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Marvel's Secret Wars Hype Thread - Where we argue about what "reboot" means


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Worse than Ultimatum or Age of Ultron?

I mean, it wasn't great, but let's not go crazy here.

ultimatum makes top 5 worse events in comics history. i didnt like aVSx, and skipped ultron and know they arent touching it

identity crisis and bloodlines on the other hand...


Just got to
in AXIS and actually backed away from the book and put my hands on my face. This is awful.

It's also quite obvious that all of this will be undone.

In regards to Secret Wars, I think I'm most excited for Old Man Logan.
I take it you guys aren't reading Peter David's Spider-Man 2099 cause Maestro is already back in the hands of Peter David.

I am not. Yet.

I am way behind (years) on Spidey stuff. Just finished Superior Foes, now almost done with regular Superior Spidey. Coincidently, at the part where 2099 shows up in present day.
Just got to
in AXIS and actually backed away from the book and put my hands on my face. This is awful.

It's also quite obvious that all of this will be undone.

In regards to Secret Wars, I think I'm most excited for Old Man Logan.

Just read the main book of AXIS as Remender doing a meta commentary(which is what he was doing). Enjoy the hamminess and cheesiness of it all.


Just read the main book of AXIS as Remender doing a meta commentary(which is what he was doing). Enjoy the hamminess and cheesiness of it all.

I guess so. I'm just so put off by it because I was expecting more? Being caught up on Hickman's Avengers run makes it worse though, since I sort of know the outcome of things.


can't say I agree.
We'll have to agree to disagree
Worse than Ultimatum or Age of Ultron?

I mean, it wasn't great, but let's not go crazy here.
Worst event I've ever read. Still can't believe no one thought "what a minute, this is pretty bad".

I thought AvX was fun.
It probably would have been fine if it was written by one person, rather than what seemed like every major Marvel writer, and if they actually had the balls to portray Cyclops as an actual villain at the end rather than some sort of sympathetic hero. It was too erratic and I'm still pissed it totally derailed Wolverine and the X-Men which was brilliant up to that point. Best thing about AvX was watching the X-Men fanboys on CBR get wound up so easily.
It probably would have been fine if it was written by one person, rather than what seemed like every major Marvel writer, and if they actually had the balls to portray Cyclops as an actual villain at the end rather than some sort of sympathetic hero. It was too erratic and I'm still pissed it totally derailed Wolverine and the X-Men which was brilliant up to that point. Best thing about AvX was watching the X-Men fanboys on CBR get wound up so easily.

but here's the deal- AvX at least made some kind of sense and was internally consistent. It didn't confuse the reader by completely disregarding the events of current books. Try to tell me when AXIS actually happens in marvel continuity. You can't do it. No one can. There's conflicts all over. You have to pretend it exists in it's own alt-universe, especially when you consider the X-men literally took over manhattan for a month and no other book anywhere references this.

You might not like cyclops, but at least the plot didn't literally implode under the weight of it's own nonsense.

You...can't really say this about AXIS.
but here's the deal- AvX at least made some kind of sense and was internally consistent. It didn't confuse the reader by completely disregarding the events of current books. Try to tell me when AXIS actually happens in marvel continuity. You can't do it. No one can. There's conflicts all over. You have to pretend it exists in it's own alt-universe, especially when you consider the X-men literally took over manhattan for a month and no other book anywhere references this.

You might not like cyclops, but at least the plot didn't literally implode under the weight of it's own nonsense.

You...can't really say this about AXIS.

Bendis was suppose to reference it but had to cut it due to black vortex so blame Bendis on that X-Men tidbit. Everything else was referenced though.
Bendis was suppose to reference it but had to cut it due to black vortex so blame Bendis on that X-Men tidbit. Everything else was referenced though.

I'm not sure I'd call the complete absence of any mention of the X-men declaring war on new york and the human race for a month a "tidbit". But let's continue-

There is a MASSIVE continuity problem with Avengers where Steve is Old and Sam is Cap now, but Steve seems to have forgotten he's declared war on the illuminati after returning from the future and finding out what they did. This is..not a small issue.

