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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Goddamn it the market is in freefall with this Corona Virus and Oil shit going on. It's like a perfect storm. :|

Brazil's Ibovespa fell 12.1% today, that's insane.

Fun Fanboy

I've had a friend DMing me on Twitter. He's telling me it's worse than what even the news is saying. And he says he comes from a family of doctors. So now I'm like..... damn.
Oh, and ps... probably would help or mean more if I mentioned (thought i did) He lives in Italy.
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Gold Member
CPAC kills all Republicans, the virus kills all the older Democrats, AOC takes over the country.

The 'anxiety' policing over at the other place is hilarious and sad at the same time.

Just let the facts and details be the facts and details, is that so hard?


"COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 19) - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology. Dedicated to the memory of Dr. Li Wenliang." (3/9/2020)

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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Health district: Second ‘presumptive positive’ coronavirus case in Clark County is woman in her 70s

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — The second case of “presumptive positive” coronavirus identified in Clark County over the weekend involves a woman in her 70s who is currently hospitalized and in isolation, according to a news release from the Southern Nevada Health District.

The release said the woman did report in-state travel prior to developing symptoms. Close contacts of that person are being asked to self-quarantine for 14 days.


Lil’ Gobbie


Gabriel Knight
So one positive thing out of this perhaps...
maybe this will finally start opening people's eyes about the danger of globalization and relying on other countries like China on things like pharmaceuticals
I was unaware on how much America relies on China in that regard..
just picked up this book..

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
So one positive thing out of this perhaps...
maybe this will finally start opening people's eyes about the danger of globalization and relying on other countries like China on things like pharmaceuticals
I was unaware on how much America relies on China in that regard..
just picked up this book..

Yeah, assuming this whole thing does blow over without too much insanity, I do hope it is a wake up call to many industries that depending so heavily on China is a huge risk and liability.


I have had a flu that advanced into borderline pneumonia that’s been on and off for the last month...came back over the weekend and my Doc put me on some horse pill sized antibiotics and they are testing me for Covid 19 because I traveled on a flight last week.

fingers crossed but this seems kind of dumb to just send me home...


I have had a flu that advanced into borderline pneumonia that’s been on and off for the last month...came back over the weekend and my Doc put me on some horse pill sized antibiotics and they are testing me for Covid 19 because I traveled on a flight last week.

fingers crossed but this seems kind of dumb to just send me home...

If it was the flu, why the antibiotics? Can a viral flu lead to a bacterial pneumonia? Legit asking here as I am secretly three raccoons in a trenchcoat.
I have had a flu that advanced into borderline pneumonia that’s been on and off for the last month...came back over the weekend and my Doc put me on some horse pill sized antibiotics and they are testing me for Covid 19 because I traveled on a flight last week.

fingers crossed but this seems kind of dumb to just send me home...

Hope you are okay and it's nothing serious.

Kagey K

Watching further "Contagion" (2011), and amazes me how many similarities I find in it with present situation
Like this - top picture from the movie and bottom from RL in China.

Good movie recommendation, I’ve always meant to watch it and figure this is as good a time as any. Some of the talk on there is very similar to real life right now. How many times we touch our face, what else we touch, Swine Flu, Regular Flu.

If you want another good movie to watch that’s not quite the same thematically check out this one,


Hope you are okay and it's nothing serious.

Thanks! hope so too but at least I got a get out of jail free card from work for a few days...maybe I’ll finally beat Jedi Fallen order lol.

Good movie recommendation, I’ve always meant to watch it and figure this is as good a time as any. Some of the talk on there is very similar to real life right now. How many times we touch our face, what else we touch, Swine Flu, Regular Flu.

If you want another good movie to watch that’s not quite the same thematically check out this one,


Haven’t seen Outbreak in years but I recall it being good with Dustin Hoffman channeling Rain Man anger into an epidemiologist role.
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So now, I need some suggestion, and I don't know who to ask... so why not ask to some stranger on the internet?

I'm Italian and since tomorrow we are on "quarantine" fot the whole country while before it was only on the red zone. Now I have an activity and a long list of appointment tomorrow from ppl that need their pc to "study" "teaching" "work", all the stuff they can do from their home. I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to go around,, I mean I know that after 18pm I need to stay at home but for the rest I'm unsure.

Now the would not be "any problem" if I was ok, but today I'm starting to have a low fever related to a "cold" i got a couple of days ago...

I should seriusely stay at home but these ppl really need my help...

I dunno what to do. (I'm not scared by the virus itself, but if I have it I don't want to "kill" some older ppl)
So now, I need some suggestion, and I don't know who to ask... so why not ask to some stranger on the internet?

I'm Italian and since tomorrow we are on "quarantine" fot the whole country while before it was only on the red zone. Now I have an activity and a long list of appointment tomorrow from ppl that need their pc to "study" "teaching" "work", all the stuff they can do from their home. I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to go around,, I mean I know that after 18pm I need to stay at home but for the rest I'm unsure.

Now the would not be "any problem" if I was ok, but today I'm starting to have a low fever related to a "cold" i got a couple of days ago...

I should seriusely stay at home but these ppl really need my help...

I dunno what to do. (I'm not scared by the virus itself, but if I have it I don't want to "kill" some older ppl)

I'd go on the side of not killing older people. You probably won't kill any old people, but if you do I'm sure that'll haunt your conscience forever.
So now, I need some suggestion, and I don't know who to ask... so why not ask to some stranger on the internet?

I'm Italian and since tomorrow we are on "quarantine" fot the whole country while before it was only on the red zone. Now I have an activity and a long list of appointment tomorrow from ppl that need their pc to "study" "teaching" "work", all the stuff they can do from their home. I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to go around,, I mean I know that after 18pm I need to stay at home but for the rest I'm unsure.

Now the would not be "any problem" if I was ok, but today I'm starting to have a low fever related to a "cold" i got a couple of days ago...

I should seriusely stay at home but these ppl really need my help...

I dunno what to do. (I'm not scared by the virus itself, but if I have it I don't want to "kill" some older ppl)

How can you go about getting tested? I'd probably try that route first. Going around and working while sick is likely how this thing got spread around so far already.

Contagion is a good movie, watched it again over the weekend with some friends. Looking at it through 2020 eyes (it was 2011!), I am not sure how it could spread that fast if it killed so fast as well. 25-35% CFR or something. r0 was 2 or 4 I think.

Seeing the online huckster already being a thing in 2011 was interesting. Basically ALL of Coronavirus info is via social media now.

Love love loved the back-tracing of the virus. Wish we got more of that honestly. I remember seeing the end in theaters way back then and going "whoa".
The US death rate is high, but that's the U.S. fault for not making testing a priority, thanks feds. With the stock market it's damned if you do, damned if you don't, but at least the death rate looks good rather than scary.
So my local government has already moved into mitigation phase after 10 confirmed cases in the area. They are no longer pitching the 14 day quarantine and basically telling people dont call the doc unless you become short of breath....so great.
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