is a lot more taxing on him as an individual and makes him a stronger and deeper character.

You do have a strong point there. Also, what is this deal with this new nova that showed up around the time of avx? Do we know anything about this guy yet?


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
>posts a gif from the justice friends, potentially one of the campiest super hero cartoons ever in the hopes of proving a point about the show's most poorly represented character

remember the time Batman carried bat-shark repellant? You know, just in case? Or how about his bat credit card to go with his bat nipples?

You do have a strong point there. Also, what is this deal with this new nova that showed up around the time of avx? Do we know anything about this guy yet?

sam alexander. a creation of jeph loeb, and if his tv appearances are anything to go by, one annoying individual.


Bad times? Hey the Batusi was hip and awesome.
So is using flying fish as a sled, but y'all still coming at my mans!

Aquaman has a bigger mountain to climb. Time will tell if Johns attempts to make " White Fish" relevant again will work.
I'd say it's working so far. Every time people get to talking about the new 52, Aquaman comes up as one of the better books. Anecdotal evidence, but even some of my friends have come to like the character. Of course, knowing how Johns works, he's going to need a couple years and some big ass event before it really sinks in. Plus, there's the fact that "Aquaman is useless!" is basically a meme, and we all know how much people hate letting memes die. :p

Also, I wish Wonder Woman had someone like Johns championing her at DC. "The Trinity" is such bullshit. :(


Collider has an extensive interview with Louis D' Esposito, Marvel Co presisdent. Towards the end he talks about looking deeper into the Marvel bench after the current spate of IM, Cap and Thor Movies.


Let's hope they are looking at Iron Fist and Black Panther for all his GAF fans.

He strongly hints in that interview that Ant-Man could be a third 2014 film, which would be great.

You do have a strong point there. Also, what is this deal with this new nova that showed up around the time of avx? Do we know anything about this guy yet?

The new Nova is stupid and makes no sense for exactly the reason that right now Richard Rider should be the only Nova. He's a little kid created by Jeph Loeb and even named after his son...with no explanation how or why he exists. It's an abomination imo and ruins the Nova premise. Hopefully Marvel comes to their senses soon and reinstates Richard Rider as the one true Nova (cause he is).


So is using flying fish as a sled, but y'all still coming at my mans!

I'd say it's working so far. Every time people get to talking about the new 52, Aquaman comes up as one of the better books. Anecdotal evidence, but even some of my friends have come to like the character. Of course, knowing how Johns works, he's going to need a couple years and some big ass event before it really sinks in. Plus, there's the fact that "Aquaman is useless!" is basically a meme, and we all know how much people hate letting memes die. :p

Also, I wish Wonder Woman had someone like Johns championing her at DC. "The Trinity" is such bullshit. :(
Oh man the Aquaman book is so freaking good right now. It is easily one of the best in the new 52 line up.

He strongly hints in that interview that Ant-Man could be a third 2014 film, which would be great.

The new Nova is stupid and makes no sense for exactly the reason that right now Richard Rider should be the only Nova. He's a little kid created by Jeph Loeb and even named after his son...with no explanation how or why he exists. It's an abomination imo and ruins the Nova premise. Hopefully Marvel comes to their senses soon and reinstates Richard Rider as the one true Nova (cause he is).

sam alexander. a creation of jeph loeb, and if his tv appearances are anything to go by, one annoying individual.
Wait the nova in ult spider-man and the new nova that showed up in the comics are the SAME FREAKING GUY!?

If I could kill a man with my mind...


Wait the nova in ult spider-man and the new nova that showed up in the comics are the SAME FREAKING GUY!?

If I could kill a man with my mind...

Yeah, everything they are doing with "Nova" now is Sam Alexander instead of Richard Rider. It makes me extremely aggravated since Nova is finally being pushed into a bigger spotlight and it isn't even the right one...it's this new kid that sucks.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Sam Alexander is Nova now guys. I know it hurts, but you're going to have to accept it.

if there was some annoying dude named sam that was bp, you would be livid too.(id be on fire)

one upside to sam is that he isnt nova prime. so theres still hope for richs return

Caja 117

I'm just saying. After these last half a dozen Marvel films, you guys should be expecting more.

