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Marvel's Secret Wars Hype Thread - Where we argue about what "reboot" means


Post secret wars would be the best time to bring marvelman in. Especially if theyre bringing in 1610 earth with 616s. Hell, this could be a chance to redo marvel uk.

Love some Dark Angel and Motormouth. Think they will slide some New Universe in there?



Skottie Young's Giant-Size Little Marvel: AVX


Gerry Duggan's Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commando



best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
well if theres someone to lead the howling commandos, the queen of monsters would be it


I desperately need some of these tie-ins to suck. I keep thinking I won't actually spend too much money on this event and then something like Mrs. Deadpool and The Howling Commandos gets announced.


It really seems like Marvel is saving the biggest books for last since they haven't touched on Spider-Man or the big events too much.
Does anyone remember the name of the Marvel comic that came out a few years ago that had all those monster versions of characters like a 6 arm venom Spider-Man and I think Frankencastle? Was it Dark Avengers or maybe Thunderbolts? It came out around the time they were doing that whole "Heroic Age" branding in 2010

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone remember the name of the Marvel comic that came out a few years ago that had all those monster versions of characters like a 6 arm venom Spider-Man and I think Frankencastle? Was it Dark Avengers or maybe Thunderbolts? It came out around the time they were doing that whole "Heroic Age" branding in 2010

6 Arm Spider-Man (Ai Apaec) was Dark Avengers, not sure about Castle tho.


Online Ho Champ

as pointed out, two out of three of those happened outside of Axis. Really, outside of Tony getting inverted and becoming more of a dick than usual, nothing of substance happened during AXIS and it can and should be skipped. Literally the worst event in modern memory.

Fear Itself?


Why does everyone poo poo Bendis? He's one of my favorite writers and one of the biggest reasons i got back into comics and i love his uncanny/GOTG run. Bums me out when people poo poo his work


He is good with street level stuff or underdog heroes or soaps.

Big team scale stuff or cosmic stuff is not his thing, he is actually terrible at GotG compared to the original run.

Stage On

Another plot hole from Axis I just realized. The red skull used the data Tony had from Civil war to get the hero`s weaknesses... but how is that Data still around when Tony downloaded the only copy of it into his head to prevent Norman osborn from getting his hands on it and then erased his own mind just to keep it gone....... The back up he used to restore himself was from pre cival war so those files shouldn`t exist anymore.


''James Robinson and Marcio Takara Armor Up for ‘Armor Wars''


• TECHNOPOLIS: Amazing Domain of science and wonder created by rival genius brothers TONY AND ARNO STARK. A utopia except…a unique disease forces EVERYONE to wear armor to live and breathe
• In this armored land a hero is murdered and the killer’s identity a mystery Baron Tony Stark must solve.
• But in doing so, will Technopolis be forced into a civil war?
32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99




ComicsAlliance: To what extent does your Armor Wars tie in to the classic Iron Man Armor Wars storyline of the late ’80s?

James Robinson: Well the original series was a (relatively) short saga that featured Tony, fearing that his armor designs were being misused, going after/defeating all his armor designs that were out there in the Marvel Universe being worn by others. It was a simple tale with a beginning and end.

When it came to turning this title “Armor Wars” into enough of a concept it was worthy of a whole area of Battleworld, I felt there should be more to it. So there will be a lot of Armor Vs. Armor action in it, but this tale is so much more than the original series in terms of its scope.

CA: How do you describe the high-tech setting of Technopolis? How is it different to the world we know?

JR: For reasons that will be revealed in the story, Technopolis is a world where every single person living here has to wear armor all the time. It’s a super-high-tech world of armor and robotics and science, very much advanced to ours or even the normal Marvel Universe. And all of it overseen by Tony Stark and the resident Thor who acts as the chief of police here, maintaining order.

CA: I notice this domain’s version of Thor has a surprising alter ego in Jim Rhodes. Is this a world without magic, and should we prepare for any similar surprises?

JR: No magic. This is a world of science. And yes, you’ll see a few more surprises like the identity of Technopolis’ Thor. A few familiar characters in unfamiliar roles… most specifically our murder victim who starts the whole drama in the first place.

CA: Marcio, designing all these armored characters sounds like a great gig. How do you approach the design aspect?

