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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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This right there...this is how you get Corona, please avoid public gatherings people...not just for your own safety.
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Has anyone heard of any fallout from PAX East? I have a friend who was working the show and now she's come down with some sort if illness. Hopefully just a ConFlu, but you never know at this point.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
^ what racism? She sat in front of her. Look at the reflection. I would have covered my mouth too. Also, when confronted, the lady respectfully moved away.
Some people really want their "discrimination victim" moment and nothing will stop them. I wonder what's her purple account nickname.

PS: I am not trivializing true racism towards asians. I just feel that this video is a non event from someone trying to get her pity stars.
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The preppers have hit the Walmart near where I live. I saw multiple people with carts full of bottled water. The canned food section wasn't empty but there were a lot of holes.

I talked to the cashier a bit and she said that they can't keep hand sanitizer or bleach in stock. Somehow when sanitizer got delivered, some people either knew or got lucky and just bought up everything that was being put on shelves by the stocking crew.
The deputy who found the body got sick with something.

Ok, but the average time of incubation before showing symptoms is 5 days, up to two weeks. There is so much nonsense info out there it might be best if we hold back on posting stuff that isnt verified. Or if it IS speculation, at least have some facts to back it up.

Edit: or maybe not, I shouldn't act as some sort of moderator of the thread. Not really my place I guess sorry. Carry on!
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Went to my asian family clinic yesterday due to a gout attack. I really didn’t want to go but it was unbearable constant throbbing pain.

None of the staff wore masks nor gloves. Now I gotta go again soon for the blood results. I hope I’m ok!


Lil’ Gobbie
Man didn't any of these people get the message that it's just the flu, bro!

We canceled our upcoming trip. I just couldn't go through with it and feel right about it.


this is just like the flu; business as usual

look at the shit im seeing on resetera

Don't let this interrupt your plans - you should always be taking all standard precautionary measures, washing your hands frequently, and putting masks on the sickly

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Just got word that my son's school district is shutting down for probably 14 days. Probably all of King County will do the same.


Well I’m going on a four-day bachelor party vacation for mah boy starting tomorrow doing some very pre-planned-and-paid-for activities in a very public-and-crowded kind of area pretty close to a hey-we-got-infected-here kind of city. Press F to pay respects GAFbros, hopefully the secret to beating this thing is lots of booze.

this is just like the flu; business as usual

look at the shit im seeing on resetera

ahahahaha YES, Resetera posters, THIS is what pushed your mental health over the edge.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Uh, it goes without saying that people who died from a pneumonia will have permanent lung damage. That why they're dead.

This article has no relevance to anyone who isn't a physician.
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Good to see our President officially distributing false health information to the public in service to his stock market worries:messenger_ok:

In times of crisis the general public will look up to the leaders of the country for information and inspiration to get through it all. The American public has Trump.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I'm hearing some guy gave it to his dog?

Crazy stuff. Dozen people on a cruise ship may have it off the coast of California.


Good to see our President officially distributing false health information to the public in service to his stock market worries:messenger_ok:

How is this false information? In any outbreak or pandemic, especially towards the beginning, there is a population of people that do not get tested (for various reasons, tests don't exist, symptoms are super light, etc). As such, the iceberg analogy is often used - the number of cases you can see is very small versus the total infected populous.

Now add the fact that any death related to flu like symptoms/pneumonia is being scrutinized heavily so the discovery rate (versus say the flu) I would venture to guess is higher. Add the two together, and likely the 3.4% death rate is higher than actual. Whether it's below 1%, well that's anyone's guess, but based on all available data, I don't think it's false to say that likely the rate is artificially (but not deliberately) high.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I'm listening to Clyde Lewis and he was talking about how the new James Bond movie got pushed back to November as a result of the Corona virus.

Wonder if any other big movies like Ghostbusters 3 are going to be affected.



the guy knows more about infectious diseases than anybody, including the CDC

I learned along time ago that stating any negative business issue is having a less that 1% effect is totally believed until its proven incorrect.

"These people have an issue with your product."

"Yes, but its only effecting less than one percent of buyers."

I've used it, it really works or gives you breathing room before data comes along that disproves it.


I'm listening to Clyde Lewis and he was talking about how the new James Bond movie got pushed back to November as a result of the Corona virus.

Wonder if any other big movies like Ghostbusters 3 are going to be affected.

Movie theaters are still closed in China, so they'll hold off because that's a big chunk of change they will lose. Release a movie in another country and piracy will kill the theatrical release in China before the release.

Ghostbusters mean nothing to China, so I can't see that getting bumped. I think Bond movies do OK as a franchise for China as they are kind of stand-alone but part of a long running series.
Since I last posted 6 hours ago


toilet paper crimes are up? Not sure what is going on with the whole TP thing.

Outside of China:
15,004 cases - 273 deaths

Inside of China:
80,409 cases - 3,012 deaths
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Anyone else seeing some blatant abrasiveness towards Chinese on social media? lol

I saw a video of a Chinese woman with a mask slap boxing with a golden retriever and I'm like huh that's funny because the dog looked happy but the woman looked serious

I look at the comments and it's all "corona"

Then I see a Chinese girl doing a mukbang video eating some kind of sea creature and the comments are all the same

And then a video of cutting open a fleshy bag to expose a fetus of some kinda four legged mammal

"corona" "they eat anything"

I thought this would blow over quick but it seems to be growing
All the teachers at my kids' Catholic school for half-term last week took a group trip to Italy, probably Vatican City.

lol, idiots

Now Italy has closed all schools and unis for a week or two.

I live in the middle of nowhere in central Europe, in an otherwise un-Corona'd country, yet it's probably coming here now too.


Anyone else seeing some blatant abrasiveness towards Chinese on social media? lol

I saw a video of a Chinese woman with a mask slap boxing with a golden retriever and I'm like huh that's funny because the dog looked happy but the woman looked serious

I look at the comments and it's all "corona"

Then I see a Chinese girl doing a mukbang video eating some kind of sea creature and the comments are all the same

And then a video of cutting open a fleshy bag to expose a fetus of some kinda four legged mammal

"corona" "they eat anything"

I thought this would blow over quick but it seems to be growing

I mean


Kinda hard to care about hurt fee fees when there’s a literal plague sweeping across the planet.

South Korean authorities are conducting an administrative investigation at the headquarters of the Shincheonji religious group, which lies at the heart of the country's outbreak.

A joint team is conducting the investigation at the headquarters, located in Gwacheon, close to Seoul. The team consists of epidemiologists from the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and forensic experts from the Prosecutors' Office.

The investigation was to verify lists of Shincheonji's members and service attendees, said Kim Ganglip, Deputy of the Central Disaster Relief Headquarters, at a news briefing today.


...hate me...
I feel like these discretionary cancels and shutdowns are just a bandaid until the other shoe drops. Eventually there will be the realization that either you cancel everything and close every office and school and nothing will be the same (plus huge economic recession) or you take measures to enable a return to somewhat normal activity. Which will likely also come with a recession, just not as big.

At least until there is a medical breakthrough.
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