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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Neighbours from Hell
From reading more about this, I think the "elderly people are more at risk" is a little oversimplifying it.

The most dangerous aspect of this virus appears to be that it causes double pneumonia in the lungs. Now, if you're elderly, yeah that's a bad one. But that's bad for anyone. I don't care if you're 25, if you get double pneumonia and don't get treated, you can die. That's much more deadly for the elderly, but it's dangerous for anyone.

I think some people hear the death rates for the age groups and just assume that it's just people on their death bed about to die anyway, who are just pushed over the edge, but anyone can die if they have issues with their lungs and can't get enough oxygen.


I guess my point is... pandemics are dangerous in part because there is no easy answer. If we could simply just wait it out, we would. But a massive chunk of the population doesn't want to, and some literally can't.

I get it. The thing is, the alternative is even worse. What happens if we don't contain it, and our medical system becomes overwhelmed?

There is no easy answer here.

This isn't going to kill off humanity or anything, but if we let it spread, and the economy continues this freefall, everything that would hurt about pulling the bandaid off quickly with a massive quarantine now could be 10 fold worse when every major city has tens of thousands of cases and people are too afraid to go out.


Lil’ Gobbie
I don’t have the time to start digging around for the answer right now, but do we know what this virus does to a healthy person? I am very much at risk so I am very concerned, but do we know what this does to a healthy person? Like does it do some damage and does that put that individual at a greater risk of having complications from a future flu or illness?

Even as I high risk individual, I got the flu for the first time in 20 years last year, and yes it sucked but at no point was I afraid of dying from it. This however worries me greatly, and really dislike the way people only look at numbers, these are people not numbers, any death should be a big deal, and any precautions we can take should be taken.

this is all you need to know. people who are panicking are ignorant and uneducated on matters of infectious diseases, which is why they are hoarding toilet paper and other useless items, without taking any of the real precautions you should be always be taking. It's quite sad watching this unfold, seeing that people are still incapable of learning from previous outbreaks.
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hmmmm they are thinking of doing it?

US Capitol should not shut down because of coronavirus, House speaker says
From CNN's Manu Raju and Haley Byrd

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Monday afternoon that the Capitol should not shut down over the novel coronavirus.
“No. No, no no, no. Do you understand no?” she told reporters as she entered her office.
“At this time, there is no reason to do so. But it’s not my decision. It’s a security and health decision to be made," Pelosi added.
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Gold Member
hmmmm they are thinking of doing it?

US Capitol should not shut down because of coronavirus, House speaker says
From CNN's Manu Raju and Haley Byrd

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Monday afternoon that the Capitol should not shut down over the novel coronavirus.
“No. No, no no, no. Do you understand no?” she told reporters as she entered her office.
“At this time, there is no reason to do so. But it’s not my decision. It’s a security and health decision to be made," Pelosi added.

The media has been pushing that to incite the panic even more.


Biggest risk is india and africa.

I dont have real numbers from them but maybe we should start keeping a close eye on them


"retard logic"? hows that for quant patronisation


Fully intended. But still utterly valid. Deal with it dead account.

Your use of the word "retard" and how quickly you respond in this thread indicates you are more than a little panicked about COVID-19. I don't need to quote you. A calm rational person would not protest so much.

LOL. So because I'm apparently browsing this thread I must be panicked? Seems like we should be testing for retard logic. This forum is getting over-run 🤔
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The media has been pushing that to incite the panic even more.

I wish they sold stronger OTC sleeping pills, I can't sleep yet I am tired as hell. I don't want to wake up to more stupid. I want to at least track it.

Something is up. Media loves this yes but I think more panic is coming no matter what. Toilet Paper was toilet paper something else is next.



Sign up to gaf and tell us your stories and your life hacks how to survive the lockdown.
Its only a matter of time before we are next
Just watch CNN 24/7. That's what the sheep do. Whatever they say to do, the lemmings will follow.

hmmm I wish that logic would explain why the rest of the world lost their shit that toilet thing was mostly AUS and JP
Still too early we need another 2-4 weeks of data. I have no clue where this goes next.


Gabriel Knight

Fully intended. But still utterly valid. Deal with it dead account.

