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Marvel vs. Capcom® 2(XBLA PSN) |OT| - F*CK THE KNICKS


shaolin242 said:
im actually better with the SF characters as i am used to them. but they seem awfully underpowered compared to some of the xmen dudes..

so basically - i can just string LP,LK,MP,MK (fireball/super) and or HP or HK to Air combo for anyone?>

Check my edit... the short answer is yes. EDIT: Yeah I'm SLOW...

The shotos lack mobility in mid air, compared to the marvel side.

If you are playing Ken, remember that his shoryuken is invincible on ALL the way up, so is a nice "get away"assist if you're being rushed and it also eats other assists for breakfast. I don't know if they fixed his glitched tatsu, but you might want to try launching the opponent and doing his hurricane kick after just a jab. If it does MAD damage(almost half of the life bar) then it's still glitched(YEAH!) and you should use that and only that as air combo(and with akuma too!). Shoryureppa(his "horizontal" super) has also great invincibility at startup and can go through lotsa stuff. Shinryuken has pretty lights, but it's harder to delay hyper combo(calling your next guy to do his super inmediately afterwards) from. His roll(his special move, not his crappy dash) is a good way to get to the other side of an opponent(outside of the corner) so you can try things like calling an assist and inmediately after doing the roll to surprise a turtling opponent. Also, if you can, throw your opponent a lot and mash his grab!

Never use Ryu's Shinshoryuken nor Akuma's "Raging demon", they're a waste of meter. There are better ways to waste your meter like safely tagging in another character, doing block damage with supers or doing better combos into supers. Meter management is crucial in the game.

Akuma takes damage like a little girl(yes, not all characters take damage the same, so the same attacks do more damage to some characters than to others) so be VERY careful while using him.

shaolin242 said:
yeah just realised there are no MP and MK buttons now are there? just 4 buttons right?

so for me there was just like LP, LK then HP, HK but by then ive knocked them back down....

wtf happened to the middle buttons?

There are no middle buttons. Just forget about them. Middle attacks can be used by using first a light attack that hits an opponent(doesn't matter if it's blocked or not), like with Ken doing while crouching LK twice(quickly) will make ken do crouching LK followed by a crouching MK. If you take longer to press the button, you will do another crouching LK instead.

So in an air combo, you have to press LP, LK, LP, LK, HP (or HK) to get LP, LK, MP, MK, HP(or HK).

If you can, please check if the tatsu glitch is still there!
shaolin242 said:
yeah just realised there are no MP and MK buttons now are there? just 4 buttons right?

so for me there was just like LP, LK then HP, HK but by then ive knocked them back down....

wtf happened to the middle buttons?
Gotta tap the light buttons twice to register the mediums. If you tap LP > LP with most characters, the light punch is followed by the medium attack. There's no real way to get the mediums out by themselves.

To do that zig zag of LP, LK, MP, MK, HP/HK... hit LP, LK, LP, LK, HP/HK.


brandonh83 said:
screw it man just buy it like I did, another reason I bought it on 360 was because I plan on getting all five of those summer arcade releases anyway and getting an extra 800 points is pretty nice I must admit.

Yeah wound up buying it. Figure if I ever need the PS3 version later down the line I can always gameshare with one of my buddies. :D

It's weird I've never bought anything off PSN or XBL before (had a PS3 since May 08 and 360 since Dec 08) but today I wound up buying Valkyria Chronicles:Selveria DLC off PSN and then this off XBL.


Linkhero1 said:
I suck ass in this game but here's my team.

Dr. Doom

I'm not sure who else to add to my team. I was thinking of using Charlie since I like him in SFA3.

Can I give you a suggestion? You might want to try using Cyclops as your third man. He has easy, damaging combos, builds meter like crazy, does crazy chip damage, has lots of priority on his normal moves(and some special moves), has a very useful double jump, can punish enemy assists decently, can easily DHC to/from and is a very, very nice anti air assist.


gutabo said:
Can I give you a suggestion? You might want to try using Cyclops as your third man. He has easy, damaging combos, builds meter like crazy, does crazy chip damage, has lots of priority on his normal moves(and some special moves), has a very useful double jump, can punish enemy assists decently, can easily DHC to/from and is a very, very nice anti air assist.
Suggestions are always welcomed :D

I kind of feel bad for not having a Capcom character on my team haha.


