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Marvel's Luke Cage |OT| Bulletproof While Black - September 30th on Netflix

My problem with the hand in daredevil was that the show already looked silly with a guy in a devil costume running around, now you're having him fight many ninja on top of a building and shit is funny af

At the end of the day it's based off a comic book. I'd rather they actually went with the characters and ethos of the comics rather than "goggles that kinda look like cat ears when upturned" levels of slavic realism.
Really nice series so far. I'm at episode 2 and love how Meta this all is. Some very strong statements in there.

"What do you want more than power and money?"


And I like how Marvel still use these little hints that everything plays in the MCU. (The Accident)

Now I've to ask. In Iron Man 2 Nick Fury says something like this to Tony in the donut shop:

"You are nothing compared to the shit that went down at the east-coast"

Do we know what he meant with that by now? Because all the big events had somehow an influence on the later films and TV shows. Just curious to know what it was.

Fury's line was about the "southwest region" which I think refers to Mjolnir impacting on Earth in Thor 1.
They need to insert more villains into the filler void. I don't care if it's Frogman, or Stilt Man or Mr.Death
Stilt-Man is out there somewhere!


It's like you guys bitch and moan when things get comic booky in a comic book show. Like damn. You didn't like the Hand in DD because they were magic, but that's how they always been... So you're knocking the show because they did it accurately? Sure the Hand leader wasn't all that great, but that's about it.

This is a universe where Norse God's are real, there's a race of super powers individuals, magic is real, science experiments and accidents give people power, Aliens and talking Raccoons. It's like you guys suspension of belief is selective..
It's like you guys bitch and moan when things get comic booky in a comic book show. Like damn. You didn't like the Hand in DD because they were magic, but that's how they always been... So you're knocking the show because they did it accurately? Sure the Hand leader wasn't all that great, but that's about it.

This is a universe where Norse God's are real, there's a race of super powers individuals, magic is real, science experiments and accidents give people power, Aliens and talking Raccoons. It's like you guys suspension of belief is selective..
I imagine many people who disliked the Hand didn't like them not because they were comic booky, but because they were an uncompelling antagonist with vague boring motivations that led to a dull finale

(And personally felt the subtle approach in Season 1 and start of Season 2 was much better handled than the "suddenly ninja car chase" approach)


I imagine many people who disliked the Hand didn't like them not because they were comic booky, but because they were an uncompelling antagonist with vague boring motivations that led to a dull finale

(And personally felt the subtle approach in Season 1 and start of Season 2 was much better handled than the "suddenly ninja car chase" approach)
I think that comes more from their ambiguity. The show teased things about them that didn't come full circle, specifically them being magic and being undead. Why? Because Doctor Strange is going to be the whole Marvel breakout of magic and mysticism. That's why Iron Fist comes out after Strange, because that all IF is about.
I think that comes more from their ambiguity. The show teased things about them that didn't come full circle, specifically them being magic and being undead. Why? Because Doctor Strange is going to be the whole Marvel breakout of magic and mysticism. That's why Iron Fist comes out after Strange, because that all IF is about.
No, magic and undead part isn't the issue. That aspect was fine. Consider how the Hand was used in S1. Their goals and the overall plot was linked together so even though they were mysterious and mystical, their goals were relevant and tied with the overall conflict of Matt vs Fisk.

Even the beginning of S2 did this, tying the Elektra, Matt, and Hand stuff with the Punisher /Matt conflict and the relationship between the trio of friends. And then suddenly the Hand was at the forefront, with only vague goals and a villain with no real sense of threat or motivations for the rest of the season. Combine that with the whimper of a finale and the cheap use of Elektra that they tried to play up as this big moment but didn't have nearly enough build up for it to work or feel genuine


Why does everyone shoot with one hand? This is not a spoiler but general to every movie involving street life. While I'm nitpicking clearly. What in the shit is up with people shooting off shotguns without earbuds in close range of another person? They shouldn't be able to hear for a minute after that and the lack of recoil on these guns is absurd.

My only gripe with the show outside of the shooting issue is all the criminals are dumb. Bodies laying around everywhere and witnesses walking away is bullshit even for a superhero show. Give me some realism yo. Let me get this straight:
they have guns that can shoot through invincible people
but biocremation doesn't exist FOH.