Become part of the Elite. Expect perfection or nothing at all.

This is so funny, I mean, i suppose you belong to this so called elite, right? Yeah, oooook. I like al these movies because they take me out of the day to day problem with a fantastic dose of fantasy, I dont need my comic movies to be uptight or perfect, as long as they continue with the quality we have seen so far, Im happy about it.

To be honest I think you just hate the fact that all these Marvel movies are doing good, while the stories you want from whatever media you like are not getting produced as movies. Stop trolling this thread, You give Juniors a bad reputation.


Yeah, everything they are doing with "Nova" now is Sam Alexander instead of Richard Rider. It makes me extremely aggravated since Nova is finally being pushed into a bigger spotlight and it isn't even the right one...it's this new kid that sucks.

At least it is Rider is Umvc3....He even talks about Speedball and everything...
Calling it; Thanos will be the GotG villain, and the marketing will be heavily based around him.

Seems like the best way in; seeing the guy behind Loki in The Avengers. Throw in some Rocket Raccoon marketing for the kiddies, and you're set.


if there was some annoying dude named sam that was bp, you would be livid too.(id be on fire)

one upside to sam is that he isnt nova prime. so theres still hope for richs return

At least it is Rider is Umvc3....He even talks about Speedball and everything...

Yeah these two things give me hope. I am going to be super pissed if Sam shows up in a movie over Richard. I really wouldn't even be bothered by Sam that much if he was merely a spin-off...but he is replacing THE Nova. It's just uncalled for and angering.

If it means that a dead comic book character actually stays dead for once, I'm all for it. Bad enough that Star-Lord is back. :/

They never actually died though, they were just trapped. If Star-Lord got out of it (they better explain that though) then it only makes sense that Nova got out of it at the same time.


No. Never. Imagine if they replaced Batman with a little kid and Bruce Wayne suddenly disappeared. It's awful and wrong.
Isn't that kind of what happened before the Reboot? Dick was batman for a while.
if there was some annoying dude named sam that was bp, you would be livid too.(id be on fire)

one upside to sam is that he isnt nova prime. so theres still hope for richs return
What about Ta'chala's sister? Isn't she being bp right now? Or is she just running the country? I am afraid I don't follow BP as much as I probably should.
If it means that a dead comic book character actually stays dead for once, I'm all for it. Bad enough that Star-Lord is back. :/
Mar-vell has done a great job staying dead.


Isn't that kind of what happened before the Reboot? Dick was batman for a while.

The difference with Dick is he has been an established Batman character forever and was actually a sidekick to Wayne. While he took up the mantle for a while he also handed it back over to Wayne. Wayne will always be THE Batman, one of the other bat family members temporarily wearing the cape and cowl doesn't really bug me though. If some kid from out of nowhere started doing it, it would be completely different. Also in Nova's case it isn't a matter of simply wearing the costume and calling yourself Nova...you need to actually be given Nova force and currently it makes no sense for Sam to have any as Richard should be in possession of all of it.
They never actually died though, they were just trapped. If Star-Lord got out of it (they better explain that though) then it only makes sense that Nova got out of it at the same time.

They won't explain it. Count on it. Although yes, I can see how they'd get around matters, but still.

Mar-vell has done a great job staying dead.

Well there's exceptions, of course.
One more difference that really makes those two franchise non-comparable. Green Lanterns are boring space cops, Hal Jordan (or the other human ones) are just part of the organization. Nova Corps are boring space cops...but they all die and the remaining one has to live with being the last one. It instantly creates a much more compelling character that has a lot more to deal with.

Well, but Nova is actually much older than the Annihilation events. Additionally, they didn't even set up the Negative Zone and Annihilus yet. I mean, they could make Annihilus not be from the Negative Zone, because as long as Fox makes a new Fantastic Four movie (which they are planning to do), the license remains with them. Though, after X-Men First Class and Amazing Spider-Man, I wouldn't mind a FF movie of similar quality.

I guess that's also the reason why we won't see Galactus/Silver Surfer, because those are so closely tied to the FF it would be an outrage for comic fans everywhere if they were introduced by any other franchise but the FF.

Man, I kinda wish Marvel Studios and Fox would work together to create the MCU.

