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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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How about you just ignore him and lay off the open grandstanding about it with these hysterical declarations? No one gives a cunt. This isn't the first time you've done it in this thread already and it just makes you look a fragile 'safe space' Twitter bitch who can't handle remotely their opinions being challenged in any context. It's easy enough to deal with these 'It's just the Flu Bro' Edgelords through logic, reason and ridicule. Alternatively, maybe GAF just isn't the forum for you and you should go sign up at Era (www.resetera.com) as I dare say their authoritarian approach and 'Not listening' attitude to all things may appeal more to you (assuming you're on the right side of history according to them ). No one's coming to this thread for your dog & pony show versus updates on what's happening with the virus globally (shout outs to those regulars posting updates)

We'll see who is "ridiculed" once all is done, but I get the impression some people won't let go & they'll peddle this virus ad infinitum for years with fears of a potential "mutation". The numbers are basically all we should care about, i.e. from the moment the usual demographic who die from the flu (elderly & infirm) are not dying at an exponentially faster rate with coronavirus than from the average yearly flu, people should stay calm (certainly considering healthy adults don't seem to be dropping like flies, at all). When 18,000 French died of the flu in 2015, no one on Neogaf at the time was talking about ignoring users or ridiculing them. No one was talking about it full-stop.

Imagine if 18,000 French die of coronavirus? It'll be chaos. It's just a total lack of perspective at the moment which is fuelling this story.



You do you ruvikx ruvikx

Still, if you are going to try and chip in, how about you try and address my earlier post in response to you instead of sculking off as you did into *tumbleweeds*. Till then back under your bridge Edgelord.
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How about you just ignore him and lay off the open grandstanding about it with these hysterical declarations? No one gives a cunt. This isn't the first time you've done it in this thread already and it just makes you look a fragile 'safe space' Twitter bitch who can't handle remotely their opinions being challenged in any context. It's easy enough to deal with these 'It's just the Flu Bro' Edgelords through logic, reason and ridicule. Alternatively, maybe GAF just isn't the forum for you and you should go sign up at Era (www.resetera.com) as I dare say their authoritarian approach and 'Not listening' attitude to all things may appeal more to you (assuming you're on the right side of history according to them ). No one's coming to this thread for your dog & pony show versus updates on what's happening with the virus globally (shout outs to those regulars posting updates)
Well i am sorry you see it that way.

I have no problems to piss off for good if this is the reaction to my ignore comment.

Cuz you telling me this is not the forum for me i should sign up to era like you actually putting me down to their level makes you no better than me right?

You guys tell me to opt out and i will.

But dont put me down like this its a bit insulting.
Like i contribute a lot here but after this......


If it keeps doubling every 3 days we are looking at ~150.000 to 160.000 infected.

Yeah, people don't really get that there's an exponential growth rate to these things. It's compound interest. Initially, it starts slow, but once it gets rolling....

I think it's fair to say that we're just not geared up mentally to deal with these things in terms of containment. I'm struggling to see the UK government being able to adequately enforce strict quarantines for instance if they're unable to stop the spread here getting past the 1000 mark and Italy is turning into a nightmare.
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The deaths in Italy are apparently due to the virus is spreading in hospitals, where of course already sick and weak people are located, RIP.
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As far as recoverd what does that mean? They have no symotoms and dont need to worry about quartines? Why is SK so low on the recoverd ?

Since China is the oldest to get the virus could we say its time lag and their recovered numbers paint the best picture ?


Gold Member
There’s an article online (in Italian, of course) explaining why Italy is the perfect country for such a situation.

Anyway, the most important factor is that Italy is one of the oldest countries on Earth. We have one of the highest life expectancies in the world, and a lot of old people.

My fellow Italians love to attribute every situation like the spread of Covid to a peculiar stupidity and lack of civic sense of our people, but the truth is that Italians aren’t more stupid, ignorant or selfish than any other people. We’ve had isolated cases of people going to the supermarket and filling a van with stuff, we’re having our shortages of hand disinfectants, but we aren’t hoarding TP (well, we do have a bidet in virtually every household, I’ll give you that).