There's really no explanation as to how Cyclops ended up locked up in Genosha. This is problematic, since Cyclops and his team have been hidden so well not even SHIELD can find them, and boy have they been trying. There is also no mention anywhere during AXIS of Scott's team, which again is odd especially after undoing schism and unifying the x-teams. Apparently he "forgot" he had a massively overpowered team sitting on their asses in canada, at least one of which could have defeated Red Onslaught's sentinels single handedly by himself. (and speaking of those sentinels...where did all that adamantium come from? does it suddenly grow on trees? and why are sabretooth and carnage able to carve through it like tissue paper?)

Speaking of X-men teams, several of the All New X-men are inexplicably absent. Scott gets a pass for being in space with corsair. Bobby, Warren, and Hank are M.I.A. Jean shows up for 1 brief panel in AXIS #1, then vanishes, never to be seen again until the X-teams unify themselves after inversion in #4(?), then randomly hangs out being evil and inverted for the rest of the event. This is especially head scratching considering that quentin quire having to hold off Onslaught telepathically by himself (when jean should have been there) was a plot point. Things complicate further when considering that Jean and the O5 (minus scott) should have been in the ultimate universe at the time, and not in 616 at all!

AXIS Clearly takes place after superior spider man ends (as it's peter, and not ock) but after the avengers try to kill him, Spider Man flees with Nova and has "no one to turn to" as an ally outside of a handful of supervillains, despite Miguel O'hara and Silk both being active in new york at that time, and teaming with parker on a fairly regular basis. Nova has an entire team (the new warriors) he could call, but seems to have lost their number. Oh, and parker's clone is on THAT team, too. Keep in mind AXIS doesn't take place over 15 minutes, the manhattan takeover runs for at least 30 days. 30. Days.

On the X-men again, it's made clear that the inverted X-men are addressing at least SOME students who aren't inverted (as the dialogue makes clear, some of them weren't on the island and heard about it secondhand from quentin) and NO ONE seems upset at all that Apocalypse is apparently back, and 'war on the humans' is the new gameplan.

To top all of this off, the plan of the inverted Avengers was to kill the red skull so "no one could change them back because being evil is awesome!" The glaring problem here is that Strange's (where DID he go, anyway? why was no one concerned?) inversion spell, caused by wanda and doom (apparently) casting it wrong caused that. Everyone knows this because they came up with the plan in the first place. So why was the plan "kill the skull" and not "kill wanda?"

Speaking of Doom, there is a huge, complicated plot point where Doom ends up stealing some of wanda's powers though some kind of crazy machine he has laying around, and can use it to alter certain aspects of 616 history. Nearly anything he wants! After quite a bit of effort he decides to use this vast power to...bring back Cassie Lang? Ok. It's dumb, but we can accept this. she's a hottie. But a single issue later Doom brings back the VERY dead Brother Voodoo and Brother Voodoo's brother out of thin air, using the explanation of "oh, I know a guy, it's cool".

I could go on, but that would involve actually re-reading axis, and I'd rather not do that to myself a second time.


Is Black Vortex good so far?

I thought it started out strong with parts one and two, but I think that's mainly because All-New X-Men and Legendary Star Lord are great.

Parts 3 and 4 were honestly skippable imo, but we'll see.
I'm not sure I'd call the complete absence of any mention of the X-men declaring war on new york and the human race for a month a "tidbit". But let's continue-

There is a MASSIVE continuity problem with Avengers where Steve is Old and Sam is Cap now, but Steve seems to have forgotten he's declared war on the illuminati after returning from the future and finding out what they did. This is..not a small issue.

There's really no explanation as to how Cyclops ended up locked up in Genosha. This is problematic, since Cyclops and his team have been hidden so well not even SHIELD can find them, and boy have they been trying. There is also no mention anywhere during AXIS of Scott's team, which again is odd especially after undoing schism and unifying the x-teams. Apparently he "forgot" he had a massively overpowered team sitting on their asses in canada, at least one of which could have defeated Red Onslaught's sentinels single handedly by himself. (and speaking of those sentinels...where did all that adamantium come from? does it suddenly grow on trees? and why are sabretooth and carnage able to carve through it like tissue paper?)

