Strange does have the Time Gem on access. He could easily send Scott and Hope back to the sixties to save Janet.
I'd prefer the stone used on Quicksilver if we are just bringing people back.
Strange does have the Time Gem on access. He could easily send Scott and Hope back to the sixties to save Janet.
Strange is the first Comic film i've seen where the hero trolls the villain into submission.
I can't wait till Spidey 3, where Spidey saves the day from the scourge of edgy teens on 6chan through the power of Kappa and ironically used memes.The hero to represent our times.
Spidey just gonna troll everyone, heroes included. And it will be glorious.I can't wait till Spidey 3, where Spidey saves the day from the scourge of edgy teens on 6chan through the power of Kappa and ironically used memes.
I want Peter to troll Tony so hard in Homecoming.Spidey just gonna troll everyone, heroes included. And it will be glorious.
He could use it for a lot of things, but probably won't.Strange does have the Time Gem on access. He could easily send Scott and Hope back to the sixties to save Janet.
I want Peter to troll Tony so hard in Homecoming.
My exact thoughts. Scarlet Witch and Strange become magic pals and she convinces him to bring her brother back.I'd prefer the stone used on Quicksilver if we are just bringing people back.
The one death that has stuck? I'd be down.I'd prefer the stone used on Quicksilver if we are just bringing people back.
Same, & I could honestly see Wanda pushing Strange to do it (likely under the "We need every Avenger that we can get" argument).I'd prefer the stone used on Quicksilver if we are just bringing people back.
He could use it for a lot of things, but probably won't.
One parallel universe which is next to all superheros filled with people with marvelous gifts from their genes who are feared and discriminated
One parallel universe which is next to all superheros filled with people with marvelous gifts from their genes who are feared and discriminated
So when is the next infinity gem showing up? Black Panther?
Most likely Thor.
So when is the next infinity gem showing up? Black Panther?
Thor 3, Guardians Vol. 2, Black Panther or the next Avengers film are my best guesses. I would've said Captain Marvel, but that's after Infinity War Part 1.
The only gem left is the Soul Gem. It's not going to show up until Infinity War when Adam Warlock appears.
I doubt they're going to introduce a brand new character like Adam Warlock just for Infinity War.
Where should they introduce Warlock if not at the Climax of the fight with Thanos?
Warlock is already teased two times and he is the Ying to Thanos Yang.
I lose sleep about what the whole deal with the two Avengers films is. Not really, but man they are so totally linked but they're not apparently continuous. WHY.
Secret Wars?
Civil War 2?
House of I?
In a recent casting call for Marvel Studios' upcoming film Black Panther it appears the film will have multiple cultures in it with some meddling government figures in its midst. The call wants African men, women, and children with Filipino and Korean men and women and also CIA agents too.
The casting calls makes it clear that it wants African men, women, and children to fill out the area of Wakanda, the homeland of Black Panther himself. The call also notes that for the Filipino and Korean men and women are for street scenes. For the CIA agents it wants people of all ethnicity with real world weapon history to play them.
The call also notes that the work involved for all will range from January to February of next year.
....whatchu talkin' bout, Willis?
Same, & I could honestly see Wanda pushing Strange to do it (likely under the "We need every Avenger that we can get" argument).
While reviving Pietro via the Time Stone likely would change history to where Cap would have one more person on his side, I doubt that it would have changed the events of Civil War very much. But yeah, I would imagine that screwing with history would have side-effects (as implied by Wong).Not familiar with the comics, would Strange need to be present at the time and location in order to go back in time? Or can he just do it whenever he wants, no matter what? Furthermore, wouldn't changing Quicksilver's death change possible future outcomes, i.e. Cap would have one more hero on his side during Civil War.
Not familiar with the comics, would Strange need to be present at the time and location in order to go back in time? Or can he just do it whenever he wants, no matter what? Furthermore, wouldn't changing Quicksilver's death change possible future outcomes, i.e. Cap would have one more hero on his side during Civil War.
Good point, though it could fall under them needing every Avenger that they can get (as mentioned earlier).No, it doesn't have to work like that. We saw him change the apple, repair the book, and revive Wong independently of everything else. Repairing the book didn't undo the summoning of Dormammu. And we saw him disconnect Wong from the widescale reversal of time during the final battle. Bringing Quicksilver back doesn't have to change anything else that happened. Time manipulation worked on both the micro and macro in this movie.
I'm just wondering why people think Wanda would stop at Pietro and not ask for her parents back or all of Sokovia.
Looks pretty close to the concept art from SDCC. I guess we'll find out if this is legit when the first trailer drops.Is this how the Vulture will look in Spider-Man: Homecoming?
...That jacket looks really nice.Is this how the Vulture will look in Spider-Man: Homecoming?
...That jacket looks really nice.
And also inappropriate for New York summers, but fine for New York falls and winters.
Is this how the Vulture will look in Spider-Man: Homecoming?
I'd prefer the stone used on Quicksilver if we are just bringing people back.
Looks like shit
I guess Thanos makes house calls.From the Russo bros' Instagram account:
So I'm guessing the Sanctum Sanctorum will appear in Infinity War?