LOL. So because I'm apparently browsing this thread I must be panicked? Seems like we should be testing for retard logic. This forum is getting over-run 🤔
ok no rebuttals than

feel free to quote me when you have something of substance to post


Rodent Whores
Again what's more likely the global medical establishment has collectively lost its mind or this is a viable threat?
C: That it's a viable threat, and the global medical establishment is for the most part responding accordingly (aside from local fuckups like the initial coverup in China), but there are many non-experts out there who misinterpret the actions of experts, freak out, and then cause a chain reaction of other non-experts to collectively lose their minds.
A fifth congressman was exposed to CPAC attendee who tested positive for coronavirus
From CNN's Lauren Fox

Rep. Louis Gohmert, a Republican from Texas, was called by officials yesterday and was told he had been in proximity of the individual at the Conservative Political Action Conference who tested positive for coronavirus, according to the congressman's aide.



Gold Member

"Let me just address that ... one of the biggest crises out there right now is the false information being circulated on social media about the virus," Dr. Oz told Harris Faulkner on Monday during a one-hour "Outnumbered Overtime" special on the outbreak. "I can tell you for sure it was not manufactured in the lab."

Oz said he was "told and reassured by real experts who understand the structure" that "this was not made by man," but rather it was a result of a fusion between the COVID -19 strain and the standard, more "readily available" coronavirus largely responsible for a sore throat.

"Probably somebody in that wet market had a sore throat, and maybe a mammal they were keeping in the wet market got saliva on them or bit them, or they somehow exchange bodily fluids, and those viruses probably merged," Oz explained.


C: That it's a viable threat, and the global medical establishment is, for the most part, responding accordingly (aside from local fuckups like the initial coverup in China), but there are many non-experts out there who misinterpret the actions of experts, freak out, and then cause a chain reaction of other non-experts to collectively lose their minds.

But I'm not talking about the non-experts. That clueless in buttfuck Louisiana is running around buying TP like their life depended upon it has zero bearings on the nature of the question, Dead Account was basically playing the 'It's just a Coff' Card with the whole 'Well it may not be as deadly as the Flu' angle because we can't be exact with current global infection numbers to give an accurate death rate at this point in time. Although I'd hazard given flu kills 0.1% it's unlikely that the total number undetected Covid-19 infection rates are 10x higher than what we are seeing and therefore it probably is significantly deadlier as a percentage. However we won't know the full picture until (and if) it ends.
NASA employee tests positive for coronavirus
From CNN’s Jenn Selva

Employees at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley have been put on a mandatory telework status after an employee has tested positive for coronavirus.
NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said although they believe the exposure at the center has been limited, they issued the order out of an abundance of caution.

Elon jinxed it. please stay away from Boca Chica I want my fire dildos to fly build that Starship SpaceX


Gabriel Knight
But I'm not talking about the non-experts. That clueless in buttfuck Louisiana is running around buying TP like their life depended upon it has zero bearings on the nature of the question, Dead Account was basically playing the 'It's just a Coff' Card with the whole 'Well it may not be as deadly as the Flu' angle because we can't be exact with current global infection numbers to give an accurate death rate at this point in time. Although I'd hazard given flu kills 0.1% it's unlikely that the total number undetected Covid-19 infection rates are 10x higher than what we are seeing and therefore it probably is significantly deadlier as a percentage. However we won't know the full picture until (and if) it ends.
sounds like you are agreeing with me but can't tell lol
wtf is dead account?

Fun Fanboy

I wish they sold stronger OTC sleeping pills, I can't sleep yet I am tired as hell. I don't want to wake up to more stupid. I want to at least track it.

Something is up. Media loves this yes but I think more panic is coming no matter what. Toilet Paper was toilet paper something else is next.
I've had a friend DMing me on Twitter. He's telling me it's worse than what even the news is saying. And he says he comes from a family of doctors. So now I'm like..... damn.


Welp, it finally happened. Corona chan is now in my city. :messenger_confused:

BREAKING: First coronavirus case reported in Brampton

The Region of Peel confirmed today the third positive case of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in the region, affecting a man in his 50’s who returned from travel to Germany on March 7.

The man was assessed at Brampton Civic Hospital and discharged to go into self-isolation at home.

“Thanks to the swift and careful actions of our Emergency Department, Infection Prevention and Control, and our incident management teams, we were able to take all necessary steps to ensure we protected our staff, physicians, volunteers and community, and that the individual was cared for appropriately and effectively,” said Kiki Ferrari, Executive Vice President, Clinical Operations, William Osler Health System.


What the fuck!? It’s like anyone who traveled anywhere fucking got it and brought it with them to every state at this point. This thing is ridiculously contagious.

It’s not gonna happen but I would be happy if NYS was also put on lockdown...now
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