Speaking of X-men teams, several of the All New X-men are inexplicably absent. Scott gets a pass for being in space with corsair. Bobby, Warren, and Hank are M.I.A. Jean shows up for 1 brief panel in AXIS #1, then vanishes, never to be seen again until the X-teams unify themselves after inversion in #4(?), then randomly hangs out being evil and inverted for the rest of the event. This is especially head scratching considering that quentin quire having to hold off Onslaught telepathically by himself (when jean should have been there) was a plot point. Things complicate further when considering that Jean and the O5 (minus scott) should have been in the ultimate universe at the time, and not in 616 at all!

AXIS Clearly takes place after superior spider man ends (as it's peter, and not ock) but after the avengers try to kill him, Spider Man flees with Nova and has "no one to turn to" as an ally outside of a handful of supervillains, despite Miguel O'hara and Silk both being active in new york at that time, and teaming with parker on a fairly regular basis.

On the X-men again, it's made clear that the inverted X-men are addressing at least SOME students who aren't inverted (as the dialogue makes clear, some of them weren't on the island and heard about it secondhand from quentin) and NO ONE seems upset at all that Apocalypse is apparently back, and 'war on the humans' is the new gameplan.

To top all of this off, the plan of the inverted Avengers was to kill the red skull so "no one could change them back because being evil is awesome!" The glaring problem here is that Strange's (where DID he go, anyway? why was no one concerned?) inversion spell, caused by wanda and doom (apparently) casting it wrong caused that. Everyone knows this because they came up with the plan in the first place. So why was the plan "kill the skull" and not "kill wanda?"

Speaking of Doom, there is a huge, complicated plot point where Doom ends up stealing some of wanda's powers though some kind of crazy machine he has laying around, and can use it to alter certain aspects of 616 history. Nearly anything he wants! After quite a bit of effort he decides to use this vast power to...bring back Cassie Lang? Ok. It's dumb, but we can accept this. she's a hottie. But a single issue later Doom brings back the VERY dead Brother Voodoo and Brother Voodoo's brother out of thin air, using the explanation of "oh, I know a guy, it's cool".

I could go on, but that would involve actually re-reading axis, and I'd rather not do that to myself a second time.
1) Cyke ended up in Genosha you know due to Red Skull having Xavier's powers.
2) His team had no idea where they went.
3)You got me on the Cap argument.
4) The spell didn't fail cause of Doom/Wanda, it failed due to Quentin giving out and stopping the tp barrier on Red ONslaught which then effected everyone.
5) All the JGS X-men were at Genosha.
6)Doom brought back Voodoo and Cassie. One to repent and one to end the inversion.

And again, Bendis was suppose to address the X-Men deal but didn't.

And remember, video where the villains took the blame.

In other words, you do need to reread it.
1) Cyke ended up in Genosha you know due to Red Skull having Xavier's powers.

you missed the point. How did Cyclops end up on Genosha, when no one knew where he or his team was? The red skull being a telepath now doesn't explain how he magically teleported scott from the canadian wilderness to genosha without a fight, or without the rest of his team noticing. Keep in mind that Cerebro is still a thing, and can locate mutants with pinpoint accuracy, as we saw recently in uncanny Xmen.

2) His team had no idea where they went.

completely implausible, if for no other reason than Magneto is co-leader of that team and doesn't mention them either for the entire event. The same magneto that rounds up a team of supervillains as a last ditch effort, instead of the ludicrously overpowered team of mutants the skull has no data on he has sitting in canada. Keep in mind that schism is undone during this event and the Xmen are unified, yet no one bothers to tell scott's team for a month?

3)You got me on the Cap argument.

yes, yes I do.

4) The spell didn't fail cause of Doom/Wanda, it failed due to Quentin giving out and stopping the tp barrier on Red ONslaught which then effected everyone.

I didn't say why it failed. I said that the Avengers wanted to prevent inversion from being undone. Inversion was caused by a spell thought up by strange (who again, vanishes early and NO ONE seems to care where or why) and cast (badly) by wanda and doom. How does killing the skull keep the spell from being recast and undoing inversion? it doesn't. The skull at BEST is acting as an amplifier, and there is no shortage of powerful telepaths that could do the same thing. The insane "we have to kill the skull" plot point is literally nonsense, since he didn't cause inversion.

