I'll go ahead an drop a quick review here since I saw the premiere of the IMAX episodes since there seems to be a lack of reviews:
Maybe it's because my expectations were so low, but I didn't hate it like I thought I would. That's not to say it's not bad, I'd be hard pressed to find more good moments than moments that fell flat for me or that were just bad but what I saw would basically fall into the middle lower range of Marvel Television output so far.
If AoS season 4 and Daredevil season 1 are what I consider among the best output and Iron Fist is the worst, this is sort of AoS season 3/first half of season 1, second half of Daredevil season 2, second half of Luke Cage, season 2 of Agent Carter levels of underwhelming for me. It's better than what I've seen of Iron Fist, but not much, and even then, that's like if you viewed it in a bubble and not compared to other great output and the fact that Marvel and Imax is asking people to pay IMAX admission to watch a couple episodes of a weak TV show.
It's pretty aggressively mediocre and despite the IMAX cameras and a visually interesting opening scene, it constantly reminded me I was just watching a TV show on a big screen. The action, the effects, or even the direction weren't even the things that disappointed me the most; it was the script and much of the acting.
Maximus is passable but I wasn't exactly thrilled with the casting. Karnak was a highlight for me, especially since the character fits right in with all the TV cheesiness. Gorgon had good scenes with Karnak and the Royal Family but also had a lot of bad scenes with bad lines and weak acting. The script just sucks for the most part. Medusa also had a couple scenes where she was decent and then others that just were flat out bad. I think Black Bolt's casting was the worse for me. I get that the guy can't talk so an actor has to be expressive through body language, but this guy has no presence and weak body language. At no time do I believe he commands respect. Black Bolt really sucks. Crystal was pretty wooden, but I was charmed by her dynamic with Lockjaw.
The show is like a long pilot that sets up the status quo for the rest of the season, but I felt that a normal pilot would have actually done a better job at pitching the show. It didn't really do a lot of work fleshing out the characters or the world, almost as if they are leaving many things a mystery to drip feed across the season. They don't explain why Attilan exists, what their relationship is to Earth and why they'd want to go there (besides explaining how they are different than humans), and as much as a worn out trope as it is, introducing everything via a POV character as a proxy for the audience would at least have not made our introduction feel so scattered and aimless. Black Bolt is obviously supposed to be a main character but he's practically sinking into the background every time he's on the screen.
There are a few moments I enjoyed, but that gets a little too specifically into spoiler territory and it's not really even worth mentioning in a review other than to say that it's not all bad. Just the teases of terragenesis and the social structure in Attilan is interesting enough to have me give it a chance once it's on TV. I would say I wouldn't recommend paying to see it in IMAX, as much as I want the experiment to succeed. It doesn't feel like a complete arc/story to justify it. It feels like a lame TV show through and through and I can't really think of anything that justifies seeing it in the theater besides the Marvel name. Even if it was free I couldn't recommend driving to the theater, because your expectations are likely going to have you expecting something other than what is there.
I will give it a recommendation to watch on TV with that caveat that they have barely even scratched the surface of this world. It definitely feels like we barely begin to settle in before it's over. I think a lot of people will hate this show, and obviously already do, but I think it will still find and audience since Iron Fist did. IMAX will likely be a bust for them and the show will struggle on the small screen as well, but if you have any interest in the Royal Family, you'll finally get a chance to see them, but it may make you decide to be careful what you wish for.