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Marvel's Luke Cage |OT| Bulletproof While Black - September 30th on Netflix

I don't want to turn this into the Jessica Jones thread but even with the 13 episode order they could have just done stand-alone episodes in the beginning to flesh out Jones and Purple Man. She's a fucking PI have her solve cases.

Anyway I'll probably still watch Iron Fist with my friends despite my issues with these Netflix shows. Defenders should be interesting if nothing else.
Episode 10 easter egg spoilers:
Did you guys catch the Back to the Future easter egg in the paper? I always like to stop and read when they put stuff like that on the screen, hoping to find error or even Lorem Ipsum. This time though they put an eastee egg from BTTF, talking about a certain "Brown" that created a device which could enable time travel in the future, "when plutonium is available at every corner drugstore[...]" They also mention that he got under fire in 1985 for including a teenager in his experiments.


Seeing as how magic ninjas are a pretty fundamental point of Daredevil, I really didn't have a problem with the Hand in DD S2. My issues with that plot had more to do with the weak final villain and vague threat they presented.

Elektra was so damn good though that she easily outweighed any of those issues for me.


Seeing as how magic ninjas are a pretty fundamental point of Daredevil, I really didn't have a problem with the Hand in DD S2. My issues with that plot had more to do with the weak final villain and vague threat they presented.

Elektra was so damn good though that she easily outweighed any of those issues for me.

Elektra was terrible.
Just finished it. First of Marvel's Netflix shows I've watched to completion. I enjoyed it for the most part. Some things could have used a bit of tightening up though.


No, though she is referenced multiple times.

I suppose they intend to settle that stuff in one of the other shows.

Episode 6

I feel like the writers did here sort of what they did in the second episode:

Had characters act not entirely rationally in order to move the plot. In Episode 2, Tone had to essentially ignore anything resembling common sense and tact in order to kill Pop. Here, it is Cottonmouth hardheartedly trying to kill Scarfe so that Claire could be brought into things.

Not a fan of this. The Seams show.
Is shades cool? At first I though he was the lamest guy ever, but after
him doing cool shit
in the final two episodes I'm not quite sure. I knew diamondback was cool as soon as he said "CAN YOU DIG IT" but shades never had that moment where the tone of his character was set.


Episode 10
I was hoping they wouldn't resort to that tired cliche.

"Oh no, I'm an invincible, immortal man. My life is suffering."

I get it, they don't want thousands of Luke Cage's running around, but making it sound like having super powers is somehow a bad thing, or using Luke to cure ageing, incurable diseases, and just saving lives in general is something that shouldn't happen, is so frustrating.

For fuck's sake, come up with a more believable excuse.
Trust me, that was not the guys or the organization that made the formula are going to do. Once they learn how to recreate Luke's abilities they're going to sell to the highest bidder. If they REALLY wanted to save lives they wouldn't have did the shady things they did to test their formula.
Minor Spoilers for Ep 4/5

When Cottonmouth called Mariah "Black Mariah" and she said he was colourstruck- I googled this term (white guy living in Australia, sorry!) and it seems it's meaning someone who is racist against like, lighter or darker shades of skin in their 'own race'... is this right? Why did he call her black mariah though?

I love this show to pieces but some of the american/racial commentary is above my understanding!

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
So I watch 3 episodes and man... the end of 3 is just
some punisher warzone shit. Like a freaking targeted rocket launcher? You threw a dude of the roof for being to excessive with uzis, punched a guy till his skull cracked, but even I think blowing him up was too much. I guess it wouldnt be a comic book show without a big boom. This better not escalate with him riding a tank or helicopter at the finale...
Helmet aside, it's comic-accurate.

Damn, then it's another Captain America suit situation, just doesn't translate well to live action

EDIT: Another episode 13 spoiler -
those crowd reactions made me laugh so much. If someone shouted WORLDSTAAAAAAR I would think it really happened.


So, both ep. 2 and 3 has done the "starting with the ending scene of the episode". I hate that shit, are they doing it throughout?
Potentially this could be a great show, but it's soooo slow! And not in a good way.
For tone and feel there is nothing wrong with taking a breather but this is a joke.
And the credits at 90seconds!!!

First two Episodes dragged so I watched the third one at 1.25x speed and subtitles.
Much better!
Im imagining I will have to go 2x or 3x when I get to the mid season bloat.


semen stains the mountaintops
Nice, the other day I spent a couple of minutes trying to remember this song


but couldn't remember the lyrics so I couldn't find it.

