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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Obviously I’m hoping he’s an alarmist - and yet he appears to be a retired doctor who has a pretty extensive understanding of diseases and how they infect people. He also predicted a month ago that the virus would soon reach his community in northern England, and four days ago his prediction came true.

I can’t be as dismissive about this person as you - so, again, does anyone know who he is?

EDIT: Okay, thanks. I see who he is now.
Well look.
Nothing should be taken as granted.
There is a lot dissinfo out there and a lot of factual one.
Just judge for yourself. Sooner or later you will know who is credible and whos is making up shit

Unlike all the insiders in next gen thread i trust this guy 100 times more.


Hate to say it but Canada is probably going to be next on the list of fast rising countries. Once it starts going crazy in the US we won't be far behind. I actually am shocked that we have managed to keep the numbers so low but as I posted earlier that doesn't seem to be the case. We were sitting sub 15 for a while but things are speeding up. 45 cases earlier today, its only a matter of time till we start getting those on a daily basis.

And for any non Canuck Canada has a population of approx 35 Million, so its as if we are sitting at 450 cases if you compare us to the US.

I’m in Vancouver and the positive case where I work has yet to be counted or reported on.
I have not posted BNOs chart because it is way too long now to share





Im shocked it hasn't hit Montreal. Hate to say it buddy but I think BC is about to blow up, aren't you guys at 20 or so cases?

If there really are just 20 cases in BC.... which I doubt.... then I can confirm the 21st. I was standing on the sidewalk in front of our building this morning, and informed two colleagues, just arriving, that one of our employees is sick and has tested positive for coronavirus - both were visibly shaken. One (who has a large family) literally stumbled backwards.

I know I keep saying this, but I can’t believe this has actually happened. I NEED reliable information, and I’m not getting it.


If there really are just 20 cases in BC.... which I doubt.... then I can confirm the 21st. I was standing on the sidewalk in front of our building this morning, and informed two colleagues, just arriving, that one of our employees is sick and has tested positive for coronavirus - both were visibly shaken. One (who has a large family) literally stumbled backwards.

I know I keep saying this, but I can’t believe this has actually happened. I NEED reliable information, and I’m not getting it.

Province or territoryConfirmed cases
British Columbia21
^ DC soon then


California's Santa Clara County confirms 4 new coronavirus cases

Argentina confirms 6 more novel coronavirus cases
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Finally got a answer for a big question, how many can we test per day?

There is a large shortage of test kits globally, in Sweden, we can test 200 per day.

I wonder how bad it is in other nations, and, if this isn't why, alot of nations simply aren't testing, until you are in the hospital queue?

IMHO, would explain alot of the official statements, since they know, they can't test and keep up.

Kagey K


Province or territoryConfirmed cases
British Columbia21
2 presumptive in Alberta now. 1 in Calgary, 1 in Edmonton with the Edmonton mans travelling companion being tested soon. (They were at a business convention in Michigan) The Calgary lady worked at ATB which means she could have passed it to many ppl.
I was disappointed myself. I thought we might get some new info but it was just typical political back patting.

It can't be helped this is a fine line between political suicide and a raging public.

If they don't start testing millions of people though... smh. The Cruise Ship off California can really hurt them no matter what they try and do now. Dock it people will rage. Leave it out there and it is a bad look on the US globally.

Not a good time to be a political leader. Mayors, Governors and all are at risk if this thing is not controlled, they need to look busy as fuck and the way you do that is by testing people. No one is hating on South Korea because they test like madmen.


2 presumptive in Alberta now. 1 in Calgary, 1 in Edmonton with the Edmonton mans travelling companion being tested soon. (They were at a business convention in Michigan) The Calgary lady worked at ATB which means she could have passed it to many ppl.
Is ok . Is ok.
I got now toilet paper. And stocked up on essentials.

I do not want to be going to any store this weekend.

Maybe to have a good laugh and record people . The zoo is closed so this will do.

Will think about it.
Good thread title change!

Uh Oh
Cruise passengers not told about coronavirus test results prior to Pence announcement

Can't imagine finding out like this.

Passengers aboard the Grand Princess cruise off the coast of California learned that 21 people aboard the ship tested positive for the novel coronavirus by watching Vice President Mike Pence’s announcement this afternoon.
In an audio address aboard the cruise after Pence’s news conference, the ship’s captain apologized to passengers over the loudspeaker.
“You may have heard this on the news by the media already and we apologize, but we were not given advance notice of this announcement by the U.S. Federal Government,” the captain said. “It would have been our preference to be the first to make this news available to you. These individuals will be notified of their test results as quickly as possible.”
The captain went on to say the individuals will be notified of the test results by the ship doctor as soon as possible. This includes two guests and 19 crew members.


