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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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China has back to work orders in place now but things getting back to normal is long gone.

The world is going to need to find a new normal

Trust me they are not actually "Back to work". Some places are open, some with limited capacity and some with a lack of workers who are staying away safe at home.

China: Back to work!*

*Terms and conditions apply
Trust me they are not actually "Back to work". Some places are open, some with limited capacity and some with a lack of workers who are staying away safe at home.

China: Back to work!*

*Terms and conditions apply

Yeah I get it is mostly lip service like all official reports China sends out but one can only hope those folks can get back to earning a living and carrying on with life.


China has back to work orders in place now but things getting back to normal is long gone.

The world is going to need to find a new normal
There is nothing up and running, quarantine hasn’t been lifted ...

You think if the decision to start everything the next day it’s normal? It will take at least 4 months ..

Shits gonna get delayed. Sony closed offices , who’s gonna plan the PS5 launch 🤣


China proved that COVID-19 can invade Central Nerve System (what is the correct english name?) and have some degenerative effect on neurons.
GG 'flu'.

Source in spanish:

The flu, like MANY OTHER viruses, can have the same effect and can also evade the CNS. This is VERY WELL known. Check https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14522059 or google for ~10.000 more sources.

Apart from that, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Germany, which is co-leading the fight against corona in Germany, announced today at the press conference that they expect that in just a few weeks there will be an approved drug in Germany to treat the virus.

A drug has already been approved in China and has shown very good results and very few side effects in the first study with 70 patients. Furthermore, research is currently being conducted on many drugs, some of which may be available very soon (source: https://www.statnews.com/2020/03/02/coronavirus-drugs-and-vaccines-in-development/). You have to remember, that the coronavirus is fighting against the whole world and even if the pharmaceutical companies are primarily interested in money, some companies will be able to save many lives in the upcoming weeks, months and maybe even years.

Even if the virus suddenly spreads explosively, which does not look likely, it is quite possible that there will be several alternative treatments available in a few weeks. I think this is very good news especially for patients at risk.
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Few weeks, treatments 🤣 takes years to test .... if we are extremely lucky we have treatments / vaccine in 7 months . And that’s fast ...

Likely it will take more than a year.

If you don’t test properly, the side effects of the drug can be worse than Corona...
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Few weeks, treatments 🤣 takes years to test .... if we are extremely lucky we have treatments / vaccine in 7 months . And that’s fast ...

Likely it will take more than a year.

If you don’t test properly, the side effects of the drug can be worse than Corona...

Sorry, I was not aware that you are more informed and better educated than the experts in Germany, China and worldwide. I just wrote an email to the WHO with the advice to include you in the team of experts so that we all have better chances. If I had known that your sources (gossip magazines) had more factual knowledge and were more in touch with reality, I would not have posted my last reply.
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All my dealers/suppliers in China have been back up and running for about 2 weeks now. Shipments are being sent speedy and everything is work as usual. So I do think most are back to work.


Sorry, I was not aware that you are more informed and better educated than the experts in Germany, China and worldwide. I just wrote an email to the WHO with the advice to include you in the team of experts so that we all have better chances. If I had known that your sources (gossip magazines) had more factual knowledge and were more in touch with reality, I would not have posted my last reply.

Well he's right in that you can't be sure of the safety and side effects of a drug without a long and large scale study. Sometimes we discover side effects of drugs that did go through thorough testing, years after they've been commonly used.
It may be worth the risk to stop/slow down the worldwide expansion of the disease, but it also means going in (mostly) blind, hoping for the best.


Well he's right in that you can't be sure of the safety and side effects of a drug without a long and large scale study. Sometimes we discover side effects of drugs that did go through thorough testing, years after they've been commonly used.
It may be worth the risk to stop/slow down the worldwide expansion of the disease, but it also means going in (mostly) blind, hoping for the best.