Linkhero1 said:
Suggestions are always welcomed :D

I kind of feel bad for not having a Capcom character on my team haha.

You could use Tron, his third assist(don't remember the name, could be "projectile"...) is glitched and it should do lots of damage(can you check if it still does?)... The assist's three rings should hit and they should do around 30-40% of damage.

She's harder to use and it's kinda hit or miss with some people. But she can chip madly(without meter), has a nice crossup(air HP, try jumping over your opp and using it and it'll hit him), some priority (on some moves, not as great as Cyclops), builds meter, damaging combos, some tricks with her air dash, some nice corner combos(even involving more advanced stuff like resets, but nothing extra hard), a nice throw that allows you to combo the opponent afterwards(better with a cornered opponent), can kill assists with her own assist, and she has a damaging super to DHC(delay hyper combo). Oh, and also builds meter.

It's great to use her assist while jumping/air dashing over(or dashing under) an opponent, if it connects it does mad damage. And you won't feel bad about the capcom part. Always mash her Strike(drill move)for lots of chip damage!
the character select screen is so imposing on this. there are so many characters and the question is do i practise with 3-6 OR use everyone and just try and be decent with them all...

it took me about a minute to find ryu....then i saw him right in the centre....


Anyone else kind of disappointed with the menu system? Seems to "cheap" and thrown together. The Dreamcast one was much nicer looking, and seemingly packed with more features from it's presentation.
And R.I.P. intro.


shaolin242 said:
the character select screen is so imposing on this. there are so many characters and the question is do i practise with 3-6 OR use everyone and just try and be decent with them all...

it took me about a minute to find ryu....then i saw him right in the centre....

Try to learn the basics first with a team you feel comfortable with. Things like air combos, normal moves into special moves into hyper combos, DHCs, tagging in safely, calling assists, using assists in combos, throwing and BLOCKING(very important) should be second nature before thinking about being "decent" with many characters.

Shotos as a starting point are ok. Then you can move on to marvel characters, but you have to start somewhere.
Conrad Link said:
So I finished the arcade mode with a X-Men themed team but didn't get the achievement. Do you have to do it without losing or something?
man same thing

i did it with SF characters and got the achievement...couldnt get the xmen one

"DHCs, tagging in safely,"

all the other stuff on your list i know - but can you explain these two and how to do them.

also - how do you do the hyper moves (like qct and 2 punches) but with 2 or 3 ppl a the same time?


I think what most newbies need to realize is that this isn't a fighter about depth or options. It's one that relies on execution and exploits to win and succeed. One mistake against someone well versed in exploits(IE god 4, rom, infinite, aa assist) and it is over. Strategy is thrown out the window, and you controller/stick might as well go with it, because that's it.

MVC2 could have really used a rebalanced mode, because it desperately needed it, but this was a quick cash in so I doubt they had the time or patience to deal with the Marvel community. It's a great game casually, but a very dumb and shallow game at higher levels.


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DR2K said:
I think what most newbies need to realize is that this isn't a fighter about depth or options. It's one that relies on execution and exploits to win and succeed. One mistake against someone well versed in exploits(IE god 4, rom, infinite, aa assist) and it is over. Strategy is thrown out the window, and you controller/stick might as well go with it, because that's it.

MVC2 could have really used a rebalanced mode, because it desperately needed it, but this was a quick cash in so I doubt they had the time or patience to deal with the Marvel community. It's a great game casually, but a very dumb and shallow game at higher levels.

50+ characters? Was never gonna happen. Let's hope MvC 3 is coming and that it's "fixed". Not that I really see anything wrong with what we have already. We knew the nature of the beast before we decided to put a saddle on it and ride it out again.


shaolin242 said:
man same thing

i did it with SF characters and got the achievement...couldnt get the xmen one

"DHCs, tagging in safely,"

all the other stuff on your list i know - but can you explain these two and how to do them.

also - how do you do the hyper moves (like qct and 2 punches) but with 2 or 3 ppl a the same time?

