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Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite |OT| Marvel vs. Capcom: 4 Female Characters

Capcom art direction with less Marvel meddling got us COTA, old VS games and Marvel 3.

More Marvel meddling got us a Marvel game that looks like CoC.

I can add 2+2.

You'd be surprised at how many chalk it up to "Capcom lost all of their talent", which sounds like horseshit.

Oh, well. Not much can be done now.


The presentation is definitely lackluster still. Looks like a bunch of interns made it under heavy time constraints.

Seems like most of the game's work went into the story mode and the game play/online. Granted those are important elements of the game but the visuals shouldn't be second fiddle either... or then you get trolls coming in here talking about Cap's dead eyes or Spidey's neck over the actual game play.
Wow DBZ kiddos are really out for blood huh?

Not enough we have 2 really awesome tag-based fighting games, one of them has to be trash and the other has to be the next best thing to a cure for cancer.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Come on, you made up your mind a long time ago.

oh he did

The game looks and plays like shit.
I honestly want this game to kill MvC.

Capcom needs to learn a lesson.

etc etc

Wow DBZ kiddos are really out for blood huh?

Not enough we have 2 really awesome tag-based fighting games, one of them has to be trash and the other has to be the next best thing to a cure for cancer.

the ol' Highlander internet rule, there can be only one.

if dbzf is as fun as marvel itll be like fighting game nirvana, who doesn't want both games to be good

both games are good. Well, from what we know of the DBZF beta at least, and Marvel's final product.

The weirdest thing to me is, I actually thought it would be the Marvel fans that would be shitting on DBZF, since its the "new hotness" and it threatens "their" game. But I've actually seen it more from the "other side", which is bizarre since that game has NOTHING to worry about, it looks amazing and it will sell a shitload if only based on the IP as we've seen from the Xenoverse games.


Junior Member
I have to say the game does look quite good actually. It's a shame some of the models are bad. I'm still not a fan of the art but they probably could have nailed it with like 6 more months.

Anyway the day 1 team ended up being Morrigan/Dante after months of me saying Gamora/Thanos lol.


God damnit, steam and your UNPACKING bullshit.
I do not have infinite space of SSD. 55gig for game + 70gig FREE SPACE is not enough?




get some go again
so how does the gem activation work? is it on the same button? like how do you use the time dash and then activate it?


get some go again
It's like Assists in MvC3 - Press to use the ability, Hold to activate Storm.
oh that's good. guess i'll try out haggar/hawkeye at first and then try out characters little by little while learning how to play against most characters.


Got it. I wont share my dumb thoughts again :(
If you are talking about the Ms Marvel/Captain Marvel thing that's just a meme and only Neoxon gets ruffled by that shit because Ms Marvel is his waifu. If you talk about Ms Marvel in this game then everyone knows who you are talking about so no worries.

It's Tag plus Stone to activate Storm.
I have to say the game does look quite good actually. It's a shame some of the models are bad. I'm still not a fan of the art but they probably could have nailed it with like 6 more months.

Anyway the day 1 team ended up being Morrigan/Dante after months of me saying Gamora/Thanos lol.

Maybe it's because of I've gotten used to it but I think the graphics during gameplay look fine, even impressive when one of the gems are activated and there's all the crap happening on screen. The other stuff though especially the cutscenes in the single player mode are very lackluster.


Game is butt ugly, the CA needs to be turned off.

Story mode was ok, nothing terrible nothing great. Waste of effort, rest of the game suffered for it.

Gameplay is great, but the lack of characters I want to play is always at the back of my head. X-Men will be missed, SF characters too, characters like Trish and Hsienko would have really fit into the gameplay system way more than a lot of other Capcom reps.

Such a missed opportunity.


I was undecided but I think I'll give the game a shot and bite.

It also helps that I have a surplus of unused GameStop reward points to blow.


I know they're currently unsupported, but have Capcom given an official response on legacy controllers? I'd really prefer to get this on PS4, but it feels like PC is my only choice.


Neo Member
Um so I'm not so good at this technical stuff but is it just me or is there screen tearing while playing in full screen on the pc version? Like I notice it every now and again when using a super for example.

Edit: Just tried story mode and the pre-rendered cut scenes have noticeable tearing. No v-sync option


Watched the story mode play through last night on Max's stream. Holy shit they put a lot of effort into the story this time!
The presentation is definitely lackluster still. Looks like a bunch of interns made it under heavy time constraints.

Seems like most of the game's work went into the story mode and the game play/online. Granted those are important elements of the game but the visuals shouldn't be second fiddle either... or then you get trolls coming in here talking about Cap's dead eyes or Spidey's neck over the actual game play.

True but the game does feel lifeless. There's a certain aura/feel you get when look at MvC3 vs MvCI. Plus the sound effects and hitstun animations are janky.


True but the game does feel lifeless. There's a certain aura/feel you get when look at MvC3 vs MvCI. Plus the sound effects and hitstun animations are janky.
Like I said this is all presentation stuff that Capcom treated as second fiddle to concentrate in the other stuff.


Anyone else order this on Amazon like months ago and still havent recieved it yet? It still hasnt even shipped for me lol, wtf. Guess thats what you get for ordering it when it was $40.


I made a firm commitment to myself that I wasn't going to get this game for various reasons, but I gotta admit since last week my resolve has seriously been tested...


I do hope that if this game doesn't bomb and is actually supporter it'll get a facelift down the line, maybe as a season 2 thing. Maybe I'm too hopeful.


I have no idea what else people wanted out of the story mode tbh

Haven't played it yet - but here's my take/what I wanted.

I wanted character interactions. Yes, I sorely desired that "Hey Captain America, can you assist me?" "Why sure, Ryu from Street Fighter, yes I can" corny bullshit that is layered on too thick. Actual dialogue being exchanged and a fluffy fillerific 'plot' to go alongside it. All in the name of furthering those interactions.

MvC3's was a laughable joke. Everything is pantomime. Nobody speaks. Everybody just moves like they cheapened out on the Voice work (which they did). Couldn't even DELIVER a Saturday Morning Cartoon-esque shlock. Just weird endings with Story Boarded panels. Like, what. Where was my 6-hour long teamup buddy cop Story of Wolvie and Chun-Li goddamnit.

Seems like Infinite gets that part right, using a Hum-Drum story as the backdrop, but I'll have to play later today to find out for sure.
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