They've used a ton of really good music so far, however, I do wish they'd have some more hip-hop.
First two Episodes dragged so I watched the third one at 1.25x speed and subtitles.
Much better!
Im imagining I will have to go 2x or 3x when I get to the mid season bloat.



Ima riot if there's no Nas by the time the season ends.


Damn defenders get all the ladies 😎

Starting to get into this show. Just finished up 4. Am I missing out if I haven't watched more than a few episodes of jj yet?
Potentially this could be a great show, but it's soooo slow! And not in a good way.
For tone and feel there is nothing wrong with taking a breather but this is a joke.
And the credits at 90seconds!!!

First two Episodes dragged so I watched the third one at 1.25x speed and subtitles.
Much better!
Im imagining I will have to go 2x or 3x when I get to the mid season bloat.

Marvel Netflix in a nutshell. We make being superheros boring.
Marvel Netflix in a nutshell. We make being superheros boring.

Are you all attention deficit?!

For me it's refreshing to see characters, villains especially, be so well developed and have a little time to breathe. You have a Daredevil that is much better developed than Captain America will ever be. You have villains that you actually empathise and even at times sympathise with.

Yeah, there's not shooty shooty bang bang every five minutes, but all for the better.
People can't seem to appreciate the slow burn of good drama as much nowadays. Caused a lot of people to bail on Better Call Saul - one of the best shows in recent memory, but all about the slow build.
Tackling a topic doesn't make it more entertaining or make me like her performance as JJ anymore. It definitely doesn't make the bad superpower scenes any better.

David Tennant was carrying that show for me. It got to the point where it wasn't entertaining as a detective show nor as a marvel/superhero show.

With luke cage it isn't a superhero show either, but at least the first 6 episodes I got a fun story from Harlem and crime.

I think I'd have to say this is mostly where I am as it goes with Season 1 of JJ.
I find the concept of watching a show on fast forward to be insane.

yeah lol. one of the loopiest things i've read on this forum for sure haha. like the show is pretty slow for sure and could do with a lot of monologues being cut and the flow being punched up but either quit it or push through it. fast forward tho...wth.
yeah lol. one of the loopiest things i've read on this forum for sure haha. like the show is pretty slow for sure and could do with a lot of monologues being cut and the flow being punched up but either quit it or push through it. fast forward tho...wth.

My time is money

I read books fast
I listen to podcasts & audiobooks at 2x speed
I watch movies at 4x speed
Episode 9...
So, they've decided to go full stupid with
Diamondback. Give me back Cottonmouth, he was charismatic as fuck.
Despite Misty being the best character in the show, her scenes in this episode felt like a fill-in issue of a comic with a last minute guest artist. There was no purpose to it, she was just given some stuff to do to fill some space. She's being Kim Bauered.
I'm reserving judgement till I finish the show, being at episode 5. Though flawed, it's probably the most consistent quality Netflix marvel since season 1 daredevil.

Biggest complaints being like cage's total lack of charisma (punisher did the cold silent stoic better in the comics), and probably the pacing.

That said, it's kept me engaged (which Jessica jones and DD S2 did miserably), and probably has the least amount of eye rolling of the post DD S1 shows.

outisde of David tenants performance, which was hampered by the script, I thought Jessica jones was absolutely awful. Season 2 of dare devil felt like it some great concepts, but execution was lacking. The season felt like a total bore.

Here's hoping Luke Cage doesn't run out of steam with another generous episode count


Binge watched over two days. Overall, I think I wasted 5-6 hours of my life. American shows really need to learn a few things from the UK, this would have been great 6-7 episode show but the need to stretch it to 13 ruined the passing and my enjoyment of the show. Not to mention that the writing throughout is quite terrible, almost every conversation with Luke was full of cliches, and the fact that they jock about it ("You're so corny") makes it almost worse.

It's pretty crazy to think that in 13 hours, we never actually learn how Luke was framed, and the potentially very interesting relationship between Luke, Diamondback (D.) and
their father
is not explored enough. All we get is a few shitty flashbacks and some dialogue during the big fight.

Not to mention that the last fight was just so woeful. It probably doesn't help that D. looks like a '70s sitcom villain. While it (might) be faithful to the comic books, D.'s outfil just looks so out of place (and cheap) to render the scene unintentionally hilarious. Erik LaRay Harvey is a very good actor, so why would you put him a suit that covers his face !

Apart from large swaths of the show making no sense ( the police are beating up black people, so we need to give the police better weapons ... ), it truly feels like a wasted opportunity. I will not be watching a second season.
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