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Marvel's Spider-man 2 |OT| - The 19" inches of Venom you're Kraven for


Gold Member
Just finished it. Fantastic game.


I'm only about 2 hours in so far, but I think my favorite thing about the game so far is that they (at least based on what I've experienced up to this point) didn't go with the tried and true trope of finding some way to nerf you plot-wise. I immediately feel just as strong as I did (if not more strong) at the end of Spider-Man 1 and Miles Morales. The devs are doing a great job at selling the idea that these are experienced Spider-folk.

Also im feeling the sequel fatique. I think im done with 1st party sequels. tlou 2, ragnarok and now this. Too similar to the first one which i understand but... yeah. Gimme new IPs instead. I hope sucker punch is not making tsushima 2

It's not what you're looking for, but I'd love for Sony to revisit Ape Escape or Legend of Dragoon.
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Also im feeling the sequel fatique. I think im done with 1st party sequels. tlou 2, ragnarok and now this. Too similar to the first one which i understand but... yeah. Gimme new IPs instead. I hope sucker punch is not making tsushima 2
thing is, we're not really getting 'sequels' anymore. what we're getting is much more similar to 'episodes', where everything basically looks exactly the same, & everything just carries on from what came almost immediately before. think metal gear solid, or devil may cry, dragon quest, or zelda, or most other classic games that've had sequels, & you'll see what i mean. the only major series that i can think of where the sequels are more like episodes are the yakuza games...


where everything basically looks exactly the same

I'm not quite as nihilistic about Sony's first party games yet, but there was a part near the beginning of this game where you're
hanging out with MJ and riding a bike around the neighborhood with Harry
and my immediate thought was that visually this feels like a scene straight of the Last of Us. I get they're both "realistic" art directions, but something about the lighting, texture work, and overall presentation in Sony's first party games definitely feel very same-sy.
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Dunno what I'm doing wrong but can someone tell me how you do the spider jump and the spider dash? I've unlocked them in the skill tree and for jump it says to press L1+X while swinging or gliding.

I do that and all that happens is Spidey stops in midair and his metal things come out like I'm doing the special ability attack (which then goes on cooldown). I'm not jumping forward like the skill video indicates.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Dunno what I'm doing wrong but can someone tell me how you do the spider jump and the spider dash? I've unlocked them in the skill tree and for jump it says to press L1+X while swinging or gliding.

I do that and all that happens is Spidey stops in midair and his metal things come out like I'm doing the special ability attack (which then goes on cooldown). I'm not jumping forward like the skill video indicates.

You just need to hit L1 triangle while gliding or L1 square at the peak of your swing and you’ll get a power boost

Chuck Berry

Gold Member

Said it before but this game has some of the most beautiful skies I’ve ever seen in a game. The gradual time change through the story with the subtle change of the lighting, sunbeams etc has been nothing short of masterful

It’s that sorta stuff that evens out the bullshit lol


Playing on Amazing and I’m already stuck cuz my ass can’t parry.
the raft level in the beginning

Lokaum D+

My god, Miles missions are so cringe, filled with inclusive bs that feels so forced geez.

Just did a mission that at the end o got silent claps, i wish i could play only Peter.

And the next is help a gay dude to invite some other dude to prom or somethin like this.
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There really is no inbetween with the side content in this game.

It’s either awful or outright great.

The replacement for Taskmaster’s challenges is bad, real bad, who’s idea was it to make them all combat based? Taskmaster’s stuff in the first game was so varied and the stealth and race ones were actually fun. Shame because the final mission is actually rather good.

The one-offs like Hailee’s and Howard’s just do everything right for short side missions. Then you have the Brooklyn Visions’ missions which the less said, the better.

Wraith’s whole story side arc is great, definitely a lot of work put into that and they play like main missions. Should have been far more of this for different story arcs with allies/villains.

Even the bases feel like a huge downgrade from the first one overall. I think some are designed better in this but the sheer number of them and variety is lacking.

Forgot about Sandman’s side content too. That was really bad, it’s like Insomniac just didn’t want their sand enemies to go to waste after the opening mission.

Shame really because besides half of the side content being very bland (and all the bugs), it’s an amazing game.
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My god, Miles missions are so cringe, filled with inclusive bs thtas is so forced geez.

Just did a mission that at the end o got silent claps, i wish i could play only Peter.

And the next is help a gay dude to invite some other dude to prom.
Thank God Mario came out on the same day to cleanse all that stuff



They nailed Norman (Osbourne). Arriving on a high school football field in a helicopter, at night, to greet his son.

Always trust animation and video games - tv - to understand comic characters perfectly when adapting them.
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Beat the game .

Solid 9/10. More impactful story in Spider-Man 1, but much better story than miles morales game.

The shortcomings for this game are pretty small and minor in the grand scheme:

-MJ play times as always are meh
-Too many of the same side missions. There really is no reason to chase after a mech bird more than 3 times
-Lots of pandering in a disingenuous matter coming off as woke AF nonsense.

All that said it’s the best super hero game made, and the best benchmark for what current gen consoles are capable of.


Gold Member
SM2 is so much more fun than the previous games when it comes to exploring the map. According to the in-game stats, I’ve only completed 20% of the game, probably because I’ve spent half of my time web-winging and water surfing all over the shop. 😂

I find that I don’t need to open the map as much either; it’s more natural to find things during gameplay - ooh, what’s that green light over there?


Gold Member
So more like Miles Morales? Weird

Still pretty short
It feels longer because there are crimes or something popping up all the time that make you feel like a bad Spider-Man if you don't put the story on hold to go fight them. It adds a sense of urgency that sometimes makes me feel a little rushed despite not making a ton of progress toward the story.


Kids don't give a fuck about any of that stuff. In fact the only people who do care are pearl clutching conservatives.
Well of course, if the game had instead any semblance of conservative views, Insomniac would had been dragged to the mud by now. Think Cyberpunk or Hogwarts...


So far I’ve only found one mission I outright hate, and it’s
the one where you play as the deaf chick. That one should’ve been cut
Seeing a lot of discourse on the wokeness and politics in this game being increased from the first so I’ll weigh in. I did my homework

First game had a slightly different writing staff. Comprised of all men and 2 of which write for actual Spider-Man comic books and graphic novels

This game shook up the writing team and there are I believe 2 women on the crew now, who of course are woke, and the comic writers from the first game are gone.

Take that as you will. The quality of it is subjective of course but the increased politics and eye rolling post Anita video game tropes are very likely a causality of this fact.


Played for 2 hours and holy shit I'm really tired of the cutscenes and tutorials, and considering you were in control of Spidey in like 10 seconds from the moment you pressed start in the original this is a bad change of pace

I don’t think any thread has forced me to hit the ignore button as much as this one has.
I only have one intolerance, and that’s for assholes.
Seriously, some of these post are fucking nuts. And the dude who posted the pedophile flag shit was aggravating.
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