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Marvel Future Fight |OT| To Me, My X-Men

I die on Loki thanks to the shield always going off when he goes in the middle and I have to wait for the cooldown. I end up getting caught and slowed to death. Also due to the bleed that the shield doesn't block.

edit: Finally beat him. Also, sometimes after he goes to the middle and I activate my shield, the shield doesn't even go up.

I can't pull off WB with Loki either; he's got the uniform, fully mastered, level 60, all skills at 6 stars, and mostly maxed out ISO (Smart Raccoon). Gears currently only 17/13/10/15 because I have no dimension debris. Rolled all skill cooldown on the last gear so shield and clones can keep rolling.

If you aren't having shield and clones up all the time, use IM or Sharon as your leader. That's how I beat Dwarf the first time. As far as attack patterns go, just run around with Loki and let your clones do your work, then throw in some attacks during safe periods. Barely anything should hit you, except the bleed but that's not much worry. And don't worry if your shield doesn't appear when the boss goes into the middle, the buff is still active on you. In your case Drayco, you may want to drop Smart Raccoon and pick up a healing set. Get your CD reduction from cards or a leadership.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
If you aren't having shield and clones up all the time, use IM or Sharon as your leader. That's how I beat Dwarf the first time. As far as attack patterns go, just run around with Loki and let your clones do your work, then throw in some attacks during safe periods. Barely anything should hit you, except the bleed but that's not much worry. And don't worry if your shield doesn't appear when the boss goes into the middle, the buff is still active on you. In your case Drayco, you may want to drop Smart Raccoon and pick up a healing set. Get your CD reduction from cards or a leadership.
I use my shield and clones on cool down and try to only attack when he's paused for a moment. The attack that usually gets me even just running around is when he starts spinning. I still need to rank up Sharon, and level up IM some more. That's good to know about the shield.
I use my shield and clones on cool down and try to only attack when he's paused for a moment. The attack that usually gets me even just running around is when he starts spinning. I still need to rank up Sharon, and level up IM some more. That's good to know about the shield.

If you get caught without a shield when those attacks happen just tag out. The invincibility you get when character switching is invaluable for all the WBs.
Ai v Ai or did you control your character?

Pure AI. Had I had control, I'd probably get away with maybe 25% health loss at most, as Silk's moveset counters Corvus's well. His paralyze stab attack is actually the only thing that keeps him from getting completely steamrolled.

Oh and I should add that Corvus had the advantage against my Silk (with how cooldowns aren't ready when coming in), since he killed IM and had his summons already out.
More patch preview stuff:
☞League System added to Timeline
1.We will be seperating players out into 5 leagues. This will allow you to have a more balanced matches as well as helping new players to enjoy Timeline battles.
2.Matchmaking will also be improved, where it will match you with someone always around your current points total.
3. Issues with passive skills will also be rectified.

☞Alliance Battle Entry consumption.
Lost points because your device crashes? Annoyed that your boss called you half way through your Alliance Battle run? In 2.1.0 your entry will only be taken AFTER you receive your reward, so you can try again if you get interupted in the run.

☞Inventory Cap increase
You can increase your maximum inventory cap from 500 to 700.

This is not the last sneak peek, and we will be bringing you more in the coming weeks!

Stay Tuned!

Timeline change seems good for those with weaker teams. Curious how it'll affect rewards for everyone. AB change is great. The inventory change wording has me worried though. The "you can increase" makes me think we'll still be paying crystals =/
More patch preview stuff:

Timeline change seems good for those with weaker teams. Curious how it'll affect rewards for everyone. AB change is great. The inventory change wording has me worried though. The "you can increase" makes me think we'll still be paying crystals =/

I'm 100% certain you will have to pay crystals. Default inventory space is 400 so I'm assuming we can increase it to 500 right now if we feel like flushing our premium currency down the toilet. They would have said something like, "We are increasing your inventory space from 400-700" if it was a freebie.
Changes sound good, love that AB change, I've had it crash a few times and it's been very annoying.
I think I would be tempted to pay to increase my inventory, as it would save me so much time.

Small confession: I didn't realise how good Loki's shield skill is and wasn't utilising it correctly. I got over 100k in AB for the first time today, almost ran out of time.
Still couldn't beat Black Dwarf though, although I got him to about 10%.
Looks like I won't beat him until I get Sharon to 6 stars.
Pure AI. Had I had control, I'd probably get away with maybe 25% health loss at most, as Silk's moveset counters Corvus's well. His paralyze stab attack is actually the only thing that keeps him from getting completely steamrolled.

Oh and I should add that Corvus had the advantage against my Silk (with how cooldowns aren't ready when coming in), since he killed IM and had his summons already out.

Silk is Queen. I have her as anchor on my TL (Nico, Carnage, Silk) and BW teams (Carnage, Throot, Hulkbuster, Floki, Silk) so I never get to see her fight :(
Silk is Queen. I have her as anchor on my TL (Nico, Carnage, Silk) and BW teams (Carnage, Throot, Hulkbuster, Floki, Silk) so I never get to see her fight :(

She really is the best in PvP modes. With a full 50% CD reduction (where I have her at), and Overdrive + damage proc from cards, she's a Tier 2 character on her own. She may not kill you within one second, but your odds of winning against her are just as slim.
Yeah with gears my TL Silk is also at the SCD cap, dodge cap, 23K HP, and has an obelisk that heals for 5% at 30% HP. Nico's shield also provides her more durability (against energy).

