Marvel Cinematic Universe |OT2| Discussion on released and future projects (spoilers)

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I found this interview from Mark Ruffalo that seems to indicate that Marvel is putting more Hulk into Thor: Ragnarok because they can't release a Hulk standalone film.

Namor about to get this work.

I'm really curious about the distribution rights for a standalone Hulk and Namor, Does universal own them for perpetuity? None of the other pre-Disney Marvel movie deals were for perpetuity, so they have to run out at some point, I think.

Even if Marvel fucked up and they are for perpetuity, it's clear that Universal should make a deal like the Paramount deal and sell those licenses because Marvel has enough content to get around those pre-existing deals.

The Kree

Namor's film rights are not actually at Universal or anywhere else. The situation is convoluted, but the gist of it is that when they wanna use him, all they probably need to do is cut a check. Wikipedia says before he was at Universal, he was with Saban Entertainment, and before that it was attached to certain individuals, not studios. I think someone somewhere would probably need to get a producer credit or something.


I'm really curious about the distribution rights for a standalone Hulk and Namor, Does universal own them for perpetuity? None of the other pre-Disney Marvel movie deals were for perpetuity, so they have to run out at some point, I think.

Even if Marvel fucked up and they are for perpetuity, it's clear that Universal should make a deal like the Paramount deal and sell those licenses because Marvel has enough content to get around those pre-existing deals.

You're confusing two things. A distribution deal is not a license. Licensing is different. Fox for example, holds the license to make X-men and Fantastic Four movies, and they produce and distribute those movies themselves as long as they hold those license rights. The license rights expire if certain terms are not met, because no one would license something like this without such terms.

A distribution deal is different. For Hulk, Marvel Studios was the license owner and they produced the movie. Universal was just the distributor helping get it into cinemas because Marvel Studios at the time did not have the infrastructure to do so (they still don't, but since they're owned by Disney that solves that problem). As such, it is likely that when they signed on as a distributor, they have first refusal rights to distribute any future Hulk film made by Marvel Studios, and such deals are common for franchises as a sign of good faith when you want someone to distribute a film for you. Paramount had the same deal with Iron Man but Disney negotiated those back. They clearly don't feel Hulk is valuable enough of a solo character to do the same negotiation with Universal, so it's not really just a case of Universal not wanting drop what they have for cash, Disney might just not be interested.


Bitches love smiley faces
I wish Disney could just get the rights back to all Marvel characters. No Dr. Doom or Silver Surfer in MCU sucks balls. :(

If it ever happens down the line in 20 years or so, that's the point where id want a full reboot of the MCU in order to incorporate much needed classic characters into the foundation of the story.

An MCU built on the FF and all the classic Avengers (Pym and Wasp namely), with villains like Doom playing a part from the start would be great.
The reason for the Disney/Universal dispute with the Hulk seems to be because Universal controls the theme park rights to Marvel characters that Disney wants for its own theme parks.

Conflicted. The Marvel section at Islands of Adventure is pretty awesome. The Hulk coaster is awesome, and the lines in particular are pretty amazing as they recreate environments that the rides are based on. Hulk coaster is a science lab with a Hulk cartoon playing explaining his origin, the Spider-Man ride is a recreation of the Daily Bugle, and the Doom ride is Doom's Castle complete with Doombots. It's awesome.

That said, if anyone is going to top that type of stuff it would be Disney


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
According to James Gunn, filming for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 will begin February 11.


So who's gonna create the OT?
You're confusing two things. A distribution deal is not a license. Licensing is different. Fox for example, holds the license to make X-men and Fantastic Four movies, and they produce and distribute those movies themselves as long as they hold those license rights. The license rights expire if certain terms are not met, because no one would license something like this without such terms.

A distribution deal is different. For Hulk, Marvel Studios was the license owner and they produced the movie. Universal was just the distributor helping get it into cinemas because Marvel Studios at the time did not have the infrastructure to do so (they still don't, but since they're owned by Disney that solves that problem). As such, it is likely that when they signed on as a distributor, they have first refusal rights to distribute any future Hulk film made by Marvel Studios, and such deals are common for franchises as a sign of good faith when you want someone to distribute a film for you. Paramount had the same deal with Iron Man but Disney negotiated those back. They clearly don't feel Hulk is valuable enough of a solo character to do the same negotiation with Universal, so it's not really just a case of Universal not wanting drop what they have for cash, Disney might just not be interested.

I mispoke, but that's what I meant, buying up the distribution rights from Universal akin to how they worked it out with Paramount.

