why did iwan rheon join this?
Exactly, like I think Marvel can afford to get a good showrunner who overspends a bit on the budget and takes their time. They aren't exactly hurting for money or recognition.
why did iwan rheon join this?
So when is the actual review embargo seeing how there will be showings in... 3 hours?
The problem with this specifically is that they made the agreement with IMAX so that it could fit into IMAX's dead period (there generally aren't new release IMAX movies between the middle/end of August and the middle/end of September to early October), and Game of Thrones did pretty well for them in what I believe was a similar slot. So once they made the agreement last year, they needed the whole thing to be done by right now. And you have to get lucky (or, more than likely, really expensive) to get a good showrunner who is willing to completely build a show up from nothing in that short of a time period.
Yup, ruined. As if all the previews and gifs didn't give us enough. Telling you, let shield(I saw last season and still think it's terrible), this show, and iron fist go. Let em go Marvel.
I'm pretty positive they locked on Buck long before the IMAX deal.The problem with this specifically is that they made the agreement with IMAX so that it could fit into IMAX's dead period (there generally aren't new release IMAX movies between the middle/end of August and the middle/end of September to early October), and Game of Thrones did pretty well for them in what I believe was a similar slot. So once they made the agreement last year, they needed the whole thing to be done by right now. And you have to get lucky (or, more than likely, really expensive) to get a good showrunner who is willing to completely build a show up from nothing in that short of a time period.
I'm pretty positive they locked on Buck long before the IMAX deal.
You weren't joking...
NYC not looking too hot lol...opening night:
Can we please not let this air and just quietly cancel it?
Marvel had to have known almost every step of the way this was going to be absolute dogshit and they're just letting happen.
Jesus. This is just sad to watch unfold as an Inhumans fan. Like witnessing a slow motion bullet slowly making it's way to my heart across several months, I can only watch in horror.
There's something really depressing about the thought of just one person sitting by themselves in an utterly empty Imax theatre to watch the series premiere of this show. They'd probably start crying halfway through.
When I saw Where the Wild Things Are in IMAX, I was the only person in there. It was pretty awesome, haha.
When I saw Where the Wild Things Are in IMAX, I was the only person in there. It was pretty awesome, haha.
This has more IMAX showtimes than any IMAX movie and it's still gonna bomb hard.
Probably back when it was announced, IMAX was completely blowing their load; could you imagine having a huge franchise, potentially something like Guardians of the Galaxy on your hands? You'd add as many showings and seatings as possible. Fans will be climbing over each other in the seats to get a sneak peek at this new series.
And then..it turns out to be a dud.
I don't think anyone is really going to lose out (IMAX gets to show something in a dead period, Ike gets his InHumans, Marvel gets some bargaining chips to say "hey, we really shouldn't have separate divisions for movies and shows"
Hopefully this'll pave the way to unifying the MCU, and maybe Marvel will try to force something else our way in the comics/movies since Inhumans can't be the stand ins for mutants and the X-Men any more.
Marvel TV is on a real bad streak right now. I need to watch Agents of Shield Season 4 to renew some hope.
uh, who do you mean by "Marvel" in this scenario? Does anyone there actually want to reunify the Perlmutter and Feige divisions?
I mean, that literally just ended and Defenders was good.
Iron First was bad. This looks to be bad. But that's not really a streak when AoS and Defenders are happening around the same time.
Thankfully, we'll likely never see Buck involved with the MCU again. I think Marvel TV will be fine going forward.
uh, who do you mean by "Marvel" in this scenario? Does anyone there actually want to reunify the Perlmutter and Feige divisions?
FF4 movies keep getting made because they have to. The IP has to be used every, I believe, 7 years or the rights revert back to Marvel.
The X-men movies make money, so that's really all that matters on that end.
I mean, that literally just ended and Defenders was good.
Iron First was bad. This looks to be bad. But that's not really a streak when AoS and Defenders are happening around the same time.
Thankfully, we'll likely never see Buck involved with the MCU again. I think Marvel TV will be fine going forward.
Man. Agree to disagree on that one. Randomly insert Ghost Rider and LMDs... doesn't translate well for me. So nah.
I don't share the opinion but going by GAF Daredevil S2, Luke Cage, Iron Fist & Defenders were all shit. This is where the "bad streak" talk comes from.
why did iwan rheon join this?
I just got done with Defenders today and it was indeed pretty meh. It had some moments of course but overall it wasn't very good.
I miss the days of Daredevil season 1.
Man. Agree to disagree on that one. Randomly insert Ghost Rider and LMDs... doesn't translate well for me. So nah.
It was touted at the beginning as Game of Thrones in space, and he fell for it.
The Guardian's review: "Marvel's The Inhumans: destined to be the TV disaster of the year"
I mean, that literally just ended and Defenders was good.
Iron First was bad. This looks to be bad. But that's not really a streak when AoS and Defenders are happening around the same time.
Thankfully, we'll likely never see Buck involved with the MCU again. I think Marvel TV will be fine going forward.
The Guardian's review: "Marvel's The Inhumans: destined to be the TV disaster of the year"
Luke Cage (second half mainly), Iron Fist, and the Defenders were all mediocre at best, and now we get this. Shield S4 is the only one I'm behind on, but seems to be praised universally.
To be fair, it easily could have been. There is no reason why Inhumans couldn't have been Game of Thrones in space.
And then Buck happened.
Yup, ruined. As if all the previews and gifs didn't give us enough. Telling you, let shield(I saw last season and still think it's terrible), this show, and iron fist go. Let em go Marvel.
Why do you watch 4 long seasons, which amounts to like 88 episodes, of a show you not only don't like, but actually find terrible?
(I think AoS is the best superhero tv show with a significant margin, in particular season 2 and 4 gave us 44 episodes of very strong material in my opinion).
To be fair, it easily could have been. There is no reason why Inhumans couldn't have been Game of Thrones in space.
And then Buck happened.
I'm going to have to end up going back to Agents of Shield even after getting originally put by the fucking woeful first few episodes, aren't I?