Good luck beating that. Though no team gets past Carnage anyway.
I went on a costume shopping spree. I got Captain Marvel, Deathlok, Iron Fist, and Daisy (AoS S3). Waiting before I buy Captain America and Spidey since they may get a new one soon because of Civil War. Anyone else grab any?
Finally got Deathlok, so I can up my horrible Blast day scores. I held out cause I hate the look, but I can't deny his usefulness.

The only costume at this point I'm debating getting is Rocket's. On the one hand, it has a few nice changes for him. On the other, my Rocket isn't even 6* and he's not really super useful.
Yeah, I was actually trying to decide between Deathlok and Rocket with my last 750. Like you, I don't like the Deathlok costume aesthetically but my Nico build isn't really suitable for Blast days in AB. Rocket will have to wait until next sale. He's my homie.


Finally got Deathlok, so I can up my horrible Blast day scores. I held out cause I hate the look, but I can't deny his usefulness.

The only costume at this point I'm debating getting is Rocket's. On the one hand, it has a few nice changes for him. On the other, my Rocket isn't even 6* and he's not really super useful.

Plus, then you'd be stuck with a Bendis Guardians costume, and that's just not worth the 10% stat boost.

I think the only "must have" unis I'm missing at this point are Blastpin and Iron Fist; neither of which are going to be ranked up to worthwhile anytime soon, so I'll probably just keep saving for the Civil War update.

Equipped with his Infinity Gauntlet, The Mad Titan Thanos joins the fight!

There's also a Proxima check-in event happening starting later today for one week. You'll get 10 bios for her (even if you have her unlocked).
Also I might be the only one but dimension debris is too scarce, I have to do too many runs just to be able to upgrade one level of one gear slot.

Getting debris is definitely slow. The game basically wants you to trade off bio farming for gear farming. What bugs me most about it though, is that one year in and rifts still don't give Alliance XP.
Came across a Ronan/Black Dwarf (50/4/4)/Proxima (maxed) team in Timeline today. Proxima nearly wrecked me. Had to manual play Loki to get the win. Unlike Corvus, AI Proxima gets to use all of her skills.

And some MFF Civil War art to get hype -

Does Wanda count as part of Marvel's "X-Men in video games" ban, or do you guys think they're just saving her for later? Like maybe she'll be in a Civil War update?

She was in the LEGO Avengers game released a couple months ago. Given that the game dropped all X-Men/F4 characters that the predecessor had, yet kept her (MCU version), makes me think they can add her to MFF. That being said, it was brought up in an interview last year that adding her would be complicated in some way (no details). So, possible? Yes. Likely? Sadly no.

So here's some info about how people will be placed into the different Timeline leagues when the update drops.

So I'm about to start playing this game for the first time. I'm assuming things are a bit different then when the OP was made. Any tips for a newbie?


So I'm about to start playing this game for the first time. I'm assuming things are a bit different then when the OP was made. Any tips for a newbie?

You're about to get a ton of free selectors just for starting out; while the majority of the game's content lets you play whoever you happen to like, it's wisest to focus these free selectors characters you'd otherwise only get from paying for them; Silk, Loki, Hulkbuster, Sister Grimm or She-Hulk are all really popular recommendations- they also happen to be among the most powerful characters in the game, and thus vital for getting the best rewards from competitive/score based modes.

Don't bother with ISO-8 until you get a character fairly high level; you'll probably get a bunch of strong ISO early on, but you absolutely don't want to socket them on to a character until you know what set you want to give them and burn through the stupid amount of gold to get it.

If you accidentally click your way into the Lab, feel free to ignore just about all of it. There's a Bio Converter in there that sounds awesome at first blush, but is actually useless and a gold sink that, when upgraded, becomes even less useful. The only thing of value there is the ability to get one random bio from each mission you go in there, which is worth it early on, but is really easy to forget about.

Feel free to drop your in-game-name; most of us in here have several spots in our friends lists wasted by people who haven't logged in in months, and having an active friends list helps- our higher level endgame allies can help you cheese some story missions while you're working on getting access to farming all the characters, and it'll let you get more Dimension Rifts to unlock some of the rarer characters like Loki and The Destroyer, the former of which you should try and six star as soon as possible if you want to tackle the hardest content in the game.
Cool, thanks for the info! I ended up getting Silk and Loki like you said, but with one of the free things I also got Star Lord (cus I like Star Lord). Is he a waste of a spot? I also got Kingpin from a Hero Guide, should I continue with that or ignore it? There seems to be a lot going on in this game, I'm assuming for now I should just go through the story mode or should I check out things like Arena as well? Also my in game name is TerminalDogma.
Kingpin with his uniform is very strong, definitely stick with him. And yeah, just go through story mode, and make sure to do your five daily missions as well. From there check out other modes as you please, though be warned that success in them won't come till higher levels.
Thanks, how about Elsa, Lady Thor, Captain America(2099) and Spock? I'm really bad at iso sets.

Elsa: Overdrive
Jane: Overdrive or Hawkseye (if you need more SCD)
Cap: DDE IMO. He's tanky and I'd suggest capitalizing on that.
SpOck: Tough one as I don't use him. Probably just OD or HE to make most use of the uni proc.

Do note that all these suggestions are assuming you have at least 15% cooldown reduction from cards.
Yet more shitty movie uniforms that are only negligibly different to the ones we already have, and making them Tier 2 to boot? Fuck that.

I'm never going to get a damn classic comic Hawkeye uni am I?

Edit: Finally have my first Tier 2 character... as has everyone else... guess we're going to see a flood of Proximas now.


I was thinking of jumping ship from Star Wars GOH to this game. The last update totally ruined any enjoyment I had for it.

How is this game? Is it similar to GOH?
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