Namor's film rights are not actually at Universal or anywhere else. The situation is convoluted, but the gist of it is that when they wanna use him, all they probably need to do is cut a check. Wikipedia says before he was at Universal, he was with Saban Entertainment, and before that it was attached to certain individuals, not studios. I think someone somewhere would probably need to get a producer credit or something.

Sounds like Namor is stuck in limbo until Marvel buys out whatever contracts they previously dished out. Bad thing is - unless Marvel/Disney takes action - they can't even use him, unlike Hulk.

Eh, it doesn't say it's the reason, but that it might be a contributing factor of why they haven't come to an agreement.

That said, a Marvel expansion to Disneyworld would be so awesome.

I agree that that's not the reason. I think it's a matter of Disney buying the "rightsof first refusal distribution" from Universal. They might want too much though, and Disney can use Hulk anyways, so they are not in a hurry.

Marvel at Disneyworld would be tough due to existing contracts with Universal. AFAIK though they could do one east of the Mississippi, so Disneyland is fair game. Or a new "Disney Heroes" park in Texas would be even more amazing.
Wait a second, STARMAN. Duh. I forget Bowie had a load of sci-fi esque themed songs. God bless his Ziggy soul.

But seriously, that song kicking up during the "victory" phase of the film would be truly fantastic. I eagerly look forward to how Gunn turns another series of retro songs into hits again.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Now if only they were playing the Pats to get something with Cap going

It would have been perfect. Thanks, D'Qwell Jackson, for being so damn honest and ratting out Brady. He could have cheated his way back into the Super Bowl this year and we could have a cool Black Panther/Captain America commercial. But nope, you fucked that up, DQ. Like the typical Browns player that you'll always be.

Oh well. Maybe this is an opportunity to surprise announce Beta Ray Bill as he endorses the Broncos.
Their Panther spot will use the Panthers' phrase of "Keep pounding!" as it cuts to Black Panther kicking everyone's ass and not having time to take names.

El Topo

I always thought Feige rhymed with Beige. Is it really Fie-gee? Also, it totally makes sense to go to the middle of nowhere to discuss this stuff.

Does he have German ancestors? In that case it might be pronounced like the German word Feige (and I can't think of other roots for the word), 'fye-guh'. Then again, what matters is how *he* pronounces it.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
Here's an interview with Black Panther screenwriter Joe Robert Cole:

MJ: You're African American but your character is African. In what ways do you expect that you will and won't relate to him?

JC: That's a really good question. I write characters focusing on them as human beings, and then you wrap them within a culture. So I think I can connect with him as a person with brown skin who's viewed differently by the world. In terms of his culture, we're thinking about where we are locating Wakanda within the continent, and what the people and history of that region are like. It's a process of investigation to help inform the story at this point. But we are going to be engaged with consultants who are experts on the continent and on African history and politics.

This is promising.
I was reading the MCU Wikipedia entry, and ran across this info, which I'd forgotten completely about:

Three untitled films, part of Phase Three, are set for release on May 1, July 10, and November 6, 2020.

In turn it linked to this article on

It's only 4 years until these movies, I wonder if anyone's got any speculation or heard any rumors on what they're supposed to be. They're Phase Three, but unlikely Spider-Man? I was also interested to see Feige has movies planned until 2028 so far.


I'm pretty sure Inhumans will be what Ant-Man was to Phase 2, while the three movies coming out in 2020 are Phase 4. We also already speculated what those films could be.

Spider-Man 2 and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 are good guesses.
I'm pretty sure Inhumans will be what Ant-Man was to Phase 2, while the three movies coming out in 2020 are Phase 4. We also already speculated what those films could be.

Spider-Man 2 and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 are good guesses.

Feige has said explicitly that they're Phase 3, but I suppose he could change his mind.


Does anyone follow the Wisecrack channel on YouTube? They put out a lot of good content, one of them being Earthling Cinema. They decided to do an analysis of Guardians of the Galaxy.

Doesn't get too deep into it, but it might be an interesting watch for some. It's only 6 minutes long.


I was reading the MCU Wikipedia entry, and ran across this info, which I'd forgotten completely about:

In turn it linked to this article on

It's only 4 years until these movies, I wonder if anyone's got any speculation or heard any rumors on what they're supposed to be. They're Phase Three, but unlikely Spider-Man? I was also interested to see Feige has movies planned until 2028 so far.

Doctor Strange 2, GOTG 3, and either a new IP or a team-up movie of some of the minor heroes.

Spider-Man 2 would need a re-negotiation with Sony, I think.
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