5) All the JGS X-men were at Genosha.

AXIS 004 has idie having no idea what happened and taking Quentin's word for it that he defeated onslaught single handedly. that doesn't seem to line up with "all the mutants being at genosha."

6)Doom brought back Voodoo and Cassie. One to repent and one to end the inversion.

Again we miss the point. Doom had to use wanda's (massively powerful) stolen powers to bring back cassie lang. it was made clear he could alter any point in his history, but exhausted them reviving her. One issue later he resurrects two people from the dead with no explanation off panel, saying "he knows a guy and made a deal." These two things are clearly in conflict with each other. if he could bring back the dead under his own power at any time, why did he need to steal wanda's powers?

And again, Bendis was suppose to address the X-Men deal but didn't.

There are a lottt of X-men books, and bendis isn't writing all of them. And this doesn't begin to solve the problem of the ANXM being literally off planet when AXIS was supposed to be happening.

And remember, video where the villains took the blame.

Which explains, what exactly?
you missed the point. How did Cyclops end up on Genosha, when no one knew where he or his team was? The red skull being a telepath now doesn't explain how he magically teleported scott from the canadian wilderness to genosha without a fight, or the rest of his team noticing.

completely implausible, if for no other reason than Magneto is co-leader of that team and doesn't mention them either for the entire event. The same magneto that rounds up a team of supervillains as a last ditch effort, instead of the ludicrously overpowered team of mutants the skull has no data on he has sitting in canada. Keep in mind that schism is undone during this event and the Xmen are unified, yet no one bothers to tell scott's team for a month?

yes, yes I do.

I didn't say why it failed. I said that the Avengers wanted to prevent inversion from being undone. Inversion was caused by a spell thought up by strange and cast (badly) by wanda and doom. How does killing the skull keep the spell from being recast and undoing inversion? it doesn't. The skull at BEST is acting as an amplifier, and there is no shortage of powerful telepaths that could do the same thing.

Again we miss the point. Doom had to use wanda's (massively powerful) stolen powers to bring back cassie lang. it was made clear he could alter any point in his history, but exhausted them reviving her. One issue later he resurrects two people from the dead with no explanation off panel, saying "he knows a guy and made a deal." These two things are clearly in conflict with each other. if he could bring back the dead under his own power at any time, why did he need to steal wanda's powers?

And again, Bendis was suppose to address the X-Men deal but didn't.

And remember, video where the villains took the blame.

In other words, you do need to reread it.

You do remember that Red Skull had a teleporter right? And umm...Magneto hasn't been with Scott's team for a while.

Doom had to have Wanda's for Cassie but not for Voodoo. And how many telepaths are on Xavier's level again? And how many of them were good at the moment?


I take it you guys aren't reading Peter David's Spider-Man 2099 cause Maestro is already back in the hands of Peter David.


Miguel got a BUM FUCKING WRAP. Finally get back to your time?
Surprise, nuclear disaster now Maestro rules everything.
You do remember that Red Skull had a teleporter right? And umm...Magneto hasn't been with Scott's team for a while.

Magneto never "left" scott's team, he comes and goes when he wants. there is no reasonable explanation for grabbing mystique, carnage, sabretooth and hobgoblin to beat onslaught (???!) instead of the massively more powerful team you already have, and scott's team is far stronger than that bunch of villains by an order of magnitude.

How did the red skull locate scott when SHIELD couldn't? Are you implying that the red skull broke into scott's base without anyone noticing, stole scott and ONLY scott, and left without a fight, all off panel? This is implausible to the point of lunacy.

Doom had to have Wanda's for Cassie but not for Voodoo. And how many telepaths are on Xavier's level again? And how many of them were good at the moment?

Why does cassie lang require wanda's power, but bringing back two people both of which are more powerful than she is require no more than doom talking to a dude?

As for telepaths stronger or as strong as Xavier is, there are a few. Jean in particular has been shown to be on that level when facing her future self in battle of the atom, and able to amp herself WAY past that level in ANXM, when she used ambient telepathic energy to beat down Gladiator.
Miguel got a BUM FUCKING WRAP. Finally get back to your time?
Surprise, nuclear disaster now Maestro rules everything.

