Glass Rebel
Yes? First, we don't know what the budget is on this project, how much IMAX is throwing into the pot, or what exactly they're going for. But even effects heavy network shows like The Flash, which uses a ton of CG on a weekly basis, start in July.
Starting in March gives them even more time, which likely means they're aiming a bit higher than typical network TV. But I wouldn't expect HBO levels here. Even with HBO shows the lead time isn't usually that long due to special effects, it's due to giving the showrunners time to do exactly what they want to do and perfect their show. Game of Thrones is the lengthiest regular production show and that's because they film in locations all over Europe and do big battle episodes that take a couple months to film on an annual basis.
Don't expect Game of Thrones. Expect something like a basic cable show and you're probably in the right ballpark. It's ultimately still going to air on ABC and thus is a network show. I'm sure it will both be better and look better than AoS due to a longer production and smaller episode count. But don't expect the world.
Thanks for the detailed info. I guess it's on me for expecting too much of something that was going to be a movie at one point.
Who am I kidding tho, it never was.