We ARE clueless about the best way to deal with the virus, of course. We have people not respecting quarantine measures. We have institutions issuing new recommendations and guidelines daily, health authorities failing to issue information to healthcare providers in due time, contradictory information about safety measures and emergency numbers. And we have idiot politicians and so-called “experts” claiming very different things in the media every other day, further confusing a population that on average isn’t the brightest nor the most educated when it comes to health.

Still, the disparity in numbers is hardly explained by just “LOL Italy” like Italians always love to do.
The number of casualties is promptly explained by the average age of the dead: none is younger than 50, almost all are older than 70. And coming home to an elderly parent after a day of work among dozens of people is a daily reality for many Italians. Many Italians also panic at the first sign of fever or cough in their elderly and they’re very quick to rush them to the ER, so this may explain in part the high number of cases.


We got 1 confirmed case in South Africa.

Now, knowing how terrible our health care is...I'm figuring that means at least 4,002 people are infected.

Dr, Campbell said he read a study that said people touch their face more than 20 times per hour.

I think I might touch my face more than 60 times per hour.

the more I try the more I feel a itch lol

wetting your fingers with saliva to turn a page of paper is a bad habit she had aquired


Dr, Campbell said he read a study that said people touch their face more than 20 times per hour.

I think I might touch my face more than 60 times per hour.

the more I try the more I feel a itch lol

wetting your fingers with saliva to turn a page of paper is a bad habit she had aquired

I am a perpetual face toucher. Just touched my face right now LOL.

Roughly 5,861 coronavirus tests completed by CDC and public health labs
From CNN’s Kevin Bohn

As of Friday at 6 p.m. ET, roughly 5,861 tests for coronavirus have been completed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and public health labs, US Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn said at off-camera briefing at the White House on Saturday.

Trump administration health officials had not released specific figures until today.

This does not mean that 5,861 people have been tested. Currently each person tested typically has two swabs taken – one from the nose and one from the throat.

The 5,861 number also does not include tests performed at private or commercial labs.

Right now Hahn said there is an ability to perform 75,000 tests. Officials, however, expect that number to jump dramatically next week with the additional production by private manufacturers of coronavirus testing kits.

source CNN

kinda weird how data never matches expectations.

2 test or swabs per person nose and throat. But we have an odd number as the rough estimate. Humans do.
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All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web

Roughly 5,861 coronavirus tests completed by CDC and public health labs
From CNN’s Kevin Bohn

As of Friday at 6 p.m. ET, roughly 5,861 tests for coronavirus have been completed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and public health labs, US Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn said at off-camera briefing at the White House on Saturday.

Trump administration health officials had not released specific figures until today.

This does not mean that 5,861 people have been tested. Currently each person tested typically has two swabs taken – one from the nose and one from the throat.

The 5,861 number also does not include tests performed at private or commercial labs.

Right now Hahn said there is an ability to perform 75,000 tests. Officials, however, expect that number to jump dramatically next week with the additional production by private manufacturers of coronavirus testing kits.

source CNN

Bolded is interesting. So more like 2900 people tested.
How ads we not receiving transparency?

Next we're going to hear that testing has gone way up, but very few are actually infected. Then we're going to find out that they ran the test 10,000 times on the office pet rabbit.


Gold Member
If you are in Italy prepare yourselves for the long ride of Lockdowns

Many cinemas, gyms and such have been closed for a couple weeks by now in my area. The virus still got here.

This is going to cause an awful lot of tension in people. Many hate their job, but they don’t know what to do when stranded at home either. Mothers are freaking out at having their kids home from school for so long, and working mothers are burning their money in babysitters. Oh, and high school students who aren’t going to school reunite and go out in the evening anyway, they go on trips in the weekends so it’s not like they’re respecting isolation measures.

I fully expect the government to be dumbstruck when the numbers reveal that the spreading of the virus hasn’t stopped even with all those measures in action.
I mean, even the secretary of our main left-wing party was found positive, and he had tweeted a pic of himself at a cocktail party not even 2 weeks ago.



Roughly 5,861 coronavirus tests completed by CDC and public health labs
From CNN’s Kevin Bohn

As of Friday at 6 p.m. ET, roughly 5,861 tests for coronavirus have been completed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and public health labs, US Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn said at off-camera briefing at the White House on Saturday.

Trump administration health officials had not released specific figures until today.

This does not mean that 5,861 people have been tested. Currently each person tested typically has two swabs taken – one from the nose and one from the throat.

