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Marvel's Spider-man 2 |OT| - The 19" inches of Venom you're Kraven for


Gold Member
They definitely look different!

This is Miles Morales:


This is Spider-Man 2:


Looks like the same guy with a different hair do.


I'm playing on whatever the default difficulty is and I've died exactly once. I'm few hours in, without any spoilers I just got the 'black suit'. Combat feels too similar to Miles Morales which felt too similar to Spider-Man which felt like Arkham Asylum from 2009. Maybe for Spider-Man 3 they will try something different.
I’m playing on Amazing so whatever that is. I don’t know if you’ve gotten to the Black Cat sequence at this point but the one all the turret hummers is cheap cheap. Or I’m sick and old and sick 😂

It’s probably the latter honestly.


Gold Member
I’m playing on Amazing so whatever that is. I don’t know if you’ve gotten to the Black Cat sequence at this point but the one all the turret hummers is cheap cheap. Or I’m sick and old and sick 😂

It’s probably the latter honestly.
There are some hard boss fights in the last 1/4th of the game.


Exactly. We might act like old men yelling at clouds sometimes, but the blue whales are much more vicious and damaging when it comes to their protests.
Only if you give them power. They can yell as loud as they want but they have no power unless you give it to them. What the blue whales yell is nonsense anyway.


Gold Member
Game is filled with bullshit. I’m yet to find any side activities that would use their amazing traversal system. Like obstacle course or swinging time trial or anything like that.

Those Taskmaster challenges were fun as hell in the first game. Sucks there is nothing like it here. I don't think side missions have improved at all really. Of course, the districts are still showing a lot of things locked for me so maybe they will get better.


Only if you give them power. They can yell as loud as they want but they have no power unless you give it to them. What the blue whales yell is nonsense anyway.
Is not us giving them power though, it's the spineless game developers who seem hell bent on catering to that crowd's insanity.


Gold Member
Did they removed the medal system from the base arenas side-content? The Mysteriums have them, but the Kraven bases don't?
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Those Taskmaster challenges were fun as hell in the first game. Sucks there is nothing like it here. I don't think side missions have improved at all really. Of course, the districts are still showing a lot of things locked for me so maybe they will get better.
Given he shows up as a target on the list Kraven sees of potential hunts in New York and that his story arc was left unfinished from the first game, this surely has to be part of an upcoming DLC. No other explanation for the ridiculous decision to exclude that content from this.


*Refreshes biennially
Those Taskmaster challenges were fun as hell in the first game. Sucks there is nothing like it here. I don't think side missions have improved at all really. Of course, the districts are still showing a lot of things locked for me so maybe they will get better.

I'm missing one activity on my map... I'm pressing X to doubt.

There are some hard boss fights in the last 1/4th of the game.

Can you name some in spoiler tags?
The placement of the weapon caches is so lazy. It's just sitting there blinking and beeping. In the second game they were hidden away.
How come the cops didn't find it all? I know it's a videogame thing but gee. Did they have the intern do it?


Platinumed the game after 30 hours on the highest difficulty available in your first playthrough.

My thoughts:

- Story (despite being predictable)
- Boss battles far better than #1
- Some side content (Wraith’s arc, a few one off side missions and a some others are great)
- Traversal is the best of any game i’ve ever played. Web wings are killer.
- Combat better than the first game despite being very similar
- New additions to the map are great. So nice to have more variety to explore.

- Most of the side content is trash (Sandman’s, Brooklyn Visions, collectibles etc.)
- No Taskmaster challenges. Inexcusable, one of the best parts of the first game.
- Tons of bugs
- No races. You literally have web swinging and web wings and these aren’t included?
- NPC faces and vehicle models are PS3 tier
- Game is still far too easy, didn’t die more than a few times outside of boss battles and even those only downed me a few times.

Overall i’ll give it a 9/10 but the real shame is the biggest issues this game has were all problems in the first game yet still not fixed here.


I've been playing for hours and the game is still teaching me how to do the things I've already been doing.

"Here's how you do a perch takedo ... I KNOW!"

In general, I really don’t understand why devs are so afraid to just let people figure things out on their own nowadays. It seems to get worse every year too.


Running around the hood as a little girl and 'painting' over walls is peak gameplay.