The drug has been available since 2014 and is effective against certain classes of viruses, not only SARS-CoV-2. So there have already been long-term tests and much more. The problem was not the lack of long-term studies. The problem was that efficacy first had to be proven.
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The Greek count just jumped from 10 to 31. 21 people who came back from a trip to Israel where found positive.

lil puff

I just secured a hefty line of medical grade face masks from a contact in Shanghai. Time to reel in the big bux.
I think it's odd, that in NYC, they have begun telling people not to use masks and they are not safe/could be worse. No one ever said that before, and people were already using masks.

They said, not to worry about riding the subway, that virus would not be likely to spread under brief crowding conditions, then they turn around and initiate a full scale daily bleach clean of all train/buses. That's a mixed message.

When our 1st cases come in, they are cases where people had travelled. They are very vague about where and when people were travelling. Why are they withholding this info?

Most people in my office say they are not remotely concerned about this. Yet, they discuss it everyday, play Dr. Google, and discuss how they could not find disinfectant wipes at Costco. 2 people said they stocked up on frozen/canned goods and water. Right, no worries at all.

Last, I am shocked at how many people get back to their desk (we have open office area) and broadcast how they washed their hands. Gross. What the fuck were you doing before.


Few weeks, treatments 🤣 takes years to test .... if we are extremely lucky we have treatments / vaccine in 7 months . And that’s fast ...

Likely it will take more than a year.

If you don’t test properly, the side effects of the drug can be worse than Corona...
These are cases of testing antiviral drugs that are already approved for human use. A vaccine will assuredly take more time, but this can already work.

Only 8AM in New York early in the day yet


The UK is the MOST relaxed about the killer coronavirus: Global poll reveals three quarters of Britons aren't fazed by the infection – and are the least likely to wash their hands or avoid crowds where the illness may spread
British people are among the most relaxed people in the world about the threat of coronavirus – but are also the least likely to take precautions.

The virus has already infected 90 Britons and England's chief medical officer has warned an epidemic on UK soil is now 'highly likely'.

I remember being ridiculed by a couple of posters when a while back I said in this thread that Brits have a poor attitude to hand washing.
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I'm in Washington and it's just a matter of time before I get it. The West coast is the hot zone in the US, and that's just what it is.

I'm taking precautions, but I'm sure I'll get it.

I hate to be petty about this, but I would not mind a few weeks of "work from home".

In NY if that number goes up to about 30-40, I can imagine an increase in measure or precautions being taken.

I cannot deny, I am getting slightly concerned. Not paranoid, but definitely alert.

Work from Home might be in the near future for a lot of major companies. As long as people remain chill about this whole thing I see nothing wrong with hoping for some advantages in a bad situation

lil puff

I'm in Washington and it's just a matter of time before I get it. The West coast is the hot zone in the US, and that's just what it is.

I'm taking precautions, but I'm sure I'll get it.
I think as long as you stay relatively healthy and take common sense measures, the chances will still be low.

Seems like the over 70 years of age group are the most vulnerable, and more likely for people who already have health issues. So far.

But yeah, I can understand the concern. We have little info, and the bits that we get are vague and contradictory.
I think as long as you stay relatively healthy and take common sense measures, the chances will still be low.

Seems like the over 70 years of age group are the most vulnerable, and more likely for people who already have health issues. So far.

But yeah, I can understand the concern. We have little info, and the bits that we get are vague and contradictory.

Yeah I'll be perfectly fine. There's only a few people that are at risk where I work (age, health level, diabetes, etc), but other than that i'm just cruising until something happens.



Guess next week it will also affect the rest of the mayor european countries. So my family vacation next month to Bangkok is cancled more or less. fuck 2500€ down the drain for the flights if I don't get the money back. . . Cheapest classes suck but I don't have the money for flexi tickets with 2 kids >< Feared this since the started expected it the other way around . . .
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Few weeks, treatments 🤣 takes years to test .... if we are extremely lucky we have treatments / vaccine in 7 months . And that’s fast ...

Likely it will take more than a year.

If you don’t test properly, the side effects of the drug can be worse than Corona...

Yeah, panic/urgency can make fools of us all. Hopefully we don't end up rushing to the point of unnecessary and significant unintended harm.

We often feel like doing *something* is better than doing nothing, but that's not always true. It will be interesting to see how things play out - if I don't get Corona'd.
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