I think it's implied that
something changed in the timeline so that his version of 2099 never happens. if you go back to spiderman 2099 #1, that terminator thing whose name I can't recall says that something miguel does with Liz Allen fucks the timestream and can't be allowed to occur. That something is probably the experiment that goes bad and causes the maestro future.
Magneto never "left" scott's team, he comes and goes when he wants. there is no reasonable explanation for grabbing mystique, carnage, sabretooth and hobgoblin to beat onslaught (???!) instead of the massively more powerful team you already have, and scott's team is far stronger than that bunch of villains by an order of magnitude.

How did the red skull locate scott when SHIELD couldn't? Are you implying that the red skull broke into scott's base without anyone noticing, stole scott and ONLY scott, and left without a fight, all off panel? This is implausible to the point of lunacy.

Why does cassie lang require wanda's power, but bringing back two people both of which are more powerful than she is require no more than doom talking to a dude?

As for telepaths stronger or as strong as Xavier is, there are a few. Jean in particular has been shown to be on that level when facing her future self in battle of the atom, and able to amp herself WAY past that level in ANXM, when she used ambient telepathic energy to beat down Gladiator.

Again, Red Skull has telepathy and the teleporting water chick along with the rest, not that big of a deal to grab Scott. You know how he grabbed Rogue and Wanda as well.

He made a deal for Voodoo. Again, Magneto is barely part of the team. And also SHIELD has data on all of them which is what Red SKull used to have Tony build the Sentinels with protocols to capture the heroes. A pretty big point there.
Again, Red Skull has telepathy and the teleporting water chick along with the rest, not that big of a deal to grab Scott. You know how he grabbed Rogue and Wanda as well.

Again, Red Skull does not know where Scott's team is. no one did, which was part of the problem. He can't go grab him with the "water chick" if he doesn't know where scott's team is in the first place. SHIELD with all of their tech could never find him, so how did the skull? and why only grab scott when he's nowhere near the most powerful mutant there?

He made a deal for Voodoo. Again, Magneto is barely part of the team. And also SHIELD has data on all of them which is what Red SKull used to have Tony build the Sentinels with protocols to capture the heroes. A pretty big point there.

The "making a deal" part is a massive problem. If doom could bring people back from the dead at will, he wouldn't have needed wanda. And who did he make the deal with? Oh, that was off panel? I'm sure gods and demons just hook people up with resurrections all the time.

"Barely part" is still part. Magneto knows where they are, and could lead them into battle. All it would take it "Scott's captured, and needs help". So why didn't he? why did he neither call them, or use them for the entire month AXIS was occurring? Why didn't Nova phone the new warriors, ever?

Red Skull's Data came from CIVIL WAR. There WERE no civil war files on scott's team (they weren't even mutants until after AVX) and its explicitly pointed out that there are no civil war files on the villains because Tony didn't think to make any, which is why their attacks were effective. Uncanny Xmen also makes clear that CURRENT shield has no files on Scott's team either, which is why they kept getting owned every time they ran into them.

This event is full of holes, and no amount of spin on your part is fixing them.
Again, Red Skull does not know where Scott's team is. no one did, which was part of the problem. He can't go grab him with the "water chick" if he doesn't know where scott's team is in the first place. SHIELD with all of their tech could never find him, so how did the skull? and why only grab scott when he's nowhere near the most powerful mutant there?

The "making a deal" part is a massive problem. If doom could bring people back from the dead at will, he wouldn't have needed wanda. And who did he make the deal with? Oh, that was off panel? I'm sure gods and demons just hook people up with resurrections all the time.

"Barely part" is still part. Magneto knows where they are, and could lead them into battle. So why didn't he? why did he neither call them, or use them for the entire month AXIS was occurring?

Red Skull's Data came from CIVIL WAR. There WERE no civil war files on scott's team (they weren't even mutants until after AVX) and its explicitly pointed out that there are no civil war files on the villains because Tony didn't think to make any, which is why their attacks were effective.

This event is full of holes, and no amount of spin on your part is fixing them.