I binge watched the whole thing with a long break in between and hope we get a season 2.


I'm not far in but liking this so far, its slow but the atmosphere and acting is good and Wu-Tang during fight scenes? Sign me up.
These Netflix shows need to be ten episodes long. Too much wheel-spinning. Plus my eyes are beginning to roll at the onslaught of references to Thor's hammer and "the big green guy". We get it show, everything is connected.
Episode 12:

"- Hey guys, we're close to the finish line but we need some ideas to stretch out the story a little bit longer.
- I know, how about a 5 minute interview of
Method Man
followed by a song where we drop a bunch of Marvel references to appease the fans? That's 10 minutes right there.
- Genius!"

I mean, I like
Method Man and Sway
but come on...


Episode 12:

"- Hey guys, we're close to the finish line but we need some ideas to stretch out the story a little bit longer.
- I know, how about a 5 minute interview of
Method Man
followed by a song where we drop a bunch of Marvel references to appease the fans? That's 10 minutes right there.
- Genius!"

I mean, I like
Method Man and Sway
but come on...

I actually thought that scene was great. To see
have the song over scenes of people wearing hoodies with 'bulletholes' in them was very powerful in my opinion.
About DD S2:

I don't mind magic, heck I'll probably like Doctor Stange a lot, but the whole Black Sky thing was terrible. Elektra was a good bitchy character but the Hand was just bad. Ninja guy was terrible villain.

The writers went too far with the ninja stuff and not far enough with Black Sky. The Season 1 fight between Matt and Nobu was fucking awesome. It was tense and brutal, Matt barely made it out alive. Nobu was menacing as fuck. Then in Season 2 Matt can now take on a whole army of ninjas at a time and take them out relatively easily. Ninjas are now the equivalent of trash mobs in an RPG.

Black Sky on the other hand was built up as a weapon of mass destruction, something that the Hand cannot get their hands on because it would spell doom for everybody. It was supposed to be so terrible that Stick could justify killing a Black Sky child to save everyone else. In the end it turns out that Black Sky was a slightly better than average ninja that got killed almost immediately. That was the mythical figure that the Hand worships? Nobu was better!
The writers went too far with the ninja stuff and not far enough with Black Sky. The Season 1 fight between Matt and Nobu was fucking awesome. It was tense and brutal, Matt barely made it out alive. Nobu was menacing as fuck. Then in Season 2 Matt can now take on a whole army of ninjas at a time and take them out relatively easily. Ninjas are now the equivalent of trash mobs in an RPG.

Black Sky on the other hand was built up as a weapon of mass destruction, something that the Hand cannot get their hands on because it would spell doom for everybody. It was supposed to be so terrible that Stick could justify killing a Black Sky child to save everyone else. In the end it turns out that Black Sky was a slightly better than average ninja that got killed almost immediately. That was the mythical figure that the Hand worships? Nobu was better!

I agree that Nobu S1 was amazing, air of mystery then suddenly he just kicked Matt's ass. He was a good enemy, but not a good villain, if that makes any sense.

The Black Sky reveal was such a disappointment, it boggles my mind that they botched it.


EDIT: Kinda off topic, but did they end up revealing who was that guy Stick talked to back at Daredevil S1? The one sitting in the shadows, we only saw his back. I know he must be someone from the comics, but I don't recall them ever mentioning him again.
I actually thought that scene was great. To see
have the song over scenes of people wearing hoodies with 'bulletholes' in them was very powerful in my opinion.

I can understand that. But all these endless monologues about heroism in the Netflix / Marvel shows feel kinda artificial to me at this point. The song mentions
Luke Cage being the new MLK and Malcolm X
(if I recall the lyrics correctly) and I don't think he's really done anything to deserve that status so far. He's so passive all the time, it's like the show is happening in spite of him.
I said it before, but I really loved this shot.


It's perfect. That Biggie portrait was the real star of the show.
Rest in peace, Biggie portrait!

Edit: What a garbage ass GIF though.
Just finished.

I liked Claire's inevitable tease of the Iron Fist show.

So whats the over under on Diamondback being the villain of The Defenders? Also fuck Mariah. She is the worst.
So whats the over under on Diamondback being the villain of The Defenders? Also fuck Mariah. She is the worst.

