I can't wait to see this, but I really can't wait to own it and go through it frame by frame.
Wonder how many 3d tvs this film is going to sell...
I can't wait to see this, but I really can't wait to own it and go through it frame by frame.
Beck's 'Soul of a Man.'Did anyone figure out the name of the song at the start of the Doctor Strange preview?
Thanks, manBeck's 'Soul of a Man.'
I wanna see him talk to Eternity.
Q: How much restrictions (or not) did Marvel give you and is it true Dan Harmon was involved in the reshoots?
A: They weren't restrictive at all. They were collaborative and supportive. Yes, Dan did some script analysis and dialogue work during post, but not enough to receive credit. I think he's a genius - there are several episodes of Community that I think are the best episodes of tv comedy ever.
Q: What do you think will be people's biggest takeaway from Doctor Strange besides the incredible visuals?
A: There are some meaningful ideas and themes in this movie. If I could just state them simply, there would be no need to make the movie.
Q: What would you say makes Dr. Strange stand out from other MCU movies? I always struggle getting people to watch the new properties (i.e. Guardians, Ant-Man), so what do you think is most compelling about Dr. Strange as a character?
A: His journey is poignant and unique. He moves from a selfish materialistic skeptic to a selfless mystic. It's quite a journey. And the set pieces are very unique - not like other blockbuster movies. I tried to make the kind of event movie I'm longing to see - something with some depth and visual originality.
.Q: What other films were your biggest influences for Doctor Strange?
A: The Stan Lee/Steve Ditko comics, and The Oath and Into Shamballa.
And I listened to a shit ton of 60s psychedelic music while writing the script. I think that had a huge influence actually.
One of my other pet peeves is this. This has been going on for 30 years now, but the personal growth required for every major American film from a studio just makes you want to kill yourself. It might have been tolerable when it was a soap opera drama, but now it’s infected all these genres where it doesn’t belong — science fiction movies, fantasy movies. Captain America has to have a moment of personal growth or it’s no good. I don’t know where they get the idea that anybody wants to see this but they cannot shake it. It’s incredible. I want to see Captain America throw his shield and hit people, and maybe get in trouble and get out of it somehow. I’m not interested in his emotional progression. And I don’t think anybody is. But they keep putting it on and on and on.
They're literally one neighborhood (Upper West Side) apart from each other. Same city, same island.Didn't realize how close Luke and Matthew are in proximity to each other...according to Google - Hell's Kitchen is only 5.9 miles from Harlem.
“As always, I’ll only talk about the movies, and we always said what was great about the studio and Disney is that at no point did anybody say, ‘Churn out another one! Three a year! Keep ’em coming!’ They always said, ‘Two is fine unless something comes up.’ And the things that come up is when we have something that is essentially good to go. And instead of actively holding back a movie, we said, ‘No, let’s do it.’ The studio is built. We have an amazing team that are sort of firing on all cylinders. We were able to do three and the three next year: ‘Spidey’ is done, ‘Thor: [Ragnarök]’ finishes in two weeks in Australia, and then that’s all in the can for next year. And then next year ‘Panther’ starts in January and ‘Infinity War’ starts in January at the same time. ‘Ant-Man [and the Wasp]’ almost overlapping. ‘Panther’ will be done by then.”
– Kevin Feige
Ragnarok finishes filming in 2 weeks, probably will be some extra pick-up shots like Homecoming but yeah more or less done.
That last part, Ant-Man 2 will begin when Black Panther is nearly done? Or are all three starting production around Jan-Feb?
Good.Its really magic for Doctor Strange
We had a science advisor on the movie. This guy named Adam Frank, hes one of the science spokesmen for NPR. A personal friend of mine, a really amazing guy, and there was talk about rooting some of the ideas in science, and I ended up really moving away from that because I think magic should be magic. And they did that in Thor. There was a lot of rooting the fantastical elements of Asgard in Thor in the scientific, and I liked that. But magic is another thing. What makes magic feel magical is the mystery. So, I think there is something about the Doctor Strange comics and I think is true about the movie is that it is rooted in mysticism and possibilities that science is pointing out to us like the multiverse, but it transcends religion and science. Its its own thing. Its its own unique, multi-dimensional, mystical realm, and that makes the magic feel magical. It makes the real world feel magical when youre watching sorcerers walk around New York City. Its great. I think there is certainly a respect for science, but magic is the magic in Doctor Strange.'