Kentucky confirms 1st coronavirus case
From CNN's Dave Alsup

Kentucky’s governor has confirmed the state’s first case of coronavirus this afternoon.
Gov. Andy Beshear identified the person is in Lexington and they are being treated in isolation. Beshear has filed a state of emergency and activated the state’s emergency operations center.
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Chicago Public Schools Employee 6th Coronavirus Patient in Illinois

A Chicago Public Schools aide has been diagnosed with the coronavirus, state and local officials said at a news conference Friday evening.

The patient — a Chicago resident in her 50s — is a special education classroom assistant at Vaughn Occupation High School on Chicago's North Side, Mayor Lori Lightfoot said.
The woman, who remains hospitalized in stable condition, recently disembarked from the Grand Princess cruise ship in California, where 21 people on board tested positive for the coronavirus.

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Update on my situation: the chief medical doctor in British Columbia is coming to talk with us in person tomorrow. Ironic that the meeting is taking place in our building, but I guess they believe it’s safe. I’ll let you guys know what happens tomorrow. I’m going to bed now. A terrible day, if I’m being honest.


Seems patients in Switzerland with mild symptoms will not be tested anymore (no capacity)

translated from DE :

The corona virus is also spreading rapidly in Switzerland. The number of confirmed infections rose to over 200 on Friday. Switzerland is facing an epidemic wave, said Daniel Koch of the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) on Friday before the media. And you will increasingly lose control over the number of people infected. Because around 80 percent of patients in whom the disease takes a mild course - they will be hardly tested anymore in the future. Those who have symptoms of flu or a cold, including cough or fever, should no longer report to the hospitals, but should stay at home, said Koch, head of the communicable diseases department at the BAG.

Health ministers Alain Berset and Koch appealed to the population not to storm the emergency department at the weekend if there were mild symptoms of illness. "Because of the increasing number of cases, healthcare facilities are under great pressure," said Berset. The goal must now be to keep the hospital capacities free for people with severe illness. According to Koch, there are currently corona patients in the hospitals who have been hospitalized for isolation but do not need hospital care. For reasons of capacity, the hospitals could no longer accept such patients.
However, if corona patients with a mild course are no longer identified as such, relatives are at risk of becoming infected. "Most of the transmissions are already taking place at home," says Koch. However, not everyone who had contact with corona patients was infected. Nevertheless, the risk that relatives of the sick spread the virus when they go to work increases. And according to Koch, they should do this as long as they do not show any symptoms of illness. The risk of infection is relatively small in these cases.

Medical certificate after five days

The BAG continues to keep a certain control over the distribution in Switzerland. Corona infections are now recorded in the Sentinella reporting system, which is used to record seasonal flu. This system is an extrapolation from tested cases.

In order to relieve the health system, employers should only request a medical certificate from the fifth day of absence. And companies should give their employees flexible working hours so that they no longer have to use public transport at peak times. Less densely populated trains reduced the risk of infection.

The federal government is now concentrating primarily on protecting the vulnerable population: people over 65 and generally on those with previous illnesses such as cardiovascular and respiratory complaints, immune deficiency, diabetes or high blood pressure. Because they are at risk of serious or critical illnesses, which require hospital care or even an admission to the intensive care unit. Berset and Koch appealed for solidarity with the risk groups. Therefore, hygiene rules should be adhered to and social distancing practiced. "We have to give special protection to vulnerable groups," said Berset. Because with a new virus like the Sars-CoV-2 there is no immunity and no vaccine yet.

8 cases of coronavirus confirmed in Colorado
From CNN's Dave Alsup

Three new cases of coronavirus have been reported in Colorado.
Authorities in Douglas County report two additional cases in their county. The first case is an adult who returned from a trip to Italy. The second is a student who returned from a trip to the Philippines.
The Eagle County Public Health Department announced their first presumptive positive case. The patient is a woman in her 50s visiting the area and likely exposed during international travel. She is not hospitalized and is recovering in isolation.

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Update on my situation: the chief medical doctor in British Columbia is coming to talk with us in person tomorrow. Ironic that the meeting is taking place in our building, but I guess they believe it’s safe. I’ll let you guys know what happens tomorrow. I’m going to bed now. A terrible day, if I’m being honest.

BTW thanks for the updates as a fellow Canadian.
Man what a day/week.

From China to a bunch of little China's and potential future China's. Next week should tell if we're going to get completely uncontrolled outbreaks or not.

Our school district is sending home packets for at home work, preparing for school closings.
How are they receiving new food when being welded into their houses?

