Exactly.Romantic relationships often don't work out in real life, either. Nobody wants to sit through a movie dedicated to their breakup.
Exactly.Romantic relationships often don't work out in real life, either. Nobody wants to sit through a movie dedicated to their breakup.
Why? She's the most memorable thing about that movie.
Why? She's the most memorable thing about that movie.
Except for two very big things
Why? She's the most memorable thing about that movie.
I sexualise men and women equallyexpected a darcy gif
Romantic relationships often don't work out in real life, either. Nobody wants to sit through a movie dedicated to their breakup.
See:Why? She's the most memorable thing about that movie.
I can't remember a single scene with her tbh. Loki doing his impersonation of Captain America, Hemsworth being Hemsworth, and Darcy being Darcy is all I remember from that movie.
The only thing I remember about the movie is Jane Foster finding the tesserect and being transported there. And the portal fighting in the city and in space. She is what is most clear to me in my head. And then I remember Loki disguising himself as Cap America but that's it. I remember nothing of Darcy.
I don't remember anything from Darcy at all. Maybe cause she is a bad character, unlike Jane Foster. I dunno, I just don't remember that mew mew scene either. Now I want to rewatch The Dark World.Darcy says mew mew. That's it, but that scene alone is more full of life than the ones with Portman.
I don't remember anything from Darcy at all. Maybe cause she is a bad character, unlike Jane Foster. I dunno, I just don't remember that mew mew scene either. Now I want to rewatch The Dark World.
The intern subplot with Darcy was incredibly unnecessary in TDW. Part of me wonders what Alan Taylor had envisioned for the movie before it got butchered and rearranged on the cutting room floor but then again, Taylor's track record is terrible.
Malekeith died in the editing room.
The intern subplot with Darcy was incredibly unnecessary in TDW. Part of me wonders what Alan Taylor had envisioned for the movie before it got butchered and rearranged on the cutting room floor but then again, Taylor's track record is terrible.
Having looked up the list of deleted scenes, I can see where Taylor got annoyed. There's a few alternate takes/versions of some scenes that seem to aim a bit darker and a bit more character development for Malekith and Odin (emphasis on the bit), whereas the film we've got skews very heavy on the comedy (and includes a post-credits scene which he didn't direct). That said, it's hardly a great pile of alternate material.
I think the problem is less the choices of the director and more the fact that, as with Age of Ultron (and to a lesser extent Iron Man 3), Feige's struggles with the other producers affect the quality of the film. One of the biggest issues throughout phase 2 was the fact that some of the producers clearly thought phase 2 should be "more of the same" whilst under Feige the films were aiming, at least ostensibly, to subvert the audience's expectations (sometimes overtly in the text, like Iron Man 3 or Ant-Man, sometimes more subtly, like Winter Soldier). There's remnants of that in Thor 2 but the end result is probably the "safest" film in the MCU.
What would Patty Jenkins' Thor 2 have looked like, I wonder? My suspicion is that she wanted to stick to the fantasy stuff and Marvel wanted to dial up the comedy like they did with Taylor. A real missed opportunity there.
What's better.
Thor 2 or bvs?
Thor 2 or suicide squad?
I actually don't like this. Especially since they pushed their love for each other over several movies now to suddenly end it like that.
Doesn't bug me as much as Bruce banner and Betty Ross though. Like wtf. They just act like it didn't happen?
It's dead. Let it go.
In other news:
I separated Broadcast from Streaming, added the official temporary logo for The Punisher and added Runaways. If the separation looks not good let me know.
Eh, its more that Bruce would turn into the Hulk. Natascha just cant have kids."Veronica" is a call back to that.
Although the reason why they couldn't bang is another thread, last I checked that wasnt one of BWs powers.
Having looked up the list of deleted scenes, I can see where Taylor got annoyed. There's a few alternate takes/versions of some scenes that seem to aim a bit darker and a bit more character development for Malekith and Odin (emphasis on the bit), whereas the film we've got skews very heavy on the comedy (and includes a post-credits scene which he didn't direct). That said, it's hardly a great pile of alternate material.
I think the problem is less the choices of the director and more the fact that, as with Age of Ultron (and to a lesser extent Iron Man 3), Feige's struggles with the other producers affect the quality of the film. One of the biggest issues throughout phase 2 was the fact that some of the producers clearly thought phase 2 should be "more of the same" whilst under Feige the films were aiming, at least ostensibly, to subvert the audience's expectations (sometimes overtly in the text, like Iron Man 3 or Ant-Man, sometimes more subtly, like Winter Soldier). There's remnants of that in Thor 2 but the end result is probably the "safest" film in the MCU.
What would Patty Jenkins' Thor 2 have looked like, I wonder? My suspicion is that she wanted to stick to the fantasy stuff and Marvel wanted to dial up the comedy like they did with Taylor. A real missed opportunity there.
What's better.
Thor 2 or bvs?
Thor 2 or suicide squad?
In other news:
I separated Broadcast from Streaming, added the official temporary logo for The Punisher and added Runaways. If the separation looks not good let me know.
In other news:
I separated Broadcast from Streaming, added the official temporary logo for The Punisher and added Runaways. If the separation looks not good let me know.
Holy Shit, I just noticed/realized that we are getting three MCU movies next year.
I haven't seen Suicide Squad yet, but I feel extremely safe in saying that of that group, Thor 2 reigns supreme.
TDW easily. It's not a great movie but at least it's competent, if occasionally boring.
Holy Shit, I just noticed/realized that we are getting three MCU movies next year.
Guardians, Thor and Spider-Man?
If they made Squirrel Girl a musical I'd be ok with it.
If they made Squirrel Girl a musical I'd be ok with it.
Any idea what the time frame is on Civil War's digital release?
Lol it's not like either thread answers will be surprising.I should ask this same question on the DC thread lol
The Phantom of the Opera but with Doctor Doom.
I shall call it... The Doctor of the Universe.