AGAIN, Red Skull found Scott via telepathy. You know since he has Xavier's powers. You know the telepath who hid a mutant for how many years? And no, Red Skull's data came from SHIELD which FYI had all of Scott's mutants in there as well. So...yeah.

Also the team of Scott's powers are now known due to you know, they keep using them to escape SHIELD. Every member has used there power at least once now.

And maybe you need to reread the event.
AGAIN, Red Skull found Scott via telepathy. You know since he has Xavier's powers. You know the telepath who hid a mutant for how many years? And no, Red Skull's data came from SHIELD which FYI had all of Scott's mutants in there as well. So...yeah.

SHIELD has telepaths and cant find scott's team. EXODUS is working for SHIELD as of Uncanny and SHIELD cannot find scott, because scott has:

1.) 3 telepaths on his team


2.) has been shown to be able to block telepathy. Even non TP's like kitty and scott can keep jean out of their thoughts with training.

And maybe you need to reread the event.

I have read the event, and many other comics. perhaps you should take your own advice. Red Skull's data came from Tony's CIVIL WAR files, not from SHIELD.


which one of us needs to read the event again, hmm?

And if SHIELD had data on Scott's team, Hijack wouldn't have beaten them singlehandedly twice, including literally taking over a helicarrier and sending it miles away.
I think it's implied that
something changed in the timeline so that his version of 2099 never happens. if you go back to spiderman 2099 #1, that terminator thing whose name I can't recall says that something miguel does with Liz Allen fucks the timestream and can't be allowed to occur. That something is probably the experiment that goes bad and causes the maestro future.
That sounds awesome. Guess I know what to go to after Superior.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Tracing porn, Asian Dean Cain AND Pac-Man. What a talent.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I think it's implied that
something changed in the timeline so that his version of 2099 never happens. if you go back to spiderman 2099 #1, that terminator thing whose name I can't recall says that something miguel does with Liz Allen fucks the timestream and can't be allowed to occur. That something is probably the experiment that goes bad and causes the maestro future.

x factor implies that with
serval existing just to get superheroes to fight against alchemax
To be fair, helicarriers job more frequently than Logan.

While true, Hijack nullified a full team of armed shield agents, then a pack of super advanced shield-built sentinels that dark beast upgraded, and then some helicarriers on top of that.

SHIELD has no idea how to stop that guy, no one does. Even he can't explain how his powers work. and that's not even getting into how massively OP Eva Bell is.


I really want to know what Spider-Island and the classified areas are(though one will probably be Earth X). Also, I'm guessing the original Jean Grey will be back

Remove Bendis from x-men writing duties.


Bendis is already leaving that book.

I'm not sure I'd call the complete absence of any mention of the X-men declaring war on new york and the human race for a month a "tidbit". But let's continue-

There is a MASSIVE continuity problem with Avengers where Steve is Old and Sam is Cap now, but Steve seems to have forgotten he's declared war on the illuminati after returning from the future and finding out what they did. This is..not a small issue.

There's really no explanation as to how Cyclops ended up locked up in Genosha. This is problematic, since Cyclops and his team have been hidden so well not even SHIELD can find them, and boy have they been trying. There is also no mention anywhere during AXIS of Scott's team, which again is odd especially after undoing schism and unifying the x-teams. Apparently he "forgot" he had a massively overpowered team sitting on their asses in canada, at least one of which could have defeated Red Onslaught's sentinels single handedly by himself. (and speaking of those sentinels...where did all that adamantium come from? does it suddenly grow on trees? and why are sabretooth and carnage able to carve through it like tissue paper?)

Speaking of X-men teams, several of the All New X-men are inexplicably absent. Scott gets a pass for being in space with corsair. Bobby, Warren, and Hank are M.I.A. Jean shows up for 1 brief panel in AXIS #1, then vanishes, never to be seen again until the X-teams unify themselves after inversion in #4(?), then randomly hangs out being evil and inverted for the rest of the event. This is especially head scratching considering that quentin quire having to hold off Onslaught telepathically by himself (when jean should have been there) was a plot point. Things complicate further when considering that Jean and the O5 (minus scott) should have been in the ultimate universe at the time, and not in 616 at all!