DHC, or Delayed Hyper Combo, is the act of cancelling a hyper combo(super move) of one of your characters with another hyper combo from the next character on your team. You will need a level of meter for each HC(hyper combo) and you can do only two at most(that means, three HC in a row). You can do them even if the HC doesn't hit the opponent.

Let's take a team of 3 shotos, Ken, Ryu and Akuma, in that order. Assuming you have 3 levels of meter available, you can do a Shoryureppa with Ken(qct+PP), and in the first or second "rushing" shoryuken(the third launches the opponent), do qct+PP AGAIN. Ryu should jump in and perform his shinkuu hadouken HC(beam version). Ken should jump out of the screen safely. While Ryu's HC is hitting the opponent(don't wait too long, you only have a shot at it while the background is spinning), do hcb+PP. Akuma should replace Ryu with his beam HC, the Mesatsu Gou Hadou(sp?).

That's a DHC(or two of them). It's a great way to extend a combo and switch(tag) characters safely. Let's say your Ryu is low on health and you have Akuma next. Your opponent is waiting for you to tag and leave Akuma taunting, ready to be punished or maybe killed with a combo(he has low stamina, you know). You can attack your blocking opponent with a combo into a Shinkuu Hadouken(beam super), mash the buttons for a little while and then DHC into Akuma's beam HC. You will have switched your character and taken a chip of unrecoverable life from your opponent.

That was only one way of safely tagging out your character. Another is hitting the opponent with the tag attack, but that is harder. Some characters can capture the opponent(like magneto with an hyper grab) and then tag. Some others can combo into a tag(magneto can do this too, but only out of the corner). They mostly depend on the situation.

Let's say your opponent is CapCom, you have Ryu again with no life left, and he tries to finish you off with a Captain Sword(his qct+PP HC). You can tag as the huge ray of light is about to hit Ryu(when it's already coming down), and safely hit CapCom(he will be still recovering from the HC) into a combo.

To do the HC with 2 or 3 characters at the same time, you'll need 2 or 3 levels of meter. Just press the two assist buttons at the same time. Whatever HC they do will depend on what assist types they have. Usually, they are a waste of meter because usually there are better ways to do the same damage with less meter, but there are some teams that do use it well to do "one hit kills", meaning, if they connect a hit and combo into a triple HC, your character will be dead. Therer are also some characters that have "secret" HCs, because the only way to trigger the "secret" HCs is doing a "triple hyper combo", like Zangief's rushing lariat, Rogue's dashing punches, Spiral's rushing metamorphosis and so on.


McBradders said:
50+ characters? Was never gonna happen. Let's hope MvC 3 is coming and that it's "fixed". Not that I really see anything wrong with what we have already. We knew the nature of the beast before we decided to put a saddle on it and ride it out again.

Nerf the god 4(lower Storm and magneto's health, get rid of rom, lower their damage out put, lower Sents health and take away his super armor, get rid of Cable's beam infinte, etc. . .), and 8 way air dash for more characters, nerf aa assist priority, etc. . . would have taken about a weeks worth of work if that. Getting rid the majority of the problem with MVC2 would benefit most of the cast. Nerfing Sentinel alone would make so many more characters viable.


voodoopanda said:
Tron/Jill/Sonson for life.

Even if I haven't won a game online yet.
I think my friend played you on my gamertag, he uses Cyclops, Ironman or Cable, and Commando...Or it could have been me Magneto or Cable, Psylocke, Sentinel


Man, I am sooo out of practice with this game. @_@ It's been like, what......10 years since I last played?? And I've been focusing so much on SF4 lately. Ugh. I can't even dash efficiently anymore! :lol :lol :lol


voodoopanda said:
I heard in order to get the achievements you can't use any continues.

Yeah, for the "Team" Arcade Achievements you can't continum, but you can choose 3 of the same character and change the settings, like Damage - 4 & Infinite Time. I got X-Men by choosing 3x Cable.
GrayFoxPL said:


Fucking Backbone, I can only imagine the PS3 version now.
SecretBonusPoint said:
"These are not the characters I selected...whats happened to the profile pics...my console has frozen"

doesn't seem like fine to me.