That mission made me so fucking annoyed. Dumbass little girl running around what appears to be a construction site because “FUCKIN GRAFFITI!”

Not quite sure why they decided a mission that takes inspiration from The Quiet Man was a good idea. I wonder if a lot of people wanted to cut this one but a small minority of 1 or 2 people would’ve thrown a massive bitch fit if they did.


Not really a spoiler but I thought villain wise Kraven was better than Venom. Big fan of how Insomniac pulled off his whole story arc.


Gold Member
Question: when you get the symbiote suit Peter's normal attack animations are different, using the symbiote tentacles, etc. Now that I'm back in the open world Peter's attacks are back to normal.

So, uh, the normal symbiote attack animations only work on story missions?


I was like 10 mins in and they have a sign interpreter in the high school classroom, Miles Morales and friend know sign language to speak with their black female deaf friend. Not saying this is a bad thing. but this level of inclusion stands out to me. I also am basing this off of what I've read about the game, but haven't personally played yet though.
You have to be kidding me. You're screaming "too much politics!" cause there is a deaf character? Is this a joke?


You have to be kidding me. You're screaming "too much politics!" cause there is a deaf character? Is this a joke?
buddy there's more. I just played a mission where spiderman helps a gay dude ask his boyfriend to homecoming. but yeah man if I am noticing these things as someone that usually doesn't care, then yeah it's a lot. whether or not you think its good is up to you.
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Ive enjoyed the story a lot, mostly Peter's. Really don't care for Miles character but I also didn't in his game or the spiderverse movies so it's alright, I can deal with it but the Peter side is much more epic to me.

The combat still feels like baby's first Batman game but it does the job and scratches the batman itch ive had for years, love the stealth, the buttom mashing not so much but thats how these games are.

Swinging around the city feels super awesome but boy do you get introduced to a ton of collect a thons, prowler stashes, photo ops, etc. Ive been mostly ignoring them unless I stumble upon them. Not a completionist.

Can't wait to dive in again today.


Also I did 2 of those random arson crimes back to back and had to take the same NPC (dude with brown jacket and headphones) to an ambulance, pretty immersion breaking lol.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Those Taskmaster challenges were fun as hell in the first game. Sucks there is nothing like it here. I don't think side missions have improved at all really. Of course, the districts are still showing a lot of things locked for me so maybe they will get better.

The Mysterio side mission takes care of that and is actually pretty decent. All combat challenges.


Mysterio side mission is better though! More challenging compare to Taskmaster Mission (Bomb to explode & Beating mobs).

Plus the end of sidequest :messenger_smiling_hearts:


There's an option in the settings to extend the parry windows, should you wish to do so

Oh damn. Didn’t know that. May have to tick that one just because of the flame thrower dudes. I’ve gotten in the habit of mashing one of the powers buttons if I miss that quarter second parry window with them.


Gold Member
That ending... lmao.

I put up with everything this game threw at me, but that ending was painful. Feels like they are testing the limits of how far this can go.
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Gold Member
Just got a bug where all the audio was muted except anything playing through the controller speaker. Fixed by resetting the game.

Loving how many suits there are and then on top of that you have the color variations for most of them.


Progress is saying 67% so I’m going to throw in some mid-game thoughts.

I’m really disappointed by the gadgets this time around, rather they kept everything from prior games. Unless I’m super late or missing something the lack of impact web and trip mine feel completely unnecessary and reduce Peter’s effectiveness compared to the first game. Granted the focus is obviously on the Symbiote but even still I don’t know why they couldn’t leave it in for Miles. It feels like stealth took one step forward two steps back with some choices here. Web line is amazing, less options suck.

The formula of “main mission -> new game mechanic” is a bit stale, but I’ll give it to them and say they nailed the minigames, none of them are overly terrible and I haven’t turned on Skip Puzzle so that’s good. I’d like to see more organic ways of introducing objectives, I think the Sandman opener was a great example but then you could go the next 30 hours without triggering other mission chains because it’s not as naturally baked into the narrative.

Overall Insomniac is at the top of their game and the open world stuff is nuts but I’d love for them to take more notes from Arkham City/Knight on meshing open-world activity and story. Something like the Man-Bat jumpscare was so memorable and effective because it was entirely random and unexpected, not a quest marker or anything like that.
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