AXIS Clearly takes place after superior spider man ends (as it's peter, and not ock) but after the avengers try to kill him, Spider Man flees with Nova and has "no one to turn to" as an ally outside of a handful of supervillains, despite Miguel O'hara and Silk both being active in new york at that time, and teaming with parker on a fairly regular basis. Nova has an entire team (the new warriors) he could call, but seems to have lost their number. Oh, and parker's clone is on THAT team, too. Keep in mind AXIS doesn't take place over 15 minutes, the manhattan takeover runs for at least 30 days. 30. Days.

On the X-men again, it's made clear that the inverted X-men are addressing at least SOME students who aren't inverted (as the dialogue makes clear, some of them weren't on the island and heard about it secondhand from quentin) and NO ONE seems upset at all that Apocalypse is apparently back, and 'war on the humans' is the new gameplan.

To top all of this off, the plan of the inverted Avengers was to kill the red skull so "no one could change them back because being evil is awesome!" The glaring problem here is that Strange's (where DID he go, anyway? why was no one concerned?) inversion spell, caused by wanda and doom (apparently) casting it wrong caused that. Everyone knows this because they came up with the plan in the first place. So why was the plan "kill the skull" and not "kill wanda?"

Speaking of Doom, there is a huge, complicated plot point where Doom ends up stealing some of wanda's powers though some kind of crazy machine he has laying around, and can use it to alter certain aspects of 616 history. Nearly anything he wants! After quite a bit of effort he decides to use this vast power to...bring back Cassie Lang? Ok. It's dumb, but we can accept this. she's a hottie. But a single issue later Doom brings back the VERY dead Brother Voodoo and Brother Voodoo's brother out of thin air, using the explanation of "oh, I know a guy, it's cool".

I could go on, but that would involve actually re-reading axis, and I'd rather not do that to myself a second time.
AXIS takes place during and after Spider-Verse while the Doom stuff is supposed to be explained during the current UA run.


Junior Member
*sigh* More Bendis Guardians

As Secret Wars looms closer, Marvel is slowly revealing a number of new series diving into the fates of the characters caught in the multiversal mashup of Battleworld. But today, Marvel has revealed exclusively to EW that Battleworld isn’t the only surviving terrain in the Secret Wars. It has a moon in its orbit, one that will be familiar to anyone who’s seen Guardians of the Galaxy—Knowhere, the head of a dead Celestial-turned-seedy-cosmic slum. In a brand new series, Guardians of Knowhere by Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Deodato, the Secret Wars have left the Guardians of the Galaxy, without a galaxy left to defend, wrapped up in a mystery that leads them to Knowhere—and the machinations of a mysterious new villain.

Secret Wars 'Secret Wars' will be the end of the Marvel Universe as we know it
“We’re gonna open up on a mystery in Knowhere,” says writer Brian Michael Bendis. “And that mystery is going to open up a lot of stuff—including a new villain. Characters a lot of people have been asking for will show up, and by the end of the series, you’re going to see a status quo change that I think people are going to be very excited about.”

Guardians of Knowhere leans right into the success of the Guardians of the Galaxy film (which spent a healthy chunk of time in Knowhere) for its setting, which Bendis describes as Blade Runner-esque and evocative of one of Star Wars’ most famous locations.

“When I hear my kids or my kids’ friends talk about it, they talk about it the way we used to talk about Mos Eisley,” says Bendis. “Remember, before the special edition, you didn’t really see any Mos Eisley, you heard them talking about the scum and villainy [and you thought], ‘I want to go where the scum and villainy is!’ And it’s the same mindset, and very exciting to present a modern version of that to all the people that love the Guardians so much.”

According to Bendis, that scum and villiany will give Gamora and Drax plenty of time in the spotlight. “They do well in seedy underbellies,” the writer notes.

Like the Guardians themselves, Knowhere—a port of call built into the disembodied head of a Celestial, one of the most powerful races in the Marvel Universe—was formerly one of the more esoteric parts of Marvel history. Thanks to the success of the film, creators like Bendis can dive headfirst into what used to be the purview of only the most dedicated fans.