Scott Derrickson
I don't think so. It's incredibly evident that he has this self-sustaining passion for Marvel comics and as long as there are intriguing stories to tell, he's gonna help enable them to be told. As long as Disney respects Feige's vision, he's going to be just all right.Feige has never shown signs of burn out but I wonder if it's just a matter of time.
Thank fuck, they got a science person for Iron Fist and Ant-Man and that kinda ruined how they did Ant-Man with the whole "Need mask to breathe" shit as well as giving Wasp a helmet.
As for Iron Fist, he got his powers by punching a dragon, SCIENCE CAN GO FUCK OFF.
Feige has never shown signs of burn out but I wonder if it's just a matter of time.
I think Quick is posting the OT when we're near the UK release and spoiler thread probably around that time too.So when can we expect those sparkling new Doctor Strange threads?
I think Quick is posting the OT when we're near the UK release and spoiler thread probably around that time too.
Wonder how many 3d tvs this film is going to sell...
Just checked, supposedly Samsung dropped 3D from their recent TVs.none because they're not sold anymore*
*not quite true, but we're getting there.
I think Quick is posting the OT when we're near the UK release and spoiler thread probably around that time too.
Sounds ace! Cheers Quick.
Just an idea, but maybe we should make a comprehensive timeline for all of the MCU movies & shows for the OP.
Just an idea, but maybe we should make a comprehensive timeline for all of the MCU movies & shows for the OP.
Actually, Guardians Vol. 2 takes place a few months after Vol. 1 (how many months, I'm not sure).yo you're speaking my language homecat
This is a broad view of the MCU timeline vis a vis when each show or movie takes place; it doesn't get as granular as The MCU Timeline Site does. If someone wants to pretty this up into a TIF it'll be all ready for the OP:
1941 through 1945 Captain America: TFA
May 1946 Agent Carter Season 1
July 1947 Agent Carter Season 2
May through October 2010 Iron Man
Late April through mid-May 2011 Iron Man 2, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer, Thor, Incredible Hulk, The Consultant
May 2012 The Avengers, Item 47
December 2012 Iron Man 3
February 2013 All Hail the King
September 2013 Agents of SHIELD Season 1 begins, Thor: TDW
October 2013 Captain America: TWS
November 2013 Agents of SHIELD Season 1 ends
Late May through June 2014 Agents of SHIELD Season 2 begins through episode 5
August 2014 Guardians of the Galaxy, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
August to September 2014 Daredevil Season 1
September 2014 Agents of SHIELD Season 2 episode 6 onward
January to March 2015 Jessica Jones Season 1
May 2015 Avengers: AoU, Agents of SHIELD Season 2 ends
July 2015 Daredevil Season 2 begins through episode 6
July to October 2015 Ant-Man
October through November 2015 Agents of SHIELD Season 3 begins through episode 10
November to December 2015 Daredevil Season 2 episodes 7 through 13, Luke Cage Season 1
January through April 2016 Agents of SHIELD Season 3 episodes 11 through 19
April 2016 Captain America: Civil War, Agents of SHIELD Season 3 episodes 20 through 22
September 2016 Agents of SHIELD Season 4 begins
November 2016? Doctor Strange
May 2017? Agents of SHIELD Season 4 ends
Actually, Guardians Vol. 2 takes place a few months after Vol. 1 (how many months, I'm not sure).
Edit: sorry for the dp
Director Kenneth Lonergan thinks it's ridiculous that Captain America needs "personal growth" in the MCU movies.
Honestly this comes across as a complement.
I used to have a timeline that someone else created in the OP but I got rid of it in the last OP revision. The films are all pretty much chronological at this point (or off in their own part of the Universe like Guardians) so it's only Phase 1 that actually has some odd placement stuff going on.