I can see Mariah as the villain with Shades getting superpowers or high tech glasses, Diamondback will probably be just fodder (even though I can see him getting superpowers now that they linked him with that shitty scientist)


So I can't remember why Luke is on the run. can someone refresh my memory?

It doesn't really make sense if you are talking about what happened with Jessica Jones. Other than the fact that in JJ his place got blown up and he was mind controlled by Purple Man for a little bit. Like why was he able to own/run a bar just fine in NY in Jessica Jones, but now he suddenly has to be paid under the table working at two crappy jobs.

As to why he was on the run originally, you have to watch LC, I think episode 4 or 5 goes into his past.
He was set up by someone close to him and goes to prison for a crime he didn't commit, later escapes with super powers and takes on a fake identity.
The end of E9 is
hard to watch.

It doesn't really make sense if you are talking about what happened with Jessica Jones. Other than the fact that in JJ his place got blown up and he was mind controlled by Purple Man for a little bit. Like why was he able to own/run a bar just fine in NY in Jessica Jones, but now he suddenly has to be paid under the table working at two crappy jobs.

As to why he was on the run originally, you have to watch LC, I think episode 4 or 5 goes into his past.
He was set up by someone close to him and goes to prison for a crime he didn't commit, later escapes with super powers and takes on a fake identity.

Huh, that's true.. that is a bit odd. I totally forgot that he ran a bar in JJ. Why wouldn't they mention that in Luke Cage?

Only 3 episodes in but holy fuck the music is so good.

I love the music played by Cottonmouth.
Just finished.

I liked Claire's inevitable tease of the Iron Fist show.

So whats the over under on Diamondback being the villain of The Defenders? Also fuck Mariah. She is the worst.

Pretty clear that the main villain of Defenders is going to be The Hand. Remember that big hole that went nowhere?



Why does he wear the mask!?
Just watched episode 1


sex scene
was awkward watching, as I was sat watching with my mam.

Misty Knight
tho <3
My review from the spoiler thread. The spoilers are light.

Just finished episode 13.
I feel like this is my No Man's Sky. And I bought No Man's Sky.

My apologies if I'm super negative, I really wanted to like this show and I'm glad a lot of people did.

I can't criticize episodes 1 through 8 too much. They fell flat for me but the cinematography and soundtrack were on point and aside from the shitty action scenes it was solid and without major flaws. After that, it became really painful and the final confrontation was laughable. Cottonmouth was incredibly charismatic but
was nothing but an embarassing joke of a character.
I want a gif supercut of every horrible shot of him and Luke being thrown in the air in that last fight. The last 5 minutes were cool, it gives me hope for a good Heroes for Hire show.
I don't think I would give a season 2 of Luke Cage a shot at this point. The show never sunk as low as Jessica Jones did but it never came close to its best episodes either. I liked Mike Colter in JJ but here for 13 overlong episodes he was incredibly uncharismatic.

Misty and all the female characters were great though, that's definitely a huge plus. And Turk continues to be the best at being the worst.

My Netflix ranking:
1) Daredevil Season 2: episodes 1 - 4
2) Daredevil Season 1
3) Jessica Jones: episodes 1-6
4) Luke Cage
5) Jessica Jones: episodes 7-13
yeah lol. one of the loopiest things i've read on this forum for sure haha. like the show is pretty slow for sure and could do with a lot of monologues being cut and the flow being punched up but either quit it or push through it. fast forward tho...wth.

Those are the reasons to watch it at a slightly faster speed. Put on a Harlem playlist on Spotify and chill.

It's nothing to do with attention deficit, the slow is padded like crazy.
Your solution is to either accept it or just stop? Pfffffttttt I fix what is broken.


Up to Episode 4, really want to like this but it is just slow as hell so far. Have damn near fallen asleep out of boredom every episode.
It just isn't tense enough, something Dardevil and Jessica Jones was. I had trouble just walking away from my TV after the ending scenes in those series.

Not really sure how I feel about Mike Colters acting so far. He physically looks the part, but a lot of scenes I feel like he's on the verge of laughing out loud or something.
And tired of the 5 minute scenes of whatever soul group is playing in Cottonmouths club at any given moment already. Hope the club gets blown up so I don't have to see any more of those. (The music isn't bad, I just don't need time wasted showing Cottonmouth or whoever head bob to the latest group)
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