Mister Wilhelm
DryEyeRelief said:What was Floe's top 5?
I think...
DryEyeRelief said:What was Floe's top 5?
Mister Wilhelm said:Ammy
I think...
Just re-watched that part again, he also gave a specific order:Mister Wilhelm said:Ammy
I think...
Hsien's ground speed is more of a problem than her airdash.Karsticles said:What do all of the top characters have that the bottom ones lack?!
MOBILITY. If Capcom would have kept universal air dashes in this game, two of those bottom four wouldn't be there anymore. Hsien-ko just needs to be able to cancel Senpu Bu at will with S, and I'm not sure what Thor's problem really is.
Mike Ross is the most beloved player in the scene.enzo_gt said:I feel like everything Gootecks and Mike Ross touch turns to gold.
EDIT: OMG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoZO8MerNWk&NR=1&feature=fvwp
I'm not keen on declaring one hyper superior to all others, but I'll say it's definitely among the best, and really underrated.Speaking of Arthur, anyone else think he has the best level 3 hyper in the game? Not only is it cover the entire level, it comes out super fast, is completely invisible, can hit assists, and its the only level 3 you can x-factor cancel (therefore you can hit confirm it, and activate x-factor so that it'll do double damage). All other level 3s have some of these advantages, but not all of them.
It's one of the best easily, maybe top 5. Best assist punisher in the game and the fact that you can X Factor and it will still stay on the screen with higher damage is pretty godlike.LakeEarth said:Speaking of Arthur, anyone else think he has the best level 3 hyper in the game? Not only is it cover the entire level, it comes out super fast, is completely invisible, can hit assists, and its the only level 3 you can x-factor cancel (therefore you can hit confirm it, and activate x-factor so that it'll do double damage). All other level 3s have some of these advantages, but not all of them.
God's Beard said:My bottom 5:
Iron Man
Super Skrull
I think one of the primary drawbacks of For the Princess is that it is attached to Arthur, who is rarely sitting on 3 bars.Arthur sitting on meter and X Factor is not to be tampered with. Too bad when he gets out of Gold armor he gets fucked with Arthur in underpants. You sort of have to keep giving him Gold armor. Thankfully it lasts for quite a long time compared to other buff hypers.
Indeed I did, and I loved those matches - I always enjoy VJ gameplay.Anyone see Josh Wong final at this week's Break Weekly? Dude was using a pure zoning team with Viewtiful Joe/Taskmaster/Dormammu. Those VJ shurikens were annoying as fuck, shutdown all sorts of stuff. Too bad he hasn't developed the higher damaging combos with VJ yet because he definitely didn't have trouble starting a combo or two with him.
Watch some ICG matches - you are definitely wrong about Super-Skrull. Awesome character. You can also check out Big Marcus using him as an anchor at Powered Up - his team should have come in second, but the stupid tournament organizer changed the rules to make them come in third.My bottom 5:
* Iron Man
* Hsien Ko
* Super Skrull
* Chris Redfield
* Captain America
Not bad characters, but I think there are better options for the same styles. Why choose Iron Man over Magneto? Why choose Chris over Deadpool? Why choose Captain America over C.Viper? Hsien Ko over Tron? Skrull over... ok I don't really get Super Skrull. Maybe I'm wrong.
This.LeMaximilian said:
My bottom 5:
online featuresonline featuresonline featuresonline featuresonline features
Sure, but they also have super unique tools compared to other characters.Dahbomb said:Very slowly some characters are living up to their potential, like X-23 and Felicia.
LeMaximilian said:My bottom 5:
online featuresonline featuresonline featuresonline featuresonline features
God's Beard said:My bottom 5:
- Iron Man
- Super Skrull
- Chris Redfield
Parallax Scroll said:Man I hope Haggar gets something rad in Super MvC3. Like throwing the pipe or knives.
notworksafe said:Haggar will get nothing in Super MvC. Not even a paycheck. He'll still be forced to eat hamburgers out of trashcans.![]()
LeMaximilian said:My top 5:
My bottom 5:
online featuresonline featuresonline featuresonline featuresonline features
dankir said:But that's why they are working on Super MVC3! I hope these are addressed.
So like... are we ever getting more costumes? more DLC characters? I'm hoping some new shit will be shown at e3.
God's Beard said:I don't know that Iron Man's assists are that much better than Magneto's. I mean, the beam is really good, but so is Magneto's, and he has Hyper Grav, which is the only assist like it in the game. Does solid damage, tracks the opponent, gets a full combo on hit and causes almost no damage scaling. Also makes otherwise impossible combos work because it pulls the opponent back into you.
Sure Iron Man has the anti air, but is it really worth using him over Magneto because of that? The difference in their tri-jumps isn't exactly a deal breaker either. I mean, Magneto can hit confirm 500k+ damage off a fullscreen beam. His magnetic blast is amazing and he has a decent counter.
And who's to say Doom would still be an assist character when similar loops were found with other characters?
As for Chris, sure he has better combos, but it's a lot harder to get a good hit confirm.
Again, I'm not saying any of these guys are bad.
Sure, but they also have super unique tools compared to other characters.
Whoa, he's using Phoenix assist like Akuma.Ogrekiller said:
That's how you run a Phoenix team.Ogrekiller said:
I thought of that too but I don't know how that would really work in the game. How about a second level 3 where he breaks a barrel over your head, eats the chicken, and gets health back.Ferrio said:Chicken in barrels.
He doesn't bother saving X-Factor either. Very cool.Ultimoo said:That's how you run a Phoenix team.
God DAMN.Ogrekiller said:
notworksafe said:Haggar will get nothing in Super MvC. Not even a paycheck. He'll still be forced to eat hamburgers out of trashcans.![]()
God's Beard said:I probably shouldn't have said bottom 5 and just said 5 characters that have more useful counterparts because people won't read past those words. Iron Man is probably better than a lot of characters, I just don't think there's a good reason to use him instead of Magneto. I even said that none of them were bad characters.
Ultimoo said:ron Man's repulsor is extremely good, but I've never seen it used to great effect.
Ogrekiller said:
Finally, someone that knows how to put Phoenix in a team. Took long enough. Now if he overCl0ck's that Phoenix, Tokido will be serious at EVO. Al's Magnus didn't have a chance the whole time.Ogrekiller said:
Ogrekiller said:
Ultimoo said:Spiderman has some sick combos with web throw / ultimate web throw + doom missiles though, no one has just used him well yet.