"Iron Man, man. Legendary billionaire playboy."I wonder how they're going to top Spider-Man for the Infinity War trailer.
"...you might have heard of me. I'm Tony Stark. Some people call me Iron Man."
Star Lord: "...who?"
We agreed that we were done doing Production Thread but there was a Thor Thread immediatly after, so I am not sureAre we planning on starting up an Infinity War production thread sometime?
ONE AVENGER DIES IN THIS!I wonder how they're going to top Spider-Man for the Infinity War trailer.
"...you might have heard of me. I'm Tony Stark. Some people call me Iron Man."
Star Lord: "...who?"
It should go without saying that this post contains major spoilers for Doctor Strange specifically the mid- and post-credits scenes from the Sorcerer Supremes big debut. In addition to introducing new mystical elements (and threats), Doctor Strange establishes some very interesting connections to the MCU and teases events to come. If youre curious about what the future might hold and cant wait until November 4, we have the full details on the mid and post-credits scenes from Marvels latest.
Mid-Credits Scene
By the end of the film, Benedict Cumberbatchs Strange has made it his mission to rid our world of mystical threats which includes a certain mischievous Asgardian. Strange invites Thor to his Sanctum Sanctorum to get the lowdown on Loki, but Thor says he needs his troublemaking brothers help to find Odin. As youll recall, Loki had disguised himself as Odin and usurped his adoptive fathers throne at the end of Thor: The Dark World, leaving the king of Asgards whereabouts unknown.
Strange agrees to help Thor locate Loki and Odin under one condition: Once found, they must leave Earth and return to Asgard for good. Thor accepts his offer, setting the stage for Ragnarok, which takes place almost entirely in the outer realms. (This also explains the leaked set photos of Thor and Loki in New York and those rumors of a Strange cameo.)
Post-Credits Scene
Theres an earlier scene in Doctor Strange where we meet a character played by Benjamin Bratt hes not a superhero, but he did use the mystical arts to heal his paralysis. In the post-credits scene, we see Baron Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor) return to Bratt, where he rips out and absorbs his mystical powers. There are too many sorcerers, he says. Mordo spends much of the film as Stranges ally and a devout student of The Ancient One (Tilda Swinton), but hes clearly furious that Strange was named Sorcerer Supreme. That envy and resentment leads Mordo to becoming evil in the films post-credits scene, but its unclear when well see him again could be a Doctor Strange sequel, or maybe hell align himself with other Marvel villains (Cate Blanchetts Hela, or Thanos, perhaps?) in another upcoming film.
I was glad they let people know that piece of shit duck was there, so I didn't have to waste my time staying to see it.
I was glad they let people know that piece of shit duck was there, so I didn't have to waste my time staying to see it.
Now Imagine how I felt when this was randomly spoiled here on GAF becaue this movie came out one month later in germanyStill so, so pissed off that a movie trivia site I was following on Twitter at the time tweeted "Did you know: Howard the Duck appears in the post-credits scene of Guardians of the Galaxy?", a day before the film came out.
That would have made for a great surprise.
Now Imagine how I felt when this was randomly spoiled here on GAF becaue this movie came out one month later in germany
"There's a reason we have publicly called the first one 'Infinity War' and the second one 'Untitled,' because the movies we were developing were not -- certainly there's a connection, there are with all our movies -- but it's not a first part and a second part," the Marvel boss explained to the site. "It's a whole movie and a whole story, and then a whole movie and a whole story. That's about all I can say. It's certainly inspired by everything that has come before and everything that is hinted at before."
Those comments are really intriguing, but there's a very good chance we won't know how different Avengers 4 really is until the title is revealed. As for how we can expect Infinity War to play out, he added: "We will be intercutting a lot of stories in that movie in a lot of different locales, as it sort of is in the Avengers movies as well; who is facing off against who. In this movie, it's going to be fun to mix that up. One of the things that's great about the Infinity Gauntlet is everybody tried to go up against Thanos whether they were god-like powers or not, because that's what Avengers do. The fun about those two movies that we're doing essentially at the same time is everybody's there."
And does that "everybody" include the TV characters as well, like the Defenders? All Feige would say: "Spoilers!"