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Marvel's Luke Cage |OT| Bulletproof While Black - September 30th on Netflix


this whole 'entire season instantly' thing is the best thing since sliced bread. Netflix is gonna forever collect my money out of goodwill. HBO is the only other tv entity that comes close to that.


I really really like him. In some ways, he shares a lot in common with Fisk, since they both were connected to their neighborhoods, but Cottonmouth feels way more genuine and more complex than Fisk was in two seasons

Man I wish I had the time write why I think he's the most compelling person in the entire franchise. But I can't stop watching, I'm on episode 10.


Just finished the first episode, soo good so far. Loving the characters, the music, the cinematography and Luke Cage be a complete badass.

The Kree

Cottonmouth has the best lines and has a sympathetic backstory. Diamondback is much scarier though, like just a straight up boogeyman.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Ep4 down. Dat
tiara, metal wrists and yellow jacket

For those that finished it, any JJ / Matt cameos? Just yes or no will suffice (spoilered of course)


Saw 1.5 episodes. Wife started falling asleep from having a few glasses of wine, so we turned it off. But, we are loving it so far. We loved him in Jessica Jones, and we are excited to binge watch his own show!

Ali is just an awesome actor as well; we recognized his talent in House of Cards. Glad that he's getting more work.


Two episodes in.

I really hate the score. It's hokey and distracting. Hopefully I warm to it as the show goes on.

I really love Simone Missick. I want her in every scene.
Well finished the fist two episodes so far and this is fantastic imo. The acting has been great especially the guy playing Cottonmouth.

I love these Marvel Netflix shows
It was a gym day!

Also, real being real, I wasn't sure I'd be down with this show anyways. Don't know shit about Harlem and I didn't like Colter in JJ but I think I'm all in now

I'm liking Colter more here. He's a little dry next to how smooth Cottonmouth and other supporting cast are. but way better than in JJ.

An aside, Netflix should be advertising this more. It's not promoted on any of my devices like their other big shows.


I've wanted to see a Luke Cage show for a long time before it was ever announced, but I always wondered what the hook would be. Even when it was announced, I wasn't quite sure. I could knew what some of the hooks of the character would be, but I wasn't sure what it could be for a show and his world.

Watching the first episode now, I think I can already see.

It's a story about a neighborhood like with Daredevil, but this time it's Harlem and it's so obvious, I don't know why I didn't think of it before.

The music, casting, and cinematography are all great.
I liked JJ but loved DD. So them's big words (just finished Mr. Robot S1 so I'll start this tonight)

Yep I'm the same. I enjoyed JJ but thought it was a little slow in parts.

I'm not ready to say Luke Cage is as good as DD since I'm only 2 episodes in but the quality so far is in that realm. I'm really enjoying it.
Yep I'm the same. I enjoyed JJ but thought it was a little slow in parts.

I'm not ready to say Luke Cage is as good as DD since I'm only 2 episodes in but the quality so far is in that realm. I'm really enjoying it.

There seemed to be some negativity over JJ and while it was by no means perfect I did find it good and even charming. Had soul IMO.
I'm surprised your hearing keeps up, old man.

Damn you.

Damn you both.

You trash opinions knows no bounds

Dude he was not good in JJ, what you want from me

I'm liking Colter more here. He's a little dry next to how smooth Cottonmouth and other supporting cast are. but way better than in JJ.

An aside, Netflix should be advertising this more. It's not promoted on any of my devices like their other big shows.

Yeah, they really stacked the deck with the supporting cast, they're all really good.

I get the feeling Netflix knows they don't really need to push this too hard. That's the bonus of owning these in perpetuity
Ep 12 has the best writing of any episode prior, goddamn. So many great scenes and awesome quotes.

Edit: Whoops, mistook this for the spoiler thread.
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