The 5,861 number also does not include tests performed at private or commercial labs.

Right now Hahn said there is an ability to perform 75,000 tests. Officials, however, expect that number to jump dramatically next week with the additional production by private manufacturers of coronavirus testing kits.

source CNN

kinda weird how data never matches expectations.

2 test or swabs per person nose and throat. But we have an odd number as the rough estimate. Humans do.
This alone means that US cases are going to skyrocket in the next weeks. More testing naturally means more cases identified. Combining more testing with the natural spread of this virus will result a thousand or more cases In the next week. Tens of thousands may be identified in the following weeks.
Coronavirus quarantine hotel collapses in China, trapping 70 people
From CNN's Yong Xiong and Theresa Waldrop

Search and rescue efforts are underway after about 70 people were trapped in a hotel collapse Saturday night in southeastern China, officials in the city of Quanzhou said.
The hotel was used as a coronavirus quarantine center, People's Daily and other state media outlets confirmed.
Thirty-three people had been rescued from the debris by 9:30 p.m. local time (8:30 a.m. ET), the city's government said in a statement. Another 10 were rescued over the next three hours, People's Daily reported, and search efforts were ongoing.

a mess China might build fast but most of the time the quality is suspect


The calgary case is a bit retarded.

The woman worked at ATB and she for sure infected a bunch of people.

They shut down 2 branches and sayd that they will only test people who show symptoms.

This seems to be the mentality here and even my nurse wife agrees with this approach stating why should we spend all this money and resources on cases that might be negative.

Canada AND US is as fucked as iran or any other 3rd world country.

And if we have the italian type or iran type which is highly likely you can prepp as much as you want cuz your goverment doesnt give a shit about you they just want to keep the spending low.
There are 72 state and local public health labs doing coronavirus testing around US
From CNN's Kevin Bohn

In updated figures, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says, as of Friday, 72 state and local public health labs in 48 states and Washington, D.C., are verified and are conducting coronavirus testing.
No labs in either Maine or West Virginia are currently doing testing according to the CDC.
Also labs in the US territories of Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands are in progress of being ready to test.



Interesting day by day breakdown for Italy.

What will the next 15 days look like?

With this data, it's hard to say since the test rate is unknown against the entire population.

I think I did the math correctly...if we were to model the available data -
  • Infection rate, when modeled across 15 days, is decreasing by roughly 5%/day assuming a linear fit
  • Starting with 153 infected and assuming a 200% transmission rate, we end up with an infected total population reaching a max of 57k
  • Decrease the drop in infection rate to roughly 4%/day, total population max would be 115k
  • Drop another percent to 3%, total population max would be 0.5mil
  • Drop another percent to 2%, total population max would be 2.2mil
  • Drop another percent to 1%, and total population would exceed global population (ie. all of Italy will basically be infected)
While washing hands, not touching faces, etc seem like futile measures, a small behavioral change (and societal sacrifices) play a huge role in keeping numbers down. Social distancing, elbow bumping, self quarantines, being vigilant, etc all help in increasing the rate at which transmission decreases so the next 15-20 days will be reflective of how seriously people take the disease and enact individual measures to reduce transmission rates. At the very least, it will be a reflection on how seriously Italy as a whole is treating the pandemic.
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Just a reminder. 1 US CDC test kit = 600 tests that can be done per kit.

My State Connecticut only had 1 kit to do 600 tests. Since they do both nose and throat that would mean only 300 people could be tested per kit.
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With this data, it's hard to say since the test rate is unknown against the entire population.

I think I did the math correctly...if we were to model the available data -
  • Infection rate, when modeled across 15 days, is decreasing by roughly 5%/day assuming a linear fit
  • Starting with 153 infected and assuming a 200% transmission rate, we end up with an infected total population reaching a max of 57k
  • Decrease the drop in infection rate to roughly 4%/day, total population max would be 115k
  • Drop another percent to 3%, total population max would be 0.5mil
  • Drop another percent to 2%, total population max would be 2.2mil
  • Drop another percent to 1%, and total population would exceed global population (ie. all of Italy will basically be infected)
While washing hands, not touching faces, etc seem like futile measures, a small behavioral change (and societal sacrifices) play a huge role in keeping numbers down. Social distancing, elbow bumping, self quarantines, being vigilant, etc all help in increasing the rate at which transmission decreases so the next 15-20 days will be reflective of how seriously people take the disease and enact individual measures to reduce transmission rates. At the very least, it will be a reflection on how seriously Italy as a whole is treating the pandemic.
Now this elbow bumping pisses me off .
Anyone does that to me i will break their arms on the spot.

