Human Trashcan
Sharon can definitely handle most World bosses on her own (except maybe iThanos), you just have to use the proper skills and kite every now and then. Shadowland is the opposite of fun though and really geared towards people who have been playing for months, it IS ridiculously hard. To make it even worse and more grindy, you can only use every character once per reset. Also when it says "combat characters have an advantage" it actually means anything that isn't a combat hero will do literally 1 damage, except Universals, who do 75% of normal damage I think.
That said this game is terrible at respecting your time or money and you should probably just stop. I'm only playing it out of obligation now because I still have a sub going. It's 90% Superhero Middle Management Simulator and 10% actual game, and that 10% isn't nearly good enough to justify spending one or two hours a day basically playing a menus game.
Even if you have spent money, if you're not enjoying it, stop (do as I say not as I do and all that). And definitely don't throw good money after bad, tempting though it may be. One more T2 character isn't gonna do much beyond maybe one more Shadowland stage or WB clear.
That said this game is terrible at respecting your time or money and you should probably just stop. I'm only playing it out of obligation now because I still have a sub going. It's 90% Superhero Middle Management Simulator and 10% actual game, and that 10% isn't nearly good enough to justify spending one or two hours a day basically playing a menus game.
Even if you have spent money, if you're not enjoying it, stop (do as I say not as I do and all that). And definitely don't throw good money after bad, tempting though it may be. One more T2 character isn't gonna do much beyond maybe one more Shadowland stage or WB clear.