“It is so exciting that everybody knows who they are now … It certainly makes you think of the stuff that jazzed you up—like Star Wars—you remember, your imagination took you to places that George Lucas never even showed you. You just went there yourself,” says Bendis. “Seeing my kids do that too, just make stuff up—and there are no bad ideas when you’re that age—to be reminded of that, that stuff is the coolest stuff. The Guardians world has a logic unto itself that allows for a lot of that fertile imagination in a very exciting way. It’s almost like it demands it of you.”

That said, Bendis does acknowledge that this is a brand new series spinning out of a cataclysmic event story, so some fans are concerned about the changes that it may bring.

“Yes, it’s very scary—what will the Marvel Universe be when this is all done?” Bendis says. “The best series that are being done during this—and all the ones that I’m attempting—are going to bring something into the Marvel Universe that wasn’t there before. And this one will absolutely be doing that. There will be a fundamental change in the Guardians coming out of Secret Wars that I think is going to [lead to] a nice conversation for people to have afterwards.”

He adds a small qualifier to that last bit.

“And by people I mean some people. Some people are going to want to kill me,” he laughs. “But other people will be very excited about it. There will be a roll call change that I think people are going to be surprised by.”

Guardians of Knowhere #1 will go on sale June 17, 2015. Above, you’ll find the exclusive cover art by series artist (and Bendis’ art partner during New Avengers) Mike Deodato. Below, you can see Skottie Young’s interlocking variant cover art for the first few issues.


Man, those couple of pages of Hickman GotG were such a tease, almost let me believe we could live in a world where Bendis isn't writing them. At least we get that Abnett Guardians 3000 tie-in.


Junior Member
Man, those couple of pages of Hickman GotG were such a tease, almost let me believe we could live in a world where Bendis isn't writing them. At least we get that Abnett Guardians 3000 tie-in.
Wait what? When?

Also, Star-Lord is apparently gonna be in Secret Wars proper, so we may get more of Hickman's GotG.


Junior Member
Though from what I've been seeing, Kid Nova isn't gonna be involved. This may be good or bad depending on your views on Sam, but I think his low sales may have something to do with it.

Correct me if I'm wrong &/or missed something, of course.


Why does everyone poo poo Bendis? He's one of my favorite writers and the reason i got back into comics and i love his uncanny/GOTG run.

Bendis has written great stuff before, it's just that you can't count his GotG run among them, imo.

What is the point of Angela? They should have used the effort to bring Mircleman/Marvelman in good and proper

I still think this could happen. What if one of those classified zones is 'Kimota?'


Bendis hasn't been good since like the first run of USM.

Wait what? When?

Also, Star-Lord is apparently gonna be in Secret Wars proper, so we may get more of Hickman's GotG.
Star-Lord is going to be on an adventure with AoA Kitty.
Though from what I've been seeing, Kid Nova isn't gonna be involved. This may be good or bad depending on your views on Sam, but I think his low sales may have something to do with it.

Correct me if I'm wrong &/or missed something, of course.

Nova's writer is doing Infinity Gauntlet which is about a family of Novas which might be Marvel experimenting with something new to make Nova more popular or something. I have no idea what's happening with Sam and he could be involved in the main Secret Wars book for all I know.
What is the point of Angela? They should have used the effort to bring Mircleman/Marvelman in good and proper

Miracleman comes back, sees all the supes fighting.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU ALL? How can you be so bloody selfish as to think that, with talents like yours, you can still aspire to a private life? What kind of monsters are you? And you actually FIGHT each other? In cities? How demented can you be?"

And so on and so forth.

Can't see how marvel could deal with what is essentially High Evolutionary with a conscience on a daily basis.

Oh hey, just noticed that Valeria, as currently presented, is a weaker version of MM's daughter.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Miracleman comes back, sees all the supes fighting.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU ALL? How can you be so bloody selfish as to think that, with talents like yours, you can still aspire to a private life? What kind of monsters are you? And you actually FIGHT each other? In cities? How demented can you be?"

And so on and so forth.

Can't see how marvel could deal with what is essentially High Evolutionary with a conscience on a daily basis.

Oh hey, just noticed that Valeria, as currently presented, is a weaker version of MM's daughter.

Post secret wars would be the best time to bring marvelman in. Especially if theyre bringing in 1610 earth with 616s. Hell, this could be a chance to redo marvel uk.
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