He is what Batman could be when he grows up.Would somebody please explain this love affair GAF has with BP?
He is what Batman could be when he grows up.Would somebody please explain this love affair GAF has with BP?
Snap.He is what Batman could be when he grows up.
Don't do this, Slay.He is what Batman could be when he grows up.
He is what Batman could be when he grows up.
He is what Batman could be when he grows up.
He is what Batman could be when he grows up.
And more money.with parents.
with parents.
So Marvel is completing the Black Panther purge eh
Ant Man, Black Panther, and Ms. Marvel are all rumored to join later in the series.
He is what Batman could be when he grows up.
Why would BP lower himself to that level?BP fans wish he could be in Batman's league.
Renner is taking a break from acting for a couple years.
The JLA is going to tank hard.And yet Batman will be in the JLA movie, while BP continues riding the pine.
Does this mean we could have seen him in Ironman 3, Thor2, or probably Captain America 2?
Surely he will be back for the Avengers 2 in 2015??
The JLA is going to tank hard.
It could be good.The JLA is going to tank hard.
lower ?
It could be good.
(I want to believe. I just want Wonder Woman and Aquaman on film, and this is my only chance. Cause lord knows they ain't getting their own movies.)
BP managed to protect an entire country from an alien invasion.
Bats can barely protect one city from a clown.
I'm not saying....but I'm saying...
We can play this dumb game of one upping with story plots or power set comparision games (like a previous thread) all day.
Suggesting that BP is anywhere near the level of Batman in terms of cultural significance is laughable. To me B P doesn't hold a candle to Batman in term of story and as a character.
I find Bat-God ridiculous but BP fans on gaf going on about his supposed greatness are also nauseating. It doesn't help I have never liked a BP comic run.
Yeah I am not a fan.
edit : I should have stated "in terms of relevance" in my initial post on this page.
And I hope some writer comes along and changes my feelings on Tchalla.
Man, why'd you have to go and be all serious about it? lol
No one was talking about cultural relevance. Some of us like the character more. It's all jokes. Lighten up.
What I'm wondering is how DC can put out such amazing animated movies, and suck massive donkeyballs when it comes to live action, while Marvel is exactly the opposite.
What I'm wondering is how DC can put out such amazing animated movies, and suck massive donkeyballs when it comes to live action, while Marvel is exactly the opposite.
cause I feel BP needs a boost. i hope someone comes along and writes a run that changes my mind.
DC makes good Batman movies (for the most part). Superman 1 was fun, and Man of Steel looks good thus far. No idea what the hell else is going on over there though.What I'm wondering is how DC can put out such amazing animated movies, and suck massive donkeyballs when it comes to live action, while Marvel is exactly the opposite.
Fox have said that they want to build a cohesive universe and Id personally like this to work in complement to the Marvel one. It would be cool if these universes didnt contradict each other so if you went to see Spidey, The Avengers, the X-Men, etc, as a viewer you would have no idea that all three are coming from different studios. Id love to make it look like theyre all just happening in one place.
I dont think its something anyone would want to rush into. Following that Marvel model, we want to establish things first. If you had a Fantastic Four relaunch, and Wolverine and the X-Men were in it, I think it would distract you from the Fantastic Four. You can make people aware that theyre existing in the same universe without making it a big crossover movie but it would be an injustice to the Fantastic Four not to make their first movie all about them.
You know what might lead to him getting that boost?
Him being in a movie. :3
Iron Fist deserves a movie before BP
Kinda forgot to post this here at first, but there's an interesting article I read over on Screenrant which mentioned an interview Mark Millar did with SFX
Also, since I didn't see a topic for this or mentioned here, it seems like they're doing a CG film with Iron Man and Hulk that's loosely based off their Avengers Bro-mance.
Heroes for Hire would be chill. Then we get IF and Luke Cage.
DC makes good Batman movies (for the most part). Superman 1 was fun, and Man of Steel looks good thus far. No idea what the hell else is going on over there though.
DC has always come across, at least to me, like they have some sort of complex that makes it impossible for them to embrace what works about their heroes. All the years of being told their heroes aren't interesting enough got to them, and now they're too gun shy about putting them in movies. Of course, I'm probably thinking too hard about it.
And yet Batman will be in the JLA movie
I hope he's in it for something like 5mn, then :
After filming a “big battle sequence” in the Highlands of Iceland last week, Marvel’s Thor: The Dark World production crew have returned to the U.K. in London, now taking over the Old Naval College at Greenwich. And a filming notice was distributed a few weeks ago alerting locals that principal photography would take place on the campus, the Thames at high tide, camera boats, and aerial shots from a helicopter.
While it's well-known that Midgard (Earth) will be explored once again, the aforementioned filming notice had also revealed that “London will be showcased in a major way,” meaning that England's capital city will appear in the otherworldly sequel as itself, rather than doubling for another location. And now, new scene details have surfaced from today's shoot seemingly showcasing just how “major” the scenes involving London will be.
Spoiler Alert: although no stars were in sight, multiple extras from today’s shoot report that there were over 14 takes for a sequence that involved a bunch Londoners “running for their lives...from ‘invisible’ spaceships.” In addition, there was another filming unit for The Dark World spotted near Greenwich prepping a scene that involves a London Bus crashing into taxis. And it has been said that this very sequence will bring in explosions later this week.
lmao what the hell is that from?
More info on Thor: The Dark World:
More info on Thor: The Dark World:
Would somebody please explain this love affair GAF has with BP?
Eh, I happen to think Andrew Garfield would fit into the MCU pretty great.
I do not get it at all, he has good moments here and there but I do not understand the hard on that Gaf has for him.
I especially do not see it being a commercially viable option, as it would either come off to the average movie goer as a black Batman rip off or they would try and go into Wakanda and the history of the character and it would come off as cheesy.
It is something that GAF wants but I do not think that they have thought through.
Black using computers > raccoon with guns and alien norse gods on the "unrealistic" scale.Not even Hollywood magic can pull off a First World African nation.
Black using computers > raccoon with guns and alien norse gods on the "unrealistic" scale.
Not even Hollywood magic can pull off a First World African nation.
As I've said before, it's not a question of building Wakanda, it's a question of being able to sell Wakanda to audiences.
They should do a Marvel Knights film line. Low budget films featuring characters that don't need super duper effects. Sleepwalker, Moon Knight, Black Panther, Heroes for Hire, etc. They can do them for 25 mil a pop and make a profit.