Marcio Takara: It is an awesome project to be part of. The idea was to incorporate as many Iron Man visuals as possible to each character. Since everyone has armor, I did my best to make at least the most important characters visually distinct from each other. I usually spend hours just picking reference from all over the place. So for Armor Wars, I have folders like “steampunk”, “dieselpunk” and “noir”. Along with lots and lots of Iron Man armors from the past. I love it.


Kind of disappointed it has nothing to do with the original Armor Wars (which was awesome), but I also really liked Kieron Gillen's run which this seems to be following up on, so I guess that's okay too.


We only have a three more titles to go to make up the titles being released in May and June and I have no idea which titles to expect since Marvel could easily hold books like Civil War and Renew Your Vows for later in the event.


I'm going to predict that the last two books will be Renew your Vows by Slott and Civil War. The only other teasers left are House of M and Age of Apocalypse but we have the Star-Lord book and I think the other characters from those events will be appearing in other books rather than their own.


I'm going to predict that the last two books will be Renew your Vows by Slott and either Old Man Logan by Bendis or Civil War. Slott let it slip that Bendis is working on Old Man Logan so I'm kinda thinking its a full title rather than part of another book.

I'm pretty sure they've announce Old Man Logan's creative team already. Yep: Bendis & Andrea Sorrentino.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Huh, that's out of left field. There were enough X-Men books already so maybe it's good this isn't about Mr Sinister.
Slott in charge of Renew your Vows hurts. I'm trying to remember the last time he wrote MJ as anything other than "belligerent plot obstacle".

Also, how about we give Carol a single story worth a shit before we start worshipping her as an icon. Please.


Slott in charge of Renew your Vows hurts. I'm trying to remember the last time he wrote MJ as anything other than "belligerent plot obstacle".

I just hope Slott's off the book after Secret Wars; he's been terrible since Spider Island ended, and the things he's done to the supporting cast to make more room for Silk and Anna Maria is unforgivable.
I just hope Slott's off the book after Secret Wars; he's been terrible since Spider Island ended, and the things he's done to the supporting cast to make more room for Silk and Anna Maria is unforgivable.

It's not like Anna Maria is in the book as anything other than an exposition machine/responsibility nag anyway.

How many more times will she tell Peter she can't run the company herself, and how many more times will Pete blow her off? He just tramples in, demands that the entire company refocus on some wacky what-could-possibly-go-wrong super prison idea, and then just fucks off and tells everyone else to deal with the obstacles that he arbitrarily threw up.

Seriously, Slott has written Peter as an unbelievable douchebag lately but his writing is so poor I can't even tell if it's intentional.


Another plot hole from Axis I just realized. The red skull used the data Tony had from Civil war to get the hero`s weaknesses... but how is that Data still around when Tony downloaded the only copy of it into his head to prevent Norman osborn from getting his hands on it and then erased his own mind just to keep it gone....... The back up he used to restore himself was from pre cival war so those files shouldn`t exist anymore.

Axis only works if Red Skull has been mind-whammying Stark since Civil War. But this Red Skull only revealed himself after AvX. So...



Also, how about we give Carol a single story worth a shit before we start worshipping her as an icon. Please.

This arc is moving more smoothly than the 2012 run. And now, Black Vortex.

I guess everyone just wants her to meet Kamala already.

I really wished they could play with the amnesiac angle more but they keep forgetting.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
It's not like Anna Maria is in the book as anything other than an exposition machine/responsibility nag anyway.

How many more times will she tell Peter she can't run the company herself, and how many more times will Pete blow her off?

thats one of the things that dissapointing about this run, and one ive argued with others over. people praise slott because pete isnt some perennial loser anymore and has his own company, but hes always away from it or has someone bitching about having to shoulder everything while petes out being spider man. id much rather he be a high school teacher than this boring plotpoint that hes in with a boring supporting cast. and slotts tossing mary jane in the bushes is bs.

read any other book with pete in it, and its written much better. i dont see how this shit keeps getting a pass


read any other book with pete in it, and its written much better. i dont see how this shit keeps getting a pass

This was true during Superior too- Yost and Gage are leagues better than Slott, and it shows whenever they get a spin-off like Superior Team-Up.
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