By taking turns going outside every second day. You're referring to fake news.

Italian situation:


Regular reminder. This guy ISNT Chinese and it just LARPING for a reaction.


shout-out to @brap’s dad for exposing him.

Keep trolling sherlock. Nowhere in my post history does it say I'm from China. I'm not larping, I'm very serious. Start learning Mandarin or fall by the way side of irrelevance.
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Nebraska confirms its first presumptive case of the coronavirus

At least 26 US states have now either confirmed or presumptive confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus, after Nebraska announced its first case Friday.
Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts said in a news release that the first presumptive positive case of the virus had been reported to the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

The patient is a woman in her 30s from Nebraska's Douglas county who recently returned from the UK at the end of February.

I've noticed that CNN's blog has gotten fond of using the words 'At Least'

South Carolina reports two presumptive positive cases of coronavirus
An elderly woman and a patient with a travel history to Europe are the first two cases of novel coronavirus in the US state of South Carolina.

According to South Carolina's Department of Health and Environmental Control, the two cases are not linked.
The first patient is an elderly woman from Kershaw County who has been hospitalized and is in isolation.

The second is a woman from Charleston County who recently traveled to France and Italy. She did not require hospitalization and has self-isolated at home.

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Hawaii confirms former Grand Princess passenger as first coronavirus case
From CNN's Andy Rose and Jon Passantino

Hawaii has confirmed its first novel coronavirus case, according to state officials at a Friday news conference.
Governor David Ige said the patient is a Hawaii resident who traveled on the Grand Princess cruise ship, which is now in quarantine off the coast of California.
It’s the seventh confirmed case tied to the cruise ship.
Ige said the Hawaiian patient disembarked in Mexico, but officials are aware that the cruise ship also stopped at four Hawaiian ports last month.
The state is examining the manifest of Grand Princess passengers to contact those who stopped in Hawaii, asking that they self-quarantine, he said.

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Suffers with mild autism
My upcoming trip was canceled, like nearly every conference... and faculty / staff at my university have been told that no international travel for official business is permitted until further notice (study abroad programs all canceled for spring / summer), plus any inter-state travel is strictly limited and encouraged to avoid at all costs.
Third Washington state nursing home reports coronavirus infection

A resident of a nursing home in Issaquah, Washington tested positive last night for the novel coronavirus, according to Eastside Fire Deputy Chief Rich Burke.
The patient has since been transferred from the facility to a local hospital, and three firefighters who responded to the scene have self-quarantined.

Mexico announces sixth case of coronavirus
BREAKING: More than 300 cases of coronavirus confirmed in the US

There are at least 304 cases of the novel coronavirus in the United States as of Friday evening, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as state and local governments.

According to CNN Health’s tally of US cases that are detected and tested in the United States through US public health systems, 255 cases have been detected in 28 states.

After including the 49 cases in repatriated citizens, the total number of coronavirus cases in the United States is 304.
This total includes both presumptive positive cases that tested positive in a public health lab and are pending confirmation from the CDC, and confirmed cases that have received positive results from the CDC.

A total of 15 people have died from the virus in the United States -- 14 in Washington state and one in California.


The real number is 321+ whatever they have not added yet...
Counting the 21 Grand Princess cases because they gave them the test kits meant for Americans
Can't try to sneak this pass us CDC/Trump
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Facebook is going to ban ads for medical face masks
From CNN's Donie O’Sullivan

Facebook plans to ban medical face mask advertisements and commerce listings from its platform, according to the social media giant's director of product management.
Rob Leathern said in a tweet on Friday night that Facebook “will make necessary updates to our policies if we see people trying to exploit this public health emergency."
He said the change will be rolled out in the coming days.

BREAKING: More than 300 cases of coronavirus confirmed in the US

There are at least 304 cases of the novel coronavirus in the United States as of Friday evening, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as state and local governments.

According to CNN Health’s tally of US cases that are detected and tested in the United States through US public health systems, 255 cases have been detected in 28 states.

After including the 49 cases in repatriated citizens, the total number of coronavirus cases in the United States is 304.
This total includes both presumptive positive cases that tested positive in a public health lab and are pending confirmation from the CDC, and confirmed cases that have received positive results from the CDC.

A total of 15 people have died from the virus in the United States -- 14 in Washington state and one in California.


The real number is 321+ whatever they have not added yet...
Counting the 21 Grand Princess cases because they gave them the test kits meant for Americans
Can't try to sneak this pass us CDC/Trump

Well it looks like I'll end up a little over projected at 350, but pretty close all things considered. What was the # at when we guessed?
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