Mar-vell has done a great job staying dead.

Wasn't Mar-Vell recently revived?

yeah something like that

Whoa whoa whoa. When did space lizards get into DC? Tell me more!

The difference with Dick is he has been an established Batman character forever and was actually a sidekick to Wayne. While he took up the mantle for a while he also handed it back over to Wayne. Wayne will always be THE Batman, one of the other bat family members temporarily wearing the cape and cowl doesn't really bug me though. If some kid from out of nowhere started doing it, it would be completely different. Also in Nova's case it isn't a matter of simply wearing the costume and calling yourself Nova...you need to actually be given Nova force and currently it makes no sense for Sam to have any as Richard should be in possession of all of it.

Well, honestly, the same thing happens to Captain America in the MU. Steve Rogers has put down the shield oftentimes, and others have picked it up, like Bucky or John Walker (who would afterwards become US Agent). But iirc, he always picked it back up again.

Throw in some Rocket Raccoon marketing for the kiddies, and you're set.

The thing is, though, Rocket Raccoon is everything but "for the kiddies".


If it means that a dead comic book character actually stays dead for once, I'm all for it. Bad enough that Star-Lord is back. :/
Well, considering they already brought back
Star Lord
I'm sure Dick Rider isn't far behind.

if there was some annoying dude named sam that was bp, you would be livid too.(id be on fire)
I don't know. Lucky for me, my favorite heroes tend to get replaced by awesome folk (Kasper Cole, Ben Reily, Donna Troy, etc.)

Sam does suck though.

Whoa whoa whoa. When did space lizards get into DC? Tell me more!
They're Para Demons. Darkseid's troops.

What about Ta'chala's sister? Isn't she being bp right now? Or is she just running the country? I am afraid I don't follow BP as much as I probably should.
His sister has the official title of "Black Panther" and is ruler of Wakanda, but Marvel and the characters in the universe pretty much still treat T'Challa as BP.


Well, but Nova is actually much older than the Annihilation events. Additionally, they didn't even set up the Negative Zone and Annihilus yet. I mean, they could make Annihilus not be from the Negative Zone, because as long as Fox makes a new Fantastic Four movie (which they are planning to do), the license remains with them. Though, after X-Men First Class and Amazing Spider-Man, I wouldn't mind a FF movie of similar quality.

I guess that's also the reason why we won't see Galactus/Silver Surfer, because those are so closely tied to the FF it would be an outrage for comic fans everywhere if they were introduced by any other franchise but the FF.

Man, I kinda wish Marvel Studios and Fox would work together to create the MCU.

Annihilus was not part of the Fantastic Four license agreement. Marvel Studios can still use him if they wanted. And yeah, when I am talking about how awesome Nova is I mean the Annihilation onwards (ie, Modern) Nova. Richard Rider before that was pretty lame too, the point is the fixed him and made him amazing.

Right now we have gone from this:

To This:



Come on, now. Green Lantern is cool too. Lets not downsize one for the other.
Besides, Hal is pretty funny in Justice League.


he is talking to
green arrow
by the way. Not Aquaman like some people like to assume. Aquaman proved he is awesome in an earlier issue.

So good. Green Lantern's easily my favourite in The New 52 Justice League purely for the humour.


Well, but Nova is actually much older than the Annihilation events. Additionally, they didn't even set up the Negative Zone and Annihilus yet. I mean, they could make Annihilus not be from the Negative Zone, because as long as Fox makes a new Fantastic Four movie (which they are planning to do), the license remains with them. Though, after X-Men First Class and Amazing Spider-Man, I wouldn't mind a FF movie of similar quality.

I guess that's also the reason why we won't see Galactus/Silver Surfer, because those are so closely tied to the FF it would be an outrage for comic fans everywhere if they were introduced by any other franchise but the FF.

Man, I kinda wish Marvel Studios and Fox would work together to create the MCU.

Wasn't Mar-Vell recently revived?

Whoa whoa whoa. When did space lizards get into DC? Tell me more!

the phoenix force did some shit but it didn't last so I am not sure if that counts

They are actually a species called Parademons. Shock troops from Apokolips who keep order for Darkseid, who is the villain the Justice League comes together for the first time to fight in the new 52.
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