You cough and sneez into your elbow.
At least thats how its thought and thats howbi do it.
So you touch someone else with your germ infested elbow.......its dumb.

A simple hand wave will do and ahould not offend anyone in todays situation.
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Now this elbow bumping pisses me off .
Anyone does that to me i will break their arms on the spot.

You cough and sneez into your elbow.
At least thats how its thought and thats howbi do it.
So you touch someone else with your germ infested elbow.......its dumb.

A simple hand wave will do and ahould not offend anyone in todays situation.

I'm not sure how your body anatomy is, but I sure as hell can't lick my elbow or rub my face with it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Anyone does that to me i will break their arms on the spot.

Why do people still say stupid shit like this on the Internet? So reminiscent of the late 90s/early 00s Internet Tough Guy phenomenon.


only a matter of time Panama has a high Shipping traffic

Seems like the case in Costa Rica has a link to Panama

Well i told them to cancel or rebook.
They said they cant as they booked in january.
They say its safe from the virus which we know by the time they get there wont be the case.

They picked the money over their health.

Sad but also i blame travel companies for not trying to help out people and force them or put them in danger for profit sake.
India's prime minister: Avoid handshakes, greet with "namaste"
From CNN's Vedika Sud in Delhi

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is asking people to avoid shaking hands amid the coronavirus outbreak and instead greet each other with "namaste."
"The entire world is taking up the habit of ‘namaste.’ If, for some reason we have discontinued this habit, it is the right time to once again take it up instead of handshakes," Modi said.

spreading that Hindu bro /smart


188 cases in The Netherlands. +60 from yesterday.
And much higher infection rates than what China have lied about.

Yeah, people don't really get that there's an exponential growth rate to these things. It's compound interest. Initially, it starts slow, but once it gets rolling....

I think it's fair to say that we're just not geared up mentally to deal with these things in terms of containment. I'm struggling to see the UK government being able to adequately enforce strict quarantines for instance if they're unable to stop the spread here getting past the 1000 mark and Italy is turning into a nightmare.
Our government 100% for sure is incapable of dealing with corona virus. Still allowing flights from China.
I for one will not comply with any quarantine! Why should I when the government couldn't give a shit.
I'd also like the government to try and enforce vaccination! It will end up with rivers of blood.
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Many cinemas, gyms and such have been closed for a couple weeks by now in my area. The virus still got here.

This is going to cause an awful lot of tension in people. Many hate their job, but they don’t know what to do when stranded at home either. Mothers are freaking out at having their kids home from school for so long, and working mothers are burning their money in babysitters. Oh, and high school students who aren’t going to school reunite and go out in the evening anyway, they go on trips in the weekends so it’s not like they’re respecting isolation measures.

I fully expect the government to be dumbstruck when the numbers reveal that the spreading of the virus hasn’t stopped even with all those measures in action.
I mean, even the secretary of our main left-wing party was found positive, and he had tweeted a pic of himself at a cocktail party not even 2 weeks ago.

I fully suspect this level of dumbfuckery to continue across Europe tbh. We just don't have the means to instigate the kind of extreme shutdown witnessed in China, and so we are inevitably subject to the weakest links in society fucking with any containment protocols because they think it's no big deal or that they'll be fine.


India's prime minister: Avoid handshakes, greet with "namaste"
From CNN's Vedika Sud in Delhi

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is asking people to avoid shaking hands amid the coronavirus outbreak and instead greet each other with "namaste."

spreading that Hindu bro /smart
Why not butt bump?
But with girls only
Well i told them to cancel or rebook.
They said they cant as they booked in january.
They say its safe from the virus which we know by the time they get there wont be the case.

They picked the money over their health.

Sad but also i blame travel companies for not trying to help out people and force them or put them in danger for profit sake.

I would not give Panama a week to report a case if they were testing. All I can guess is cases are already flowing through.
In the canal zone most big ships have to hand over the controls to a local to navigate the canal. If any country is primed for an outbreak it is Panama.
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