Shame I already got all the Phase One Blu Rays already...Pics from the updated Phase 1 boxset:
when is the Marvel collection coming out? Did it get pushed back to 2013?
Spring 2013 I think.
Some fantastic candidates Marvel is looking at for Peter Quill. Anyone would be great, but I'd love to see Lee Pace. Others include Jim Sturgess, Joel Edgerton, and Jack Huston.
Some fantastic candidates Marvel is looking at for Peter Quill. Anyone would be great, but I'd love to see Lee Pace. Others include Jim Sturgess, Joel Edgerton, and Jack Huston.
Pics from the updated Phase 1 boxset:
Actually, get Morgan Freeman to voice Groot. That also matters, because it would be great.
I always envisioned Groot as a bit more brusque sounding than Morgan Freeman. I cant think of whom would fit, but Freeman definitely is not how I hear him in my mind.
I always envisioned Groot as a bit more brusque sounding than Morgan Freeman. I cant think of whom would fit, but Freeman definitely is not how I hear him in my mind.
I always envisioned Groot as a bit more brusque sounding than Morgan Freeman. I cant think of whom would fit, but Freeman definitely is not how I hear him in my mind.
So I was perusing through Roger Wardell's twitter and I love to sound like a broken record so does anyone have a link to how many of these rumors he's gotten right?
In the preview, a voice-over is heard with the oath of the God of Thunder as the new supreme ruler. We see a clash between Thor and the enemy army, in a world that is neither Asgard let alone the Earth. We see Chris Hemsworth wielding his hammer and Tom Hiddleston as Loki first wounded without a helmet, with long, loose hair and then imprisoned; his anger increasingly desperate and irrational. Then there's a scene later in which he is free again, but still furious.
Against the backdrop of a forest, in the middle of a clearing, among the dust, we in fact face off anthropomorphic creatures, but also a big "gorilla" krosan tusker: a rather alien fauna varies so, although not extreme in size (there are also some envoys/ambassadors of a people mysterious, with oval face and black eyes, elongated and sunken)
The rest of the images show glimpses of Asgard, with Anthony Hopkins as Odin and Natalie Portman in clothes that seem more like a princess; an Asgardian princess. In between, there are images of an epic battle on horseback, who seems to have left an epic cloak-and-dagger. The threat to the Asgardians is certainly a new alien race pale (now identified as the dark elves).
A black spaceship shaped irregularly looks like a serious threat to Asgard. More sequences show Natalie Portman then alongside Thor lying on the ground, probably overwhelmed in a clash.
Eh, Zachary Levi in Guardians of the Galaxy? I'm not quite sure how he got to the top 5 as he also stars in Thor.
Eh, Zachary Levi in Guardians of the Galaxy? I'm not quite sure how he got to the top 5 as he also stars in Thor.
Hoping this is bullshit. Meh on Sturgess and while Levi's okay, he's already Fandral.
Original article:Eh, Zachary Levi in Guardians of the Galaxy? I'm not quite sure how he got to the top 5 as he also stars in Thor.
Original article:
Ugh, Levi and Sturgess are fine but Lee Pace or Joel Edgerton would have been god-tier. I'm curious to hear about the mystery third name in the running.
Loki's been press-ganged into service for Thor? Or of his own volition? Or with the Dark Elves?
I fully expect that Loki will manage to redeem himself in MCU over next few movies [probably by Thor 3]. It happened in comics.
Deadline said:EXCLUSIVE: The derby to land the lead role of Peter Quill in Guardians Of The Galaxy has gotten even more interesting. Marvel Studios has added Joseph Gordon-Levitt to the list of actors they are considering for what is seen as its next major franchise launch.