I think GotG's Adam Warlock would be good for Viggo
I agree with you actually, this could be what he is being looked at for. I could honestly see him working pretty easily as many Marvel villains.
I think GotG's Adam Warlock would be good for Viggo
I think GotG's Adam Warlock would be good for Viggo
His voice is so soft...I don't know. I think he'd be a better Strange.
I'm not aware of that his voice is soft. (Obviously, it's huge hint that I'm deaf)
Give him a nice little goatee and I'd agree.
I think GotG's Adam Warlock would be good for Viggo
How is that latest Venom book anyway? Good?
- Marvel has a Black Panther Script like Latino Review claimed but it hasn't gotten a greenlight because they don't know if the character can draw enough of an audience for his own film.
As excited as I am about GOTG movie, it's kinda sad that a movie like that is seen as a safer bet than an african superhero. I mean are the Guardians really that much more popular/recognisable than Black Panther?
In terms of current mainstream recognition they are probably close to the same in that they both aren't all that recognizable by the average person. This definitely, and unfortunately, feels like Hollywood shying away from making a film with a black lead once again. Guardians of the Galaxy is a fantastic concept though and does have wide appeal (it's a space epic like Star Wars) so I can understand why they would want to turn it into a movie. In a better world we could have both films. Maybe in time we'll get the Black Panther film anyways, Hollywood's typical casual racism does get a bit old.
That would be incredible. They probably have a lot more pull now after Avengers, which might be why they'd opt for Viggo over Joel. Good choice imo.Another website is speculating Dr. Strange in Thor 2 and that Viggo Mortensen would play him:
Also interesting is that Marvel Studios initially wanted Joel Edgerton to play Strange.
How is that latest Venom book anyway? Good?
The numbers will lead you....9876541
Avengers Issue 54 And Deliver Us From The Masters Of Evil! released 7/1968
In July, 1968, the Avengers #54 was published and was by coincidence the first appearance of Ultron
April, June, and August 1975. The release dates of the first few issues of the Universal Church of Truth arc in Strange Tales.
This is seeming increasingly awesome.New from the twitter account, he posted:
It seems a few others figured it out as he positively responded to these three things:
The way I am reading this is Ultron is definitely going to have a presence soon in the MCU. The Masters of Evil -may- have a presence (the positive response to the first quote may just be referring to Avengers #54, which as the second quote points out is where Ultron is introduced). Also, the third thing would seem to indicate that the Universal Church of Truth will be involved in the films...which makes total sense as they were antagonists for the Guardians of the Galaxy in multiple stories. With the possibility of Adam Magus we may actually be seeing the final story Abnett and Lanning wanted to do for GotG but had to cut, rewrite, and compact into Annihilators: Earthfall instead.
New from the twitter account, he posted:
It seems a few others figured it out as he positively responded to these three things:
The way I am reading this is Ultron is definitely going to have a presence soon in the MCU. The Masters of Evil -may- have a presence (the positive response to the first quote may just be referring to Avengers #54, which as the second quote points out is where Ultron is introduced). Also, the third thing would seem to indicate that the Universal Church of Truth will be involved in the films...which makes total sense as they were antagonists for the Guardians of the Galaxy in multiple stories. With the possibility of Adam Magus we may actually be seeing the final story Abnett and Lanning wanted to do for GotG but had to cut, rewrite, and compact into Annihilators: Earthfall instead.
WHOO HOO! Best news!
DOUBLE WHOO HOO! Now get Fillion as Starlord. I know it is cliche to ask for him in these movies, but Starlord is actually a great fit for him.
This is actually the one time where nerds asking for Nathan Fillion would be pretty appropriate.
The best news here is Marvel still has that top tier decision making in them.
Thank you based Feige.
In terms of current mainstream recognition they are probably close to the same in that they both aren't all that recognizable by the average person. This definitely, and unfortunately, feels like Hollywood shying away from making a film with a black lead once again.
In terms of current mainstream recognition they are probably close to the same in that they both aren't all that recognizable by the average person. This definitely, and unfortunately, feels like Hollywood shying away from making a film with a black lead once again. Guardians of the Galaxy is a fantastic concept though and does have wide appeal (it's a space epic like Star Wars) so I can understand why they would want to turn it into a movie. In a better world we could have both films. Maybe in time we'll get the Black Panther film anyways, Hollywood's typical casual racism does get a bit old.
New photos from Thor: The Dark World:
so Dark World is coming before Ironman3 i guess
I wish the next Thor took place on Earth just in a regular context. My favorite parts of the movie were with him on Earth interacting with humans, whereas the scenes in Asgard with Odin, Loki, and Idris Elba's just felt so ridiculous.
iirc, the biggest hurdle Marvel has faced in making Black Panther has less to do with race and more to do with making Wakanda. It's not something they can shoot on stages and it's not a place that automatically lends itself well to location shooting either.
Scenes involving Dr. Strange? Holy shit, this is news to me. Good news. Any idea who might be playing him?
Scroll up?
New photos from Thor: The Dark World:
More Thor 2 pics, this time with the man himself:
What? How is it "not something they can shoot on stages" nor a place that lends itself well to location shooting? No place is impossible to put on film.