Hot Coldman
Cobie Smulders is reprising here role in winter soldier and the abc show. OMWTFBBQ. So great.
got a link or anything
Cobie Smulders is reprising here role in winter soldier and the abc show. OMWTFBBQ. So great.
I wonder who they would use as the villain for Dr Strange.
Isaiah, a former cardinal, was the Pope's choice for successor, but the College of Cardinals disagreed. Wandering into the Vatican's library to spend an entire week reading its large collection of black magic books, he left the Church to study with mystical masters the world over, plotting to slay them in the name of the Lord. Isaiah despised the arcane arts but nonetheless learned all he could about them to fight fire with fire. He eventually sought out the current Sorcerer Supreme, "whose death God decreed!" Alas, Stephen Strange's refusal to die coupled with his very existence (not to mention the return of a wayward left eye -- long story) has fueled Curwen's hatred no end.
its gonna be dormammu
With the money they make from the Iron Man franchise they'd be too chicken shit to do that too.They won't do it but I think they should kill Tony Stark off at the end of Avengers 2. Give him the Han Solo moment Lucas was too chicken shit to do
Well Surtur isn't the go-to Thor villain, Loki is. Meanwhile Dorm is kinda the most well-known of Strange's villains, right?
got a link or anything
Reddit seems to have nuked the link. She gave an interview saying she will be playing every role maria hill is in until they fire her or they hire someone else. She said she is committed to the role.
Sometime during the interview, Craig Kyle informed Empire that Thor: The Dark World will pick-up one year after The Avengers events, and two years after the first Thor film. And at the sequel's start, we'll find Asgard battered by war and The Nine Realms beset “by rag-tag invaders known as The Maraunders,” who were pictured on the Bourne Wood set. And it's during this time that ancient Asgardian enemies the Dark Elves, led by Malekith and “wreathed in Gigeresque body armour,” return and wreak devastating revenge. Meanwhile, Thor, “now a full-time general,” will have some explaining to do when he finally reconnects with his Midgardian love interest, Jane Foster.
wreathed in Gigeresque body armour,
It's all in how you do it. There's tons of angles they could take (romantic comedy with Wasp, adventure movie in some sub-atomic universe, etc.) that would make the concept more appealing to the general movie going crowd.Ridiculous?
You misunderstand me, if anything I'm saying it may be a far less appealing and interesting concept than GG to the movie go-er crowd that these Marvel Movies rely on.
by rag-tag invaders known as The Maraunders,
Latino Review is spilling the beans on Iron Man 3's ending:
According to sources, at the end of Iron Man 3, Tony actually does go up into space to hook up with the Guardians of The Galaxy where I also hear he appears at the end of that movie as well.
It does kinda tie into Iron Man's predicament at the end of the Avengers.
Um, Malekith is the leader of the Dark Elves in the Warhammer Fantasy universe...
Potential Spoilers for the Iron Man 3 post-credits sequence:
For those who don't want to click the link, it basically implies that.Iron Man will fly into space in the post credits sequence...which implies he will be in Guardians of the Galaxy (ugh)
Also, new poster for the film:
I really like this poster.
Asides from the strange expression.
Potential Spoilers for the Iron Man 3 post-credits sequence:
For those who don't want to click the link, it basically implies that.Iron Man will fly into space in the post credits sequence...which implies he will be in Guardians of the Galaxy (ugh)
Also, new poster for the film:
I'm pretty sure Iron Man has been a member of the Guardians before. I doubt that he will be a major role in the upcoming film though besides meeting up and or asking for advice.
LOL Why would anybody assume Robert Downey Jr. is going to star in GOTG? It's probably just going to be a teaser for the movie, nothing more. They'll probably cross paths in the post credits sequence of IM3 to let you know another movie is coming and that's it. GOTG will still be it's own thing.
I'm sure glad people are so subtle that they can completely defeat the point of spoiler bars in their subsequent analysis.
Also, new poster for the film:
Not a super huge comic guy.
But how has Power Pack not even been rumored as a film, or cartoon, or terrible sitcom?
It just seems tailor made for an audience slightly youunger than the typical aciton movie audience, while still fitting comfortably in the world Marvel has built.
I thought the Iron Man 3 post-credits scene was supposed to be Ant-Man related? Or was that just speculation?
That was what I was hoping the end credits would be.
It might be withAnt-Man not being until Phase III, maybe they decided to save that type of teaser when it would be more effective.
Leaving Ant-Man for Phase III is a huge mistake IMO.It might be withAnt-Man not being until Phase III, maybe they decided to save that type of teaser when it would be more effective.
Well, they need a hook to get people interested in seeing Guardians. Iron Man is one hell of a hook.
I do hope they don't put him on the actual team in the movie, but they're going to need to interact with The Avengers eventually. Using Iron Man to introduce GotG makes plenty of sense considering he's the flagship character of the movieverse.
Potential Spoilers for the Iron Man 3 post-credits sequence:
I figured they'd introduce Nova in GotG and have him be the link between the two teams. Ideally, I'd just like the Guardians to show up in Avengers 2, because that would be fucking amazing. :lol
Leaving Ant-Man for Phase III is a huge mistake IMO.