DSP bitches and bitches and bitches and bitches in every one of his videos about dropped inputs, lag, "I didn't do that!" "WHUUUUUUUT" etc.. He complains about the exact same stuff in SF4. Take it with a grain of salt.

That said, the little SF2HDR bugged lifebars is real but I wouldn't expect that to be an isolated Xbox 360 issue. That plagued both versions of HDR.


DR2K said:
Nerf the god 4(lower Storm and magneto's health, get rid of rom, lower their damage out put, lower Sents health and take away his super armor, get rid of Cable's beam infinte, etc. . .), and 8 way air dash for more characters, nerf aa assist priority, etc. . . would have taken about a weeks worth of work if that. Getting rid the majority of the problem with MVC2 would benefit most of the cast. Nerfing Sentinel alone would make so many more characters viable.

A week's worth of work followed by about two months of testing you mean, followed by a series of new explots/bugs/balance issues that would take a week's worth of work followed by another two months of testing, etc etc

It's not nearly as easy as you make it sound at all.


DR2K said:
Nerf the god 4(lower Storm and magneto's health, get rid of rom, lower their damage out put, lower Sents health and take away his super armor, get rid of Cable's beam infinte, etc. . .), and 8 way air dash for more characters, nerf aa assist priority, etc. . . would have taken about a weeks worth of work if that. Getting rid the majority of the problem with MVC2 would benefit most of the cast. Nerfing Sentinel alone would make so many more characters viable.

All true,but It's not gonna stop MvC 2 from selling extremely well and this is after what? 10 years?

It's still a classic since it's executed well and one hell of a game at it's core.Even on srk,people will be buying it because it's a fun game first and foremost and not because it's dumb and unbalanced.

It's been featured at Evo for years and it can still be very entertaining to watch simply because of the craziness.The Wong comeback was legendary and one of those "highlight" Evo moment.Rebalancing the game would take months and I'm not so sure backbone is qualified to do this and Capcom would rather spend resources on a Marvel vs Capcom 3 title.Heck,they will probably go into production of such title if MvC 2 sell well(it can reach 1 million easily imo).
Gah damn I forgot how much I hated Juggernaut assist.

Course when I go do a player match it's like the opposite end of the spectrum. I've played matches where people didn't even use assists.


gutabo said:
Anyone knows if damage "glitches" like Ken's air tatsu or Tronn's projectile assist are still in?

Tron's is in for certain.


At first I didn't know why I even bought this game, but it's a lot of fun and bit by bit I am getting better. Soon I will be able to beat arcade mode on easy. :lol
I enjoy the game but it I have to say it feels kind of ass that it seems everybody plays the same chars because the balance is so broken.


poserdonut said:
I enjoy the game but it I have to say it feels kind of ass that it seems everybody plays the same chars because the balance is so broken.

Yeah kinda worried about that too. I have yet to experience it because I absolutely suck too much to take it online, but I am now thinking what's the point if you are just going to get your ass handed to you by the same set over and over again? Local is still loads of fun though. :D


poserdonut said:
I enjoy the game but it I have to say it feels kind of ass that it seems everybody plays the same chars because the balance is so broken.

same issue i have with SF4. ken, ken, ken, sagat, ken, sagat, sagat, sagat


God I'm having so much fun in player matches with friends and local as well. I didn't know I was pretty good with like 18 ranked wins and loads of wins over my friends :p.

Except StrikeVillain, he's pretty hard to fight :p.
MMaRsu said:
God I'm having so much fun in player matches with friends and local as well. I didn't know I was pretty good with like 18 ranked wins and loads of wins over my friends :p.

Except StrikeVillain, he's pretty hard to fight :p.
Haha, I got my ass handed to me multiple times yesterday. I crushed 2 fighters from some guys team only for him to beat all 3 of mine with Shah-Gorath. :(
You know the more bull I see about this game the more I want it on Live, the game has always had balance issues but that's what makes the game so unique, might as well call it cable vs magneto

So close to buying just so I can do HYPER VIPER BEAM on everyone at every possible moment.


Diablohead said:

I want this game but I may hold off until the online and random bugs are ironed out.

I have played alot, local mostly and player matches, and I have like 18 ranked wins and have yet to encounter any bugs, hangups or glitches.
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